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3 Jun 2020, 03:08
Love Note Leavers  Errand 
This errand is now complete. The rewards will be given out soon. Please let me know if you do not see your name or the correct reward on this list if you participated.

Nico Shymane - 10 chocolate frogs
Damion White - 10 chocolate frogs
Lizzie Verdine - 6 chocolate frogs
River Dewlight - 10 chocolate frogs
Cassandra Ironwoods - 10 chocolate frogs
May Moonstar - 10 chocolate frogs
Mildred Wilson - 6 chocolate frogs
Aura Lee - 2 chocolate frogs
Wren Caster - 6 chocolate frogs
Alexis Asterion - 6 chocolate frogs
Riannon Campbell - 8 chocolate frogs
Riley Swan - 6 chocolate frogs
Maria Dee - 2 chocolate frogs
Ariana Walker - 6 chocolate frogs
Zykeal Lane - 2 chocolate frogs
Rafael D'Spacito - 10 chocolate frogs
Serena Towers - 8 chocolate frogs
Anastasia Beckett - 4 chocolate frogs
Thomas Baines - 2 chocolate frogs
Willow Anderson - 10 chocolate frogs
Rose Moon - 2 chocolate frogs
Evelynn Decipio - 10 chocolate frogs
Callie Jensen - 10 chocolate frogs
AnnieJade Halstead - 4 chocolate frogs
Mars T'ien - 10 chocolate frogs
Dealla Prince - 10 chocolate frogs
Jo Morgan - 10 chocolate frogs
Ileen Knight - 6 chocolate frogs
Janet Jackson - 2 chocolate frogs
Kaylie Lovens - 2 chocolate frogs
Aida Mòrsgor-Ama Ellwood - 2 chocolate frogs
Genevieve Watkins - 2 chocolate frogs
Elspeth Gollens - 10 chocolate frogs
Claudia Gears - 10 chocolate frogs
Clay McGlinchy - 4 chocolate frogs
Katrina Walker - 10 chocolate frogs
Lindsey Springhall - 4 chocolate frogs
Alaska Hawke - 2 chocolate frogs
Alina Rosier - 6 chocolate frogs
Airlia Winter - 10 chocolate frogs
Amadea Campbell - 6 chocolate frogs
Lucille Williams - 2 chocolate frogs
Lucia Fox - 2 chocolate frogs
Scarlett Aden - 2 chocolate frogs
Jack Burnett - 8 chocolate frogs
Dmitri Jones - 2 chocolate frogs
Blake Bayne - 4 chocolate frogs
Alexander Varellion - 2 chocolate frogs

Stamina: 9 | Evasion: 11 | Strength: 5 | Wisdom: 14 | ArcPower: 11 | Accuracy: 15
Perfectionist I & II, Fearless, Spell Spread, Nonverbal Magic
3 Jun 2020, 15:35
Love Note Leavers  Errand 
The rewards have been given! If you did not get them or there was an error in the amount given, please owl Nora or me. Thank you for your participation!

Stamina: 9 | Evasion: 11 | Strength: 5 | Wisdom: 14 | ArcPower: 11 | Accuracy: 15
Perfectionist I & II, Fearless, Spell Spread, Nonverbal Magic