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26 Jan 2021, 11:21
How do I report my problem?
The purpose of this forum is to list bugs and problems you may encounter on the site.

It will allow to better centralize the different uploads and avoid that problems don't come up (because everyone will have thought that I was probably already aware of them) or get lost in places where I don't see them. It will also allow you to see if you are the only one (or not) to encounter this concern.

This forum becomes from now on the obligatory place to report problems: owls, private messages, in other forums or on Discord will not be taken into account.

Each problem must be posted on a dedicated topic, in order to facilitate readability and follow-up, avoiding duplicates. For this reason, check that it has not already been posted; otherwise, you can reply to the topic concerned if it allows to bring clarifications.

I invite all of you not to hesitate to raise concerns! This helps me to improve the site as much as possible and to make it a pleasant space, I count on you!


So that I can most easily correct it, I thank you in advance for detailing as much as possible the concern you encounter:
Description of the problem :
Describe as precisely as possible what is wrong. If it is useful, detail the steps necessary for the bug to appear.

Screenshot :
For graphical bugs, a screenshot is often essential to help me understand what is wrong. Keep in mind that most of the time, the bug is specific to a particular browser or media, and that I can't see it myself!

Error message :
If there is one!

Device and browser used :
Especially for graphical or ergonomics bugs, please indicate with which peripheral (computer, phone, tablet...) and browser (name and version number) you encounter the problem. Don't hesitate to test on several supports, it helps me to know if it happens on all of them, or only on a particular browser.


Finally, a few remarks:
  • the site is managed on a voluntary basis by an amateur who doesn't always have much time, so be compassionate about the processing time and my ability to create more problems than I solve!
  • it is quite possible that I do not solve some problems, or that I refuse to deal with them;
  • to save time, I will not write an acknowledgement of receipt; be assured that all messages will be read, taken into account, and integrated into my to-do list if necessary; no need to worry about a lack of response or to follow up.

22 Jan 2022, 18:55
How do I report my problem?
If someone posts a problem, unless I specifically ask for it, please don't post to indicate that you are also experiencing it.

It generates a lot of notifications for me (which also come to my phone) and it's totally unnecessary 95% of the time ;)