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27 Sep 2023, 12:34
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Sophia Serpico-Muscă
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Character Species: Human
Patronus: N/A
Link to the character page:viewtopic.php?f=169&t=29193#p793931

Character Statistics:
  • Stamina 6
  • Evasion 8
  • Strength 4
  • Wisdom 8
  • Arcane Power 5
  • Accuracy 4

Character Backstory:
My name is Sophia Salazar Serpico-Muscă but my friends either call me 'Kiran' 'Serpico' and if they know I'm adopted 'Muscă'. I was born a boy on the 23 Dec 2011 into a family of great power and prestige, the Serpico. They named me Kiran Salazar Serpico. We're Purebloods and value cunning, ambition and loyalty above all else. Everything went well until I turned 6. A group of Dark wizards attacked our manor, stealing our families secrets and artifacts as my family was known for a dark history. They killed my parents when they tried to stop them and left me for dead. I survived by a miracle, and was found by one of our allies, the Muscă's, the Pureblood couple took me to St Mungo's and decided to adopt me as their own as it would break the alliance if they didn't. The Muscă's are a most ancient and most noble Roman family and had a long history of magic and culture. They adopted me magically making me part of their family, as they had thought I was a girl, I still don't know how, they named me Sophia and kept it that way when they adopted me even if it wasn't my birth name. I became their child in every way and was also named their heir as they couldn't have kids of their own. They love me unconditionally, and taught me everything they knew. I grew up in a happy and loving environment as an only child, but I never forgot my true heritage. When I was 10 I had realised that I didn't feel comfortable being called a male but also not a female so I realised that I'm non-binary. I always felt a connection to Hogwarts, and when I received my letter, I was overjoyed. I'm the first person in my adopted family to ever be able to study there, but I could also study where my parents studied. I had developed an interest in wandlore, the study of wands and their properties and Alchemy. I want to learn how wands work, how they chose their owners, and how they affected magic. I have the ambition, cunning and the wisdom and culture of a Serpico.

First Instance of Magic :

I was only 6 years old, and I was playing in the manor when suddenly tripped and fell of the stairs but before I could fall I floated and landed on my but unhurt.

STATUS: Pending - Jake, 28 September
Hi Sophia! Your backstory and everything looks good but you're missing two fields in your encyclopedia. Can you please add Species: Human, and Patronus: (You can leave that one empty until you are older). Once you do that I can accept your application and get you registered!
STATUS: Approved, Jake - 30 September
Last edited by Sophia Salazar Seprico on 29 Sep 2023, 05:34, edited 4 times in total.

Kiran Salazar Serpico-Muscă

28 Sep 2023, 04:10
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Rebecca "Bex" Lark
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: Bex
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 8
Evasion: 3
Strength: 7
Wisdom: 4
Arcane Power: 6
Accuracy: 7

Character Special Race/Talent: Human
Character Backstory:
Bex is the only child of a Muggle mum and a Muggle-born dad. Her parents divorced when she was 6, which led to her spending the school year with her mum in the Muggle world, and the summers with her dad in the Magical one. Bex has always secretly preferred her Muggle school year to her Wizarding summers, which has made her a little apprehensive about starting her first year at Hogwarts.

While Bex's parents both love her dearly, and spoil her perhaps more than is really good for her, their relationship with each other could be charitably described as tense. They made a commitment to co-parenting, but not to enjoying each others company, and Bex has had a long string of increasingly uncomfortable Christmases.

Bex's first instance of magic came when she was four, and was playing games with the girls who lived next door while Bex's mum kept an eye on them. When the older of the two girls accused Bex of cheating, her bucket of toys flew up and upended over the older girls head, before coming down to smack her in the face, giving her a black eye. The girls' parents, assuming she had just personally, physically done this, stopped speaking with Bex's parents and wouldn't allow the girls to play together anymore. This caused one of the first of many fights between her then still-married parents. While her parents relationship truthfully first began to break down when her dad told her mom that he was a wizard, Bex only started to notice the rift after this event, which has led her to quietly blame their divorce on herself.

