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11 Mar 2018, 11:56
Griffin Itiel White | Ravenclaw First Year
Basic Information

Name: Griffin Itiel White

Parents: Morrigan White [mother] and Brian van Swart [father]

Blood-Status: Pure-Blood

Hair Colour: White

Hair-Length: Shoulder length

Eyes: Hetero-Chromatic (Bright azure and hazel)

Residence: High Bickington, England

Financial Status: Upper-class


Griffin Itiel White was born to two families tracing their linage back several hundred years back.
Both being pure-bloods with contrasting degrees of typical pure-blood behaviour. His father’s side
of the family being...tolerant to muggles. With some members showing a sort of detached curiosity
for muggle behaviour, inventions, and so on. His mother’s side of the family show an intense
dislike, even hatred for muggles. Descending from, or related to a rather alarming number of Dark
Lords. Those who weren’t Dark Lords themselves followed those who were, attaining high ranking
positions and the like.

Indoctrinated by his maternal great grandmother Eliza Wynne White- who rules the family with an
iron fist mind you- to internalise these ideals, Griffin showed outright disgust at those who are of
muggle-born birth from a very young age, which was something that did not sit well with his
paternal family. Words were said, spells were cast, and bodies buried. A year passed and on his 6h
birthday, Griffin found himself living with his mother at the White Manor with no word form his
father nor the rest of the van Swart clan. Griffin asked maybe once or twice about his father’s
disappearance before forgetting about him entirely, his memory was not tampered with, he just
didn’t care enough to bother pursuing it further.

Living with the maternal family was a rather pleasant. Griffin was never short of thing to do, mainly
because the ancient, yet immaculate, White manor was host to the many social gatherings that Eliza
hosted. The only requirement to the rather grand affairs being that the invited families were strictly
pure-blood. Due to his great grandmother’s busy social life, Griffin would be expected to play with
the children these witches and wizards brought with them. While extremely exciting when he was
younger, Griffin grew tired of having to remember the name of every Ron, Draco, and Harry that
showed up. When he received his letter to Hogwarts, Griffin surmised that he probably met every
young pure blood witch and wizard that would be attending the school with him, not that he’d
remember their names but still.

However, Eliza did make sure that Griffin at least knew the names of the many pure-blood families
that interfered with his down time, and always made sure that he knew that “Names carry power.”,
whatever that meant.

Will we die just a little?

11 Mar 2018, 15:15
Griffin Itiel White | Ravenclaw First Year









Will we die just a little?

11 Mar 2018, 15:36
Griffin Itiel White | Ravenclaw First Year

Compartment #12

The best kind of rivalry.

Pure Blood Stain

Melancholy Hill
Last edited by Griffin White on 21 Mar 2018, 15:22, edited 2 times in total.

Will we die just a little?

20 Mar 2018, 11:26
Griffin Itiel White | Ravenclaw First Year

BROOM: School Broom

Will we die just a little?