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6 May 2024, 23:46
Sarah Espley | First Year | Hufflepuff

Full Name: Sarah Anne Espley
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 11
Birthday: August 28th, 2012
School Year: 1st
Species: Human
Wand: 22,3 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring.
Favourite colour: Pink
History/Background Story:
Sarah grew up in the industrial city of the midlands. Her father abandoned the family young, when she was just a few months old. Her parents had a falling out, leading to her father not wanting to remain with them anymore. He felt as though he wasn't ready for fatherhood and wanted to go live his life without the constraints of being a parent.

Being a young mother of nineteen, her mother wasn't exactly thrilled when she had her as well. An avid partier, she wasn't really the most interested in the life of her baby. Though she grew to care for Sarah, those first few years of her life would be rough, with her spending most of her time at her nan's house while her mother went off to get party with some lads. Her nan was much more strict, an older woman with a serious glare that could burn holes into your soul. Oftentimes in her early years, she'd be watching her while her grandad would be snoozing off in an armchair while her mum went out to the pub.

In fact, her first instance of magic came during one of these moments. Sarah's first instance of magic occurred at the age of six. She was getting upset that her mother was going to the pub to drink some more (she already had a few beers at this point) and leave her with her grandmother. Her nan was more an old crotchety type of woman, so Sarah would rather have not been left alone in her care. Rather than let her mum go walk out into the pavement, in a moment of sheer panic, her magic caused the beer can to just disappear. Her mother, seeing this, was so surprised that her nearly fell backwards. It ended up being a trick that worked in her favour, as her mum assumed that she was just seeing things and ended up staying home, not wanting to go out further if she was drunk enough to start seeing 'crazy' things. It wasn't until she got her letter years later that her mother finally realized what had happened.

It was this unstable environment that came Sarah. Her mum likes to joke with her sometimes that she came out smiling. She was an excitable child, always chattering up a storm, something she learned from her mother. Despite the poor conditions her family was in, she tried to remain optimistic, appreciating what little she had and what little she could give. Oftentimes, this actually helped as her lack of supervision when she came old enough to start going out on her own really left her with a sense of exploration. The child loved wandering around and seeing what her city had to offer, though she would stay clear off the dangerous parts after one evening when she'd told her mum where she'd been, she got herself a quite serious telling off.

She'd make friends easily, having the gift of not really being socially aware on cues. She has no qualms walking up to people and starting up a nice talk. She'd be the person in the halls who shouts "Mornin'!" to all who past her way.

This kind and loving attitude was born most likely as a way to connect with others. She wants the love that her home life so desperately requires. Her mum, while being a flawed woman, has grown to care for her daughter over the past few years, every once in a while showing some sign of affection.

The nurturing side of her was brought out when her mum got knocked up again, then nine months later, a new baby sister would arrive. Sarah was over the moon with joy, possibly the only one in her family to be. She doted on her new sibling, using her to get that affection and love that she craved. Sometimes even, Sarah was more attentive and caring to her sister than her mother. She played with the baby every chance she could get. She also introduced the baby to her stories.

Sarah has always had an imaginative streak. Her way of escaping her reality whenever it got too much was to dive straight into fantasy. She'd make up little characters, playing with her toys in a way that modeled those little tales inside her head. It was fun for her! A way to portray dynamics and people. Sarah loves people. How they think. How they act. How they feel. It's all so interesting to her! She wants to help people and better understand them, so she makes those stories as a way to fuel connection with others.

Sarah arrived at Hogwarts for the 2023-2024 term, being sorted into Hufflepuff. While quite a forgetful and scatterbrained child, she's doing her best to maintain good relationships and grades while here. She thinks that she wants to go into something with healing, preferably being the one to create new cures for ailments.

Beyond anything else, she loves her people and will do anything for them.
Last edited by Sarah Espley on 7 May 2024, 01:33, edited 1 time in total.

7 May 2024, 00:01
Sarah Espley | First Year | Hufflepuff

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