Bex was born on Valentine's day, which was fun was she was little but just gets both more embarrassing and more annoying the older she gets. Valentine's themed gifts are cute the first time, but far less cute the eleventh time.

First Instance of Magic:
(Also listed as part of her backstory, as it's a core memory)
Bex's first instance of magic came when she was four, and was playing games with the girls who lived next door while Bex's mum kept an eye on them. When the older of the two girls accused Bex of cheating, her bucket of toys flew up and upended over the older girls head, before coming down to smack her in the face, giving her a black eye. The girls' parents, assuming she had just personally, physically done this, stopped speaking with Bex's parents and wouldn't allow the girls to play together anymore.

STATUS: Pending - Jake, 28 September
Hi Bex, your app looks great, but can you please edit your encyclopedia to include
Patronus: ?
You can leave it blank until you're older but it still must be listed in the app.
STATUS: Approved, Jake - 30 September

tatsu is my boyfriend
sta: 8, eva: 3; str: 7; wis: 4; ap: 6; acc: 7 perfectionist xxxxxx
Dialogue: #003060

28 Sep 2023, 10:02
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Astra Moonfaith
School Year or Adult Level: First year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=29210
Character Statistics: Stamina: 2 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 2 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 7
Character Special Race/Talent:
Here is my Metamorph application. So I have distributed 30 stat points in this application.
The Metamorphmagic, that is, the ability to change one's physical appearance at will, has never before appeared in the Moonfaith family. Never. At least as far as Astra knew, and she knew quite a bit, as she loved to delve into the family past. That's why, a couple of days ago, after leaving the Transfigurations class, where this magical ability and its hereditary nature had been explained to them, Astra had been worried. Her father had always assumed that the changes she sometimes experienced were due to this quality, and he had always been proud of it (and so was Astra). But if there was no family history, she couldn't be a metamorphomagus, could she? And it was clear that it did not come from his mother's side, since the Torrestela's were all Muggles.
Worried, she had gone to talk to Proffesor Aarden,the Transfiguration professor that same afternoon and had told him her doubts. She told him how since she was very small, her freckles disappeared when she was very nervous; how her eyes darkened if she was angry or turned an almost impossible sky blue when she was very happy; how her hair turned a fiery red when she was frightened... She also told him that they had always taken it for granted that she was a metamorph, but being the first of the family, no one had taught her to control it, so these changes came and went at the most inopportune moments without her being able to avoid them.
But that same morning, when she discovered that it was a hereditary trait, she had been confused... If there was no metamorphmagi in her family, then what was wrong with her? Was it just involuntary magic, like when she blew up the vases in the living room? Was that why she was unable to control it?
The professor took an interest in everything and reassured her. He assured her that her changes were due to her possessing that quality, and encouraged her to write to her father asking about her family. He was sure that there must be a relative with the gift. He also promised her that she would learn to control it but that she would have to work hard, and he made her see the great responsibility that this ability entailed, for it should never be used to harm someone, for example.
After their talk, Astra had gone, much calmer, to the owlery to send an owl to her father, as the professor had suggested. She supposed that the answer would take a couple more days, but she couldn't help but look up when the owls bringing the mail came in at breakfast. Great was her surprise when a beautiful brown owl landed in front of her with a small parchment rolled up in its leg. Astra nervously untied it and began to read the brief note from her father:
Astra, honey, don't worry about it anymore. Yes, there have been shifters in the family before you, although I think the last one was my great-grandfather Alfred's sister, with whom we never had much dealings. She was a rather lonely and eccentric witch who would scare visitors away by leaning out of the window with a pair of ram's horns on her head, so imagine... I'll tell you more details in the next letter. Now I am sending you these letters so that you can rest assured.
Best regards from your mother and Arwen.
I love you.
Astra smiled as she finished reading, much more serene. And she thought she would go and tell her teacher... Maybe she could start practicing now... She was looking forward to it...

