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17 Jan 2021, 00:45
Valentines Dinner

When: Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Where: Astronomy Tower
Event: Valentines Day First Dates

What better setting to meet your sweetie than under the stars on the most romantic day of the year, Valentines Day. Intimate picnics under the stars, this might be the day that you find "the one." Or this might just be another instance of teenage angst and misery.

A sign-up can be found adjacent to your common room entrance. You do not know who placed the sign up there but the words are written in a sparkling pink: Valentines Day Dates Sign up. There are several columns below the header. The first: Name. The second: Year. The third: Your Gender. The fourth: Preferred Gender for Date. The final and the most perilous: Your Crush.

Gender of Character: [While in character you may be questioning, please give us what you are leaning towards presently in character so we can find you an appropriate match]
Gender Seeking:
Crush: (Might be relevant, pick one please.)
As you write your name onto the list with whatever writing implement you had on you or hastily found, you discover whatever you have written down has disappeared. It would appear that this paper is good at keeping secrets, well... sounds like fun in any case.

  • You have until Feb 1 to sign up.
  • You cannot sign up other users without their consent. What do we mean by this? If a character wants to participate out of character but knows in character that they would never sign up, they can out of character agree to have a friend sign them up. A user cannot sign another user up for this event without their out of character consent. Everything here is done with consent and collaboration.
  • Try not to be too confusing or specific with genders because finding you a pairing may be difficult if you are too specific. Remember the [gender seeking gender] is all in character for your student. If you are a transitioned male, you would be considered a male. 'Neither' is intended for those that are gender fluid among others that cannot be defined as male or female. Just remember I am old and easily confused.
  • Please be respectful to one another.
  • When placing the gender of the character you are seeking, you can place "any" to say that you are fine with anything.
  • PG-13 for the love of Merlin. I am too young to read smut!
What to Expect:
Sign ups will be until the first. Then the matching begins. The results should be... interesting. Your choices and crush may be very relevant so please have fun with it. Once a listing is made public of the matches, then starter threads will be made likely within a few days future-dated for the 14th. These threads will have just a starter post from the staff and a PV marker for those in that date. The threads will not be actively moderated by the staff but the circumstances of the thread should be interesting enough to provide you with a character driven mini adventure/drama.

What if I am Taken with a Steady Boy/Girl friend?
You can copy the starter post we made and state you are having a romantic picnic with your sweetie outside of the event itself and enjoy the romantic ambiance.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.
17 Jan 2021, 01:02
Valentines Dinner
Name: Aspen Summers
Year: 1st
Gender of Character: Female
Gender Seeking: Male (Though, anything is fine OOC for *development*)
Crush: Hiram Kantor
Aspen would not have written Hiram's name down
Last edited by Aspen Summers on 29 Jan 2021, 20:23, edited 1 time in total.

Stat Relevant +2 ACC
Wisdom: 5 Stamina: 7 Arcana: 4 Accuracy: 8 Strength: 6 Evasion: 7
The Aspen Collection
17 Jan 2021, 01:03
Valentines Dinner
Name:Michael Miller
Year: 1st
Gender of Character: Boy
Gender Seeking:Boy
Crush: (Might be relevant, pick one please.) Percy Rainwood~

"Do you love me, want me, hate me?" – Olivia Rodrigo
17 Jan 2021, 01:11
Valentines Dinner
Name: Taylor Haywood
Year: First
Gender of Character: Female
Gender Seeking: Either with slight preference for male
Crush: none at the moment
Last edited by Taylor Haywood on 19 Jan 2021, 00:37, edited 1 time in total.

Taylor Pearl Haywood
17 Jan 2021, 01:21
Valentines Dinner
Name: Candace Rovin Dykstra
Year: First
Gender : Female
Gender Seeking : Mal- Female
Natalie M-m-Mock...
17 Jan 2021, 01:24
Valentines Dinner
Name: Elena Jangleton
Year: Third
Gender of Character: Female
Gender Seeking: Male
Crush: Lamik Fillestar

STA: 9| EVA: 10|STR: 6|ArcPower: 5|WIS: 15|ACR: 10
17 Jan 2021, 01:33
Valentines Dinner
Name: Serena Towers
Year: Fourth Year
Gender of Character: Female
Gender Seeking: Male
Crush: Edric Banes N-no one.

Part-Goblin | Evasive Maneuvers | Beastmaster | Paragon of Health
Stamina: 10 | Evasion: 17 | Strength: 3 | Wisdom: 15 | Arcane Power: 10 | Accuracy: 15
17 Jan 2021, 01:47
Valentines Dinner
Name: Katrina Walker
Year: 3
Gender of Character: Female
Gender Seeking: Male
Crush: Adonis Thorn (who I’m not sure is active or not)
OOC: there’s no way that Kat would willingly sign up so her brother is signing her up ;)

>Stats: Sta 9, Evas 8, Str 3, Wis 11, ArcP 9, Acc 6<
>Healing Sage | Perfectionist | Charmer || Leader of SHC| Owner of The Kat Shop<
17 Jan 2021, 01:47
Valentines Dinner
Name: Thea Knott
Year: 3rd year
Gender of Character: Female (she/her pronouns)
Gender Seeking: Any is fine
Crush: if I need one, the closest person would be Cyrus Darsel - Koko Riddle's dNPC; if not, then I guess N/A

Stamina: 8 Evasion: 8 Strength: 6 Wisdom: 6 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 6
17 Jan 2021, 01:52
Valentines Dinner
Name: Haley Rose
Year: 1st
Gender of Character: female
Gender Seeking: male
Crush: Simon Kincaid

The only one who fear death are those with regrets