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11 Jul 2022, 10:05
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
Glenys Urquhart
Full Name:
Glenys Aurora Urquhart

Date of Birth:


Parselmouth (Human)
(She doesn't know that yet though)

Blood Status:



Gender ❀ Pronouns:
Female ❀ She/Her

Who knows. She's eleven;
She definitely doesn't care one whit about any of that yet

20,9 cm aspen wood and snallygaster heartstring

Hogwarts House:

School Year:

Not applicable yet
Pre-Hogwarts History:
The first two to three years of her life, Glen grew up near Inverness, though she doesn't exactly recall any of that. She's seen pictures though. When exactly they moved to Edinburgh is up for debate but the official date was probably when her dads got married and they finally sold the old house. They did spend a significant amount of time (most of it) already living in Papa's flat before the wedding, so. They don't really have a date her dads consider a moving-in date.

Her two dads are all the parents she knows and - in her opinion - all the parents she needs. She knows that there's a birth mother out there who she's met a handful of time. (She’s more like a weird auntie.) Both her and her maternal grandmother had been there when her Papa officially adopted her when she was six. [There had been both a “parental responsibility agreement” thing and a residency agreement before the adoption, as her mother had not felt ready for a child. Glen doesn't really know what that meant in particular, she just knew that she grew up with her dads.]

Anyway, they moved to Edinburgh and that's her home her whole life as far as she remembers. At first they moved into papa's flat but that flat was not made with three people in mind. So, as she grew older, the moved from High Street to the suburbs.

The suburbs are awesome in that Glen is allowed to run around outside on her own with other neighbourhood kids, but she does miss the 'hustle and bustle' of the city - she had liked watching the street through the window and imagining people's lives as they passed by. (She made a game out of making it as ridiculous as possible. It'd been fun.)

The school was certainly a good bit smaller as one in the middle of the city would've been. While she mostly found primary school relatively easy, she was never at the top of her class. She didn't dislike school and she was interested in learning, but she still cared more about playing with her friends than studying.

Due to her family Glenys speaks English, some German and she can say a few phrases like hello in both Japanese and Icelandic though she is in no way proficient.

Glen likes to paint - not draw, paint. - and it is quite common for her to have flecks of colour on her from that. She likes colours.

She's equally happy to spent time with friends as she is alone. She's not a loner, really, but she's also not the type to feel lonely, which used to baffle her papa.

She hates chocolate with a passion. Don't get her wrong, sweets are awesome and she loves them. Chocolate is just ... no. Just no. (Her dad is of the opinion that that's because she once broke into his stash and ate so much she puked all of it back out, but she doesn't remember that, so she doesn't believe him. She can't imagine ever having voluntarily eaten chocolate.)

She doesn't like tv much. Movies are okay, but tv series (especially those for children) are too short for it to be worth it to sit down for them. Books are... they exist. She's okay with reading when she has to, but it'll never be her favourite past time. Audiobooks, however, are nice to listen to while painting.

She's looking forward to going to Hogwarts, but she knows she'll miss her friends. A lot. (She already misses them whenever they're on vacation.) But she will make new friends, she's sure of it.

First Magic Instance
The first time Glenys used magic, she was six and trying to dye her hair with water colours. Obviously, that did not work. In the ensuing tantrum, she did not manage to turn her own hair green, as she had tried to do with the water colours, instead her angry yelling summoned her dad and somehow she managed to turn his hair green for about 3 minutes, which had only upset her further at the time, until her papa managed to distract her and calm her down.

While it would not be the last time she tried to dye her hair in such a way, she never figured out a way to do it and she never managed to replicate the feat of dying her dad's hair, either.

Currently her normally 'boring' darkish blonde/light brown hair is dyed purple. After the third time in four years she had tried to use water colours, her dads had relented and allowed her to let her hair be dyed – safely. (They weren't exactly a fan of it, but they had all learned to pick their battles over the years, and that hadn't been a hill her dads thought it worth to metaphorically die on.)
Her straight hair is relatively long, and she mostly wears it loose with bangs covering her forehead. Occasionally she'll wear braids or a ponytail while painting.
She's taller than average for her age. Her grey eyes she gets from her mother, though their shape is more reminiscent of her dad.
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Last edited by Glenys Urquhart on 3 Aug 2022, 21:30, edited 16 times in total.

