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19 Apr 2024, 11:09
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Elisa Shakestra
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
House: Slytherin
Link to Encyclopedia: BOOM
Reason for Reapplication: I want to add @Renelle Dalton as Elisa's 2nd cousin
Aetos Shakestra (Elisa's Father) and Enola Delluchi (Renelle's mother) were first cousins who were very close during their youth, even after living away from each other and being interested in different fields, They both always found a way to continue their bond but things got worse when Aetos started getting influenced by the pureblood customs to the fact that he would judge his own cousin, Enola for her dissaproval of Dark Arts.

But everything got even worse when Enola ran away from Italy due to her dissaproval of Dark Arts which caused a lot of her family members including Aetos to not approve her. Years after her dissapearance, Aetos finally got sight of her again in the Ministry where she had started to work.

After further searching, Aetos found out of how his once beloved cousin, Enola had married a halfblood whom Aetos deemed was filthy and had kids with the halfblood. This newly found information was enough to increase Aetos's hatred for Enola to the fact that there was no way to repair their broken relation which once used to be a strong bond.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 20 April

“Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

19 Apr 2024, 13:14
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Renelle Dalton
School Year or Adult Level: 1st year
House: Ravenclaw
Link to Encyclopedia: Click me
Reason for Reapplication: Adding @Elisa Shakestra as Renelle’s 2nd cousin
Aetos Shakestra (Elisa's Father) and Enola Delluchi (Renelle's mother) were first cousins who were very close during their youth, even after living away from each other and being interested in different fields, They both always found a way to continue their bond but things got worse when Aetos started getting influenced by the pureblood customs to the fact that he would judge his own cousin, Enola for her dissaproval of Dark Arts.

But everything got even worse when Enola ran away from Italy due to her dissaproval of Dark Arts which caused a lot of her family members including Aetos to not approve her. Years after her dissapearance, Aetos finally got sight of her again in the Ministry where she had started to work.

After further searching, Aetos found out of how his once beloved cousin, Enola had married a halfblood whom Aetos deemed was filthy and had kids with the halfblood. This newly found information was enough to increase Aetos's hatred for Enola to the fact that there was no way to repair their broken relation which once used to be a strong bond.
Status: Pending, Dusana, 20 April

I cannot find your backstory in your ency, and as such cannot reindex you without it. Please add the backstory in so I can approve.
Status: Approved, Dusana, 21 April

Am I mad? Or bad? Or wise?

22 Apr 2024, 17:34
Index Re-Application
Character Name (First and last name): Finnegan Conner
School Year or Adult Level: 2nd year
House: Gryffindor
Link to Encyclopedia: Clickedy click...
Reason for Reapplication: name change request. Finnegan's surname was always supposed to be Connor, not Conner. Conner was a typo. I posted a question in #hogwarts-help on the discord here. That message includes links going back to 2022 showing it was a mistake. I've just never gotten around to fixing this.

There is no IC motivation for this change. It was an OOC typo and frankly, half the people I thread with write it as Connor anyway (understandably). It's a very small change that has no IC impact. The only change is that I will (of course) use the new spelling in all future threads/posts.

I wasn't sure whether to request this first and then update my ency or vice versa. Since it's only like 4-5 changes, I went ahead and updated my ency already.
STATUS: Approved, Opeila 22/04