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5 Nov 2019, 23:02
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
Nuisance • Fifth Year • Gryffindor
PAGE 10 - ID
"You want to start shit with me? Think again - I woke up this morning hoping a motherfucker would."
Aurelia Notresvace [x] || Evelynn Decepio [x] || Gem Stuart [x] || Dymphna Teague [x] || Ivy Bellamy [x]
PAGE | 1
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 20 Jun 2023, 22:26, edited 128 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

8 Nov 2019, 03:04
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
[+1 Wisdom Quidditch Win] || [+1 Wisdom Quidditch Win] || [+1 Wisdom Quidditch Win] || [+1 Accuracy Quidditch Win] || [+1 Evasion Quidditch Win]
SAVIOR || Second Year
DANCING FEET SPELL || Tarantallegra
LEVITATION CHARM || Wingardium Leviosa
LOCKING SPELL || Colloportus
GREEN SPARKS CHARM || Verdimillious
CURSE OF THE BOGIES || Mucus ad Naseum
GENERAL COUNTER SPELL || Finite Incantatem
SLOWING CHARM || Arresto Momentum
GLUING SPELL || Epoximise
TONGUE-TYING SPELL || Mimblewimble
DISARMING CHARM || Expelliarmus
BLUEBELL FLAMES || Caeruleus Inflamarae
HOT-AIR CHARM || Aer Calidus
SUN-LIGHT CHARM || Lumos Solem
BLUE SPARKS CHARM || Caerulimillious
SLUG-VOMITING CHARM || Slugulus Eructo
CURE FOR BOILS || Physical
HERBICIDE POTION || Environmental
SILVER ARROW || Quidditch
NIMBUS 1700 || Quidditch

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

23 Nov 2019, 23:51
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
The Thunderbird Personified
──Every Mystery Starts Somewhere──
Rafael /ˈɹæ.feɪ.ɛl/
Rafael means 'god heals'. Of Hebrew origin, the first known use of the name was in early Biblical times, having been the title of an archangel in the Book of Tobit [Catholic Transcript].

Miguel /mi'ɡɛl/
Miguel means 'no one is like god'. Also of Hebrew origin, the first use of this name was in Biblical times, having been the title of an archangel throughout the Bible Transcripts.

D'Spacito /d'spɑːsɪ.təʊ/
D'Spacito is of Italian origin, though its specific variation is prominent in Columbia and Argentina. This name means 'exposed', and in the past has been used to denote children who have been rescued after being abandoned by their parents.
"Another trophy, my hands
carry 'em. Too many I can't
even count'em."


Lion Prince
Impulse Control
Blatch King
Species || Human
Eyes || Chocolate Brown
Hair || Brown + Blonde
Style || Choppy Fringe
Skin || Slightly Tanned
FC || Manu Rios +
Louis Partridge
Blemishes? || Freckles
Singing Voice || Cameron Dallas +
Talking Voice || Cameron Dallas
Accent || Maluma
───────Smell & Feel
Skin || One will find that Rafael's skin is
generally soft, save for his hands, which
are rough and calloused.
Scent || Rafael smells of storm breeze,
and quaffle leather.
Age || 12
Birthday || July 4th, 2008
Height || 5'9"
Weight || 125 lbs
Blood Type || O
PAGE | 3
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 3 Jun 2021, 03:26, edited 43 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

25 Nov 2019, 04:11
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ Relationships ♛
We cross paths with certain people in our tangled lives for a reason. It's not by chance, not an accident but it's on a purpose. You were made to be part of someone's life for it was written long before you were born.
-Elizabeth E. Castillo

Wren Caster || Close Friend || Gryffindor

Rafa met Wren at the Gryffindor table the day of the sorting. She was a strange girl, all spunky and friendly. She shared that she liked sushi, and Rafa told her he liked empanadas. They talked of all sorts of things, and became rather good friends. Rafa knows her as a friendly, brave sort of girl, with all sorts of adorable quirks. She is quite good company.

Threads: x x x x x x x x
Gem Stuart ||Ex - Boyfriend || Ravenclaw

Boy, was there something to say on Gem. He had met him in the library, complimenting a girl good-naturedly. The girl had taken it in a different way, and Gem had gotten all flustered. They had actually met after Gem had caught him laughing at his interactions. The Ravenclaw had helped him with his homework, before getting all angry at this Slytherin girl – and for good reason. Afterwards, they had talked in the abandoned bathrooms for a while – Rafa shared a personal secret with Gem that he hadn’t shared with anyone else. Not even his parents. It wasn’t until the end of their conversation that Rafa decided that he definitely had feelings for Gem.

Threads: x x x x x x
Jack Burnett || Nemesis || Slytherin

Rafa really didn't know what Jack's problem was. He was either incredibly thick or incredibly sadistic. Whatever the case, the mere thought of the Slytherin makes Rafa's blood boil. He would definitely be avoiding the other boy, for the sake of keeping the peace and his head on straight.

Threads: x x x x x x
Jo Morgan || Frenemy || Gryffindor

Rafa and Jo have a fickle relationship. They really hate each other - they do! - but somehow, they don't. Jo, to Rafa, seems like a brave, brash sort of girl, but Rafa has a healthy respect for her. He doesn’t dislike her – he admires her fire, and is always prepared to take her attacks head-on.

Threads: x x x x x x x x x x
Anastasia Beckett ||Platonic Soulmate/Best Friend || Gryffindor

There just - GAH - weren't words in the English or Spanish dictionary to describe Ana. She was crazy. She was hamburger-flipping hot. She was perfect. From the moment the boy had first laid eyes on her, he'd known - they were the same. She was the other half of him, evil, insane, lovely. He would throw himself in front of a bus for her, or off a bridge, if it meant it made her feel better.

Lydia Cooper || Crush || Hufflepuff

Lydia's a nice girl, pretty and sweet, an altogether pleasant girl. Though they haven't spoke much yet, Rafael feels as if he can connect to her in a way that is deeper than most of the friendships he's cultivated. Perhaps it has to do with her thoughts on music?

