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5 Sep 2019, 18:05
 Errand  The warmth of a candle
Participant: Carmillia Snippet, First Year

Carmilla Snickett was not here!
6 Sep 2019, 22:17
 Errand  The warmth of a candle
Thread: A Room of Fire
Participant: Victoria McGregor, First Year, Gryffindor
Miss Beatrice, would you join me please?

Stamina: 5 Evasion: 5 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 ArcPower: 7 Accuracy: 7
Let me know if you're up for an adventure!
8 Sep 2019, 13:47
 Errand  The warmth of a candle
Participants: 23

The Errand is closed now

Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar
8 Sep 2019, 16:54
 Errand  The warmth of a candle
Alexx Séverin:  Marla Quinlan: 0/1000
Griseldis Edelhardt: 378/1000, Abigail Sparks: 0/1000 and Alan Noble: 0/1000
Rhea Bishop: 1147/1000, Eris Fawley: 2657/1000 
Thora Larkston: 1039/1000 finished
Ruthie Greer: 1111/1000
Catriona Staverly: 263/1000  and Gem Stuart: 477/1000
Andrew Vance: 999/1000, Emma Hill: 334/1000
Julie Shaw: 1099/1000
Tatiana Crane: 1196/1000
Carmillia Snippet: 528/1000
Zanny Taylor: 252/1000
Victoria McGregor: 269/1000
Maggie Parker: 310/1000, Euphrasia Millie: 273/1000, Carson Miller: 369/1000, Charlotte Cardunt: 0/1000, Sylvie Mapel: 0/1000

Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar
16 Sep 2019, 23:19
 Errand  The warmth of a candle

Alexx Séverin: 1111/1000 Marla Quinlan: 1657/1000
Griseldis Edelhardt: 765/1000, Abigail Sparks: 462/1000 and Alan Noble: 516/1000
Rhea Bishop: 1147/1000, Eris Fawley: 2657/1000
Thora Larkston: 1039/1000 finished
Ruthie Greer: 1721/1000
Catriona Staverly: 735/1000  and Gem Stuart: 1209/1000
Andrew Vance: 1481/1000, Emma Hill: 881/1000
Julie Shaw: 1099/1000
Tatiana Crane: 1196/1000
Carmillia Snippet: 528/1000
Zanny Taylor: 1016/1000
Victoria McGregor: 544/1000
Maggie Parker: 858/1000, Euphrasia Millie: 581/1000, Carson Miller: 751/1000, Charlotte Cardunt: 761/1000, Sylvie Mapel: 931/1000

Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar
6 Oct 2019, 15:24
 Errand  The warmth of a candle
Update 06. October

Alexx Séverin: 1111/1000 Marla Quinlan: 1657/1000 Reward was sent out
Griseldis Edelhardt: 378/1000, Abigail Sparks: 462/1000 and Alan Noble: 516/1000
Rhea Bishop: 1147/1000, Eris Fawley: 2657/1000 Reward was sent out
Thora Larkston: 1039/1000 Reward was sent out
Ruthie Greer: 1721/1000 Reward was sent out
Catriona Staverly: 1595/1000  and Gem Stuart: 1595/1000 Reward was sent out
Andrew Vance: 1481/1000, Emma Hill: 1281/1000 Reward was sent out
Julie Shaw: 1099/1000 Reward was sent out
Tatiana Crane: 1196/1000 Reward was sent out
Carmillia Snippet: 528/1000 - unfinished, thread was locked
Zanny Taylor: 1016/1000
Victoria McGregor: 1051/1000 Reward was sent out
Maggie Parker: 1198/1000, Euphrasia Millie: 1232/1000, Carson Miller: 1026/1000, Charlotte Cardunt: 1508/1000, Sylvie Mapel: 339/1000 Rewards was sent out to those who met the requirements. 

Rewards were sent out: 6 Sickle and 4 Cholocate Frogs. Please owl me, should anything be missing. The errand was closed and is over. You may finish your threads, otherwise, they will be locked for inactivity after a month. Thank you for your participation. 

Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar