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14 Apr 2020, 09:08
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: [x]
Name of Ability that You Are Applying for:
year one.
the martial artist
year two.
prodigal transfig. learner
year three.
spell spread
the martial artist.
The Procoppios have an impressive family history of military service that would astound even the proudest patriot, dating all the way back to Mateo Procoppio serving in the Revolutionary War. Ami herself was expected to enlist once she graduated from Hogwarts, although she suspected that they would have to do a little finagling with the enlistment officer when it came to her education. Her own father had been honorably discharged after being severely injured in the Iraq War, something that she had always admired her father for. Not for being an American martyr, but for surviving the war itself and carrying on to continue serving his country, even though he had every right not to. While she loved her mother and greatly admired her work in London’s healthcare system, there was no doubt that she truly idolized her father.

Growing up in America, Ami faced a lot of… unique challenges due to a lot of factors that were out of her control. She was shunned for being too “boy-ish”; rejected by the girls because she wasn’t one of them, turned down by the boys because even if she ran faster than all of them and hit harder than all of them, she was still just a girl. She was mocked because of her British accent, which she tried to correct as quickly as she could. She was made the butt of countless ginger jokes because of her hair and complexion, she was always served weird looks because of her father’s blank stare and strange way of talking, and the list went on and on. Finally, after getting in one too many fights with other students that usually ended with her getting a bloody nose or countless bruises, Lucas Procoppio decided to teach his daughter how to properly fight.

And so began the journey of one of Ami’s true passions in life: fighting. First, it was karate, then tae kwon do, then jiujitsu and kickboxing. She took on all of these as challenges, and tackled them all with the vigor and enthusiasm that still sticks with her today. With her long legs, lithe build, and deceptively strong muscles, it was easy to see how she could be born a natural fighter. Learning how to channel her impulsiveness and anger into an art form was probably the best decision Lucas had ever made, as it gave Ami goals to work towards and an outlet for all of her pent-up emotions, as the emotional little elementary schooler she was.

Learning how to fight also gave Ami the confidence boost she’d been lacking. She was no longer scared of the kids at school; in fact, word of her reputation had spread, and most kids were now scared of her, for a change. Beyond all of that, knowing how to fight even landed Ami her very own best friend. After walking home from school one day, she watched as three older kids whaled on a younger boy she knew from her class, calling him words and names she didn’t recognize. Regardless, she stepped in, using all of the curse words her father had taught her (like stupid head and stinky-butt) and delivering a particularly nasty sucker punch until they left. The boy she had rescued was named Thomas, and the two immediately became best friends.

As she grew older and she moved back to England with her mother, she learned that no, you couldn’t just challenge random men on the street to a sparring match and kick them in the head, and that no, she wasn’t allowed to punch whomever she wanted just to “assert dominance”. Her mother also severely frowned up fighting, meaning that Ami had to reign herself in a bit. And although she knew she would never be in the peak form she’d been in, right before moving back to London, she still grew taller and gained more muscle on her ghostly frame, making her more formidable and intimidating.

Certainly, these skills had aided her in the park with Eris Fawley, when the two had been attacked by grown delinquents. They’d been properly disposed of, thanks to Ami’s formal training and Eris’ street skills, even with their weapons, which the two girls had made short work of. It was that night that Ami realized no matter how hard her mother tried, she would always be a fighter, not a lover.

word count: 732
prodigal transfiguration learner.
Ami was… a lot of things, but naturally smart was never one of them. Certainly, her grades had always been an area of concern for her mother, especially when she’d been shipped off to Hogwarts where Abella couldn’t micro-manage her daughter. Of course, she’d always been street-smart, but in the classroom? To say that she struggled with keeping up with her classmates would be a major understatement. As her grades continued to drop, so did her motivation to improve, and Ami found herself diving headfirst into an academic rut.

Her worst class of all was, without a doubt, Transfiguration. Between Cypresse’s complex way of teaching things and her complete inability to comprehend anything in her class, she simply didn’t understand any of the material. To her, this was the greatest tragedy of them all, because Ami legitimately loved the subject. Her mother may have excelled in Charms during her time at Hogwarts, but she was no slouch when it came to Transfiguration. Some of Ami’s favorite memories included instances where her mother turned her fiery red hair different colors, or changed her clothes into sleek and stylish jackets and suits fit for the runway. With the motivation to be able to recreate these memories, Ami knew that she had to at least improve her skills in this class.

