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6 Apr 2021, 13:08
TLC - Tender Library Care  Errand   Finished 
Name- Hanzalah Ahmed
House and year- Ravenclaw, first year
Status- Waitlisted

We all have ups and downs in life. But the trick is to just keep going. You haven’t lost the fight until you’ve lost hope.
10 Apr 2021, 14:53
TLC - Tender Library Care  Errand   Finished 
Name: Amethyst Logan
House & Year: Ravenclaw, first year
Completion Status: (To be added later)

⥃ Believe you can and you're halfway there ⥂
11 Apr 2021, 21:39
TLC - Tender Library Care  Errand   Finished 
Name: Alex Evans
House & Year: First Year Ravenclaw
Completion Status: (To be added later)
2 May 2021, 16:40
TLC - Tender Library Care  Errand   Finished 
The Errand is Now Complete
Rewards Given
@Kage Suzuki
@Anja Murtaja
@Opeila Winters
@Elisabeth Erner
@Xailah Alptraum
@Scarlett Aden
@Henry Knight
@Gia Adelard
@Kazuo Shimada
@Tory Williamson
@Lucia Fox
@Pericles Dralt
Ineligible for Rewards
@Aspen Summers
@Paige Grant
@Santario Martin
@Violet Carrington
@Everly Charlton
@Lillian Davis
@Damion White
@Bailey Glade

If I missed you or made a mistake in rewards, please feel free to owl me. Thank you to all who participated!

Stand in your own power.
Stamina 12 ◈ Evasion 7 ◈ Strength 10 ◈ Wisdom 15 ◈ ArcPower 11 ◈ Accuracy 10
Hex Code | #433280