Threads: TBA

Aurelia Notresvace || It's Complitaced? || Gryffindor

Rafa would never admit it out loud, but he fears Aurelia quite a bit. She definitely had a strong air about her - he feels as if he has something to prove. Perhaps its her reputation? It was one of the mysteries of the universe, one that kept him up some nights.

Threads: x x x x
Pierre Marchonne || Friend || Gryffindor

There's something about Pierre that just lights up a room. It's hard to explain, really - perhaps it's the boy's cheerful countenance, his sunny disposition, or perhaps it's a gift, something naturally calming about the guy. Whatever the case, there's a sort of glow that emanates off of the guy like waves on energy, all positive vibes. Though Raf hasn't gotten to know Pierre all that well, the guy seems like a good person, someone he would be up for getting to know better.

Threads: x x x xx x
Evelynn Decipio || Co-Captain || Gryffindor

How to describe Evelynn? The best word he could use at the moment was, prickly. She had a confidence about her that begged for respect, but perhaps Rafa found that hard at times, given the circumstances of their introduction. Perhaps his opinions will change in the future, but for the moment, he simply doesn't like the girl - not in the least.

Threads: x
Katrina Walker || Friend || Gryffindor

Rafa met Katrina in the Common Room during a lazy Saturday. She was a quiet sort girl, but had a sarcastic side. Though they don't know each other all that well, Rafa feels closer to her than most of his friends. Maybe it's for the loss they share. He might never know.

Threads: TBA
Charlie Woodward || Friend || Gryffindor

Charlie was simply special, in a way that Rafael couldn't exactly put into words. There was something about his mannerisms, way of words, that brought a smile to the boy's face, brightening his day. The two had properly met on the pitch for the first time during a solo practice - since then, Raf holds a special place in his heart for the American boy. Is it possible that Charlie is his favorite Quidditch-Playing Gryffindor?

Threads: TBA
Alan Vanes || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Raf hasn't talked with Alan enough to make an honest opinion about the guy. He seems nice enough, sure, if not shy. Perhaps he'll revise his opinions on a later date, when he knows the boy better.

Threads: TBA
Primrose Mcarthy || Friend || Slytherin

Prim was an incredibly kind and temperate girl. Rafa had met her on the train, right after his run-in with Tim. Though, she seemed a little put off at the fact that they were rowdy boys without half their wits about them. Nonetheless, Rafa and Prim often meet up. Rafa finds that Prim has a lot to say.

Threads: TBA
Willow Anderson || Friend || Hufflepuff

Willow's funny, fickle in a way that the young Gryffindor can't put his finger on. Why does he like her so? Is it her Quidditch Status? Kind nature? Kick-ass tendencies? The boy won't question his feelings, only know that Willow has his back, as he does hers.

Threads: TBA
Thomas LeStrange || Ally || Slytherin

Rafael doesn't know what the fuck Thomas's deal is. He's a pain in the ass, certainly, what with his pointed jokes and starkly sarcastic mannerisms. However, that doesn't mean that the young Captain isn't intrigued. What's his deal with Jack Burnett? How can they help each other ruin the Demon Brat's time at Hogwarts?

Threads: TBA
Ariana Walker || Cousin || Gryffindor

Ariana's been there for Rafa his whole life. The two practically grew up together, after all. Now, presiding in the school of magic, the young Captain feels the need to protect his little prima. What's family for?

Threads: TBA
Saoirse Dwight || Enemy || Hufflepuff

Saoirse had something about her that just made Rafa angry. She was a little Irish girl with a big mouth and strong fists. The first time they had ever met, Saoirse had pushed Rafa right down onto the ground and stomped on his stomach. He had responded by throwing her against a bookshelf and almost breaking her nose. (He was about to punch her straight in the face, but he refrained, punching the bookshelf behind her. He had broken his knuckles open.) After that little event, they had nothing but hate for each other.

Threads: TBA
Aaron Jones || Lydia's Boyfriend || Hufflepuff

There was not enough hate to put into words the way that Raf felt about Aaron. He was pure evil, a snake in Huffle clothing. Lydia deserved better than a pathetic chaser wannabe, to passive aggressive to solve his problems through fists...

Threads: TBA

Flash Holmwood || Pleasant Acquaintance || Slytherin

Flash is a kindly Slytherin, at least seemingly so, only having kind words to say to the raging lion. The two met in the owlery, when Rafael had caught the boy singing by his lonesome. Perhaps Flash will be the reason Raf leaves behind his hate for the Slytherin house. Anything's possible…

Threads: TBA
Persephone Barret || Enemy || Slytherin

She kicked him in the man zone. The fucking nards. What else does he have to say about her.

Threads: TBA
Timothy Blaine || Friend || Hufflepuff

Rafa had been sitting on the train, all alone, when he had met Tim – the other boy had tripped and fallen face-first right into his cabin. After clearing up a bit, Tim had gotten right-on, running his mouth and making Rafa want to punch him in his bloody nose. They had wrestled a bit, before getting into a long, amusing conversation. Tim reminded him a lot of his friends back home, in the way that he acted first and thought later. He was a funny kid, with just a bit of nervousness about him. After their talk, Rafa found himself seeing Tim a lot more often – he was fun to hang around, and most always had something to say.

Threads: TBA
Maria Dee || Frenemy || Hufflepuff

God, Mulan's annoying. I mean, really, does she have a mute switch? It seems as if all te girl has to talk about is him and his disastrous love life. Too bad she's got a nice face. What's to say she doesn't join in the mess?

Threads: TBA
Zykael Lane || Pest || Gryffindor

It's obvious that Zyk is jealous. Why else poke at his manly nature the way he does? It really hurts to be awesome, he supposes. The hate is real.

Threads: TBA
Emma Hill || Rival || Ravenclaw

It's obvious that Zyk is jealous. Why else poke at his manly nature the way he does? It really hurts to be awesome, he supposes. The hate is real.

