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29 Mar 2024, 00:26
Liam Morgan - First Year - Ravenclaw
Full Name: Liam Morgan
House: Ravenclaw
Age: 11
Wand: 30,0 cm walnut wood and wampus cat hair
School Year: First Year
Patronus: N/A
Species: Werewolf??
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 4
Strength: 10
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 2
Accuracy: 4


About Me

My name is Liam Morgan. I was born September 9th to Jonathan and Rebecca Morgan. I'm a perfect mix between my parents. I have my father's eyes, which I conceal by wearing brown colored contact lenses , I also have his hair, but I have my mom's smile and stature. I love wearing sweaters over collared shirts. i wear glasses whenever im reading a book. I lived a very secluded lifestyle because my father felt more better away from other people hoping to keep them safe for the times he changes and because of this I have a hard time making friends since I've had very little interaction with other kids my age do to the lack of interaction I eventually developed social anxiety which is why i developed a love for reading. I love reading and receiving new books. I could read them for hours. My favorite type of book to read is anything that I can gain knowledge from. I read books to better help with my lack of social skills, but I'd rather be reading a good book than with a huge group of people. I read different books to make it feel like I'm a part of something instead of an outcast. I like being able to put myself into the time and shoes the story is written about. My favorite place in the entire world to be is in a library. I love the smell of new books, and there are so many books in the library. I want to know what each story has to tell. I was raised in a secluded lifestyle with just my parents but i didn't mind since they were the best

My all-time favorite quote is - The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing by Socrates

First Instance of Magic

On his seventh birthday, he got a brand new book from his mother he took it went to his reading chair, and took a seat he started reading his new book then he reached over to get his glasses that he wear when he is readinh and when he turned back he noticed the pages of the books where turning on their own
Last edited by Liam Morgan on 2 Apr 2024, 12:52, edited 7 times in total.

29 Mar 2024, 01:12
Liam Morgan - First Year - Ravenclaw

Stamina: 5
Evasion: 4
Strength: 10
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 2
Accuracy: 4



Last edited by Liam Morgan on 29 Mar 2024, 23:13, edited 1 time in total.

29 Mar 2024, 01:17
Liam Morgan - First Year - Ravenclaw

Johnathan Morgan


Johnathan was born to Lisa and Alex Morgan his father had been bitten by a werewolf when he was a young boy. He grew a normal life until he became a teenager, and that's when his life took a turn for the worst. he started to lose his friends since he stopped hanging out of fear of his growing wolf tendencies he got from his father who was the one that bit hime. As he turned 20, he continued to live a secluded lifestyle in a house deep in the woods. He loved being outdoors, going for walks, and fishing, but he was sad because he was always alone he always wished he had someone he could carry out his life with but always felt like that wasn't going to happen because of his lifestyle. On the 9th of January, his life changed once again when he finally found someone who was the one he was meant to be with and on the 9th of October

Rebecca Morgan


Rebecca was born August 8 to her parents, Melissa and Sean. She was raised a normal life she liked to read, write, and make friends. she would spend time with her mom in the kitchen or outside with her father when he had time off of his job. He was usually caught up on job trips but loved making his daughter happy. As she grew older and graduated from school and her friends moved away, she started to feel a sense of loneliness, starting to grow inside her. She took a walk one day to clear her mind when she was grabbed by a stranger who was there that she knew was there to protect her. From that day on, they knew they were in love when her parents met him they took a liking to him, and her parents also knew they were a good fit even though they didn't know his secert. when he proposed, she immediately said yes, and her parents were absolutely happy for them. one her wedding day, her father was there to give her away. they made him a new part of their family. On October 9th, she had her first child.
Last edited by Liam Morgan on 30 Mar 2024, 00:02, edited 1 time in total.

29 Mar 2024, 20:57
Liam Morgan - First Year - Ravenclaw


It was a cool autumn evening. My father took me outside for some fresh air as my mom cooked. My father knew of the full moon that night, so he had taken the wolfsbane potion in advance like he always did, but he was unaware of what was going to happen that exact evening. As we were out he took me on a stroll and on that stroll, everything changed they had an unexpected visitor to my father's horror it was the same werewolf that had bitten him when he was younger she was shocked since he hadn't seen it in a long time but he had a feeling what was about to happen so he went to get me inside so I would be it was too but before he knew it. it was too late. I had been bitten too, so he rushed me inside and told my mom what happened outside, and being a witch knew exactly what to do to help. she went to the cabinet she had stocked with different herbs she grabbed some powdered silver and dittany and used it to stop the bleeding as I grew older my memories of that night faded but I continued to live on having a scar as a reminder of my parents agreed not to tell me that story because they didn't want me to be scared but one day my eye color changed they became just like my fathers. when he told me about the events, I became self-conscious and started wearing brown colored contact lenses. I had already felt different since I had been raised so far away and had little interaction with other kids my age I had no friends and had developed social anxiety whenever I did go into town with my mother. my favorite place was the library since reading became something that brought me great joy. I was more than just a hobby to me I had found out reading helped me gain a sense of relief and since I preferred reading over being in gatherings with other people I'd find myself getting lost in the words on the pages I also felt like I could put myself into the shoes of the character would read about id end up sitting there for hours just scanning the pages of the book enjoying the story but I found out I had a particular kind of book I liked it was any book that I could learn new things from I loved to learn new information and I found reading a great way to learn more. on my birthdays or just if my parents wanted to get me a gift I would always get a new book that I could add to my collection of different books i loved the smell of a new book and how it felt in my hands each book had a different story to tell and I was eager to listen to what they had to say. on my seventh birthday, I received a new book so I went to my reading chair and got comfortable but I didn't know my life was about to change again I reached over to pick up the glasses I wear when reading, and when I turned back I found the pages of the book turning on their own.