11 Jul 2022, 10:21
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
Blood makes you related; love makes you family.
~ Unknown
Face Claim: Karl Urban
Father “Dad”:

Sholto Duncan Urquhart


Sholto Duncan Urquhart grew up in Inverness. His family had had no idea that magic was an actual thing, so they had been quite surprised when their son had received an invitation to a Magic School. While his mother gave it the benefit of the doubt, his father remained fully convinced that the invitation was a prank at first, despite the visit by a professor. A trip to Diagon Alley was what finally won him over. Duncan himself hadn't been surprised. Of course magic existed. Duh. (His favourite TV series at the time had been Charmed. He had been more confused by the lack of rhyming necessary.)

Finding out that the magical part of Britain had just been through major – if short? – war had been disconcerting and made his parents dither over sending him to Hogwarts for a couple of days. In the end, practicality had won out. The boy needed to be taught at least the basics. And if he's taught the basics there anyway, he should at least be taught properly.

Still, his first years in Hogwarts included a whole cavalcade of worried (frantic, really) owls – so he had resolved not to inundate his daughter in owls. If she wanted to owl, they'd reply, but he refuse to sent multiple owls each week the way his parents did. Every couple weeks to once a month at most would have to suffice. (His school years made him somewhat despise letter writing, and Greg found letters annoyingly slow. Postcards, yes, sure, but letters? Such an “inefficient way of communication”.) Besides, his old (family) owl, Merlot – it had been named by his mother – was too old now. The less trips she had to make the better and Glen could always send letters with a school owl.

Family Tree:
Step-/Adopted Father “Papa”:

Cornelius “Greg” Urquhart


Cornelius “Greg” Urquhart née Leifsson was born the second son of Oscar Leifsson and Karin Leifsson née Mendel. He has an older brother by 6years: Michael, who is now divorced with two children.

Oscar himself was orphaned when his parents died in a car crash when he was young. He was adopted by his former primary school teacher, Annegret, who had been looking to adopt with her husband. They chose to adopt him since they were already familiar even if their new relationship would be vastly different than being teacher and student.

Trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life and curious about his adopted mother's family's origins, Oscar had taking a gap year jobbing in Germany for a year before college, where he met his later wife, whose family owned the bakery around the corner from his hostel. (They still own it, actually.) Karin moved to the UK when they got engaged and threw herself into life there. But with her family back in Germany, she wanted her children to understand the language and so they tried to raise them bilingual.

While Greg had moved to Edinburgh for university and then stayed there, he had grown up in the outskirts of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His parents and brother still lived there, with his brother slated to one day take over the family's small furniture business.

Just like his husband and daughter, Greg hated his first name. Unlike them he did not have a convenient middle name or could shorten his name to something he found acceptable. Despite his later becoming an author of children's books, he found genetics fascinating in school and once his friends clocked that his mother's maiden name had been Mendel, they started calling him Greg as a joke. Needless to say, the name stuck.

Since he isn't a well-known author, and the pay isn't exactly lucrative; he works part-time as IT support.

Family Tree:
Face Claim: Kimiko Glenn
Birth Mother:

Siobhan Hanako (花子) O'Neill


Siobhan Hanako O'Neill is a bit of a free spirit, and loves travelling. Frankly, she's a bit of a nomad. Just as she doesn't yet feel ready to settle down in one place, she didn't feel ready to be a mother at the age of 19. Especially since she and Glenys' dad weren't even a couple, they just had a holiday fling, so to speak. Siobhan had very vaguely known Duncan from Hogwarts before, being neither in the same year not the same house; but they had seen each other before and had temporarily bonded over that in an otherwise Muggle group. It had been nice to talk to someone she hadn't had to lie through her teeth on her schooling about.

