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4 Feb 2018, 12:20
Where does this website come from?
A new Harry Potter role-play website in 2018? How silly! is, in fact, a translated version of the French website (Poudlard means Hogwarts in French)!

I created in 2005, when I was still a middle school student myself. Year after year, a very nice community grew: there is today +500,000 messages on it. However, 10 years later, the website began to feel a little old... 2 years of work (2,500 hours!) later, we opened a new version.

During that time I thought it would be a nice challenge to translate it in English! After the launch of the new French version on 2017 Christmas Day, 10 players helped me to translate every piece of it, and to create the first topics to welcome you. A month later, was born!

Of course, we are not native speakers, that's why some translations or sentences (probably this one!) are sometimes odd or incorrect. Please, owl me to help me fix it!

The French website already have a very rich story, its characters, events, games and rules... But we wanted to be more than a simple translation: we want it to be an own independent website, with its own background story, its own team and inventions! 

We can't wait to see what will appear here ;)