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18 Mar 2018, 19:33
Michelle Lynch, First year Hufflepuff
Basic Information

Name: Michelle Lillian Lynch
Family members: Nancy Lynch (Mother), Greg Lynch (Father), Timothy Lynch (Younger Brother), Cole Lynch and John Lynch (Older brothers)
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Greyish blue


Michelle Lynch was born on October 23, 2006, to Nacy and Greg Lynch in Dublin, Ireland. Michelle spent her first year in Dublin, Ireland and moved to London, England in 2007. When the move happened Michelle began to display signs of magic such as levitating objects towards her and her crying causing fluctuations in the power, but being muggles Nancy and Greg passed it off as weird coincidences or forgot about it all together. Her two older brothers (Cole 4 years older and John 2 years older) however, did not forget about it and always assumed there was something off about her and as she grew older they tease her often about it. This made Michelle grow a thick skin and care less about the opinions of others. 

On August 5, 2009, Michelle's youngest brother, Timothy, was born and she grew especially fond of him and protected him furiously against the onslaught of teasing from the older boys, sometimes even directing the conversation to herself to save her younger brother. Despite the teasing by her older brothers, they were protective, almost too protective, as they shielded her from others and she didn't get to develop many friendships so she has a hard time around new people and in big crowds. Despite that and sometimes the fighting she was extremely close to all of her brothers and loves them dearly.

Michelle considered herself extremely lucky to have a family as close and supportive as hers and even when the letter came telling her she was invited to Hogwarts because she was a witch everyone was skeptical but when an actual wizard cam they were overjoyed for her.

Michelle knows nothing about the wizarding world but is curious and ready to learn.
Last edited by Michelle Lynch on 3 Apr 2018, 23:55, edited 3 times in total.

"There is very little cherry in this cherry soda and I do not like to be deceived," - M.L
STA: 5, AGL: 4, STR: 4, CTL: 6, AP: 5, ACC: 6

18 Mar 2018, 19:38
Michelle Lynch, First year Hufflepuff
Kaegen Deathmote
Eri Windstone
Charo Garcia 
Max Avery
Quinn Healy
Avalon Sylvester
Eris Elcan
Adam Harringtom 
Amadea Campbell
James Lachoneous 
Sarafina Rivers
Last edited by Michelle Lynch on 27 Apr 2018, 18:51, edited 3 times in total.

"There is very little cherry in this cherry soda and I do not like to be deceived," - M.L
STA: 5, AGL: 4, STR: 4, CTL: 6, AP: 5, ACC: 6

18 Mar 2018, 19:43
Michelle Lynch, First year Hufflepuff
Compartment 7
Taking Flying into our Own Hands
Hufflepuff Table
Sorting ceremony
Settling into the girls' dorms
A Run in
Fresh air
Warmth around the Fireplace
Last edited by Michelle Lynch on 3 Apr 2018, 23:56, edited 3 times in total.

"There is very little cherry in this cherry soda and I do not like to be deceived," - M.L
STA: 5, AGL: 4, STR: 4, CTL: 6, AP: 5, ACC: 6

19 Mar 2018, 00:54
Michelle Lynch, First year Hufflepuff
Statistics (For Dueling or Quidditch)
Stamina: 5
Agility: 4
Strength: 4
Control: 6
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 6
Broom: School broom

"There is very little cherry in this cherry soda and I do not like to be deceived," - M.L
STA: 5, AGL: 4, STR: 4, CTL: 6, AP: 5, ACC: 6