Threads: TBA
Emma Hill || Rival || Ravenclaw

Emma's a real pest. She thinks she's so good at Quidditch… well, it's good, then, that Raf's present to put her in her place. After all, Ravenclaw's no Gryffindor, especially in the Quidditch scene. She wants an easy fight? Too bad.

Threads: TBA
Hjordis 'Nora' Jensen|| Pleasant Acquaintance || Staff

Nora seems sweet enough, but Rafael has his suspicions. After all, looks can be deceiving, and Slytherin is notorious for their cunningness…

Threads: TBA
Stella Dawson || Friend || Hufflepuff

Stella is Rafa's witty, energetic penpal. He officially met her one day in the Great Hall, after getting out of class. The whole situation had been rather funny - neither of them knew what the other looked like, so there had been quite a bit of fumbling around. Rafa knows Stella as not only a kind girl, but a very bouncy, snarky girl, and enjoys talking to her greatly.

Threads: TBA
Selim Faust || Unsettling Acquaintance || Slytherin

There's something disturbing about the Slytherin boy that Raf can't quite put his finger on - perhaps it's the slit contacts the boy wears, or maybe it's the unsettling reflexes the boy possesses. Whatever the case, he can say with confidence that he simply doesn't like the boy.

Threads: TBA
Opeila Seilun|| Acquaintance || Slytherin

It's a bit hard to make an opinion about Opeila at the moment, as their circumstances for meeting weren't the best. She seems okay, but that doesn't mean he likes her… yet.

Threads: TBA
Ruka Tan || Enemy || Gryffindor

Usually the thunderbird would feel more drawn to his fellow house members. However, this is in no way the case for Ruka. Raf's not sure how Jack's made so many friends, or how much money his fellow Lion had been paid, but he knows one thing - Lions stick up for each other. So, doesn't that make Ruka… a snake?

Threads: TBA
Kayden Mae MacMillan || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Kayden certainly has a mouth on her, she does. Really, can a guy at Hogwarts get a bloody moment of privacy? But, no, apparently the girl has to know everything about his social life. Bloody annoying is what she is. Though, he can tell she means well - he'll hold off the worst of his judgement until he can get to know the girl a little better.

Threads: TBA
Pericles Dralt || Acquaintance || Ravenclaw

Pericles is quite the intelligent fellow, Rafael can't help but notice, as he seems to pick up on things no one else can see. Like at the Liberations Club, when he'd so gracefully pointed out the name of the alleged killer of Umbridge. While Raf has no critisicm for the other boy, he doesn't feel as if he's truly connected with Peri. Perhaps this will change in the future.

Threads: TBA

Kyle DeRook || Former Quidditch Captain || Gryffindor

Kyle is a pretty fiery fellow. Rafa doesn't know how he feels about him yet - their personalities are definitely risky when put together. Who knows? They might get along really well. Or, they might burn the school down.

Threads: TBA
Reid Kovacs || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Though the two haven't talked much, Reid gives off positive vibes. He seemed friendly enough, and eager to help the boy build his toad house. That in mind, Raf can say that he likes the prefect, and hopes to run into him again.

Threads: TBA
Elsa Veronica Bennet || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

There was no way Rafa could forget his meeting with Nicki. It had been way too early in the morning, and she had been so energetic. In fact, she had run right into him – letters and books had gone flying. Though Rafa had been half asleep, he was now wide awake. And he wasn’t talking about the shock – her energy had just been so contagious. Rafa remembers her as a kind, buzzing spirit.

Threads: TBA
Brielle Gray || Enemy || Slytherin

Brielle was a special person, that was for sure. She definitely hadn’t made a good impression on him. The first time they met, she was shaming Rafa’s friend. Rafa hadn’t been too happy about that. Hell, he had pushed her – not the wisest move, but it wasn’t like he had ever been able to control his anger. Though Gem had made it sound like they had had better times, Rafa found that a bit hard to believe. She didn’t seem like the type to be kind or considerate of others. She seemed like a prat.

Threads: TBA
Alex Tyler || Negative Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Alex was definitely a dangerous girl when she was angry, that was for damn sure. Rafa could definitely admire her fire, yes, but it was severely unchecked. He'd have to keep a close eye on her if he had any chance of sorting out his opinion.

Threads: TBA
Vladimir Athatanos || Enemy || Ravenclaw

Vlad's a menace with a nice face. Shame Rafa has to ruin it…

Threads: TBA
Thora Larkston || Enemy || Slytherin

Who casts a spell at the back of a blindfolded Quidditch Captain?

Threads: TBA
Erik Tharaldson || Enemy || Slytherin

Though he hasn't had a lot of interactions with the boy, he knows with stark certainty where the two. He hated - no, loathes - the other boy with a passion. No one could get away with punching him, no one. Not even a bloody second year.

Threads: TBA
Arlo Reynolds || Pleasant Acquaintance || Slytherin

The boy certainly is a funny guy, that goes without saying. Though Raf had come off abrasive at first, the boy didn't seem to mind all that much [or perhaps he was just ignorant.] He also seemed interested in Quidditch, a subject in which the two found common ground. He finds himself drawn to the boy's humorous nature, and is interested in getting to know him better.

Threads: TBA
Victor Moore || Acquaintance || Slytherin

Victor seems like a nervous boy, and for good reason. There are rumors circulating the school, rumors that the boy knew something about the Potter murder. Perhaps Raf's curious to hear what he knows, but he's definitely interested in pursuing a relationship with this guy.

Threads: TBA
Astrea Soleil Neptune || Acquaintance || Slytherin

Rafael's feelings towards Astrea were definitely mixed - the girl had sent a Knockback Jinx right between his shoulders, for Merlin's sake! Though, the circumstances had certainly called for defensive actions, so he supposes he can't judge too much.

Threads: TBA
Kerry Byrnes || Study Mate || Hufflepuff

Rafa knew Kerry from The Thunderbirds (The Boys’ Study Club). He had been the last one to come – he had actually sort-of wandered in. He seemed like a shy fellow, but didn’t come across as unapproachable. He had some interesting takes on how to defeat the Acid Pop Club, and eventually came across as a friendly guy.

