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10 Sep 2021, 16:41
Fowls Run Afoul!  Errand 
Members of our group; @Noah Jupe @Earl gray @Michael Miller and I
Link to your post; viewtopic.php?p=285298#p285298
Word count; Clair Fernandez (701) Earl Gray (500) Michael Miller (540)Noah Jupe (476)
Statues; Finished (we have finished what we need but are still Rp!)


14 Sep 2021, 17:39
Fowls Run Afoul!  Errand 
Group Members: @Rose Moon and Henry Knight
Link To the Post: Here
Word Counts: Rose: 436/400 Henry: 694/400
Completion Status: Both Completed

"There's no such thing as strange creatures, only blinked people" - Newt Scamander

20 Sep 2021, 07:17
Fowls Run Afoul!  Errand 
Members of your group: Me and @Seren Yong
Link to your post: click
Geoffrey WC: 737/400
Seren WC: 520/400
Completion Status: Complete (RP is still ongoing though)

Sta · 7 | Eva · 7 | Str · 5 | Wis · 5 | Arc · 5 | Acc · 6

25 Sep 2021, 16:20
Fowls Run Afoul!  Errand 
MEMBERS: @Cody Stevenson and @Juniper Kelly
LINK TO POST: Honk Honk!
Cody WC: 1072/400 word count done
Juniper WC: 1060/400 word count done

EDIT 1, September 25th: Edited first post so it was 414 words instead of 333 as we started late, and needed to get to the deadline.
EDIT 2, September 26th: Juniper posted, word count is complete for both players. Story is not complete.
Edit 3, September 26th: Posted, several minutes before it became midnight our time. (EST) and gained 424 words. Juniper is racing against the clock here, to try to complete that post. Therefore, ending the majority of that thread.
Edit 4, September 27th at 12:07 am: Both Cody and Juniper posted within twenty minutes. Increasing their word count, and well- maybe Cody killed a few geese.
Edit 5: September 27th at 12: 15 am: Juniper has posted her final post, Cody posted his final post before hers. Status updated to complete, word count went up to 1060

29 Sep 2021, 00:08
Fowls Run Afoul!  Errand 

All people who have surpassed the word count will be receiving their rewards shortly, which I believe is almost everyone. Thank you for participating in our errand, I'm sure there will be many more to come :)

If there were any mistakes in the given rewards, please contact me via owl. Thank you all for participating

“This is only a foretaste of what is to come, and only the shadow of what is going to be.”
Stamina: 9 / Evasion: 10 / Strength: 9/ Wisdom: 7 / Arcane Power: 7 / Accuracy: 11