With that, she set off on her great self-improvement kick. The first step was, of course, to talk to Cypresse herself, which she did with the smallest bit of hesitation. Of course, she greatly admired the professor, but she was still a rather intimidating woman. After all, she was a bonafide genius, wasn’t she? However, Ami managed to gather her courage, and talked to Cypresse about her seemingly uncorrectable ability to learn Transfiguration, despite her best efforts. They had a mighty heart-to-heart, Ami set some goals like the American student she was, and the hard work started. She studied like a madman, determined to prove to Cypresse, her mother, and herself that she could do this, that she could be a good student.

In the end, it all paid off. Ami didn’t fail Transfiguration- in fact, she’d gotten better, so much better. She was confident in her abilities, and in fact, one could even claim that she was actually good at Transfiguration, now. She was nowhere near totally fantastic or a prodigy, but she was better than average. The sense of accomplishment and self-worth that came along with this type of success drastically changed Ami’s attitude towards school, as well. While she was nowhere near a top-notch student, she no longer pooh-poohed the idea of staying up late to study, or to spend a free period in the library in order to utilize the vast amount of resources provided for the students. All the while, her skills and knowledge in Transfiguration truly started to improve, and even Ami herself was astonished by what she could do when she put her mind to a task. Ami may have not been a star student, but she was getting there, all because of Transfiguration.

word count: 514
thread with ami/cypresse: [x]
spell spread.
“Go big or go home.” Truly, there were not many other words that could capture Ami’s entire personality so succinctly. Everything with her seemed to be completely blown out of proportion, when it came to her. Her entire life seemed to be made out of hyperboles, with no sense or trace of moderation or compromise. There was no “chill” when you were around Ami- it was always go, go, go, go. It only made sense that a personality trait this dominant would carry over to her magic.

However, this wasn’t to say that Ami was any good at magic. No, it was quite the opposite- she was rather awful at it. This generally resulted in countless mishaps in her classes, and to be honest, she was quite surprised that she hadn’t blown her eyebrows clean off yet. Even so, some primal urge buried deep inside her bones told her to always give everything her all, especially when there was a high chance that it would end in failure. After all, if she was going to fail, she might as well go out with a bang, right? At least, that was her philosophy, and she certainly tried her very best to live by it.

But, to be fair, there were some instances where her all-or-nothing attitude paid off. Sometimes she would actually successfully cast a spell, and the result would be pretty spectacular. If she managed to cast Lumos, a bright light would fill the room, easily rivaling the strength of an LED light bulb. Should she dare cast Incendio, like the true Hufflepuff that she was, there was no doubt that everything would be engulfed in flames within seconds. She supposed that it was like one of those “trade-offs” grown-ups like to reference so often; her magic tended to either be spectacularly great or spectacularly awful, and honestly, it was kind of fun to try and guess which it would be.

As she grew older, this strange “ability”, I guess you could call it, only amplified. It was either total chaos and destruction or some wonderful sort of bliss. And while Ami’s magic potential had never been particularly potent, it wasn’t like she was totally talentless. As her success rate began to turn even more bipolar, Ami began to turn more to things that were more in her control... like punching. Of course, there was no way she’d totally abandon her magic, but its polarizing effects were a little too unpredictable for Ami.

word count: 418
Note: I wrote all of this at like, 3 am, so please let me know if something doesn’t make sense.
New Stats:
arc power.
STATUS: Approved

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
STA 7 | EVA 12 | STR 18 | WIS 6 | ARCP 3 | ACC 16
martial artist | prodigal transfig | spell spread | animagus
17 Apr 2020, 19:44
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia threadCassie's Encyclopedia
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
It happened accidentally. Once when Cassie was 8 years old, Cassie had a pet snake. Said snake was slithered around her hands. Cassie was petted the snake head and said that he was cute and the said snake look at her like it understands her. Cassie brows raised out and thinking maybe she's just imagining things then Cassie put the snake into his terrarium. Cassie tested the water again to make sure she wasn't crazy or imagining things.

So once the snake in his terrarium, Cassie said "
Is the light warm enough for you?" The snake nodded his head. Okay, I'm not imagine things, Cassie though to herself. Then when her mother arrived at home, she told her mother what she's discovered that day. Her mother seems a bit surprised with what Cassie can do. Then her mother explained that often times Parselmouth or Parseltongue can be seen as a dark magic. She also told Cassie the ones that can do that in the span of centuries are Salazar Slytherin, Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter.

Cassie think what she can do was awesome but her mother warned her not to throw what she can do around. 'People feared, Cassie. When people fear, because it's something that they can't comprehend' Her mom said. Cassie asks how she can got this 'gifted' since parents couldn't. Her mother told her many of her ancestor - the Ramiréz (her mother side) - can do what Cassie did. Her mom told that many of her ancestor some lived in Havana and some lived in Brazil. They also graduated from Castelobruxo.

Upon knowing her heritage and what her mom told her, she researched why being a Parseltongue considered as a dark magic. She looked into her mom's side family tree that many of them practiced dark magic and some of them being recorded as a Parseltongue. Cassie wonders what make this language feared by so many. She also read a book where described who and what Salazar Slytherin could do but not too many info about the Dark Lord himself.

Cassie then asks her mother who is and what the Dark Lord could do. 'Something best to be hidden and kept secret, Cash' that what her mom said. Something in her knew that whatever the Dark Lord did wasn't pleasant and feared by many. Cassie also ask her mother if some of her grandparent still around. Her mom only gave her a sad smile. 'That's another story for another time, perhaps when you're a little bit older, I will tell you about it' Her mom stated.

Cassie being the resourceful kid she was, looked into a book where her father wasn't allowed her to touched or read but as her rebel side arose, she found that book. In that book told the crimes the Dark Lord committed. When her father came home, her mom told him. Her father more or less said the same thing to Cassie as what her mother said. 'Keep this to yourself and only to this family' Her father said. The only one that knows she's a Parseltongue was her parents. Since then she kept the secret to herself.
Word Count : 523
Stamina : 6
Evasion : 4
Strength : 6
Wisdom : 4
Arcane Power : 4
Accuracy : 6
Total Stats : 30
STATUS: Approved till Index is clear
Last edited by Cassandra Ironwoods on 20 Apr 2020, 23:02, edited 8 times in total.

sta • 10 | eva • 10 | str • 10
wis • 8 | arc • 8 | acc • 10
⠀⠀⠀Phoenix C Ironwoods
⠀⠀⠀E N C Y C L O P E D I A
⠀⠀⠀Verona C Andréas
PA | OS | PM Y3
ability | PM Y5 | ability
18 Apr 2020, 15:16
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia page: click here ^^
Name of ability you are applying for: Evasive Maneuvers
With her small stature, Ivy was never an easy target anyway. It wasn’t just that, either - the girl had always been surprisingly nimble for her age, as shown in the many games of tag she played with her sisters and maidservant on the expansive grounds of the Bellamy estate in the first half of her childhood. It wasn’t so much that Ivy was particularly fast, it was more so the fact that she somehow managed to dodge the outstretched hand just in time. This agility was perhaps brought on by the ballet classes Ivy had taken from the young age of three, which, according to her mother, were necessary for a young lady’s posture and elegance. And indeed, to the approval and delight of her parents, Ivy grew up both agile and graceful in her movements, her posture even more perfect than it had been before.

But the biggest test of her agility would come shortly after she turned eight. The previous afternoon, Ivy had gone outside to read and left her book outside overnight on accident, having forgotten to take it back in after going in for tea (in her defence, it had started to rain during teatime and her mother insisted that she stay inside). It was not until the next morning that she remembered, and while the book would mostly likely be ruined, she still ventured outside to see if she could find it and possibly ask her mother to fix it with a spell or something. Magic could do anything, she thought.

But it was her quick reflexes, not magic, that saved her from death that morning. Lost in her thoughts, Ivy had not noticed that her father was practicing archery on the grounds, and unwittingly walked right in front of the target just as he released his arrow. It was too late to stop it, and Oliver did not have his wand on him to cast a spell that could do so - even if he did, he would not have come to his senses quick enough to cast it. The arrow was headed straight for his daughter, and for a moment, everyone thought that the young girl was doomed.

Ivy saw the arrow coming for her at the last second, as if it was coming in slow motion. While most children would have been paralysed with fear, her quick reflexes came into play and with a twist of her shoulders, she dodged the arrow - but only just. As it landed barely a millimetre away from her arm, grazing the sleeve of her coat, Ivy had felt the wind rushing past her. The girl had, quite literally, escaped death by a hair’s breadth.

