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31 Jul 2022, 01:12
Ezra Quart, First year, Slytherin
Full Name: Ezra Laurenz Quart (Ez-ra Lor-enz cor-t)
House: Slytherin
Age: 12
Wand: Willow Wood with Unicorn hair, 11 1/4
School Year: 1st
Patronus: undiscovered
Species: Human
History/Background Story: Ezra was born into a pureblood wizarding family. His mom, a witch who was always busy with her job at the ministry and his dad who studied the most bizarre magical plants. His parents were hardworking and busy but never failed to spoil Ezra at any moment they got. Ezra's passion lies with magical creatures, since he was able to read, he has spent many of his days learning as much as he can about these creatures. The moments he wasn't reading he was running around the forest near his woods on a hunt for one of the creatures he had learnt about. Though he had never came across one, he never gave up and had learnt the trails of the forest quickly. When Ezra got his letter from hogwarts he was thrilled. He had always heard stories about his parents time at hogwarts and could not wait for his turn to experience the magic of the school for himself.

Ezra Q