Threads: TBA
Lycan Grey || Roommate || Gryffindor

Lycan was a cheerful, polite sort of boy, from what Raf has observed from thus far. Though the Gryffindors have yet to become better acquainted, Lycan gives off a positive, friendly vibe, the sort that draws Raf to the other boy.

Threads: TBA
Sylvie Kang || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Though Sylvie was surely a kindly girl, Raf still isn't sure how he feels about the girl. It just so happened that the girl had walked in on one of his more embarrassing moments, giving him a clouded mind and defensive edge.

Threads: TBA
Gabriela Marquez || Acquaintance || Slytherin

It was really hard to imagine Gabriela as a Slytherin, if Rafa was 100% honest. Really, she was a rather sweet girl - though, her company didn't have that in common. Rafa met her in the Small Hall, during an errand.

Threads: TBA
Roman Kingston || Bandmate || Slytherin

Rafa really doesn't know what to think about Roman. He comes off as strong, but that's all he can really read for the moment. He's skeptic, though - their relationship could go either ways. Their personalities aren't exactly compatible, after all.

Threads: TBA
Emerly Pine || Study Mate || Slytherin

Though he was a shy boy, Emerly had made quite a strong impression the first time they met. Rafa and Tim had been horsing around in the bathroom, and Tim had said something that he probably shouldn’t have said, which was typical. Emerly had gotten quite upset with him. Though, past this little skirmish, he seemed pretty civil and kind. He made good company.

Threads: TBA
Donnovan Perrywinkle || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Though they had never had any serious conversations, Rafael's impression of Donnovan was pretty positive. He was the living manifestation of the Hufflepuff House, all smiles and friendly words.

Threads: TBA
Adlai Rod || Pleasant Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Adlai had a sort of glow about her - there was something bright and kindly about her that seemed to give her an approachable edge, one Rafael could admire. He could say confidently that the girl is an ally in his book.

Threads: TBA
Asteria Kurowaka || Pleasant Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Asteria was certainly a friendly girl, that was for sure. The two had met on the Quidditch Pitch, rivaling each other in the hopes of upholding their houses' reputations. Rafael could admire her competitive edge, and quite enjoyed playing against her.

Threads: TBA
Cormac McCarthy || Study Mate || Ravenclaw

Cormac had been another unexpected member of their little study group. It was clear that, right off the bat, he wasn’t the best spell caster – he had claimed that he could have been a squib. Nonetheless, he had a funny sort of personality, with a mischievous side. He seemed to have some interesting takes on how to take down the girls.

Threads: TBA
James McMurtrie || Study Mate || Ravenclaw

James was quite a funny guy. Right off the bat, he had quite a bit to say about Ravenclaw. Rafa would never admit it, but he admired James quite a lot – though he wasn’t sure they were friend status. Yet. James was a pretty friendly fellow, with a smart mouth and quite a brain on him.

Threads: TBA

Kapuno Chimley || Roommate || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Jorah Moussa || Acquaintance || Ravenclaw

Threads: TBA
Hugh Lowe || Quidditch Player || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Dallas Hunter || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Threads: TBA
Virgil Lee || Band Mate || Slytherin

Threads: TBA
Alain Couture || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Oliver Averill || Acquaintance || Slytherin

Threads: TBA
Jake Morris || Errand Partner || Hufflepuff

Threads: TBA
Ivy Bellamy || Quidditch Player || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
River Dewlight || SWAG Member || Ravenclaw

Threads: TBA
Lauren Wheeler || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Threads: TBA
Quinn Healy || Acquaintance || Hufflepuff

Threads: TBA
Stephan Wisniewsky || Roommate || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Killian Elliot || Roommate || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Galton Lansdale || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Willow Pines || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Halston Wright || Bandmate || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Euphrasia Millie || Acquaintance || Gryffindor

Threads: TBA
Fyriel Starlingword || Acquaintance || Slytherin

Threads: TBA
Acquaintances we meet, enjoy, and can easily leave behind; but friendship grows deep roots.
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr
PAGE | 4
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 16 Sep 2020, 22:56, edited 29 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

27 Nov 2019, 18:58
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ Memories ♛
The richness of life lies in memories we've forgotten.
-Cesare Pavese
First Year
─── First Half ───

Little Lions ♛Closed
Wren Caster
Rafa makes a friend at the Gryffindor Table.

Picnic in the Common Room? ♛ Closed
Willow Pines || Wren Caster
Rafa has a rather awkward interaction with a girl in the Common Room.


All Smiles Over Here ♛ Closed
Gem Stuart || Lauren Wheeler || Brielle Gray
Rafa makes a friend and an enemy.


Emotional Dystrophy ♛ Closed
Gem Stuart
Rafa talks to Gem in the abandoned toilets. They bond over angst.


Same Argument, Different Person ♛ Abandoned
Brielle Gray
Rafa runs into Brielle in the library. Conversation ensues.


The No-Good, Very Bad Day! ♛ Abandoned
Kapuno Chimley || Killian Elliot
Rafa's dormmate is in a crisis... is there any way he can help?


Friendship is Magic ♛ Abandoned
Elsa Veronica Bennet
Rafa and Nicky run into each other - literally.


Double, Double, Toil and Trouble ♛ Closed
Jo Morgan
This looks like the beginning of a long rivalry...


A Peculiar Meeting ♛ Closed
Primrose McCarthy || Wren Caster || Saoirse Dwight
Rafael and Prim meet up in the library, but things take an unexpected turn when the Irish girl shows...


The Aftermath of A Peculiar Meeting ♛ Closed
Wren Caster || Saoirse Dwight || Primrose McCarthy
Rafa and Prim are in the hospital wing, but so are Wren and Saoirse. What will happen?


The Thunderbirds Meeting #1 ♛ Closed
Gem Stuart || James McMurtrie || Cormac Mcarthy || Timothy Blaine || Kerry Byrnes || Emerly Pine
"I wonder which one ov us'll burn down e' school first." - Gem Stuart


Fingers Crossed ♛ Closed
Gem Stuart
Rafa finally asks Gem out.