Since she found out her pregnancy quite late (she was in her 5th month), she had contacted Duncan, and they had come to an agreement that he (and later his partner) would raise the child and Siobhan wouldn't have to be involved but could be – hence why she's somewhat of an Auntie to Glen. At the time of Glenys' first year, she's travelling through Southern Africa and is considering a medical career path since she's been inspired by Doctors Without Borders.

Family Tree:
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Last edited by Glenys Urquhart on 2 Aug 2022, 19:05, edited 5 times in total.

11 Jul 2022, 10:27
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.
~ Anthony J. D'Angelo
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Andrej Ivanovich ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Aziz Singh ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Carol Stevens ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Corey Thompson ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Elena Su ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Ellie Kinsey ❁ Acquaintance ❁ Tentmate at Summer Camp 2022
Finnegan Conner ❁ Acquaintance ❁ First met at Summer Camp
Lou Astor ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
Marjam Smith ❁ Friend ❁ Childhood friend ❁ Muggle
tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?
There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.
~ William Butler Yeats

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

Marius Brown ❁ Acquaintance ❁ First met at Flourish&Blotts
tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

Guinevere Russetwood ❁ Acquaintance ❁ First met at Madam Malkin's
tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?
The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
International Schools

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?

tba ❁ Acquaintance ❁ ?
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Last edited by Glenys Urquhart on 13 Aug 2022, 22:30, edited 15 times in total.

11 Jul 2022, 10:30
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
RP Threads
You can make anything by writing.
~ C.S. Lewis
☐ Ongoing
🗹 Completed/
Thread left
☒ Abandoned
Hogwarts Letter Day
[30.11.2021] ❁ 🗹 ❁ [Solo] ❁ Glenys' 11th birthday
May We Meet Again
[07.07.2022] ❁ 🗹 ❁ [Solo] ❁ Last Meet-up with the whole of her old group of friends
New Robes and New Friends
[??.07.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [PV Guinevere Russetwood] ❁ First meeting at Madam Malkin's
Uniquely Portable Magic
[??.07.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [PV Marius Brown] ❁ First meeting at Flourish&Blotts
Merely a Pebble from the Cave of Caerbannog
[22.07.2022] ❁ 🗹 ❁ [solo] ❁ Pet Thread
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Summer Camp 2022
Sweet Toxins
[01.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [Group] ❁ (Poison) Tent Thread
Once Upon A Time...
[02.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [Group] ❁ Campfire Thread [Official Summer Camp Thread]
Summer Games 2022 [Hogwarts vs Durmstrang & Koldovstoretz]
[06.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [Group] ❁ Quidditch Spectator Thread [Official SC Thread]
Every Canvas is a Journey all its Own
[10.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [PV Finnegan Conner] ❁ First meeting at Summer Camp
Truth or Dare — Group TWO
[14.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [Group] ❁ Game [Official Summer Camp Thread]
Old Patterns but add Darkness
[29.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [Group] ❁ Opeila's Vision Thread (at SC)
[xx.08.2022] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

First Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Second Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Third Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Fourth Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Fifth Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Sixth Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?

Seventh Year
[] ❁ ☐ ❁ [] ❁ ?
Threads: Open
Owl if interested :)
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Last edited by Glenys Urquhart on 13 Aug 2022, 22:31, edited 27 times in total.

23 Jul 2022, 09:03
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
"If it weren't for the ears one could almost mistake it for a pebble,
albeit an adorable one, tiny and grey that your friend there is."

~ Duncan Urquhart (Glen's dad)


Mist Hopper


Favourite Food:
Kohlrabi leaves

17cm long | shoulder height 10cm | 472g
(might still grow a tiny bit)

Preferred Location (stationary):
Glenys' Shoulder, half-hidden by her hair

Preferred Location (moving):
Glenys' pockets
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Last edited by Glenys Urquhart on 9 Aug 2022, 17:46, edited 10 times in total.

23 Jul 2022, 09:04
Glenys Urquhart ❀ First Year ❀ Hufflepuff
OOC Information
Not all those who wander are lost
~ J.R.R. Tolkien

Call me Glen :)

Somewhere in the vicinity of 30

UTC+2 in Summer
UTC+1 in Winter

To check: ?
To write: ?
↳ currently unavailable

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