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20 Mar 2018, 04:18
Evelyn Rosewater, First Year Ravenclaw
History and Current Information

Full Name: Evelyn Rosewater
Birthplace: England, Egremont
Current Age: 11
Gender: Female

Evelyn Rosewater has short light brown hair, light green eyes with light skin. She is a little short for her age at four feet and one inch with thin arms but has some muscle on her legs from riding on roller blades. Evelyn has no problem with wearing dresses or really anything but most have light colors and typically frilly in nature.

Current Personality
Evelyn is book smart and not very athletic the most she does is ride around on her roller blades. She can spend hours reading, even after she was told to go to bed, she'll use the moonlight to continue. After being told that she had magic, even when she did it for the first time Evelyn had not freaked out instead she just accepted it and moved on even asking questions on how to do it, etc.

Evelyn Suffers from Anemia which leaves her tired when she doesn't have enough Iron in her. Like all kids when they are tired she can get moody and for her, that means being angry and sarcastic to people till she takes her pills or goes to sleep for awhile.

Before Hogwarts
Evelyn was born in England, Egremont to her mother a fashion developer and her father an archeologist. She spent much of her time alone with her mother as her father left on digs to many places around the world. On her sixth birthday, she was given some rollerblades that her father had found in another country during one of his digs and she has since been using them to get around.

One year later her mother packed both of them for a trip to see her father during the summer break. They had been planning to spend two weeks there but an "accidental cave-in" killed her parents within a week of being there. Afterward, she was sent back to England and put into an orphanage with no living relatives to look after her. Her parents had put together some money for her win they died but she has not been able to get it due to her age.

Her first signs of having magic showed up when she was nine, she and a few of the other kids were climbing up the tree that was just outside of the building. The kids had been called in to eat breakfast and Evelyn had been climbing down when she slipt and fell, only she didn't hit the floor immediately she floated for a second before landing. After that, she has had smaller instances such as something appearing when she wanted it.

A teacher from Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry came to the orphanage and informed her of her powers and that she has a place within the school since birth. They also handed her the letter and let her read it, afterward they explained how they could take her to Diagon Alley to obtain said school supplies.

20 Mar 2018, 04:24
Evelyn Rosewater, First Year Ravenclaw

Dormmates:Clara Mulligan, Amelia Lovell
  • Amelia Lovell

  • Emily Lashkhia
Emily and Evelyn share an interest in books even though Emily is not a fellow Ravenclaw, even more interesting is that they both read things like text books and journals without having to be told to by a teacher.

  • Sorting Hat
Currently, she and the sorting hat do not get along as he got the bad end of one of her mood swings due to Anemia.
  • Mr. Olivander
Evelyn and Olivander have been sending owls to each other over the year with discussions on wands from how they are made, what type of wood, how to find wood, do they favor particular types of magic.
Last edited by Evelyn Rosewater on 27 Mar 2018, 23:57, edited 2 times in total.

20 Mar 2018, 05:05
Evelyn Rosewater, First Year Ravenclaw

3 x 100 = 300

4 = +4

1 + 10% = 10%

10 = +10

Arcane Power
6 + 10% = 60%

6 = +6

21 Mar 2018, 22:09
Evelyn Rosewater, First Year Ravenclaw
Academic Career
First Year








Dream Job/Dream Ability(s)
- Writer
- Wand Maker
After getting her first wand and talking with Olivander it sparked a curiosity in her about wands and how they are made.

Extracurricular Activities