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12 Apr 2018, 15:45
Emmett Park


English name: Emmett Tobias Park

Age: 11 years old

Date of Birth: 31st of October, 2006

Place of Birth: Cork, Ireland

Blood status: Wizard born

Blood type: O-

Languages spoken: English, Irish Gaelic, Basics of French he started in muggle school

House: Gryffindor

Wand: 30,9 centimeters, cherry wood and unicorn hair.

Inflexible, ideal in the hands of inventors and innovators, extremely docile if handled properly. Cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core. Unicorn hair, has the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts and the most faithful of wands

Physical appearance

Emmett Park stands at a nice 155cm (5'0 if that is what you prefer) and weighs 40kg (88lbs). He has a healthy tan in the summers but most of the time he stays quite pale. His hair is very black and straight, his eyes matching the hair color too. He has a sharp face, making him look a bit like a bully.
Last edited by Emmett Park on 9 Nov 2018, 19:42, edited 8 times in total.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

12 Apr 2018, 15:46
Emmett Park
Pre-Hogwarts history

Emmett was born on a grim Halloween day in Cork, Ireland, to Petra and Jaimie Park. He was their first child, but certainly not the last one. His parents were both muggle-born wizards, and their traits passed to their son Emmett. The tiny toddler quickly showed signs of magic a few years after he was born. He would often reach for things across the table and they would slide towards his own hands. His parents were happy to see that their son was taking after them.

As a child, he was always independent of others and rebellious to an extent. He refused for anyone to tell what he should do, refused to 'be like the other kids'. Emmett would often let his curiosity get the best of him and stir trouble for himself accidentally throughout his younger years. Eventually, all the witches and wizards of Cork knew the name of Emmett Park, that troublemaker kid.

He was interested in magic in his early youth too. His lust for knowledge grew larger and larger and he couldn't possibly wait to get his letter.
His mother was a famous arithmancer and his father was a Quidditch referee. Naturally, Emmett developed a liking and interest towards those things. Just when he thought that he could dive into those subjects and close everything else around him, Emmett was forced to go through muggle school. All of these things seemed so uninteresting to him, but his parents wouldn't give up no matter how much he whined. Math, history, biology, and whatnot seemed to be so important to them. Of course it was, they were muggle-born after all! The eldest Park only went through four years of your average British school before getting his letter to freedom. Well, another school.

In between all of that mess, his parents had three more children. One girl and two boys. Emmett had always been a jealous child, and this only fueled his temper even more. He sat quietly watching his parents' sacred attention turn to his siblings and bit his tongue while turning bitter. He was never loved less, that was something just in his own mind, due to his needy personality. Eventually, he started burning bridges between his family and himself. Although Emmett valued his siblings a lot, he craved the attention he had received before. Granted, sharing the attention to four children is undeniably hard, but his parents didn't even seem to try in his opinion. He buried himself in books and always fantasized about his life in Hogwarts. He has set his goals on finally getting the recognition he deserves in his opinion.
Last edited by Emmett Park on 9 Nov 2018, 19:44, edited 3 times in total.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

12 Apr 2018, 15:53
Emmett Park


Maternal Grandmother: Imogen Prescott (nee Meadow)

Born in Cork, Ireland. A squib, there were always witches and wizards born here and there in the Prescott lineage. A recessive trait. Married Edwin Prescott and had two children with him, Petra and Patrick.

Maternal Grandfather: Edwin Prescott

Born in Dublin, Ireland. His family is a thorough muggle one. Married Imogen Meadow and had two children, Petra and Miles.

Paternal Grandmother: Mi-Young Jeong

Born in Jeju Island, South Korea. Also from a muggle family. Married Sung-Jin Park and had one child, Jaimie Park

Paternal Grandfather: Sung-Jin Park

Born in Busan, South Korea. Also a muggle with no wizards/witches in his family. Olympic archer, and a coach later on. Married Mi-Young Jeong and had a child, Jaimie Park.

Mother: Petra Park (nee Prescott)

Born in Cork, Ireland. A Hogwarts graduate and a famous arithmancer. She met her husband in 2002, at the Quidditch World Cup. They dated for 3 and half years before getting married and a little short of a year they had their first child. Petra was a Ravenclaw, it is almost like a hereditary trait in the Prescott lineage. Always knew that she was a witch and her parents weren't surprised when she started showing 'signs'.

Father: Jae-Min Park

Born in Soul, South Korea. Horrible place to live in if you're a young boy of a wizard who can't control his powers and doesn't know what is going on. And especially, since his father was a pretty known archer he had to constantly hide from the public.

Used to do archery, but after starting in Mahoutokoro, the equivalent of Hogwarts in Japan (closest magical school to S.Korea) he got interested in Quidditch. He was the seeker in his team. Due to fainting from too much physical work and falling down from his broom, Jaimie was injured. He later became a referee. Met Petra Prescott while cheering on his idol, Rawya Zaghloul, the Egyptian seeker in the Quidditch World Cup. They had a 'meet-cute' as they accidentally bumped into each other in the crowd. Later had 4 children with her and moved to her hometown to Cork, Ireland.

Maternal Uncle: Miles Prescott
A composer in the muggle world, but he did graduate Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. Uses magic only for convenience. He gets along with Emmett really well, since they both relate to each other not only through blood, but through thoughts too.






Last edited by Emmett Park on 9 Nov 2018, 19:45, edited 1 time in total.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

13 Apr 2018, 12:49
Emmett Park

On going

The Unintentional Roars
Bet you can't read


The Sorting Ceremony
I dare you
Last edited by Emmett Park on 7 May 2018, 17:34, edited 1 time in total.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

21 Apr 2018, 23:35
Emmett Park


It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.