Climbing From the Ashes ♛ Abandoned
Gryffindor Quidditch Team
The first Quidditch Practice of the Year.


Still Lovely ♛ Closed
Gem Stuart
Rafa's first date with his crush.


Letters to Nobody ♛ Closed
Katrina Walker
Rafa meets a lonely girl in the common room.


First Interactions ♛ Abandoned
Stella Dawson
Meeting the Penpal....


The Witching Hour - 01 Meeting ♛ Abandoned
Roman Kingston || Virgil Lee || Halston Wright || Saoirse Dwight
First band practice.


Pretty Little Baubles - Nothing More. ♛ Closed
Jo Morgan || Saoirse Dwight || Wren Caster
Rafa does ornaments with Jo and Saoirse. [Errand]


Hufflepuff Vs. Gryffindor ♛ Closed
Gryffindor Quidditch Team || Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
Rafa's first Quidditch Game...


Where Trouble Follows ♛ Abandoned
Stephan Wisniewsky || Lycan Gray || Hodag Boys
Meeting the dorm mates...


Misleading Love Letters ♛ Abandoned
Jack Burnett || Alex Tyler || Aurelia Notresvace
Rafa gets a patronizing love letter, and goes to investigate - with a rather hot head.


Deck the Halls ♛ Abandoned
Saoirse Dwight || Gabriela Marquez
Decorating with your enemy. Why does he do this to himself.


Gifting Anonymously! ♛ Private
Donnovan Perrywinkle || Euphrasia Millie || Jo Morgan || Jack Burnett || Oliver Averill || Alain Couture
Christmas Cheer is quite contagious. Why not spread it through a good-natured Secret Santa?


Diffusing the Time Bomb ♛ Private
Jack Burnett
Rafa and Jack are finally confronting each other for their differences - will Rafa diffuse or explode?
─── Second Half ───


From the Ashes of Memories ♛ Closed
Aurelia Notresvace
Why is Aurelia up in the middle of the night?

The Return ♛ Abandoned
Adlai Rod
The kickoff to an awesome year, Rafa helps a girl - and possibly makes a friend.

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer ♛ Abandoned
Primrose Mcarthy || Katrina Walker || Opeila Seilun || Sylvie Kang
What happens whe your friend catches you in the Rehearsal Room? The answer is, Christmas Carols.


Above the Fray ♛Abandoned
Asteria Kurowaka
Revenge is near - the Hufflepuff Keeper will surely pay for her team's fortune in her and Rafa's friendly Quidditch Practice.

The Christmas Bells Are Ringing ♛Abandoned
Katrina Walker
What to make of a Christmas letter....

Two Flags ♛ Closed
The second game of the SWAG Club schedule, and the first Rafa is determined to win....


Practice Makes Perfect - TWO 02 ♛ Abandoned
Roman Kingston || Saoirse Dwight || Virgil Lee || Halston Wright
Second band practice - what could go wrong?


'S' is for Sulking ♛ Abandoned
Gem Stuart
Jack screwed things up again. But this time, it hits a little too close to home.


Show Me the Ropes ♛ Abandoned
Arlo Reynolds
How do you teach a person Quidditch?


The Lion and the Snake ♛ Closed
Selim Faust
How is it that a Slytherin and a Gryffindor run into each other - past midnight?


House of Toads [Group 2] ♛ Closed
Reid Kovacs || Galton Lansdale || Saskia Nicholson || Juniper Irving || Ruby Cazares
Why not build some houses for the homeless?


That's not a Spider ♛ Private
Katrina Walker
Katrina hurts herself - now, it's up to Rafa to convince her to do something about it.


Taste for the Unexpected [Part 1] ♛ Private
Wren Caster
Messing around in charms - again.


A Flight of Ambition ♛ Private
Evelynn Decipio
A random student's on the field with a bludger - how stupid can one get?

A Favour for an Interrogation ♛ Closed
Aurelia Notresvace
Aurelia wants a second chance - and a helping hand. The question is, what does Raf get out of it?


Breakfast Brawl ♛ Private
Jack Burnett || Ruka Tan || Jo Morgan
The Jack v Rafa drama comes to a climax as Raf runs into Jack in the Great Hall. Suppose the real question is, who's going to die first?


Valentine's Tea ♛ Closed
Wren Caster || Victor Moore || Pierre Marchonne || Katrina Walker || Jo Morgan || Jack Burnett || Olphie Bercegeay
How to describe Olphie's Valentine's Day errand - a disaster. Tea spills, sinking ships, and scared witnesses? That's certainly a recipe for danger, if Raf ever heard one.


Hosts of the Air ♛ Private
Flash Holmwood
There's singing in the owlery…. Time to investigate.


Tainted Banquets ♛ Abandoned
Persephone Barrett || Jack Burnett || Jo Morgan
Rafael, Persephone, Jo, and Jack, all in the same room? Seems like a dangerous situation for a particular Slytherin… thankfully, the Jack has a plan. One involving a specific Amortentia-Dipped V-Day card.

Serendipity ♛ Private
Persephone Barret
Rafael wants to shut Persephone up. What better place to scheme up a tactic, than the potions room?


Learning the Lingo ♛ Private
Kayden Mae Killian
Kayden Mae catches Rafael trying to master the English lingo.


Authors of Our Own Success ♛ Closed
Gryffindor Quidditch Team
The Gryffindor Quidditch Team strategizes how to defeat the Slytherins.


Forbidden Voices ♛ Private
Lydia Cooper
Raf's trying to hide, and an Angel Girl discovers him. What's the result? A trade of talent.


A Spectacle ♛ Closed
Evelynn Decipio
Evelynn and Rafa argue like an old married couple over the events of the Ravenclaw V Hufflepuff Game.


Reaching Boiling Point ♛ Private
Evelynn Decipio
Evelynn wants answers, Rafa doesn't want to give them. When push comes to shove, what happens when the two finally reach boiling point?


Gryffindor V Slytherin ♛ Closed
Gryffindor Quidditch Team || Slytherin Quidditch Team
It's the battle everyone's been waiting for all year. Who will prevail? The Snakes, or the Lions?


Collateral Damage ♛ Private
Jacob Harman
Raf and Jacob throw down in the Dorms over Evelynn.


To Crouch Among the Feathers ♛ Private
Willow Anderson
Rafa's hiding again, this time in the owlery. It's not long before someone finds him – he can't be more thankful for being caught.


Hogwarts Got Talent [Spectators] ♛ Open
Jack Burnett || Flash Holmwood || Evelynn Decipio
Flash and Rafa meet Jack and his big fat mouth once more. What will happen?


Hogwarts Got Talent [Showtime!] ♛ Open
AJ MacAllister || Flash Holmwood
The performance we've all been waiting for…


Crippled Inside ♛ Closed
Lydia Cooper
Rafael finds Lydia, crying outside. What else can he do, but help?


Hogwarts Patisserie ♛ Open
Alan Vanes || Wren Caster || Lydia Cooper || Jake Morris || Willow Anderson
It's errand time! The Young Captain wastes no time in finding a merry group of friends to work with.


Unspoken Rivalries ♛ Private
Emma Hill
It's Captain V Captain. Who will come out on top?


Out of Range ♛ Private
It's SWAG Game II. What could possibly go wrong?


The Cat's Meow ♛ Private
Anastasia Beckett
Ana and Rafa catch up on all the time they've missed out on together.


When Badgers Fly ♛ Private
Lydia Cooper || Aaron Jones
All the Captain asked for, was a chance to see Lydia again. Oh, well. The universe had a way of screwing up everything.


The Enemy of my Enemy ♛ Private
Thomas LeStrange
Fate has a funny way of pulling the right people together. What happens when one enemy of Jack meets another?


Tug o' War ♛ Private
Alan Vanes || Aurelia Notresvace || Maria Dee || Wren Caster || Zykael Lane || River Dewlight || Anastasia Beckett || Adam Harringtom || Cassandra Ironwoods
Alan hosts a game, one Rafael finds great likeness in. Who will win? Alan's Team? Or Rafa's?


The Dip ♛ Private
Maria Dee
Rafael meets an old acquaintance by the Great Lake. Someone is pushed into the water.


Tears Don't Fall ♛ Private
Ariana Walker
Why is Rafael's cousin crying?


Acquaintances of a Lunch Break ♛ Private
Wren Caster || Anastasia Beckett || Cassie Ironwoods || Amara Dragiomir || Destiny Royal
Wren and Raf have lunch together. A few acquaintances join them for a chat.


Common Ground ♛ Private
Ruka Tan
Karma's a bitch. It's time Ruka is baptized.


Gryffindor V Hufflepuff Unofficial Game ♛ Private
Gryffindor Quidditch Team || Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
It's the classic underdog versus champions game. Who will win?


Rumors Have Wings ♛ Private
Lydia Cooper
Lydia shares a secret with Rafa.


Secret Shopping Sprees ♛ Open
Ana Fox || Aurelia Notresvace || Grace Mint || Ginevra Tsuchyara
It's time to pick out formalwear for the Illegal Blossom Ball.


Stealing Your Girl ♛ Private
Aaron Jones
After being turned down by Flash, Rafael sets his eyes on another date to the ball. However, gaining permission for such endeavors isn't so simple…


The Forbidden Invitation ♛ Private
Lydia Cooper
It's about time Lydia was asked to the ball…

Main Storyline
─── First Year ───
Trial of the Century ♛ Closed
Gryffindor House
Potter is innocent, and the Gryffindors are going to prove it....


Definitely Not Trespassing ♛ Closed
Jo Morgan || Solomon Lear
Jo and Rafa try to figure out what happened to Lear.


Liberation ♛ Closed
Gryffindor House || Teiki Laurent || Pericles Dralt || Logan Bairdonly
The meeting in which Potter's supporters pool their resources.


The Winter of Our Discontentment ♛ Private
Jo Morgan
The dynamic duo investigate Potter's trial…. And share information pertaining to a particular Slytherin.


Something Wicked This Way Comes ♛ Private
Jo Morgan || Hjørdis Jensen || Elliot Price
Finally, meeting up with Nora…

─── Second Year ───

Coming soon....
It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed.
-Thomas Moore
─── Open ───

Plots to Come Augut 2020
─── Planned ───


Birds of a Feather ♛ To Start
Flash Holmwood
Part II to Hosts of the Air.

You're Not Listening♛ To Start
Lydia Cooper
Lydia's confused regarding the events of the ball. Well, Raf's more than happy to clear things up.
The Chaser and the Keeper♛ To Start
Willow Anderson
Willow and Rafa teamed up once for the ball. What's to say their partnership doesn't expire?
The Potter Problem♛ To Start
Saskia Nicholson
Sassy and Raf catch each other up on what's been going down around the castle.
Rule of Quaffle♛ To Start
Charlie Woodward
Rafa and Charlie bond over Quidditch.
The Augury♛ To Start
Piper LaMotta
Piper has a premonition. What does it mean?
Bludgering the Competition♛ To Start
Ariana Walker
Raf teaches his cousin how to properly beat her opponents.
Ghosts in Your Gaze♛ To Start
Lennox Knightley
Lennox and Rafa run into each other in the middle of the night.
[Insert Name of Thread]♛ To Start
Ana Beckett || Wren Caster || Alan Vanes || Dale Kurt || Ivy Bellamy || Gem Stuart || Ruby Cazares || Dmitri Jones || Lydia Cooper
Ana and Wren decide to set up a surprise-date for Alan and Rafa in the middle of the night. What could possibly go wrong?
How to Be a Better Muggle♛ To Start
Ana Beckett
Ana's a pureblood with little knowledge of how the Muggle World works. Thankfully, Rafael's got more than enough information to share...
The Boy's Weekend♛ To Start
Charlie Woodward
Charlie and Rafa spend a weekend at the Fernandez Family Cabin.
Hunted♛ To Start
Charlie Woodward || Aurelia Notresvace
It's a full moon, the werewolves are about. Charlie's and Rafa's boys' weekend takes an ominous turn.
To Eat or Not to Eat♛ To Start
Jack Burnett
Jack and Rafa run into each other during the summer. With no rules around to withhold hi rage, it's the perfect opportunity for Raf to get that revenge he seeks...
The Cover-Up♛ To Start
Part II to Hosts of the Air.
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
- Søren Kierkegaard
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 16 Sep 2020, 20:09, edited 35 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

