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24 Nov 2023, 09:59
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

! ╰┈➤ BASICS.
★Kaito cai-toe
★Haru har-hu
★asano asano
★other names sunshine, baby bread, bread
★ name: Kaito haru asano
★ age: 11
★ year: first
★ house:
★ blood: pureblood
★ species: human
★ wand: …
★ d.o.b : 15th march
★ p.o.b : Seoul, Korea

ー portkey.
1. Essentials
2. Trunk
3. Personality
4. Appearance
5. History
6. ooc writer
7. Wardrobe etc.

Last edited by Kaito Asano on 4 Dec 2023, 15:42, edited 6 times in total.

24 Nov 2023, 12:43
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

KAITO's Trunk [ noun. ]
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STA 7 ‎ ⋆ ‎ EVA 7 ‎ ⋆ ‎ STR 7 ‎ ⋆ ‎ WIS 3 ‎ ⋆ ‎ ARC 4 ‎ ⋆ ‎ ACC 7.

Last edited by Kaito Asano on 25 Nov 2023, 09:04, edited 2 times in total.

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24 Nov 2023, 20:36
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

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in 3 words..
grumpy, moody, touchy
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MIND .──────────────── Kaito's fiery spirit burns beneath a veneer of solitude, a self-imposed barrier erected out of fear of the potential consequences of trust. Despite his outward appearance of resilience, he harbors a wariness of opening up to others, a reluctance born from the uncertainty of vulnerability. His sharp tongue, a double-edged sword, becomes both his defense mechanism and a source of trouble, as his unfiltered words can ignite conflicts and burn bridges. In the realm of self-perception, Kaito believes in his own boundless capabilities, fostering an independence that borders on stubbornness. Averse to seeking assistance, he navigates life with a solitary determination, often overlooking the potential benefits of collaboration. His grumpy and moody demeanor acts as a shield, shielding him from the perceived threats of the outside world.

However, within the sacred circle of trust, Kaito undergoes a profound transformation. To his brother, Itzu, his mother, and the close friend Kim Sato, he unveils a different facet of his personality. Here, he is no longer the grumpy and moody individual but transforms into a sweet, charming, and caring soul. The depth of his emotions surfaces, and he becomes an angelic presence for those he holds dear. His shyness manifests as a tendency to retreat behind his hair when encountering new faces, an awkward dance of self-consciousness. Physical touch, a realm often embraced by others, remains a discomfort for Kaito. Hugs and similar expressions of affection are not his forte, a boundary that he guards with a subtle reserve.

Yet, beneath the layers of confidence and independence, a pervasive belief in his inadequacy lurks. This self-doubt propels him to push people away, convinced that he is not worthy of their companionship. In reality, Kaito is a good person with a heart that beats with kindness, a dichotomy that further enriches the complexity of his character. As Kaito navigates the delicate balance between his fiery spirit and the vulnerability he conceals, readers or audiences are invited to witness the intricate dance of human emotions, exploring themes of trust, self-worth, and the transformative power of genuine connections.
strong ; feisty ; moody ; cranky ; sarcastic ; caring ; genuine ; brave ; loyal

Last edited by Kaito Asano on 28 Dec 2023, 01:33, edited 2 times in total.

25 Nov 2023, 09:26
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

As a young child, Kaito was close with the Sato family, the two were both usually seen playing with each other, when Kaito's parents were away. Kaito was a very privileged boy when it came to wealth. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a CEO of a business. Kaito was closer to his mother as a young child, his mother was always there for him even when his mother was busy with work. His father was always on the go, barely stopping to look up to talk to Kaito. Kaito was usually with his helper the whole time. The Asano family was originally from Korea, but moved to England for his father's job. at first kaito didn't mind at all, He was homeschooled by his parents. He liked private studying, it was better than socialising with others.