Character Backstory:
Astra's appearance is that of a girl of average height for her age (about 145 cm) and she is quite slim. Her natural hair is coppery, wavy and she likes to wear it long. She has dark aquamarine eyes, pale skin and numerous freckles on her face.
Astra is creative, very calm and peaceful, kind to others, curious (which sometimes gets her into trouble) and very cheerful and optimistic.
She has some flaws: She takes quite badly to be contradicted or not being right about something. Sometimes she is a bit impatient. And sometimes she can be sarcastic or ironic in her comments.
Reading is her favorite hobby. But she enjoys painting and dealing with animals (magical and non-magical).
Astra has always wanted to become a great wand maker, as she is passionate about this branch of magic. She wouldn't mind being a teacher at Hogwarts or another magic school. What is clear to her is that she wants to do something useful for others... although she is still very young, and she knows she has time to decide.
Her parents, Azhor Moonfaith (pure-blooded wizard - British) and Teresa Torrestela (Muggle - Spanish), met during Azhor's trip to Spain. They immediately connected and began a relationship that within a few months ended in marriage. Azhor, a British Auror, requested a transfer to Spain for a period of time. There they married and there they had their first daughter, Astra. When she weas only 6 months old, they moved to London for work.
Astra now has a younger sister, Arwen, who is currently 5 years old, but already shows signs of great magical potential, like her older sister.
Astra studied at home for the first few years and when the time came to attend Hogwarts, she found herself at home from the first moment. She's especially interested in the subjects of Transformations and Charms. She also likes DADA and Care of Magical Creatures.

First Instance of Magic:
Astra soon showed the first signs of great magical ability. At just two years old, little Astra performed her first sign of magic in the following way: After an exhausting day, since she and her mother had spent several hours shopping, it was time for a bath, dinner, and bedtime. But Astra was not willing to go to bed so soon and threw one of her famous tantrums, but this time, it was accompanied by something other than tears and screams... Suddenly the three vases that decorated the living room exploded at the same time, scattering the dried flowers that decorated them. Teresa was so scared that she dropped the pajamas that she was trying to put on her daughter. Even little Astra was so frightened by the noise that she stopped crying immediately and hugged her mother.
When Teresa told Azhor that night what had happened to the vases during their daughter's tantrum, the proud father calmed his wife and they celebrated the event with a glass of wine.

STATUS: Pending - Jake, 28 September
Hi Astra, I'm checking with Professor Aarden on the contents of the app at the moment to see if he'd like edits to be made or to be removed. A reminder for the future that permission is needed before godmodding any prefect or professor, but I will check with him about the current app.
STATUS: Approved, Jake - 19 October
Last edited by Astra Moonfaith on 28 Sep 2023, 19:21, edited 1 time in total.

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

29 Sep 2023, 16:38
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Victor Steiner

School Year: First

Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?p=743225#p743225

Full Name: Victor Alexander Weber Steiner
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 12
Wand: 25,2 cm mayhaw wood and thunderbird tail feather
School Year: 1st
Patronus: Not applicable
Species: Human (pure-blood)

Physical Description: Average height for an 11 year old boy, some 140 cm tall with short, smooth brown hair and grey eyes which stand starkly against pale white skin. Thin, not underweight but not wholly athletic either.

History/Background Story: Born to Isabella and James Steiner, Victor is the eldest child of three, his two siblings are rather different in personality and their interests although not so much so that he doesn't have a good relationship with them. Growing up in Dublin, Victor was Home schooled by his parents until his letter of acceptance into Hogwarts. Victor, like his siblings, was raised Catholic and thus was educated in the Catholic tradition prior to his first magical instance. His parents expected him to enter the clergy should no magic manifest, fortunately this has not been the case. Victor is accustom to seeing a variety of different people and magical animals and although no singular form of magic every really stood out to him and he maintains a vivid imagination as to the possibilities knowledge will bring although it has been made clear to him there are certain expectations when it comes to school. Given the relative emotional distance between him and his parents, Victor takes great comfort in his faith, regarding it as both a guiding force and a bulwark against doubt. Fear of failure and of being considered incompetent is a major driving force in most decisions made by him, this leads him to being somewhat aloof with others and, in worst cases, appear arrogant or dismissive towards them. He is known to be somewhat impatient with people and quick to forget things that don't hold his interest.

When a particularly intense argument broke out between him and his brother over whose turn it was to wash the dishes Victor unintentionally caused water to spray out of the kitchen faucet, dousing his younger brother in water. While unimpressed with the display, his parents were happy to see his magical ability manifest.

