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15 Mar 2018, 01:38
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!

Hello everyone,

This topic has been opened to give you the change to write us more clearly each problem that can occur on our website. To facilitate the record of each problem and to clearly distinguish them, we will ask you to follow this small model. 
Problems/Bugs Form

Name of the problem (If you can name it):
Date at which it occurred:
Image (If possible): 
Thank you for your help! 

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.
29 Mar 2018, 23:59
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Name of the problem (If you can name it): Owl Refresh Glitch
Date at which it occurred: March 29, 2018
Description: I was viewing an owl after it was sent and I wanted to see how many minutes ago I sent it to write the owl time down for moderation purposes. All of a sudden, it began to refresh on its own and glitch saying that the owl had just been sent over and over again. I stared at it for a bit and then freaked out about how many owls this person just got from me. According to my "Flying Owls" only one was sent, but not sure if that was updated from the glitch or not.
Image (If possible): Unfortunately, I was unable to get a picture because it kept refreshing instantly.

Bug status: couldn't be reproduced

Stamina - 10| Evasion - 11| Strength - 10| Wisdom - 11| ArcPower - 10 | Accuracy - 11
9 Apr 2018, 08:32
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Name of the problem (If you can name it): Knotgrass spelled incorrectly
Date at which it occurred: April 2, 2018
Description: Im not really sure if its supposed to be spelled that way, but instead of Knotgrass, it says Ktnograss. Again, I don't know if it's supposed to be spelled that way, I just wanna point it out in case it isn't.
Image (If possible):


Bug status: fixed!

~A. Finch~
9 Apr 2018, 11:27
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Problems/Bugs Form

Name of the problem (If you can name it):
Date at which it occurred: N/A - happens all the time but not to every post.
Description:  For some reason, a number of posts appear with HTML coding when you search someone's past posts. I'm not sure why it only happens to some posts but yeah, thought I'd let you know. As an example, look at mine: s:// (examples below from here).

Image (If possible): These two images show that sometimes it appears fine, other times it seems to add html coding to the posts?!


Bug status: can't be solved :( !

Part-Goblin | Evasive Maneuvers | Beastmaster | Paragon of Health
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 17 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 15 | Arcane Power: 10 | Accuracy: 15
15 Apr 2018, 20:03
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Bloom Silverton: unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce the bug; please tell me if someone see it again, and clearly note what steps you did that led to it.

Austin Finch: well seen, it's fixed!

Serena Towers: yeah, I know, it's not great, but I won't be able to do anything about it: it's the way the forum core works... It happens when bbcode tags is "cut" in the search results. I won't be able to modify the core without a lot of work, and it would be difficult then to maintain the website if I change it too much.

Thank you very much all for your reports: I'll continue to solve the bugs sent here or by owl, as long as I can :) 
17 Apr 2018, 02:20
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Name of the problem (If you can name it): Privacy Error - invalid security certificate
Date at which it occurred: 04/16/2018
Description: I tried to access like I have every day for the past two weeks. For the first time, I received a privacy error. I had to circumvent this by browsing as a "Guest" on Google Chrome. I don't know why this happened now and not earlier. There is no way to continue into the site. You used to be able to click "Advanced" and "Proceed Anyway."
Image (If possible):


Bug status: fixed!

19 Apr 2018, 07:55
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Hi! It should be fixed now, please tell me if anyone still encounter this! :/ 
6 May 2018, 16:12
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Name of the Problems: Begin is spelled wrong.
Date at which it occured: 5/6/18
Description: Begin is spelled wrong at the beginning of Wizarding Journey in the Entrance Hall.


Bug status: fixed!

Goodbye lovelies!
10 May 2018, 18:24
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Name of the problem (If you can name it): Missing link and page glitching
Date at which it occurred: May 9 & 10, 2018
Description: 1) The My RP's link is missing. 2) Yesterday couldn't post anything or go to certain pages without being taken to the log in page. Also, When I tried to post an RP at the great like, when I hit reply it took me to a page with some HTML stuff on it (forgot to screenshot this).

Bug status: fixed, it's back!
10 May 2018, 19:30
 Locked  Report a Bug or Problem!
Asteria Hana wrote: Name of the problem (If you can name it): Missing link and page glitching
Date at which it occurred: May 9 & 10, 2018
Description: 1) The My RP's link is missing. 2) Yesterday couldn't post anything or go to certain pages without being taken to the log in page. Also, When I tried to post an RP at the great like, when I hit reply it took me to a page with some HTML stuff on it (forgot to screenshot this).
Mine is missing too, I think they updated it, although I did like it there

Bug status: fixed, it's back!

"What cannot be seen, felt, or carried?" Person who gets this right I will donate some money to them.