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7 Apr 2024, 02:32
Basil Venus Murphy  Ilvermorny 
Name: Basil Venus Murphy
School: Ilvermorny
Year: 1st
Appearance: Basil has curly hair that is bright red and is floppy. His eyes are a bright green. He has a good amount of freckles and a tentetive smile. He usually has his trusty satchel with him.

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Personality: Basil is a little shy and kind of an introvert. He likes buring his face in a book and doesn't like to draw attention to himeself. He isn't good with new people but he is working on it for school. Once he warms up to someone then he is kind and funny. He enjoys reading, drawing, and secretly enjoys writing things. He also collects things that he think is important. He sometimes go by Venus.
History:Basil's parents both work with plants and name their children after them. Basil lives in a cottage by a forest that has enough room for him, his younger sister, his parents, and a guest. His room is his private place and he loves hanging his portraits on the walls of it. Basil's younger sister Rose enjoys acting and drawing with her brother. They are 1 year apart and are very close siblings. Basil was 7 when he was in summer camp and was eating lunch with his sister. A kid came over and teased her about her middle name being Amaryllis. Basil told them to go away but the kid turned on him. The person had teased him about his name then thrown his drawing in a puddle. When he touched it the paper dried instantly and no damage was done. They then explained to him more about magic then what they had initially told him. Basil is a little shy because he lived in Britain for the first 8 years of his life before his mum got a job in New York with magical plants. His British accent stands out among American ones. Basil and his sister like their cottage in upstate New York but miss their old house in britain. He sometimes sneaks away on his broom to get away from people and just fly around the countryside.

7 Apr 2024, 02:32
Basil Venus Murphy  Ilvermorny 
Is your character a Broom Racer? Yes
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No
Is your character a Duelist? No
Stats: Stamina 6|Evasion 5|Strength 4|Wisdom 8|Arcane Power 5|Accuracy 7
Abilities: Steady Flyer-
Basil didn't really pick up the habit of flying until they moved. Moving was hard for him as he lost the friends he had made. Making friends was a little hard as Basil is an extrovert. When they moved Basil had been given a present by his parents, a book on flying! Basil had poured over it learning about the right way to mount a broom and the sports that use brooms. Basil had found a broom in the attic of his new house when checking to see if his parents had put his paint collection up there. His parents forbade him from using their old broom. Basil had been very annoyed about it. A few days after his parents had gone off to learn about his mum's new job with magical plants. Basil had gone into the attic and grabbed the broomstick. He had put his flying book in his satchel and grabbed his first aid kit just in case. Basil snuck into the forest and took the book out. Pushing away thoughts that without going to Hogwarts he would never be able to do anything with flying he set the book down and mounted his broomstick the way it told him too. Basil had then kicked his legs on the ground and flown into the air. Basil had been so shocked that he promptly fell off his broom.

A few days later he snuck out again and tried to bring the old broom. Basil had mounted it and then lightly kicked off. He hovered in the air. Confident he then tilted the broom slightly down... and slammed straight into a tree. He wasn't giving up though. He had tried again and again. After slamming into a rock and getting bucked off he called it a day.
Basil continued to sneak out and got steadily better before one day his sister Rose followed him.
"BASIL!" She had scolded me. Basil had flown straight at a tree from surprise. He managed to turn his broomstick so that he was flying to the ground. He had then leveled his broom and touched down.
"Rose, you distracted me!" He yelled. Rose had stormed off and told his parents. Basil had gotten in much trouble and banished from flying ever again. Basil had, of course, not even been close to listening. When summer rolled around he took the old broom and went out to more of the countryside and hills. He mounted his broom and flew around in a circle a few times. He then flew up and down, avoiding birds, people, and trees. His flying became steady and faster for the broom he had. His parents found out and for his 10th birthday they gave him a broomstick. He was surprised but they had a reason. They wanted him to have a safe broom if he was going to fly. Basil became a fast and steady flier though he kept out of sight of other people and still liked drawing and collecting and books.

The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts