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8 Feb 2024, 16:37
Charms, Hexes, and Curses  Lore 
General Information
Magic comes in all shapes and sizes--no two spells are the same, and magic as an art can be split into three distinct portions. Charms, hexes, and curses are the three types of magic; distinct in their intent and how they manifest their effects.
A charm, or an enchantment, is a spell that alters the way an object functions. In simple terms, a charm focuses on what an object does, rather than what an object is. This distinction is important to make, as a transfiguration spell is considered separate from a charm due to their ability to alter an object's physical form.

A few notable charms include the unlocking charm (Alohamora), the memory charm (Obliviate), and the mending charm (Reparo).
Hexes are a type of dark magic, of which there are three--jinxes, hexes, and curses. While hexes are less vindictive than curses, they are more poorly-intentioned than jinxes are. Hexes aim to inflict moderate suffering to the victim, and can be countered by the hex-deflecting charm Salvio hexia.

Prominent hexes include the impediment hex (Impedimenta), the stickfast hex (Colloshoo), and the tickling hex (Titillando).
A jinx is somewhat similar to a hex in its more dark intent, but jinxes are mostly aimed at creating humor or otherwise causing the target to be inconvenienced.

Some notable jinxes include the dangling jinx (Levicorpus), the insect jinx (Entomorphis), and the pumpkin-head jinx (Melofors).
By far the worst type of magic, and the most evil, is a curse. Curses aim to torture the victim, causing immense suffering and often being utilized as torture methods. Though Hogwarts students are taught some curses, the ones they learn are minor curses purely for use as defensive spells. Students are taught curses like the full body-bind curse (Petrificus totalus), the leg-locker curse (Locomotor mortis), and blasting curse (Confringo).

Most focus on curses is concentrated on the three Unforgivable Curses. These curses, whose use is punishable by law, are forbidden to use. Students are not taught these spells and adults who use them face legal repercussions. These curses are as follows: the Cruciatus Curse (Crucio), which inflicts immense physical pain on the target, often causing brain damage from prolonged use; the Imperius Curse (Imperio), which places a victim completely under the control of the caster; and the Killing Curse (Avada kedavra), which, as its name implies, slaughters the victim. These three curses are illegal.

Curses may also be placed upon objects and passed along to those unlucky enough to come in physical contact with them. When curses are performed, the caster must maintain eye contact with the subject.
Fortunately, counter-curses exist to remove the effects of curses and other dark charms. Much like when performing curses, the caster of a counter-curse must maintain eye contact with the subject. Most common jinxes and curses do have a corresponding counter-curse: two notable ones are the counter-curse to the dangling jinx (Liberacorpus) and the counter-curse to both the stunning spell and the full-body bind (Renneverate). Curiously, some counter-curses can combat the effects of multiple spells, such as in the case of Renneverate.
As previously stated, objects can have curses cast upon them. These curses will cause the objects to pass on magical energy when touched, often causing the finder to be afflicted with some kind of jinx or hex. For instance, a well-documented cursed opal necklace that had once resided in Borgin and Burkes found its way onto Hogwarts grounds in a 1996 incident--a student touched the opal necklace and was immediately cursed, as the necklace had been intended to kill those who touched it without hand protection. Said student, having only barely touched the object, spent much of the following school year in St. Mungo's Hospital recovering from injuries sustained from the necklace.

Due to the danger that cursed objects hold, it is always imperative to handle such figures with care. Gloves should always be work, and protective measures should be taken when handling such items in any capacity.
Considered to be the most horrible of all dark magic, a Horcrux is an object in which magic has been used to hide a portion of a witch or wizard's soul. In order to become immortal, the caster is required to commit a murder; the most evil of all deeds. After the murder is carried out, a Horcrux may be created, and a portion of the soul will be channeled into any object chosen. Due to their precious nature, Horcruxes are often reinforced with charms and concealment methods, and are incredibly durable. Because of the magic harnessed within them, Horcruxes can only be destroyed via incredibly specific means, such as using Basilisk venom or Fiendfyre.

The first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece. Perhaps the most well-known dark wizard to have split their soul is Lord Voldemort, who successfully split his soul into seven parts.
*Lore by Sabine Blumenthal

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