Statistics and Abilities

Character Statistics: Stamina - 4 | Evasion - 2| Strength - 4 | Wisdom - 10 | ArcPower - 8 | Accuracy - 7
Spells Acquired


Potions Known


STATUS: Approved - Maya, 1 October

2 Oct 2023, 00:34
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Ella-Margaux Dupuis

School Year or Adult Level: 1st Year

Link to the character page: Beep Beep

Character Statistics:
| 9 | STA
| 6 | EVA
| 1 | STR
| 8 | WIS
| 5 | ARC
| 6 | ACC

Character Special Race/Talent:
Seer application - WC: 508/500
Ella had read about Seers in her family's library, and when she first learned about them, she had since then thought, "How cool would it be to be able to see the future?" Of course, Ella knew that she had Seers in her family: her grandfather on her Dad's side, and a relative on her Mom's side, though Ella had forgotten which one. She had asked her Mom if she knew Seers on her side of the family, but every time Ella asked, her Mom would just shrug and say, "If I do, I wouldn't know, especially if they were still young." Ella sometimes felt like her Mom wasn't being 100% honest but didn't push it.
Ella loved asking her grandfather about Seers. When she was a little younger, every time she visited him, she'd ask him if he had a vision yet. The answer was usually no. A couple of times, her grandfather did have a vision, though Ella was never there to witness them. Whenever the answer was "yes", she'd ask her grandfather if any of them were about her. They never were. In fact, they were almost always unimportant. However, Ella never stopped asking, just in case.
About a year ago, she found a photo of her grandfather when he was much younger, maybe in his 30s or early 40s. The weird part was that his hair was completely grey. Ella had asked her grandfather why his hair was grey in the picture even though he was barely middle-aged at the time. He told her that a seer's hair can turn grey prematurely, like 17-18 years old early. All of a sudden, Ella didn't really want to be a Seer anymore.
And even though she didn't know it, she really was a Seer. A subtle demonstration of this occurred when Ella was 7 when her family had just moved from Normandy, France to Kilmacolm, Scotland. Her family's home in Kilmacolm had a dilapidated staircase, that, even worse, had no rails. It was a very old house, and Ella's parents wanted to repair it, using magic. Ella's oldest brother Georges was coming down the stairs, bringing down a box. He was 15 at the time, so he couldn't bring them down using magic.
Ella wasn't sure why, but something told her that she needed to be at the staircase while her brother was coming down. So she stood and waited for him, not entirely sure why. At that instant, her brother slipped on a loose board and nearly fell down the stairs and broke something, but Ella, feeling like something bad was going to happen, managed to rush up and help him just in time.
Okay. So that wasn't really anything mind-blowing. However, more of these whew-good-thing-I-was-there-or-something-terrible-might've-happened instances happened over the next few years, but it didn't seem like anybody had put two and two together yet. Ella herself based it off on dumb luck, though it might only take a couple of years for her to figure out the truth when she starts having prophecies..

New Character Statistics:
| 4 | STA
| 6 | EVA
| 1 | STR
| 8 | WIS
| 5 | ARC
| 6 | ACC

Character Backstory:
Ella-Margaux, often called Ella, had been living in Normandy, France with her family up until age 7.
She has 3 brothers: Georges, 19, Julien, 13, and Liam, who is almost a year old. Ella is not a social person, but she often likes to play around with her brothers, especially Julien. Her parents are both wizards, making her a pureblood. However, unlike some pureblood families, they are not prejudiced against muggle-borns. Ella lived on a harbour while she was in France, and loves all things nautical because of it. Ella moved to Scotland at age 7, where she lives near her aunt and cousin. Ella knows a lot about the wizarding world, but not much about the muggle world, though she's quite curious about it. She spends a lot of time drawing in her sketchbook, which is her most prized possession. She often likes to draw or sketch people around her when she's bored, though she doesn't normally show them in order to avoid getting into possible trouble. Although she's generally even-tempered and doesn't like fights, she tries not to talk to people if she can avoid it and instead draws them, though that sometimes gets her into trouble. So this year, she vows to take her brother Georges' advice and "get a life".

First Instance of Magic:
Ella‘s first instance of magic occurred when she was 8. She had made a paper aeroplane and threw it at her brother Julien. He tried to grab it, but the aeroplane started flying around as if it had a mind of its own and doing things that didn't seem possible for a regular paper aeroplane to do. Ella was confused at first, but when Julien told their parents, they understood.
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 11 October

"Take my advice: Love life, cherish happiness, and throw paper aeroplanes at people who annoy you."

2 Oct 2023, 01:19
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Kyle Diaz
School Year or Adult Level: 1
Link to the character page: Clackity Clack
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 6
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Character Backstory:
Biography: Kyle is the baby of his entire family, he lives in a 3 floor house sandwhiched in between two buildings in London, England sharing a roof with his large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents, and siblings. It's sae to say there is never a dull moment. His father is Italian of pure blood decent, and his mother is English of muggle decent, since he grew up in such a mixed household he is unknowing of the blood status tension. He gets babied alot by his family since he is youngest, this results in his slight immature personality, though he's not poor he's not that rich either, a middle class family full of love and strong relationships, of course there's drama every once and a while.... 👀 When Kyle was born in Rome, Italy they packed their bags and moved to England as they wanted a new fresh place.
First Instance of Magic: Kyle's first instance of magic was lets say.... not anything he likes to bring up or is very proud of.... 👀 He had gone to the store with his Mom and 10 siblings, at this time he was 3 years old he trailed behind because he had refused to get into the shopping cart, he wanted to prove he was old enough, and he wanted his siblings to stop teasing him about being the "baby." 🍼 even though he was tired he was also very stubborn so he refused to ask. All the siblings were in the toy aisle asking Mom for different new toys, that's when Kyle saw a giraffe in a tutu a he grabbed it immediately and began asking his mom begging her to buy it, but as she told all the kids, she told him "no." But Kyle wanted it so bad so he kept asking only to receive the same answer, he refused to give up and cried and whine until he frustrated himself so much that his face turned red, and steam blew out his ears... literally! Although not very long it was long enough for hi mom to take notice and recognize his first instance of magic! Again not proud of it...

Status: Pending, Beatrice, 11 October
Please include your full history and first instance of magic. At the moment your application is only 149 words and needs to be over 220.

Also please remove the

Code: Select all

coding from your trunk, as we do not allow text smaller than the normal size for moderation purposes.
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 13 October
Last edited by Kyle Diaz on 11 Oct 2023, 21:46, edited 1 time in total.

If salt water heals all wounds I shall live by ocean forever I presume.

3 Oct 2023, 00:15
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): Annabelle Rose
School Year or Adult Level: 1st
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?f=169&t=29298
Character Statistics: Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 |Strength: 5 | Wisdom: 5 | ArcPower: 9 | Accuracy: 6
Character Special Race/Talent: N/A
Character Backstory: On February 14th, 2012, two beautiful baby girls were born to an unknown Russian auror and a wealthy Greek heiress. The father wanted nothing to do with the children and the mother was only 18 at the time, she decided that she still had a lot of things she wanted to do, and apparently taking care of children wasn't on her list of things.. She left her children with her family so they could decide who would take care of them, she did feel bad but she'd rather they are raised in a more stable environment. The grandparents aren't equipped to raise the girls so her aunt Emilie raised them. She were both spoiled endlessly by their aunt and her children, they grew up materialistic and a little brainwashed. One was named Annabelle Lilith Rose and the other was named Arabella Emilie Rose. Annabelle and Arabella were always told that their father was an evil man who hurt their mother, she and her sister grew to despise him and prefer not to talk about him. She was also told that her mother is a filthy blood traitor and preferred to start a family with a halfbreed than be there for her pureblood children, she is a very touchy subject. Annabelle was tutored by only the best and memorized everything she was taught, her family was very proud of her. But she mostly cared about the opinion of her cousin Jade, a former slytherin who now owns her own book shop. She had a normal magical pureblood childhood.
First Instance of Magic: It happened when she was 4, she was with her French tutor and was struggling with a sentence that her sister got right. She was getting very angry and frustrated because that day her aunt was watching in to make sure they were progressing well. Suddenly all of the windows in the room shattered, and since her 4 year old face showed obvious anger everyone knew it was her. She was lightly scolded but also praised for not being a disappointment/squib.
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 11 October

"I prepare for the noble war. I'm calm, I know the secret. I know whats coming and I know no one can stop me not even myself..."
-Tate Langdon

6 Oct 2023, 19:16
Index Registration
Full Name: Lilian Scarlette
House: None yet
Age: 11 years of Age.
Wand: 28,7 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
School Year: 1st
Patronous: None
Species: Human
Character Backstory:
I was raised by magical parents. I have a sister older than me, but just moved out and has her own house. My father works for the ministry(Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures). We have a house elf named Chim who has served our family loyally for years, as well as his ancestors have served my ancestors for years. My mother is a lovely woman. My father is usually busy and going to meetings and working a lot. My sister took care of me(babysat) when my parents were busy or not home, but she usually just would hang out with her friends and check in on me every once in a while.
First instance of magic: One time when I was 9, my older sister just couldn’t stop talking on the telephone about her "real" blonde hair, and her hair is actually dyed not natural, and I was angered by her lies(and felt my fury boil up) and suddenly her hair started falling out in chunks. She is still angry with me.

Character Statistics:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 5
Wisdom: 10
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 5
Spells: none
Potions: none
Abilities: None

Status: Pending, Beatrice, 11 October

Pending (Lear) Oct 27 2023
- We need an encyclopedia post from you.
- Your stats only add up to 30, this would only be an option if you are taking a specialty race (like part Veela or Seer), if you plan to do so, you will need to place the application before Nov. 3 (1 month on site). it would be a part of the Indexing process.
- We need 'more' for a backstory. With your first instance of magic, the total is only 175 words. Some mods do not count the FIOM, meaning technically your word count is less. We need at least 220 words total for a backstory. Please elaborate on your character's life pre-Hogwarts.
Closed (Lear) Nov 12
It has been over a month since the request for edits was made with no edit. No edit also with follow-up. Please make a new application when you are ready to apply.

Ms.Scarlette, Lilian

7 Oct 2023, 15:42
Index Registration
Character Name: Constance Aphelion
School Year or Adult Level: First Year
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=29355
Character Special Race/Talent: None
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 5
Strength: 7
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 6
Character Backstory:
Born and raised in the heart of London, Constance is the only child of Silvanus and Marceline Aphelion. The Aphelion family is a wealthy pureblood family whose linage can be traced back centuries. They take great pride in their blood status and often look down on Muggles. Her family has always taken great pride in their legacy, and that is reflected even in her parents today. Her father works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Department of Magical Education, while her mother stays at home, tending to Constance and their large London flat.

Being an only child, Constance was often the center of her parents’ affection, but that does not mean that her parents were always gentle. They’ve always had high expectations for Constance, both academically and socially. Her mother and father believe Constance is the future of their family, and they treat her as such. Throughout her childhood, Constance was often given etiquette lessons, and was educated on the theory of magic long before she was enrolled in Hogwarts. When she was younger, Constance was often kept at home by her mother, where they would engage in activities such as reading and tending to magical plants. These early years of life were quiet and peaceful, but being the easily excitable girl that Constance is, she yearned for more than just quiet days at home. When she reached the age of nine, Constance’s father would allow her to accompany him to work at the Ministry, where she would observe his daily task for his job and interact with many different witches and wizards. At this age, Constance would also start exploring London more, where she could often be found running around the city looking for adventure.

Despite being raised in a pure-blooded family, Constance holds no prejudice to other blood statuses, unlike the rest of her family. Being a personable girl, Constance wants to be friends with everyone, no matter their background. Before enrolling at Hogwarts, her parents would keep her contact with non-pure blooded wizards and witches to a minimum, but Constance plans to change this during her time at Hogwarts.