4 Dec 2019, 18:20
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ Family ♛
Under construction, will probably be finished before graduation.
The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.
-Gilbert K. Chesterton
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 15 Nov 2021, 21:01, edited 14 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

26 Dec 2019, 06:58
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ Pictures ♛
Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.
-Betty Friedan
Current Faceclaim || Manu Rios
1-4 Years
Image Image Image Image
5-7 Years
Image Image Image Image
Early 20s
Image Image Image
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
-Franz Kafka
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 16 Sep 2020, 20:06, edited 12 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

2 Jan 2020, 04:34
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ History ♛
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
-Thomas Jefferson
─── Lineage ───

Coming Fourth Year...
─── Family───


Coming Fourth Year...
── Biography ──

Rafael was born on July 4th, 2008, in Buenas Aires, Argentina, to two seemingly wizard-born parents. It would be easy to say that his childhood had been rough – after all, the boy had grown up generally on the streets, having learned to fend for himself at a very early age. His parents did little to express their love for their three children, his father aloof and distant, his mom preoccupied with keeping the family afloat. Lack of parental supervision certainly does things to a child, pushes him into acts he isn't proud of. As much could be said for Rafael and his sisters, as the three had gotten tangled up into some rough communities during the very early years of their childhood, performing acts and learning of things that no child their age should ever learn.

Rafael's close friends, otherwise known as the Northlands Soccer Team, could only be described as a gang; the entirety of the friend group inhabited shady families, evident in their brash and impulsive actions, and often had anger problems and mouths on them. This didn't mean they were bad people; they had pretty strong morals. No stealing, no snitching. They were accepting of people who proved themselves as friends, and never tolerated bullying, opting to instead stand up to anyone who tried to pick on someone small, no matter their grade. He and his friends shared a brotherly bond, fighting each other, and then covering each other's asses in the next moment. They often settled their worst disputes with their fists, and would hug afterwards as the best of brothers.

Even as a young child, Rafa had learned what the world was like. People weren't pretty. Often, store owners would try to cheat him for his money. Thieves would target him for his youth. This never really fazed him. Though he only ever used his fists with his friends, he often stood up for himself against adults who took him for some kid. No one could push him around. This may be the origin of his impulsive nature, and maturity on some levels. Or perhaps it was the passing of his little sister, one of his closest friends, that had left him with is signature angry edge.

It had been a bit past his eighth birthday, that disaster had properly struck. He had been playing soccer on the street with his friends, when a group of shady people had entered his neighborhood. These men had attempted to kidnap the boy, along with some of his mates. Rafa and his friends, not letting people take advantage of their youth, decided to defend themselves in this time. A fight ensued, in which all of the boys escaped with minor cuts and bruises and leaving the traffickers worse off. They incident was subsequently reported to the police, and after 12 hours, the men were apprehended.

This was a severe wake-up call to the boy's parents, upon hearing of the turn of events. Fearing for their and their son's safety and wanting to leave this incident in the past, his family fled to England almost immediately, where they had family and the crime rate was much lower. To offer their son the most danger-free environment they could imagine, they'd bought a Muggle house in a Muggle neighborhood, strangely secluded from all magic and the wizarding community in general. His father had taken up work in the Ministry of Magic under Muggle Relations, his mom becoming an advisor to the Queen. Both parents vowed to never use magic at home unless absolutely necessary.

For the next three years, Rafa was homeschooled and almost never allowed out of the house. He was always very lonely and bored. Loss of space caused him to stop playing soccer, and instead, he'd taken up singing, in which he had considerable talent. His parents made him take piano for the three years while he was homeschooled, making sure he racked in at least 3 hours a week. As a result, he became very well-versed musically, and grew to love the piano quite a bit. He also occasionally would talk to himself in the mirror for comedic purposes, and even debate with his many-greats grandfather Juan Peron's picture, the only magical picture in the house.

His first magical experience was one of significance. One day, when he was nine years of age, he was laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, when things in his room started to float around in the air. After that, if he were alone and it were quiet, he could get things to float around without any real control.

When he turned eleven, his Hogwarts letter finally came. It took some convincing to finally let him go, but eventually, his parents caved and allowed him to attend Hogwarts. Ever since, he has been causing trouble and getting into shenanigans.
─── First Year───


Coming soon...
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
-Maya Angelou
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 16 Sep 2020, 20:05, edited 8 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

2 Jan 2020, 07:10
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
♛ Timeline ♛
It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
-Steve Jobs
- 2019 -
─── September───

September Ist
-Met Primrose McCarthy
-Met Timothy Blaine
-Sorted into Gryffindor
-Met Wren Caster

─── October───

October 23rd
-Met Willow Pines
-Ran into Wren Caster once more
October 24th
Investigated Lear's Office with Jo Morgan

─── November ───

November 1st
-Met Gem Stuart
-Met Brielle Gray
-Properly spoke to Gem
-Had words with Brielle Gray
November 14th
-Met Elsa Veronica Bennet
November 17th
-Met up with Wren Caster and Primrose McCarthy in the Library
-Met Saorse Dwight
-Visited the Hospital Wing
November 19th
-Met Kapuno Chimley
-Met Killian Elliot
November 20th
-Hosted a Boys' Study Meeting
-Met up with Gem Stuart once more
-Met James McMurtrie
-Met Cormac McCarthy
-Met Kerry Byrnes
-Met Emerly Pine
November 23rd
-Met up with Gem once more
-Properly asked him out
November 24th
-First Band Practice
-Met Halston Wright
-Met Virgil Lee
November 25th
-First Quidditch Practice
-Met Kyle DeRook
-Met Euphrasia Millie
-Met Arlis Penrose
-Met Pierre Marchonne
-Saw an old acquaintance, Elsa Veronica Bennet
November 26th
-Studied with Jo Morgan
-*Had Previously Met Jo
-Beginning of the monicker 'Thunderbird'
November 27th
-Took Gem on a date
-Learned more about his boyfriend
-First kiss with Gem