Oliver Bellamy was too relieved to scold her for not looking where she was going, and sent her back inside instead with a rather awkward pat on the head. Ivy herself was a little shaken, as expected, but continued about her day, once again forgetting the matter of her lost book.
WC: 501

stamina 6
evasion 6
strength 5
wisdom 7
arcane power 5
accuracy 6

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Ivy Bellamy on 23 Apr 2020, 14:14, edited 1 time in total.

october 2007 - august 2023.
i know the end
21 Apr 2020, 18:57
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread :

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Part-Veela

Describe why this fits your character:
Ariana Isabella Walker is a quarter Veela. Her mother Isabella Luciana (Garcia) Walker, is half Veela and was born the first child to her parents Francesco Fabio Garcia and Luciana Camille Garcia, in France 17th February. She lived there in France (originally where her mother is from) before moving to Italy (originally where her father is from) with her parents. She was raised and grew up in Italy to very strict wealthy parents. They wanted to keep her locked inside to protect her beauty and powers, rarely letting Isabella go outside. This angered the young girl, who was keen to go and socialise and play with other kids. Instead she was taught at home, not allowed to attend school. At the age of 4 her younger sister Eleanore was born, and another half Veela was welcomed to the family. Eleanore was always the favourite in Isabella’s opinion. Her mother always used Eleanore as an example for everything, praising her and showing her off to anyone who would listen. Eleanore always did what she was told, and seemed perfectly fine with avoiding social interaction, something with which Isabella disagreed with on many levels. Despite this however, the two girls were better friends than anyone would ever have known. Eleanore understood Isabella in a way that Isabella could not put into words, and while Isabella was good at getting Eleanore to open up (and get in trouble for that matter) the other sibling returned the favour by trying (and mostly failing) to keep her older sister in check. Isabella’s father didn’t take down Isabella’s mothers ideas and opinions very well, though he was good at hiding this from his wife. He secretly agreed with Isabella's desire to have more freedom and his first daughter was his favourite child, adventurous, curious and optimistic, there was never a boring time when his eldest daughter was with him. He enjoyed her company very much and hoped that she would one day be free to settle her own decisions without the control of her mother. At the age of 11 Isabella finally convinced her parents (well her father mostly) to allow her to attend wizarding school in America. Her mother strongly disapproved of this, wanting both of her daughters to attend Beauxbatons academy in France (the same place she attended her education) Nevertheless Isabella got her wish and was off to America in no time, to start a new life ahead of her. She was one of the few part Veela students in the school, but not the only one. After being locked away with minimal human interaction for years, this was definitely new to the young witch. She had no trouble in making friends however and in no time was very popular among the students, her carefree optimistic attitude inspiring and fun. As a young girl she much reassembled Arianas personality. Her features are interesting, being mixed Italian and french, her hair is light brown/dark blonde, her eyes a sparkling sapphire blue. She is unusually fair-skinned for someone who had grown up in Italy, due to her Veela heritage. Nevertheless, you can see Veela more prominently than ever in her features, when the sunlight shines on her, illuminating her hair so that a silvery glimmer is visible within the light blonde/brown. She was admired for her beauty throughout her school years and beyond, although she stated that she doesn’t like being a Veela much. Isabella believes that what’s in the heart outshine beauty and looks by far, and so she set out during her years of education to prove this statement right, that she was worth more than looks and charm, much to her mother's disappointment, as her reckless behaviour often got her in trouble. During her third year Isabella got news that her father had tragically passed away. Devastated by this news, Isabella became even more determined to fulfill her wishes in memory of her father, although others wanted otherwise. After her father's death, her mother Luciana, was determined that Isabella move to finish her education in France. Isabella was shocked at her proposal, defiantly answering that she would stay at ilvermorny until she graduated. After many fights, howlers and arguments that shook the bedroom floors, Isabella won and she went back to America, more determined than ever before to prove her mother wrong. During her later years at school she met her future husband, Arianas future father, Julian Miguel Fernandez-Walker. After graduating there were to be married, to both of their delight. However Luciana did not want this for her daughter instead she had wanted her daughter to marry a wealthy french man and a family friend. When Isabella refused this, her mother turned against her, cutting off all connection and turning away from her own daughter, refusing to see eye to eye with her rebellious attitude. Isabella, however distraught at the severed connection with her family, happily got married and became one with her husband's side, who welcomed her gracefully into their midst.They lived in Italy for a while before moving to Argentina after Ariana turned 2 years old. Ariana was 7 when they moved to America where 5 of Arianas brothers attended school (Ilvermorny) there. However Ariana and her youngest brother James attended Hogwarts after they moved to England when she was 10. Till this day Isabella prefers to keep her family history with her Veela mother, a secret, to avoid unwanted questions, although her close family and friends know, her children don’t, which is why Ariana is oblivious to being half Veela.This power enhances her pretty features making her look young and beautiful and perfect in some sense, however many people put this beauty down so genetics, unsure of Ariana's mother race as a half Veela. Ariana unknowingly carries some powers and charm of a Veela, inherited from her mother, though she does not know this and so her charm is cast unknowingly, randomly, whenever she feels a burst of emotion. Unaware of this, she is used to ignoring any keen sudden attention, from others who react to this, finding it startling and confusing. Isabella does not know when she will tell her children about her story, but she hopes that one day, the time will come.
[word count: 1,041]

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:

Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 1
Arcane Power: 2
Accuracy: 9
STATUS: Approved. Please notify a HoH for race change.

Ariana Walker
‘It’s that heart of gold, & stardust soul that make you beautiful.’
Part-Veela || Hex code: #800000
22 Apr 2020, 12:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Alexis Asterion
Link to your encyclopedia thread : Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for : Perfectionist
Describe why this fits your character : Alexis have always feel the need to be perfect at everything and more other than that she wants everything around her perfect too. As the youngest daughter of Asterion Family and the little sister, she always get what she wants. It drives everyone around her crazy sometimes, but they just couldn't say no to her.

Ever since she was a child, she always took the matter of organising the books in her own room herself without any help, along with keeping an eye on the book in the library, just to make sure that no one put them back in the wrong order.

She loves organising her own room. Everything has to be perfect in her own way and she will not accept anything less. Her stuff will be kept in her place of choice and nowhere else. She has this sacred rule about her own room, no one... And she meant absolutely no one, has the right to touch any of her belongings without her knowledge and permission, not even the servants are allowed to clean her room without her permission.

Her books are the most precious possession ever. No one are allowed to touch them without her presence, especially those fictions she loves so much. The first time she has shown any kind of magic was when her brothers tried to pull a prank on her and then proceed to accidentally tore a page on her book. She was furious and never let them near her books again.

When she finally get to learn magic, the first thing she did was find all the spell books that her family owns and started to memorized the information about the spell that she will be learning, just to make sure she would get it right the first time she cast those charms.

She promised herself that she will not let any spell failed or backfire at herself, ever. She will not condone any humiliation and self-punishment that will come with those scenarios.

Her works and her grades need to be perfect. Everything she ever does need to be perfect anything less than that would comes with the restlessness and eventually make her lose her mind.

This need of perfection has been both good and bad thing in her life. The good thing is there is a guaranteed success at anything she wants to get done. The bad thing is it makes her a control freak and she afraid it would make her friends dislike her.
Word count : 415
Character Statistics :
Stamina : 5
Evasion : 5
Strength : 4
Wisdom : 9
Arcane : 6
Accuracy : 6

STATUS: Approved

♕︎ colour = #18196b ♕︎
| Stamina : 6 | Evasion : 8 | Strength : 5 | Wisdom : 10 | Arcane Power : 8 | Accuracy : 8 |
23 Apr 2020, 04:06
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia thread: Here

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for
: Cat's Grace

Why it fits my character: There was never much to do in a sleepy little town like Doolin. It was almost more village than town as the entirety of it was almost fully surrounded by forest. Children were warned to take care when playing too far in, as there were many creatures that lived in the woods, and while most were benign creatures that ignored human interaction, there were others more dangerous and aggressive towards humans. It was here that Isadora discovered her ability. Isadora loved the forest, more than that she loved animals and liked to spend her days watching their behavior and studying their habitats. At first when she would get too close, she would make too much noise and would scare most of the animals away. Over time as she grew older, she practiced how to walk and where to walk in order to make the least amount of noise.

