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9 Mar 2024, 23:59
Mila Supardi  Tenūsa 
ImageCredits to Ernest Baird
Name: Mila Supardi
School: Tenūsa
Year: First Year
Status: Muggle-born
Appearance: Mila is an averagely tall Southeast Asian girl with slightly wavy dark hair, soft-like facial features, and chestnut brown eyes. Her distinctive mark happens to be her tiny cheek dimples, which are visible when she smiles. As for clothings, most of them match the aesthetic that she likes—indie. But aside from that, she always tries to wear cute, or colourful outfits and tend to overdresses when it comes to grand occasions.
Personality: Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll. She is quite friendly towards others and often helps people when she can. On the negative side, she tends to be a people-pleaser, having difficulty saying no to others, yet she’s surprisingly rebellious when people try to control her, but she’s pretty subtle about it.
Mila Lestari Supardi was born on January 29th, 2012, in the eastern part of Borneo, Indonesia, into an upper middle-class muggle family. Growing up there, she was raised in a conservative Roman Catholic upbringing and attended an all-girl Catholic school in Balikpapan, where she aced all her classes, participated in religious activities, and became an honourable member of the school’s organisation. Among her peers, she was everything their parents wanted them to be—friendly, kind, obedient, and smart.

Despite projecting the persona of the favoured child, evoking envy amongst her siblings, she secretly had an interest in spiritual practices her parents deemed unacceptable due to their Catholic beliefs. It was her aunt who introduced her to all of these, and she found herself having a deep interest in astrology and tarot reading, making multiple charts, and trying to interpret the cards her aunt bought her every chance she got.

One day, something strange happened to her when she was ten: the tarot cards, given by his aunt during her eighth birthday, managed to move from her cabinet to her bed without her slightest touch, which confused Mila and led a junior dukun to make a formal visit to her house. The dukun had to explain to the sceptical parents about the wizarding world and prove to them that Tenūsa was, in fact, a real place.

Mila’s parents felt reluctant about this and were disappointed that her daughter must go down a different path of faith, but in the end, they agreed to let her attend Tenusa at the age of eleven. Meanwhile, Mila’s relationship with her elder siblings got even rougher when they found out that she was accepted into a magical school. Could she find a way to amend their relationship after she went to her new school? Would she survive in a school far away from her home and adjust to the new world she was introduced to? Find out in Disney Channel! UwU

10 Mar 2024, 00:00
Mila Supardi  Tenūsa 
Is your character a broom racer? No
Is your character a quidditch player? Yes
Is your character a duelist? No
Stats: Stamina 7 | Evasion 10 | Strength 3 | Arc Power 2 | Accuracy 10 | Wisdom 3
The Muggle Condition
Being a muggle-born, it was obvious that Mila possessed a distinct advantage and disadvantage over some of her wizarding peers due to being intimately familiar with the muggle world. She grew up in a non-magical environment for all her childhood years, and developed a deep understanding of muggle customs, technologies, and societal norms that can often elude even the most well-educated purebloods. It was a matter of fact that she must put her muggle knowledge to use and thrive in the new world she was forced to adapt to. Mila was quite grateful that she was accepted into Tenūsa. It was something like a fantasy she've dreamed of, learning the mysterious wonder of magic as well as delving more into divination, but she can’t quite grasp the fact that she’ll be here for seven years without her constant companion in her daily life, an iPhone 14 that was bought by her parents as a reward for getting Silver in Science Olympiad.

It wasn’t just the absence of her comfort that gave her pause; the stark contrast between the bustling, technology-driven world she knew and the ancient tropical environment of Tenusa made her realise that she must adapt to the way of life in the wizarding world. She has to get used to killing mosquitoes that are swarming around the area (let’s be real, Tenusa definitely has a lot of them due to their location), lighting up candles instead of turning on a light switch (she could use a flashlight that she kept while staying in Tenūsa but alas, the battery she used won’t last for a couple of months in the school), finding another way to entertain herself without technology, and using parchment scrolls or owls in the school instead of texting. About finding entertainment, sure, she may spend her time there writing down her observations of her friends based on their birth dates, reading some tarot cards she could borrow from the school, or getting into palmistry, but sometimes it does take a lot of her spiritual energy, which she really didn’t want to waste for her remaining school years in the Oceania wizarding school.

Don’t get her wrong, there are many good things about the school, like the fact that she has much freedom to do anything (other than breaking rules and getting called mudblood by her own housemates), discovering new hobbies such as tropical alchemy, calligraphy (not your typical muggle calligraphy, for your information), and playing Quidditch, for which she proudly became a representative chaser for her school—but Mila couldn’t help to leave the thing that has been part of her ever since she was born. Being a non-magical person biologically has already shaped her into who she is. So even at the end of the day, she’s always going to be a muggle-born, and that’s okay. She always tried her best to keep control of using magic, and non-magic chores came easier to her than to those magical students who rely solely on magic.

WC - 498

The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts