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2 Apr 2024, 18:02
Danica Strix  Tenūsa 
Name: Danica Strix
School: Tenūsa
Year: First Year
Status: Pureblood
Danica is a young girl of average height (around 144 cm) and build. She has black hair that tends to curl, brown eyes, and tan skin from hours spent out in the sun. She also wears a fake eyebrow piercing in her right eyebrow since she is not old enough yet for a real eyebrow piercing. As soon as she is, she is planning to get her right eyebrow pierced permanently. Here is a picture from that I took inspiration from:

Danica is a fun loving and adventurous girl, much to her parent's displeasure. She particularly loves spending time with muggle children her age surfing and skateboarding. The only hobby her parents actively encourage her to pursue is kickboxing, which they see as a way to learn self-defense that is not reliant on magic. Despite their many disagreements, Danica's family is extremely important to her, so she keeps their reputation and beliefs in mind when she makes any decision. She is adventurous, but tries to be smart and careful when attempting anything. This leads her to be very decisive, and strong-willed.

Danica Strix is from a pureblood family that moved from England to Australia in the late 1800’s. The way the family story goes is that the move was made by the recently widowed and formidable witch, Calla Strix. Her late husband, Mica, joined together with dark wizards to gain more power. However, the aurors discovered the group and they let Mica take the fall for all their misdeeds. Mica was killed while fleeing and the Strix named was permanently smeared. Calla, pregnant with her fourth child, left the country with her three children to move to Australia rather than live in her home country in shame.

The family settled into Australia quickly and made a good, prosperous life there. Calla made smart investments, mostly in muggle manufacturing, that weathered the economic crisis in the 1890s through the early 1900s. It is said that Calla even married a muggle man once her children were grown and furthering the Strix family wealth. Today, the family still enjoy a comfortable life thanks in large part to Calla’s resilience and wisdom.

One thing even Calla could not overcome was her grief that her children would not attend Hogwarts like she had, and her family before her. When her eldest child came of age, she convinced an esteemed wizard from England to come and tutor her children. Since that tutor, the family has hired a Hogwarts graduate to teach their children ever since.

Danica’s father, Elm, was the eldest child, so he inherited the Strix family estate when his parents left to travel the world, bypassing the United Kingdom. He had rarely traveled, even as a young man, preferring to stay close to home and work to further his family’s name. As such, Danica and her siblings, two older and one younger, also had not traveled often. While this does not seem to bother Danica’s siblings much, Danica has always longed to see more of the world than their city of Perth.

Her family often joked that Danica inherited her adventuring gene from her mother. Danica’s mother, born Veronica Codde, was also born into a pureblood family from England. When Veronica was in her early twenties, she decided to travel the world, eventually coming to Australia. There she met Elm, who she fell in love with and married.

When her oldest sibling, Quinn, was nine, and Danica was five, they performed their first act of accidental magic. Danica’s mother and father were thrilled and planned to host a great party in Quinn’s honor. The day of the party, though, a junior dukun visited the house to formally invite Quinn to attend Tenūsa. The family had declined the offer quickly, but invited the young man to attend the party that was about to begin. Danica, always looking for an adventure, questioned the young man all night about Tenūsa. By the night’s end, Danica knew she would not want to have a tutor like her family, and instead set off for lands unknown.

It would be years before Danica would first perform magic, but one day, when she was almost ten, Danica was out on the beach with some muggle friends. They were surfing, one of Danica’s favorite hobbies, and swimming far from the shore. Suddenly, Danica got swept under a wave and got disoriented. The young girl panicked as she could not figure out which way was up, and suddenly shot up through the water. She gasped and heaved a little, she had unfortunately swallowed some salt water in her panic.

Quickly finding her board, she swam to the beach and went to her bag. Her parents did not want her to surf because they thought it was too much of a risk, so they would not like the story of her first instance of magic at all. They also would not like that any of her muggle friends could have saw her, but none were around her at that point. She spoke to a few of them as she picked up her things and said her goodbyes. As she showered off the sand and changed, she briefly considered lying to her parents, but decided against it. They would not be too mad, she thought to herself.

She was wrong. They were furious, so furious, in fact, that they almost threatened to not host a party in her honor for performing magic. Danica winced as they sent her to her room, wondering how they would react when she told them that she wanted to attend Tenūsa instead of learning from Heath, her sibling’s current tutor. When the dukun came, Danica announced in front of her parents and siblings that she wanted to attend as she had not found a great time to broach the subject before that moment.

Her father argued with her, but her mother stepped in and suggested they let Danica attend the school. It was Danica’s education and should be her choice. Her father relented, but stated Danica could leave only after her tenth birthday. A few weeks later, Danica, her mother, and a dukun started their journey to Tenūsa.

'I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn't know.'
-Mark Twain

2 Apr 2024, 18:02
Danica Strix  Tenūsa 
Is your character a Broom Racer? Yes
Is your character a Quidditch Player? No
Is your character a Duelist? No
Stats: Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 6 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 5 | Arcane Power: 4 | Accuracy: 7
Abilities: None