Through the years she learned how to maneuver herself through the forest without making as much sound as before and soon enough she could make her way easily through the forest without letting her presence be known. With Isadora having a lithe and willowy frame already, her practice as sneaking around came more easily to her the more she did it. She was able to get that much closer to the creatures which allowed her to discover more about them. She soon noticed that her skills in the forest could be used in other places as well. Some nights she would sneak from her bedroom when she could not sleep and was able to learn how to avoid all the creaky floors and groaning steps to reach the library so she could read by a small light until she would fall asleep in her big reading chair. Her parents could not figure out how she could make her way through the house without a sound and at first contributed it to the possibility of her sleepwalking. Isadora was ecstatic at the progression of her skill and soon had almost perfected it to the point where she walked without sound without trying and had even scared her step-mother once or twice when she would turn a corner and watched as her mother jumped in surprise at her sudden appearance.

She also soon learned that the best advantage of her skill came when avoiding danger. One evening, while in the forest studying some animals, Isadora wasn’t paying attention to how late it had gotten. A loud noise suddenly boomed throughout the forest, the creatures she was watching scattered and Isadora sunk down into the shadows of her spot behind some bushes in fear. The noise came again and again, louder and louder, until the thing making the noise slowly came into view. It was a giant forest troll! Not many are known to live in this area and even fewer are known to stray this close to the outskirts of the forest, but this one must have wondered closer than usual.

Isadora watched from her place in the shadows, her body still and her breath held in as the troll slowly looked around, confusion etched into it features. It had only been a few moments but it felt as if hours had passed before the giant ugly thing turned away and meandered back along the path it came from, slipping deeper into the woods. Isadora stayed still until the last sounds of the troll’s heavy steps drifted away and was slowly replaced by the sounds of crickets again. It was a sign that night had fallen and Isadora quickly and silently gathered her things, hastily making her way back out of the forest as quietly as possible.
WC: 613


Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 5

STATUS: Approved

Stamina: 6 * Evasion: 6 * Strength: 4 * Wisdom: 7 * Arcane Power: 7 * Accuracy: 5
25 Apr 2020, 19:46
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ancel Encyclopedia

Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: Metamorphmagus

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
For many generations, in the biological family of Ancel (through the mother), it was a breed of metamorphagis, so just in giving the adoption, Ancel's mother explained to the new parents that they were going to adopt two children who they were Metamorphmagus, so she warned them to be very patient when they had to deal with these powers since at an early age they could not control it, but over time they would learn to handle it...

What they did not know is that the Daddario family (the biological family) had an extensive history of metamorphagi, since many family members had the rare ability - although some had decided to elope because they did not want to be registered by the Ministry. So the mother moved with her two children and the father to Glasgow so that his family would not attempt to kidnap the twins who possessed the ability. To make them better protected, they gave it to a family with the excuse that they had no money to support them... However, the family in which they were adopted were wealthy and also came from a long line of magicians.

The family was very concerned about how the twins would end up exposing, especially Ancel because he was quite sensitive which was very often to get angry when he is denied certain things since power used to arise in situations where he felt extreme emotion or fear... But nothing happened until Ancel was eight years old, that at a Christmas reunion with the family, when the Wandlow cousins took Ancel to a place, saying that it would be a wonderful place to play together, unfortunately, Ancel did not know what was to come and what intentions had his cousins with him.

When they entered an abandoned cabin, some cousins hid and left Ancel in the dark, making him very scared because he never stopped hearing noises around him, even howling that made him think negative thoughts, feeling a little anxious until that a cousin approached him and commented that she noticed something different, noting that his chin had been altered, something that Ancel could not explain to his cousin and was brought to the family, because his cousin was worried about Ancel.

At home, Ancel still had a chin altered until Johanna remembered what the twins' biological mother had said, so she asked the family for silence and began to explain the reason, noting that the twins were metamorphmagus, a rare ability that allowed them to change aspects of their physique at will - which had been provided through the Daddario family for generations, making Ancel feel less concerned.

Shortly after Christmas ended, the grandmother Wandlow, who knew a lot about Ancel's ability - because her husband was metamorphic until he died, but not before she had learned deeply about the ability and in which her husband explained very clearly how it worked, as she decided that she would try to help him train on how to hold back to prevent his ‘powers’ from being exposed to the public while his parents tried to register their children in the Ministry, thus making them free to show their abilities before the magical world... For Ancel, it was very easy for him to accept it since he had a great understanding, but Dean was still confused about it.

During the first weeks, Ancel and Dean were training to such an extent of knowing how to change a small facial alteration, but their grandmother had always recommended that they not try to go beyond the limits since all learning took time, something they respected because they feared the consequences that had happened to the other family, making them very aware of using their skills wisely.

Being a very empathetic and sensitive person, in addition to being someone very aware of the responsibilities that could be carried out by a race in which he had belonged to his family, as a kind of connection that he would have with his biological mother. So he tried to think about how it could impact having a unique ability, in which he concluded that it would be like a family legacy, considering that history was already damaged.
MOD NOTE: The following passage is not considered or relevant for the application. The word count is enough without it so it's just being ignored.
If he had that skill, it would allow him to discover more extensions that he recounts in magic and see how he could increase the odds of getting ideas for threads and offer help on certain occasions, other than proving that he is not someone different, that he would only be a person who has obtained a skill for his family, allowing Ancel to live the experiences as Auror or Magizoologist (his ambitions for when he grows up).

Regarding emotions, being a metamorphmagus would allow Ancel to learn much better to manage his fears and emotions in different situations in which he could live through his life, in addition to being someone with very little self- esteem, it would make him develop different events in which he would see how his emotions would confront to learn to manage his magical abilities, becoming something very important to him.
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 6
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 4
Accuracy: 3
Note: The stats will be changed from the encyclopedia if it has been approved.

Words counted: 846 words
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Hades Schweighöfer on 3 May 2020, 19:24, edited 2 times in total.
26 Apr 2020, 20:40
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Name ability:
Evasive maneuvers
Why this fits Alexander
Alexander has always been quick on his feet. Even from when he had just learned to walk he was already quite hard to catch. As his parents often said.
As they said far too much.

Yet this skill only grew with Alexander as he aged. Like any young boy raised with a large garden, he liked to play outside. Back in the Netherlands, he liked to play with games with his friends like hiding and seek, tag, etc. As well as having softball.

Specifically, the latter two were especially prevalent in giving Alexander a certain swiftness. With tag Alexander always managed to be swift enough to just stay out of reach of the other children. Having it so that the was one of the kids who was caught the fewest times.

With softball, however, Alexander's evasiveness was more competitive in nature. Here he learned several qualities. Like being able to hit a fast-moving target (see accuracy stat) but also to prevent being hit. In this game, you are either taken out by being hit directly with a ball that is sent into the field.
Just as with tag, which worked quite similar whilst being chased to the base (safe zone). This was a nice and positive way for him to increase his evasiveness.

A far less nice but more effective form of teaching Alexander to be evasive came when Alexander moved to England from the Netherlands. Here he stood out, a blond Dutch kid who could speak good English for his age but still far inferior to native speakers in the beginning. Furthermore, there was always this sense of weirdness around Alexander.

What this led to of course was bullying, quite a bit of it. And this, in turn, led to Alexander being forced to dodge out of the way of a lot more things. Whether these be nutshells which 'just so happened' to fly in his direction. Trying to prevent being punched at the corner of the school by two other kids. Making use of his agility to tire them out so that they wouldn't continue to chase him or at least continue for a shorter duration.

All these things helped Alexander to become quite an evasive person. Whilst he by no means dodges all projectiles, these experiences and inborn talent have been able to give Alexander certain instincts that help him dodge out of the way of projectiles. It was certainly no spider-sense but when he saw movement coming towards him Alexander manages to react just a second faster than most people. Having learned to think fast and respond even faster. This results in Alexander oftentimes having any projectiles flying just past him as he dodges them
Word Count: 449
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 9
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 4
Arc Power: 6
Accuracy: 8
Total: 35
STATUS: Approved

Memory is all we are. Moments and feelings, captured in amber, strung on filaments of reason. Take a man’s memories and you take all of him. Chip away a memory at a time and you destroy him as surely as if you hammered nail after nail through his skull
28 Apr 2020, 04:12
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ency Link
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Healing Sage
Describe why this fits your character:

Willow had grown up in a muggle witch family that tried to be self sustaining in everything they created. They had a garden out back, and often had their own herbs drying throughout their house. Willow has been learning how to make infused oils, to then create different balms, body butters, and salves that have healing properties from her grandmother and mother from a young age. She has an more advanced knowledge of herbology compared to other kids her age within the muggle realm that she has worked on translating into this new magic realm of hers, trying to commit all of the ingredients and their properties and how they have different purposes when mixed different ways in potions.