As a young child, Kaito was bright and smart, always quick to answer when asked a question. However, since his parents were never there for him, Kaito would be forced to be alone for numerous hours in the house, or he'd be stuck with his helper, which was no fun. Kaito longed to be with others, such as the children in his village, but his parents thought the children were filthy and wouldn't allow Kaito to interact with them. However, the Asano family lived near the Sato family, and they were good friends. Kaito would often spend time with the Sato's son, Kim. .
The first instance of magic that Kaito received was when one morning, He was about nine years old. He was sat down on the living room rug, playing with some toy cars. Kaito felt that he really wanted to make it seem like the cars were actually real. As his mother was walking across the living room, she was surprised to see a toy car zip past her, colliding against the wall. She looked up to see Kaito, surprised to see the car which was now stopped. Kaito seemed to have the same reaction as his mother. That night kaito's parents had a chat about the incident.

9 Dec 2023, 14:40
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

>> father - Kenji Asano

>> mother - Juliet Asano
Kaito's childhood bestfriend. one of the only people he trusts, he hasn't seen him for a long time. The two were very close as children however when Kim started to attend Hogwarts the two grew apart. for now he despises kim.
recently met over a class of charms, the two quickly warmed to each other. Kaito is excited to have more interactions with her as she seems nice.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis.
Last edited by Kaito Asano on 28 Dec 2023, 15:36, edited 1 time in total.

27 Dec 2023, 23:26
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !
i wonder what i look like in your eyes
HAIR. Kaito possesses a captivating allure that begins with the luxurious cascade of dark hair that frames his face, a hereditary gift from his father. Despite the inherent beauty of his natural color, Kaito often chooses to experiment with various dyes, perhaps as a means of expressing his ever-evolving identity. As of now, his locks boast a rich black hue that accentuates the depth and intensity of his gaze.
EYES & LIPS. His eyes are the focal point of his countenance, a mesmerizing pair of siren eyes adorned with double eyelids—a distinctive feature inherited from his mother. The irises seem to harbor an ethereal quality, capturing the attention of those who meet his gaze. Kaito takes pride in this resemblance to his mother, cherishing the unique connection it forges between them.

Delicate and inviting, his lips are soft and adorned with a naturally rosy hue, adding a touch of innocence to his appearance. High cheekbones elevate his features, casting shadows that accentuate the play of light across his face. At first glance, he exudes an aura of sweetness, a visage that belies the mischievous spirit that lies beneath the surface.

BODY. Standing at a moderate height, Kaito occupies the space between tall and short, a physical neutrality that complements the enigmatic nature of his character. Yet, despite his outward charm, there exists an undercurrent of insecurity that tinges his self-perception. This insecurity, inexplicable to those who witness his flawless countenance, adds a layer of vulnerability, making Kaito a complex and compelling individual.

As the layers of his persona unfold, the interplay of his physical features and inner complexities creates a character that beckons exploration, inviting readers or audiences to delve into the intricate tapestry of his personality.

28 Dec 2023, 22:43
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

kai kai is typing…
ooc: <3
interacting: @

13 May 2024, 19:31
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !

mtbi n/a
alignment n/a
social extrovert
vice narcissistic
virtue hardworking
───────── PERSONALITY ──────────
ARIA, a name which sounds strong, fitting for her fiery personality. She's someone you don't want to mess with. She is very smart, mostly always right, and hates to be corrected. As she was born into a wealthy family, she usually thinks that she gets everything. She is quite entitled. She's an extrovert which means she isn't afraid to do anything. She can be bossy to people and quite sour, thinking everything is a joke, but may not actually know if she hurt the person or not. On the upside, she can be really nice, kind and sweet to her close friends, showering them with many gifts and cherishing them. her biggest wish is to be perfect
- coco chanel
↳˗ˏˋ. TRAITS. ˊˎ˗ ↴
generous, kind, supportive, funny || rude, bossy, mean, sour
──────── REPUTATION ───────────
Aria is well known to everyone, the one who has flashing blue eyes. When going to a new school, she immediately creates a place for her at the social circle: right at the centre. Being well known and popular feels good to her, yet she isn’t afraid to raise her voice and often spreads rumours about others.

26 May 2024, 12:29
kaito asano ! 1st yr ! gryffindor !
ARIA VON HATEN [ ‘I’m full of it’ ]

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01. essentials
02. looks
03. mental
04. history
05. ooc