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28 May 2023, 15:51
she's a mother f killer queen
"Can you not fly?"
"My wings have been clipped."
"Can you not fight?"
"He's more powerful than me."
"Can you not trust?
"I have been betrayed before."
"Can you not love?"
"I have forgot how to."
a psychopath at seventeen
Regina fears hates fire. Sometimes, she'd blink and it was like she was back at the manor, standing in front of the marble fireplace with Rebecca screaming in her face. She doesn't remember anymore what the fight was about. But she could never forget the sensations. She remembers the searing heat, the enraged cry, the physical brawl. She remembers the cold walls of St Mungo's hours later, and the disappointment on Alfred Miller's expression. Her mother Louise's tears, and her brothers' haunted faces. She will never forget.

"I shan't let it become my fear."

"It will become my power instead."

"Incendio Duo."
a beauty in a blood-stained dress
she'll fill your heart with kerosene
It is not what you look. It is what you see.

and light you up till you can't breathe
if you cross her path you just might end up dead

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability

12 Jul 2023, 20:56
lyric quote here
Terrible Presence and Lovely Creature are in effect
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce scelerisque nunc vitae dolor congue varius. Aliquam neque tellus, consectetur vitae luctus id, viverra at turpis. Sed ut lacinia metus, in lobortis enim. Etiam fermentum ex eget magna sollicitudin feugiat. Etiam pharetra, eros eu dapibus aliquam, metus odio vulputate velit, at bibendum dolor odio nec eros.

Wooooo new post format woooo. Nulla eget volutpat lorem, a venenatis est. Sed nisi massa, dictum sed fringilla ac, pellentesque ac neque. Sed blandit blandit ligula non imperdiet. Proin in velit a est laoreet varius non eget purus. Mauris fermentum dictum sapien. Ut venenatis neque urna. Donec ut lectus non nibh auctor sodales. Mauris tempus libero odio, luctus suscipit justo bibendum non. Go girl, give us nothing~ Nam imperdiet consequat est quis malesuada. Morbi accumsan elit magna, ut euismod odio sagittis sit amet. Vivamus quis purus vel tellus posuere placerat in eget lorem. Proin laoreet mi ante, sit amet malesuada arcu maximus eget. Aliquam eget sem in mauris maximus auctor.

Proin fermentum imperdiet pharetra. Sed ligula dui, venenatis eu ultrices vitae, bibendum et lacus. Suspendisse lobortis ligula nec turpis efficitur lobortis. Sed tempor nisl sapien, sit amet consequat nisl mattis at. Proin elit lorem, sodales vitae tristique non, dapibus in massa. Maecenas tristique nunc eu faucibus volutpat. Duis ac neque mi. Proin nec sem ante. Curabitur dignissim iaculis fermentum. Quisque aliquet urna eu est congue consectetur. Praesent vehicula sit amet neque a viverra. Phasellus vitae nisl vel turpis sollicitudin vestibulum. Praesent sem sapien, pellentesque et enim eget, finibus pharetra magna. Nunc egestas justo ac mi accumsan consequat.
@person here

sta • 9 | eva • 11 | str • 4
wis • 12 | arc • 11 | acc • 12
⠀⠀⠀Regina Miller
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Henri de Bourbon
Prodigal DADA | Perfectionist | TP
LC | Nonverbal | ability