First Instance of Magic:
Constance’s first instance of magic happened right under the roof of her home in London at the age of six. She had been playing a game of wizarding chess with her mother. Naturally, an adult is better than a mere six-year-old at wizarding chess. Constance’s mother didn’t believe in letting her daughter win just to make her happy, so she played against Constance to her full potential. To no surprise, Constance was losing horribly to her mother. The feelings of frustration and anger started building up, and Constance was upset that she was performing so horribly against her own mother. As these emotions hit their peak, Constance and her mother heard a shattering sound out of nowhere. Looking over to the nearby table, Constance spotted a vase that had been shattered to pieces. Her frustration had built up so much, and her strong emotions had caused her mother’s vase to shatter on its own.

Status: Pending, Beatrice, 11 October
You are missing important information about your house and school year in your encyclopedia.
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 13 October

8 Oct 2023, 23:46
Index Registration
Character name (First and last name): AJ Adams
School Year or Adult Level: Year One
Link to the character page: viewtopic.php?t=29386
Character Statistics:
Stamina: 8
Evasion: 3
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 8
Arcane Power: 4
Accuracy: 4

Character Backstory: AJ Alexia Adams was born with the name Tara and was adopted in Wales at the age of one by two Muggle parents, Lassie Caitlin Adams and Suvo Jon Adams, who had no clue that their child would grow up to be magical. AJ, after all, was born to two Muggle parents who couldn't take care of them due to their own mental health issues and personal life problems. These Muggle birthparents were way too young, seventeen and eighteen years old in fact, and they were very close with AJ's adopted parents. AJ's adopted mother was best friends with their birthmother's sister. AJ was very loved from the moment they came home. and throughout growing up, throughout all of their ups and downs, AJ's parents never stopped loving them and trying to get them the proper help for their issues. The problem came to when it was time for school. Of course, being adopted and raised by two Mugge parents, AJ went to a Muggle elementary school. Here, they sadly had no friends since everyone saw them as the inadequate, weird kid who couldn't understand social cues and emotions very well. Not that AJ hadn't tried plenty of times already. So, AJ used arts and crafts, rollerblading, dance, taking care of animals, and communing with spirits and spirit animals to get through the rough patches in their childhood. AJ ended up becoming the top of their class at the elementary school moving up ceremony, where it was also revealed that they created an art masterpiece, something out of this world for a mere eleven-year-old. On AJ's eleventh birthday, the letter was delivered by a professor themself stating that AJ was magical and that they were going to Hogwarts. AJ was overjoyed and hoped that this was their chance to finally fit in somewhere. They went shopping in Diagon Alley, and AJ's parents were very supportive of the whole process. AJ's dad, whom they were closest to, even offered to spend the summer looking over AJ's schoolbooks with them. That turned out to be very fun. Finally, it came time for AJ to board the Hogwarts Express train a week later. They tearfully waved goodbye to their parents and ran off to find a quiet compartment to read a book in all the way to a brand new life at Hogwarts.

Character Special Race/Talent: Werewolf: A week before school started, AJ didn't think before doing and decided to go to the park near their house on their own after dark. Due to having autism, AJ didn't always make the best of choices. Sometimes, they would do things without thinking, and they acted on impulse this night, wanting so badly to play on the swings in the dark, where it was finally cool and not super hot from tbe sunlight. It was a bad night to go though. AJ spent the time, playing on the slides at first and then played on the monkey bars, which they absolutely loved. Finally, they decided to relax on the swing and play on their phone. Being a Muggleborn, they were used to having Muggle things such as phones, and they were not at Hogwarts yet where phones didn't work. It was actually quite revitalizing for AJ to be in the park after dark all by themself. But that night, a werewolf who had not forgotten to take their Wolfsbane Potion for the past week and had decided to use the park to wolf out for this full moon since they were a teenage werewolf who had previously been bitten the last full moon and had no clue of what to do or where to go. This teenager happened to live in the same neighborhood as AJ and had not expected anyone to be in the park after hours since normally the park was closed to everyone then. AJ, not thinking first, managed to escape their house and climb over the gate to play on the playground. AJ unfortunately was oblivious to another person trespassing in the park, since the wolf was on the other side of the park. They thought they heard something, but they couldn't see anything in the distance and decided to dismiss the noise. Suddenly, AJ heard a howl and shined a light from their phone in the direction of the noise. They gasped to see a human changing into something that seemed so monstrous and scary. AJ got off the swing and crouched back into the tree line behind to try to hide as they watched in horror as the transformation was completed. But that wasn't the end of it. The werewolf had a much sharper sense of smell and hearing now that they were in their wolf form. They could hear AJ creaking on the falling sticks and twigs within the tree line and came running toward the noises that AJ was making with their feet, no matter how quiet AJ tried to be. AJ suddenly told themselves to forget it and they took off, running all over the place to try to avoid the werewolf. Unfortunately, they didn't get far before they turned around and ran right into the werewolf's path. AJ screamed as they were knocked on the ground and pressed under the werewolf's paw. The werewolf bit right into their forearm, a nice, big, nasty bite. AJ howled until a Werewolf Capture Unit came, which had been alerted by the werewolf's parents, who gave an idea as to where he had gone, Upon seeing that AJ was bit, the Werewolf Capture Unit asked AJ for her parents' information so they could contact their parents. After that, they questioned AJ as to why they were out after dark in a park alone without any parent or guardian at so late at night. AJ told them that they just wanted to spend some time alone in the park after dark when it was much cooler and the heat didn't make the playground sting to play on. This conversation happened as they were transported to St. Mungo's Hospital to be checked out for that bite. Turned out, things were a lot worse for AJ than expected. Of course, this was also all new for AJ's parents, as they were Muggles. They didn't know what to expect, and the information they were about to be given would change all of their lives forever. Unfortunately, the healers at AJ would have no remedy for their fate. From now on, at each full moon, AJ would be doomed to turn into a werewolf. What that werewolf would look like was yet to be determined, but the bite had ensured that they were now a lycanthrope. The healers at St. Mungo's only had one piece of advice, actually two pieces. It was to stay away from AJ when they transformed at each full moon, for AJ would go insane and wild, or for AJ to find someway to get a hold of Wolfsbane Potion for every day for a week before each full moon, so that AJ would at least remain sane when they turned into a werewolf. AJ spent the next week at St. Mungo's, letting their arm heal with the help and practices of the healers. They also got the chance to learn about lycanthropy and the effects of Wolfsbane Potions and what they should do at each full moon. That way, they would be prepared. And AJ's parents vowed to never let AJ go somewhere alone again.

First Instance of Magic: AJ's first instance of magic happened when they were eight years of age. AJ was curious and wanted to prove that they were just as awesome as the other kids in their grade. Therefore, during a game of truth or dare at a sleepover at one of their classmate's houses, AJ agreed to climb to the middle of the tallest ranch outside. Of course, AJ was super nervous. They had no clue what they were doing. But they wanted to fit in so badly that they pressured themself into climbing that tree. Things actually were going great for AJ. They managed to climb to the middle of the tree with their long legs and flexible, light body without issue. But then came the part of coming down from the tree. AJ had only been thinking about going up the tree, but never about what would happen with coming down from the tree. AJ looked down at the ground for the first time of being up in the tree, and that's when their fear of heights kicked in. AJ fainted and fell off of the tree branch that they were holding onto. The kids screamed as AJ plummeted towards the ground, but then a miracle seemed to happen. Just as the adults came out of the house to inspect the ruckus and see AJ fall down to the ground, AJ managed to strangely and surprisingly hit the ground on their feet without a single broken bone or scratch of mark. It was like an angel from God had carried AJ down to the earth and planted them upright so that nothing happened to them. Of course, that wasn't it at all. That was actually AJ's first time of accidentally causing a magical event to happen, because of themself of course.
Status: Pending, Beatrice, 13 October

Why would a werewold choose to wolf out in Diagon Alley, one of the most public and crowded wizarding places for a transformation? Especially in a shop. Werewolves are not trusted, villified and would be contained (or at least stunned) by numerous people before getting to AJ.

I would suggest somewhere quieter with less people who can prevent the attack.
Status: Approved, Beatrice, 17 October
Last edited by AJ Adams on 13 Oct 2023, 21:21, edited 1 time in total.

Always and forever. -Klaus Mikaelson