─── December ───

December 1st
-Met Katrina Walker
-Told Katrina about his deceased sister
December 5th
-Met penpal Stella Dawson
December 6th
-Revisited Jo Morgan
-Revisited Saoirse Dwight
-Revisited Wren Caster
-Got in a squabble
-Investigated the Common Room for clues regarding the Umbridge Murder
December 7th
-Hufflepuff V Gryffindor
-Rafa's first game
-Rafa's first goal
-Hufflepuff win
December 8th
-Gets aquainted with roommates
-Met Stephen Wisniewky
-Met Lycan Grey
December 11th
-Finds a love letter adressed to him
-Met Alex Tyler
-Met Jack Burnett
-Met Aurelia Notresvace
December 12th
-Revisited Saoirse Dwight
-Met Gabriela Marquez
December 19th
-Donnovan Perrywinkle hosted a Secret Santa Event
-Met Donnovan Perrywinkle
-Met Oliver Averill
-Met Alain Couture
-Revisited Euphrasia Millie
-Revisited Jo Morgan
-Revisited Jack Burnett
-Jack leaves, due to drama
-Jo leaves, due to drama
December 28th
-Snowball fight with Jo Morgan
December 31st
-Was cornered by Jack Burnett
- 2020 -
─── January ───

January 1st
-Revisited Aurelia Notresvace
-Was choked, drugged, and used for target practice
January 2nd
-Christmas Carol session in the Rehearsal Room
-Revisited Katrina Walker
-Revisited Primrose McCarthy
-Met Opeila Seilun
-Met Sylvie Kang
January 4th
-End of Christmas Break
-Met Adlai Rod
January 7th
-Practiced Quidditch with Asteria Kurowaka
-Attended the Liberations Club Meeting
January 10th
-Katrina wished Raf a happy holidays, albeit late
January 14th
-Rafael's first SWAG Game
-Revisited Aurelia Notresvace
-Revisited Pierre Marchonne
-Revisited Katrina Walker
-Met Bridget Collins
-Met Thora Larkston
-Met Ruthie Greer
-Met Quinn Healy
-Met Astrea Neptune
-Revisited Evelynn Decipio
-Revisited Alan Vanes
-Met River Dewlight
-Met Erik Tharaldson
-Met Neculai Lazar
-Met Jorah Moussa
January 16th
-Second Band Practice
-Revisited Roman Kingston
-Revisited Virgil Lee
-Fought with Gem
-Met with Jo, regarding the Potter Case
-Learned more about Jack's and Jo's history
January 17th
-Met Arlo Reynolds
January 18th
-Met Reid Kovacs
-Revisited Galton Lansdale
-Met Saskia Nicholson
-Met Ruby Cazares
-Met Juniper Irving
January 22th
-Looked for answers in the Library with Jo Morgan
-Met Nora Jensen
-Sneaked out past curfew
-Met Selim Faust
January 23th
-Charms Class with Wren
-Wren passes out
January 24th
-Evelynn V Rafael
-Evelynn gains enemy status
January 27th
Assisted Katrina in the Common Room
January 29th
Interrogated Aurelia in the Common Rooms

─── February ───

February 2nd
-Revisited Wren Caster
-Revisited Pierre Marchonne
-Revisited Katrina Walker
-Revisited Jo Morgan
-Met Victor Moore
February 4th
-Throw-down with Jack and Ruka in the Great Hall
-Revisited Jack Burnett
-Revisited Jo Morgan
-Met Ruka Tan
February 12th
-Revisited and assaulted Jack Burnett
-Revisited Jo Morgan
-Met Persephone Barret
February 13th
Met Flash Holmwood
February 17th
-Snooped about for a suspicious book
-Met Kayden Mae MacMillan
February 27th
-Meets Lydia Cooper

─── March ───

─── April───

April 4th
-Second SWAG Game
-Met Ana Beckett
-Fell in luv with Alan Vanes
-Fell asleep in the common room with Ana Beckett
April 6th
-DADA with Thomas Lestrange
April 7th
-Gryffindor V Hufflepuff Interhouse Game
-Second [Unofficial] win of the season
-Raf is KOB
April 8th
-Baptised Ruka in the Courtyard Fountain
April 11th
-Lydia shared information regarding the Secret Blossom Ball
April 12th
-Helped Ariana in the Rehearsal Room
April 14th
Shopping for the Blossom Ball
April 15th
Throw down with Aaron in the Abandoned Toilets
April 16th
-Asked Lydia to the Ball
April 18th
-Breakfast with Ana Beckett and company
-Meets Ruby Cazares
-Met Janet Jackson and May Moonstar on the Grounds
April 20th
-Tug of War
-Met Zykael Lane
-Met Maria Dee
April 22th
-Had lunch with Alan Vanes
April 24th
-Pushed Maria Dee into the Lake
-Had Lunch with Wren and Anastasia
-Met Cassandra Ironwoods
-Met Amara Dragiomir
-Met Destiny Royal

─── May ───

May 5th
-Met Calanthe Choi
-Met Dealla Prince
-Met Soren Silverwood
Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 12 May 2020, 04:04, edited 6 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.

4 Jan 2020, 04:33
Rafael Waincroft ♛ Fifth Year ♛ Gryffindor
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
Student ID
Rafael D'Spacito

Last edited by Rafael Waincroft on 22 Oct 2020, 16:31, edited 10 times in total.

I probably haven't collected my allowance yet.