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4 Feb 2018, 12:39
Can I be sorted into another House?
Have you passed the casting ceremony, and are you surprised or disappointed with the decision of the Sorting Hat? Unfortunately, there is no way back, but you should not worry!

In books and movies, houses are very stereotyped. This is particularly the case of Slytherin, described as the bad guys, or Hufflepuff, which is largely absent from books.

This is not the case here: the houses are balanced and each of them has its qualities. Be sure that you do not miss anything, each house has its atmosphere, its friendships, its particularities. At the same time, meet the students from the other houses, in the castle and outside: there is no barrier!

The Sorting Hat choice is based solely on your answers. Be sure that you're not here by mistake ;) 

For your character, even if it's not what he or she could expect before arriving at Hogwarts, no one knows where he'll be sent! Make it a chance!

Make your house live and do what you want it to be!