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18 Mar 2018, 21:17
Louisa Bennett, First Year Ravenclaw
General Information
Name: Louisa Anastasia Bennett
Nicknames: Lou, Louise
Birthday: 18th July
Place of Birth: London, England
Nationality: British
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: 30.7 centimetres, chestnut wood, and unicorn tail hair. Pliable, very effective for unspoken spells, and perfect for defensive spells.

Four foot eight in height, Louisa inherited her mother's dirty blond hair and blue eyes. As a child, however, many of her parents' closest friends would comment that she had her father's bright smile, the kind that could easily light up any room. With rather pale skin, it is not uncommon to find Louisa's cheeks slightly rosy, usually from either the cold weather or from embarrassment. Her long hair is often tugged back into a ponytail or a plait, depending on how much time and effort the young girl is willing to place into her appearance that morning.

A kind young girl, Louisa enjoys spending her time reading up about whatever interests her in that moment of time. She can be shy, albeit briefly, but quickly opens up to her friends to reveal a cheerful and enthusiastic personality. One particularly noticeable quirk is her competitiveness - even playing simple card games, the eleven year old demonstrates her strong determination to win, often by any means necessary. It is perhaps this that drives her to always work her hardest, another reason why she may often be found with either a book covering her face or a quill in her hand. However, being Muggleborn, there are times at which Louisa will wander off by herself as she feels somewhat left out of the experiences that her magical friends have grown up with. Furthermore, she can often grow embarrassed by the strong relationship that she shares with her mother, with the information regarding her father's death remaining unspoken except to only her closest friends.

Louisa Anastasia Bennett was born to Muggles Marcus and Alicia Bennett in Central London, in a small apartment above the cafe owned by her parents. An only child, Louisa was always close with both of her parents and would often greet customers entering the cafe from her position seated upon the counter. Both of her parents adored their daughter, with Louisa holding many memories of her early childhood close to her heart. The three of them would often spend their time exploring the city, even in Marcus never quite remembered how to read the map properly. Louisa remembers many a time at which the three of them, no matter how young she was at the time, argued over their precise location for a good twenty minutes or so, before eventually giving up, grabbing an ice-cream, and heading back home to save the rest of their 'adventure' for another day.

At the age of four, Louisa began attending St Bethany's Primary School, a small school just down the road from her parents' cafe. The young girl struggled at primary school, often left out by the other children for a reason that Louisa never quite understood. She instead spent most of her time in the school library, gradually making her way through the school's small collection of books as the years ticked by. Ironically, her favourite books were those tales of magic and adventure, a concept that only existed fictionally to Louisa at the time.

Throughout her childhood, Louisa never demonstrated her magic too frequently, the only obvious exception being at the age of seven. With her parents working hard in the cafe, and having no friends to play with at the time, the young girl unintentionally brought the snowman she had built to life to provide some company that afternoon in the snow. Only her father spotted the dancing snowman from the cafe window, and Louisa still remembers the knowing smile that had grown on his expression.

Unfortunately, however, Louisa's home life could not remain so perfect forever. As the young girl reached the age of nine, her father was brutally murdered one night as he headed home after a night down the pub. Louisa began to distance herself from her mother after the incident, spending much of her time to herself, in her bedroom. The cracks in their relationship only deepened as Alicia dedicated the little free time she had to working in the cafe, putting her best effort into keeping the business afloat amongst the devastation that her family was experiencing. For several months, Louisa saw very little of her mother, and Alicia saw very little of her daughter. Both decided to deal with their grief independently - it was not until a year after Marcus' death that both finally broke down, their bond repaired over their shared grief for a once loving husband and father. As time passed, the relationship between Louisa and her mother healed and strengthened, with each coming to rely on one another for their unmatched love and support.

Needless to say, the day that Louisa's Hogwarts letter arrived with the wizard messenger sent to deliver it was by far the happiest that Louisa had been since her father had died. Despite having to leave her mother behind, Louisa was certainly more than happy to abandon her prospects of Muggle secondary school when offered the chance to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With her mother's support, Louisa excitedly left home aged eleven to study at the school, looking forward to studying the magical world that she knew so little about.

18 Mar 2018, 21:19
Louisa Bennett, First Year Ravenclaw
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