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30 Apr 2023, 04:34
Cassie Jiang|❤|Second-Year|❤|Ravenclaw
random pfp

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

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10 Jun 2023, 01:28
Cassie Jiang|❤|Second-Year|❤|Ravenclaw
Ability Plan
First Year: Part-Goblin
Second Year: Prodigal Charms
Third Year: Prodigal Potions
Fourth Year: Prodigal Transfiguration
Fifth Year: Prodigal DADA
Sixth Year: Restricted Charms
Seventh Year: Restricted Potions

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

choco froggies buy&sell Wisdom Ball

9 Jul 2023, 02:58
Cassie Jiang|❤|Second-Year|❤|Ravenclaw
Adulthood planning

Path 1: Nature and Science:
Astronomy Research Aide-- Novice Astronomer-- Astronomer-- Renowned Astronomer

Path 2: Ministry and Politics
not decided yet

Ravenclaw is an ordinary house, but students there combine all the best traits of all houses!

choco froggies buy&sell Wisdom Ball