Willow is a rambunctious child, she spent her afternoons after school largely independent of her family wandering in the forests near her house. But never too far where they couldn't shout for her to come home. There were trees to be climbed, fallen logs to be crawled through, stone towers to make, and fairies to bring gifts to. It wasn't abnormal for her to fall out of the trees, get stuck in the logs, and have the stone towers fall and give her some bruises. This resulted in her usually coming home with a new bump, bruise, or scratch every time. A sign of successful exploration, in her opinion at least. Luckily, she was able to develop a salve with the help of her grandmother that worked to heal the bumps and bruises better than any over the counter antibiotic that left her nearly scar free. It took her time and experimentation, intense research with different plant properties and how they would work with others, either making it more potent or healing something that the other herb didn't help. Eventually they came up with a catch-all for all of the wounds she usually endured, and she became an expert at making it.

She was quickly running out of it as the exploration hadn't stopped when she got to Hogwarts, in fact it had increased. Luckily, her common room had an ever raging fire, and her family was always wiling to send her ingredients. During one of her free periods of time she took her own cauldron putting coconut oil and shea butter in it and waited for it to melt while ironically doing her potions homework. Once it was melted she placed beeswax in and stirred that until it slowly melted into the other ingredients. Then she did precisely 40 drops of frankincense, 20 drops of helichrysum oil, 20 drops of lavender, and a small amount of Vitamin E. She also added 10 drops of a particularly strong citrus oil of hers to cover the smell of lavender which usually made her sleepy and had it's own benefits. Once it was substantially mixed together she transferred it into a tin and waited for it to solidify before covering it, labeling it, and storing it in her things that she brought around with her on a daily basis. It was a salve that had been created out of necessity, and it had quickly become a regular in her arsenal of salves even for helping friends with their small injuries.

The skills she has learned within her family when it comes to making potions of their own and having the resources and ability to practice when she visited home in making her own remedies has transferred over easily into her potions class. As well as just having a knack for healing spells because they're the easiest for her to get into the mental head space for.

Her family and exploring tendency has bred a healer, and Willow is fully leaning into it.
Word Count: 619
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 6 / Evasion: 5 / Strength: 4 / Wisdom: 8 / ArcPower: 6 / Accuracy: 7
Mod note: pending (owled)
Last edited by Dorion Anderson on 24 Jun 2020, 23:01, edited 3 times in total.

"I don't know whether to cry or scream or do both. It feels like I've done more than enough of both. And it feels like I haven't done enough." - Mason Deaver
Stamina 12 ∴ Evasion 9 ∴ Strength 5 ∴ Wisdom 10 ∵ ArcPower 10 ∵ Accuracy 13
29 Apr 2020, 03:08
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia thread: Ency page :heart:
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Calming Presence
Wren had grown up in a home where she was the mediator. There would be fights constantly, almost every night in her house, between her parents. Every time she would walk into the room, the tension immediately evaporated. Not like the typical, “I don’t want you to see us fighting, tension, but it was gone. Her parents wouldn’t fight, until the next night, when they would start yelling or screaming at each other sometimes for hours if Wren didn’t intervene. She used to be glad that she was an only child because otherwise, another kid just like her would be going through the same thing.

Early on she learned that the sooner she got in there the arguing stopped. Sometimes, when she would be in her room, with her headphones in, she wouldn’t hear them, and they would carry on. They had always argued about the same thing. Money. Am I working enough? Can we pay the bills? When are taxes due and do we have enough money saved for them? And on and on. Wren once got so tired of it and being six she asked them if they needed her money. Now of course they refused, but by then she had quite a bit of money because she was a saver. She had saved at least 1000 American dollars. They then considered it, and after taking it, they claimed they would give it back, but to this day they have not. Wren didn’t mind. She didn’t really need it in the wizarding world.

Her whole family had a drawing to fighting. Her mom was a professional debater in a muggle high school, and her dad was on the opposing team. That was how they had met. In the arguments they had in the kitchen, there were no facts, no organized speech, no ‘turns’, just all-out arguments. Ever since she could remember, every time she walked into the room, all tension was gone. Her parents eventually caught on after her eleventh birthday the summer before she left for Hogwarts and always had her around. Her muggle friends knew she was the one to go to if they had been in a fight with another friend so they would be calmed. You could say, she had a calming presence around others. She enjoyed it and though she still argued, and it did not stop her from arguing with other people, she was glad she could put others at peace.
WWC: 410
||Stamina: 6|| Evasion: 5|| Strength: 6|| Wisdom: 7|| Arcane Power: 5|| Accuracy: 6||
STATUS: Approved

Wren Caster
"The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave."