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31 May 2019, 15:47
Player Stats


Every player has statistics that follow them in Dueling, Quidditch, Broom Racing and Adventures. You choose your stats when you make your character.
  • STAMINA: This serves as a numerical representation of how durable a player is.
  • EVASION: This is how good a player is at avoiding attacks.
  • STRENGTH: This is how physically powerful a player is. This is used in grapple checks, non-magical physical actions.
  • WISDOM: This is a representation of how good someone is at casting a spell, controlling magical items and finding/noticing things that might otherwise remain unseen.
  • ARCANE POWER: Much like how strength demonstrates how powerful a player is physically, this stat is used to determine how powerful a player's magical attacks which are damaging are.
  • ACCURACY: This represents how accurate an action is, physical or magical.
Calculating your Stamina.
Stamina is basically your health pool. Once your Health Pool reaches 0, you are no longer able to duel or play Quidditch. You have passed out. Your stamina is calculated simply. Your stamina is multiplied by 100, so if you have 3 points placed in your stamina then you have 300 health points.

Calculating your Evasion.
The higher your evasion score, the more difficult it is to strike you with an attack be it magical or physical. The calculation for this is simple. Your evasion is the amount you have in your agility pool, this would be added to your evasion or dodge attempt which is always a d20. So if you have 5 in your evasion and a Beater throws a Bludger at you, to avoid this attack the moderator will roll a d20 and add 5 to the result. If your resultant roll with the +5 modifier is greater than the opponent's attack roll with modifiers then the attack would miss.

Calculating your Strength.
Strength is a designation for how physically powerful you are. The higher your strength score, the more damage you can do with your Bludger, the more likely you are to succeed in a grapple check (despite that not being something that can be done in a formal duel street fighting surely has less rules for this sort of thing) and anything that requires a strength check. For every point you place in strength, your physical attacks will do more damage.

Calculating your Wisdom
Wisdom is a reflection of how studious you are as well as how much control you have over your power. This is a Mental statistic.  When a user attempts to use a magical item, often their Wisdom stat becomes relevant. Wisdom is also how you recognize things or hide things, such as noticing if someone cheats, where the snitch is, etc. Your wisdom is calculated simply. For every 1 wisdom you have, checks that require wisdom receive that amount to their roll. So if you were checking to see if your opponent was cheating and your wisdom was 2, then 2 would be added to your check to see if you notice that your opponent is cheating.

Calculating your Arcane Power.
Arcane Power is essentially magic's version of strength. The higher your strength score, the more damage you can do with your spells, the more likely you are to succeed in a check against someone who shares the same core. For every point you place in Arcane Power, your magical attacks will do more damage by 10%. That means if you place 4 points in Arcane Power, your spells would do 40% more damage than your peers.

Calculating your Accuracy.
Accuracy is fairly self-explanatory. Your accuracy determines how likely it is that you will hit an opponent with an attack be it magical or physical. If an attack misses, it does no damage no matter how powerful the attack is. Your accuracy is the amount you have in your accuracy pool, this would be added to your attack attempt to hit which is always a d20. So if you have 5 in your accuracy and as a Beater you throw a Bludger at an opponent, to see if you hit the moderator will roll a d20 and add 5 to the result. If your resultant roll with the +5 modifier is greater than the opponent's evasion roll with modifiers then the attack would hit.

How Do I Acquire Stats?
At the start of each school year or when you start the game you are given base stats which you can place anywhere, creating a unique statistical representation of your character. Every player starts with 30 to 35 stat points that they can place wherever they please. Players that are a special race (think Veela, Dhampire, Metamorphmagus, etc) start with 30 stat points whereas players that elect to remain normal humans start with 35 stat points. Once you pick your stats they can not be decreased, only added to (exception: you registered as human but then apply for a special race/talent).

You can gain stats 3 ways besides this. 
  • By winning an official Quidditch match you can gain 1 stat point. 
  • By winning an official Duel you can gain 1 stat point. 
  • By winning an official Broom Race you can gain 1 stat point. 
  • By graduating and moving on to the next year you can gain 5 stat points.
How many total stats will I have?
The following is how many stats each year gets if they don't win any extra from sports.
  • First Year: 35 for humans, 30 for special race/talent
  • Second Year:  40 for humans, 35 for special race/talent
  • Third Year:  45 for humans, 40 for special race/talent
  • Fourth Year:  50 for humans, 45 for special race/talent
  • Fifth Year:  55 for humans, 50 for special race/talent
  • Sixth Year:  60 for humans, 55 for special race/talent
  • Seventh Year: 65 for humans, 60 for special race/talent
Are There Any CAPS or Restrictions?
Yes, you need to place at least 1 stat point in STAMINA, otherwise, you have 0 health and would start every battle passed out. Beyond that we do have caps which are as follows:
  • First Year:  you cannot have more than 10 points in any one stat.
  • Second Year:  you cannot have more than 10 points in any one stat.
  • Third Year:  you cannot have more than 15 points in any one stat.
  • Fourth Year:  you cannot have more than 15 points in any one stat.
  • Fifth Year:  you cannot have more than 20 points in any one stat.
  • Sixth Year:  you cannot have more than 20 points in any one stat.
  • Seventh Year: you cannot have more than 25 points in any one stat.
  • Adult: You cannot have more than 25 points in any one stat.
Can I have Multiple Builds?
No, the intention is that an excellent Quidditch player is not also a top duelist. You can be good at both but there will be different skill-sets and abilities that facilitate a player's success in one realm over the other.

Where do I post stats?
On your character encyclopedia page and when you are participating in events, duels or quidditch matches displaying them in a Reducio or placing your stats in your signature will make your moderator's job much easier but the only thing required is documentation in the encyclopedia page. Modifying the stats will be punished. It should look as follows:

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

31 May 2019, 15:52
Player Stats
Q&A: Player Stats

Who picks my stats?

You do. You will pick your stats and as you gain more stats you will place them where you feel that you will most likely benefit from them.

What is the best build for me?

That is up to opinion. As the various systems come out, you will notice that certain skills require rolls in certain things. The more stats you have, the better off you will be. Everything is based on a d20 roll, so just because you have higher stats than someone else does not mean that victory is assured, but your chances are at the very least better. 

Regarding heritable traits and learned abilities -- is it the RPers responsibility to remind the moderator that they have a heritable trait, or would it be expected of the moderator to check what heritable traits/skills they have? 

It will be your responsibility to provide your moderator with the relevant abilities, stats and special skills you have. They will be able to also look them up in your encyclopedia but please make moderation as easy as possible for your moderator!

When we are talking about health percentage, is it out of 100? 

Yes. If you have an ability or a skill or an effect that increases or decreases your health by a certain percent that would be of 100%. So if you had 300 health and someone cast a spell that increased your health by 15% that would mean your new health total is 300 * 1.15 = 345

Where are my Stats Kept?

They are kept in the trunk of your Encyclopedia Page

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.