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1 May 2024, 11:17
House Cup  April 
Ravenclaw is Back in the Winner Seat


Ravenclaw consistently excels in academics so it should be no surprise that Ravenclaw has again taken the House Cup. Ravenclaw has cleanly taken the win with 1147 house points for the month of April. Their closest competitor, in second place, was Slytherin who has not taken the cup since May of 2023 with 1041 house points. This was followed by last month's cup winner, Gryffindor with 943 house points. Gryffindor was followed closely by Hufflepuff with 900 points.

Our top earners of April: In first place is @Mylo Atkins, a first-year Ravenclaw who earned 95 points. Thanks in part to his efforts, Ravenclaw's House Cup was secured. In second place is first-year @Alice de Villiers, another Ravenclaw who earned 75 house points and in third place was yet another Ravenclaw @Andy Loggins, another first-year who has not went unnoticed by the professors who earned 64 house points.

Our top earners of April will be given a free pet of their choice. They will have to do a roleplay acquiring the pet as per our pet system rules but we will not charge them. All students of the winning house who have earned their house a minimum of 17 house points will be given 10 galleons. (Those who qualify for both will get a free pet and 10 galleons).

Next month, the top six earners will be taking part in the Summer Planning Committee for the summer camp. They will have the opportunity to organise a summer camp events, which iNPCs from all schools in attendance. Camp takes place in July or August (up to staff as it lines up with quidditch, duelling etc). Please note: this is not a ball. Rather, students get the chance to organise official events in the camp that would go on the camp timeline. All students of winning house who have earned their house a minimum of 17 house points will be given 102 chocolate frogs (worth 10 galleons with sell-back). (Those who will qualify will get to organise the events and get 102 frogs)

For those that want more information regarding monthly rewards, please refer to [THIS THREAD] for more information.

There is something about ambition, how it not only propels you but also defines you.