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9 Dec 2019, 06:46
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Name: Jack "Fox" Burnett
Species: Human
Status: Muggle-born
DoB: April 8th 2008
Age: 14
House: Slytherin
Year: Fifth
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Red with brown highlights
Tone: Pale
Height: 4'10"/147.32cm
Weight: 79lbs/35.83kg
Patronus: /
Boggart: /

A wand made of mayhaw wood with snallygaster heartstring at its core, it is a length of 23.5 centimeters (9 1/4 in), pliable, and very well-balanced. According to Olivander, it is "perfect for wizards with hidden talents".
Table of Contents
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 6 Jul 2023, 05:20, edited 16 times in total.

9 Dec 2019, 15:56
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Jack has a face with high, angled cheekbones and hazel eyes that slant, giving his countenance an overall mischievous quality. His red hair is usually disheveled with bedhead and is highlighted with streaks of brown and blonde.

This young man's complexion is pale peach on the porcelain side of things; his skin color makes scars and scrapes on his hands arms and legs stand out more because he runs a lot, falls, and pulls other reckless stunts that cause careless accidents (like piling up books too high around him to make book forts when he reads in the library).

Jack claims that his scars are badges of courage from what he's survived when, in actuality, he could have prevented most of them if he'd been more careful in the first place.


"Jack & Ruka"
Feb 6, 2020
by Alan Vanes

More to be added~

To be added~

Selfish (-)
Jack may have a lot of acquaintance pals to hang out with, but after a few hard lessons in his muggle school, he's had practically no one to call a real friend and hasn't seemed to want one, either. This may be at least partially because of his naturally selfish nature. People may like being around him when it's all in good fun, but when it comes time to take the fall for something, no one wants to hang around.

This isn't unwarranted, either, since Jack wouldn't hang around for them in the reverse situation because he strongly believes in self-conservation (his perception of what others might call 'cowardice') and thinks that bravery is synonymous with stupidity. For this reason, no one sticks up for him and he doesn't stick up for anyone else. However, he wouldn't have it any other way. Keeping his distance from people and keeping his guard up is what he believes allows him to keep sane. He is of the philosophy that if you don't look out for yourself, no one else will, and thus looks down on those who are selfless or otherwise too kind.

His scorn for them is probably to keep himself from pitying them too much because he thinks the innate, selfish human nature of others will only end up destroying selfless people and bringing them to ruin. He holds them in contempt because he believes they're stupid in that by being kind to others, they're leaving themselves wide open to be taken advantage of; practically asking for it. Jack doesn't tell anyone about his hardships or grievances because he wants to keep up his reputation of being a happy-go-lucky, pleasant, fun guy.

Due to this, though, others can sense he has more to him that he hides and often get a sense that he's not a genuine or trust-worthy person. As a result, there's a limit to how strong a bond they will attempt to maintain with him and an unspoken mutual agreement to keep one's unhappy secrets to themselves. Jack keeps his relationships shallow on purpose because he never knows when he'll have to cut ties with people when something he does might make them turn on him or in favor of saving his own hide.

Humorous (+)
Jack definitely has a sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. He's something of a class clown in that he seems more concerned with having a good time than learning anything in school. Even as a young child in muggle school, he enjoyed playing tricks and pranks on people so often that if a frequent victim heard him laughing behind them, they would immediately stop and check to make sure that he didn't do something (like take something from their backpack or put something in it) whether or not he actually did anything at all.

He relishes in this reputation he has and does whatever he can to sustain it. However, he's just as likely to pull a prank on someone as with someone and if someone manages to pull something on him, he's willing to laugh it off and appreciate it as a trick well-played.

Others often liked to hang out with him despite his prank-playing reputation because of his fun-loving nature. He may seem carefree, but Jack, like everyone else, has his own worries. He just works very hard to maintain his appearances with a happy-go-lucky-seeming attitude even when his worries aren't far from his mind.

Unpredictable (-)
Without any true friends, Jack has no reason to be loyal to anyone but himself. He is notorious for playing the devil's advocate during arguments between students and seems to take pleasure in switching sides on a whim. His fondness of being able to see things from multiple perspectives allows him to easily lay out why either side could be both right or wrong and their advantages as well as disadvantages against each other.

This thoroughly confuses everyone else as to which side Jack is ultimately on, but of course that confusion is what entertains him most because he doesn't take sides. The only thing he's really after is their admiration of his wits, so in doing this, he can gain the acknowledgment of all those involved, sides or no. Even if those seeking his aid offer to make an agreement with him, he will only be on their side as long as the offer holds his favor or interest.

Once something no longer has any merit or holds any benefit for him, he's out. In this way, he is considered morally ambiguous, beholden to no one but himself with no clear stance on what he considers right or wrong (or, even if he has one, whether or not he's willing to do anything about it).

Even in his positive lighting as the class clown, it's common knowledge (or at least the common belief) that Jack is unreliable and irresponsible with no commitments to anything or anyone. Some might even go so far as to say he has commitment issues or that he could be called a deceitful person by nature with as much as he seems to want to hide.

Clever (+)
There is nothing more that this boy loves than to out-wit others and to revel in his intelligence. He doesn't believe in lies or lying, but only because he's sure he can always get around things in other ways such as through the use of loopholes, subterfuge, or omittance, so he never feels too tightly bound by words. In fact, even without their magical use, words are his toys.

Jack makes a game out of rule-bending as opposed to rule-breaking because, according to him, 'bending the rules is more fun than following them and less risky than breaking them'. He finds fun in the challenge of doing so and believes there is admiration to be found in the skill it takes to know how. If the devil's in the details, he uses those details to his utmost advantage.

Twisting people's words and trapping them in said twisted words is one of his favorite ways to show others that his intelligence surpasses theirs. This is why riddles amuse him so much; they themselves are a twisting of words and it takes the ability to see things from another perspective in order to understand them. Jack believes himself to be able to see anything from any perspective and, thus, believes he can turn any situation in his favor.

Foolish (-)
Foolish - For all his cleverness, Jack is simultaneously foolish. His intelligence tends to make him more and more arrogant with each new triumph and that arrogance causes him to become complacent from time to time. His over-confidence frequently makes him blind to the most simple of things, and for someone who is considered an annoyance for often bending rules, crossing boundaries, and not seeming to know when to quit or shut up, this is especially dangerous.

Though usually open-minded to possibilities, observant, and aware of others' skills, sometimes he will get so over-confident that he will forget that others are not to be underestimated. Every now and then, he might end up going too far in playing a trick on someone who's more dangerous than he can handle or taunting someone a little too much without realizing that they are faster than him or know the school's layout better than he does so they can catch or cut him off in a chase.

People grow, change, and learn, so he has to constantly be on his toes to access the levels of his opponents so he can one-up them. When he gets complacent, he forgets this and can sometimes be gotten the better of. Those occurrences serve as reminders to him to stay alert and keep humble so as not to let pride be his ultimate downfall.

Tenacious (+)
When Jack wants something, he will do whatever he needs to do to get it. He can be very determined and annoyingly persistent when it comes to bothering people for what he wants. He hates giving up (such as on the riddles he so loves to pursue) and has a hard time knowing when to cut his losses and call it quits.

Jack believes that giving up shows a weakness of will and that if someone isn't confident enough to see something through to the end, they shouldn't have started it in the first place. He's also not afraid of hard work despite what he might have others believe. Though he may not seem to take anything seriously, this is merely an act he makes a huge effort to keep up for the sake of how he wants to appear to others. Those who pay attention to him, however, may notice that he snoozes in class not because he doesn't care about the subject being taught, but because he spent all night self-teaching it to get ahead.

He doesn't make a big deal about or even like showing his grades to others, but they're actually very good. He just doesn't want to fall into the stereotype he knows his peers are all too prone to think about when they imagine straight-A students.

He has wanted to become independent as soon as possible and potentially get a job in psychology or as a historian of some sort, so he is determined to do whatever it takes to fulfill those goals of his. Of course, learning about the magical world of wizards and witches has opened up a whole new slew of choices with which to take his life career path.

Spiteful (-)
Though he despises being made a fool of - who doesn't? - this teen can admire a trick well-played, even one played on himself. However, he doesn't tolerate cheating or any sort of trick that allows for short-cuts because to him, that shows a lack of wit. He believes that admirable, proper tricks and pranks should be played using one's own wits rather than with help.

Ganging up on a single person using an ambush is, for example, a trick he believes is played in poor taste, and he will not stand for such things. Stupidity is not something he will permit without teaching a 'lesson' in return. Breaking rules rather than bending them is a great offense to him because Jack is of the opinion that it takes intelligence to coax open a locked door without a key, but any idiot with a hard-enough head can simply smash through.

This is why, to him, using brawn over brains is a major short-cut and is considered 'cheating' in his eyes, earning his contempt. He will not hold people in contempt for abandoning him when he's in trouble because he's not loyal to anyone and thus expects no loyalty in return. However, if people go out of their way to cause him trouble, he will make every effort to get back at them while playing it off and still maintaining the carefree attitude he normally has. If they don't show him respect, he doesn't see any reason to show them respect, which means no warnings or restraint in his plans to get back at them, often times several fold.

Jack can be very vindictive when he feels he's been badly wronged or, sometimes, if he feels someone else has. He may just seek revenge for said someone else - not out of a sense of justice, of course, but because it would be an opportunity to show the wanna-be fake pranksters just who has the superior intellect. As much as he keeps his anger and annoyances to himself, it's difficult for others to realize just how spiteful and callous Jack can be. Many don't even realize how long he bears grudges until, when he gets them back for something that happened in the past, he makes certain they know why - and he does make certain they know why.

Jack is the sort that will bide his time, planning out every little detail and aspect of a vengeance scheme, until the moment it takes to carry it out. The worse the grudge he has, the longer he's willing to wait and the more effort he's willing to put into his sweet revenge. When getting back at someone, Jack believes that the bigger the revenge, the greater the lesson, and the greater the lesson, the better. Why? Because the 'lesson' he plans to drill into their brains is simply this: to remind them who's the smartest, that the smartest is the boss because knowledge is power, and to discourage them from ever again even contemplating the notion that they might ever be able to outwit him.

Observant (+)
As one who enjoys people-watching and is very careful about his reputation and how others perceive him, Jack tries to remain as keenly aware of his surroundings at all times. With his pranking tendencies, he has earned a lot of animosity from certain students, especially bullies he has attempted to thwart, and they have ended up coming after him. His bullies have even told their prior victims that they'll stop picking on them if said victims go after Jack as well, becoming bullies themselves.

Jack finds this invitation to be psychologically intriguing, but he's also not one to enjoy being ganged-up on, so he does his best to get one step ahead of said bullies and offer the victims (once he saves them from the bullies) an alliance.

Jack can pick up on people's smallest gestures and changes of tone (especially because he knows 7% of communication is verbal, 38% is tone of voice, and 55% is body language) to determine whether or not people will turn on him or are angry enough to go after him. Because his strength lies in his wits and not physical brawn, he has to be quick on his feet and know when to get going.

Descriptions From Others
Selim Faust wrote: 3 Feb 2020, 00:49(and he just knew Burnett was planning something, that crafty fox)...
Opeila Seilun wrote: 23 Feb 2020, 22:07The greatest coward I've ever met.
Jo Morgan wrote: 18 Feb 2020, 00:03...and her hopes for a cheerful day were devoured mercilessly by a tangly Venomous Tentacula who went by the name Jack Burnett.
Rafael D'Spacito wrote: 16 Feb 2020, 21:54Of all the people to run into, it had been his supposed nemesis.
Persephone Barret wrote: 18 Feb 2020, 20:08And the ginger from hell.
Flash Holmwood wrote: 9 Feb 2020, 04:56 Pox on the Earth > Person of Interest > Dirty Bastard > Endless Curiosity
Flash Holmwood wrote: 18 Feb 2020, 19:20 Talking to Burnett was like trying not to scratch at an inflamed rash. Scratching at it only ever made things worse, but there was nothing in the world you’d rather do. He instigated an anger deep in Flash’s gut, and it felt like it was kicking him from the inside. Burnett certainly knew how to make someone’s blood boil. Even when trying to remain perfectly calm, a scowl stayed fixed on Flash’s face as he spoke.
Victor Moore wrote: 15 Mar 2020, 21:01Then there was Jack Burnett. There was something about him I did not want to trust. He seemed too clever. He talked a lot, but his words seemed to have a purpose. There was no flying by the seat of his pants. Even if the guy was a bit younger than me, I feared that he might be a bit smarter than me. I felt like I was walking into the jaws of a bear trap by even looking at him. Still, he was one of the few that did not seem to urge violence and that was something to latch onto.
Victor Moore wrote: 15 Mar 2020, 21:01He referenced Jack, the guy with a perpetual ulterior motive.
Thomas Lestrange wrote: 17 Mar 2020, 03:42The boy was intelligent, perhaps the most intelligent student he has encountered thus far at Hogwarts.
Evelynn Decipio wrote: 18 Mar 2020, 15:49And there was Burnett. Again. Evelynn chuckled under her breath, head shaking slightly with the coincidence. Regardless of where her feet carried her, they always seemed to cross his path one way or another. He was like a curse upon her, a shadow she couldn't escape. Not that she particularly disliked his company. On the contrary, she actually found him to be one of the more enigmatic individuals of their year. Still, it amused her to no end. Peeling her gaze away from the Slytherin trouble-maker, she allowed them to drift over the rest of the room and its inhabitants.
Pericles Dralt wrote: 18 Nov 2019, 03:12 Jack Burnett · Acquaintance-
Met during a toad-house making errand, in which his impishness was amusing.
He comes off as Peri's opposite, in a complementary way.
Shen Lee wrote: 6 Apr 2020, 08:07 This was a marvelous occasion! First of all, finding an individual who could hold a decent civilized conversation? Secondly, that person could actually provide discussion at his level, this was a miracle. This muggle-born wizard held much more merit than most of the pureblood wizards he had met.
Hanako Tone wrote: 8 May 2020, 06:56You again!?” He wished his voice sounded more fierce, but really it sounded like he was about to cry.

What was with this imp disturbing Hanako at his most peaceful times? He hasn’t even got Burnett back for every embarrassing situation he placed Hanako in and now he disturbs his sleep in their own dorm?!

Selim Faust wrote: 4 Mar 2020, 16:11 Before he could respond, his dormmate spoke up, seeming unaffected by her attempted mockery then upset, and turning it back on her. Typical.
Opeila Seilun wrote: 4 Mar 2020, 16:11 Opeila was relieved when Jack entered as well. At least one person, who she could definitely say of that he was somewhere intelligent.
She noticed his strange movements immediately and frowned. The spiders didn't attack him, she was sure oft that, so what happened? She'd ask him later.

It worried her when he took his wand out, moving between them- why did boys seem to need things to become violent so much?- but she couldn't help an amused little smile, when he started to talk. Yap, she had hoped for something like that.
At least everything but the threatening part. The girl sighed again and rolled her eyes.
Persephone Barret wrote: 22 Apr 2020, 08:07Yes, because spending this lovely day in the presence of a soul-sucking demon would surely alleviate that stress.
Ruka Tân wrote: 18 May 2020, 01:11 Either way, if Jack had agreed to join an errand with Flash then there had to be a reason for it; House points and some sickles were a good motivator for most people, but Ruka had learned to expect a bigger picture behind all of Jack's decisions.

Unlike most of Ruka's own decisions, Jack's didn't usually seem to be made on a whim.
Ruka Tân wrote: 24 May 2020, 03:37It was one of many reasons Ruka thought Jack to be a far better person than he was himself, no matter how much he was trying to hide and deny it. Despite insisting on forming negative connections with people rather than positive ones, Jack seemed to have a genuine interest in people and how they worked, liked to poke and prod at their weakest spots to see what they were made of, tried to understand them one way or another.
Flash Holmwood wrote: 2 Jun 2020, 20:06It was hard not to notice the commotion close behind them. When Flash glanced behind him, he saw Burnett lazily parading around in his pajamas making some stranger irritable and mocking his distress. The usual, then. His presence no longer made Flash tense up in fear of being ridiculed or made a fool of. Perhaps he had simply accepted that it would never be quite as bad as he thought. Or at least if it was, Burnett didn’t mean for it to be. Sometimes he just took things too far. He was another person who was good at heart, though he (Flash) would likely get the third degree if he were ever to say so in a crowd of people. Opeila certainly wouldn’t want to hear him say it either. She was one of the people he (Jack) had gone too far with, and it was hard to tell if they would ever find common ground again.
Gerald Fawkes wrote: 2 Jun 2020, 16:49 The nerve. The sheer audacity of the redhead to attempt such a bold move on him. Was Burnett trying to turn his own words against him? Truly unbelievable.

For an instant, Gerald was at a loss for words. He cursed his luck twice: of all the people Thaddeus could have spilled his secret to, he'd had the misfortune of telling this particular individual. Outrageously manipulative, infuriatingly sneaky. It almost felt as if Burnett had made it his duty to fulfill every single stereotype regarding Slytherins' sly nature [...]

[...] He was pretty much ready to pull a grand exit, side of the robe clutched in his left hand for him to flap it with a swish as he turned to go. But then, the redhead devil spoke again. For some reason, his voice sounded to Gerald much more irritating now than it had at the start of their conversation.

'However... liars are a different story.'

Not only was he implying that Gerald was a liar— which, fair enough, he kind of was —, but he also intended to blackmail him? It took the blonde kid a titanic effort not to lose his composure right then and there. The whole secret thing could be damned, reached this point; this was a personal attack, one dirty mission to make a fool out of him. And he had no choice but to respond accordingly.

Jack's gaze felt like a sharp slap on the face. Defying. He was onto some kind of game Gerald hadn't the slightest intention of playing.
Wyatt Starkey wrote: 9 May 2020, 00:00 Wyatt didn’t know Jack well, but he knew that boy didn’t lie. So when he heard Burnett obnoxiously state that he was going to use up all the hot water, Wyatt knew he was going to have to hustle to the showers [...]

[...] He made it just in time to find the Slytherin miscreant dashing into the showers holding a few flesh-colored strings that Wyatt identified immediately.

Weasley spy devices, Extendable Ears. Wyatt groaned inwardly. Whoever thought they had the right to eavesdrop on anything from conversations to pep-talks to the mirror was not a very sane person. So Burnett was not a very sane person. Nothing new, I suppose, Wyatt thought. [...]

[...] Wyatt, being the first one after him [Jack], decided he had to talk him out of it. He felt like trying to teach the Burnett boy ethics would be a lost cause, but he tried anyway.
Elena Jangleton wrote: 9 Apr 2021, 01:39For a brief moment, Elena forgot all of her troubles as Jack ranted on about the hundreds of ways to potentially turn an disadvantageous situation into one that benefited her and it was from this instance onwards the brunette came to the conclusion he was one hundred percent a Slytherin. The manner of speaking, the logic behind it, he had to be, Gryffindors were too hot-headed to think that rationally and Ravenclaws didn't possess the sort of cunning that he had from the way he laid out potential alternatives though it might not appease her in some ways, she had to admit, some of what he talked about certainly had a certain spice and appeal to them. She ran her hand through her hair perhaps as if contemplating all the words he was bombarding her with in a thoughtful manner and in a strange enough manner, it was beginning to make sense. It was like the pieces of a puzzle coming together except this puzzle was a whole lot more complicated but Jack had just put it all together and laid it out for her which was an odd relief in a sense that he had poked so many holes in the bully's reasonining. Then again, those type of people were not very reasonable anyways if you asked her. "You sure do know a lot about people and how the mind works if you ask me. Some might say that's a dangerous thing, I say you're just really smart."
Elena Jangleton wrote: 24 Apr 2021, 21:08Noble and chivalrous, Elena had never thought those would be words used to describe her. Jack Burnett was indeed an interesting person, that much could be said with one hundred percent certainty. This school never ceased to amaze her, the boy embodied all the qualites of a Slytherin rather well and in a very obvious manner but he had no nefarious intentions or at least she hoped he didn't, he seemed like one of the good ones and that combination for a Slytherin was a very rare occurence in her books. "Noble and chivalrous, huh? I think you should be calling yourself that." She said cracking a good-natured joke already feeling a bit better about the situation. She had gone from utterly depressed to bright and happy in a manner of a few minutes. Maybe he had cast a Cheering Charm or something on her, Elena wouldn't doubt it but it was nice to know there were at least some people out there who were willing to lend a hand even if she did disagree with their methods to some degree. [...]

[...] "Jack Burnett, huh." The girl muttered to herself filing the name for reference. She was sure she would see more of him in the future though Elena would feel sorry for anyone who got on his bad side. He seemed like the type to peck away at you and just keep on pecking even if there was nothing left.
flash at pei's party
talent show
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 25 Apr 2021, 18:37, edited 24 times in total.

9 Dec 2019, 16:01
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
= Owe Tag
= Tagged
= Complete
= Dead (last post was over a month ago)

Spin the Bottle Beans! - Group 2 (OOC July 24, 2023, IC July 11, 2023)
Of Most Dangerous Heights (OOC July 16, 2023, IC June 9, 2023)
Settling In (OOC July 14, 2023, IC September 1, 2023)
The Dopeass Scaly Bird Club (OOC July 8, 2023, IC July 1, 2023)
Absolutely no sense of direction - (OOC July 8, 2023, IC July 2, 2023)
A New Spark - (OOC July 5, 2023, IC September 10, 2023)
Dare I get Sentimental - (OOC July 3, 2023, IC July 3?, 2023)
Catching Up - (OOC June 28, 2023, IC September 2, 2023)
Prodigal Charms Learner - 5th Year (OOC June 15 & 27, 2023, IC ???)
Kindness: Helpful or Harmful? (OOC June 27, 2023, IC June 27, 2023)
A Show For The Snakes (OOC June 24, 2023, IC May 5, 2023)
Potion Brewing Form - 4th Year (Jack and Hanako's Revive Potion-making Competition) (OOC June 22, 2023, IC June 21, 2023)
Frustration and Dinner Shouldn't be Mixed! (OOC June 17, 2023, IC September 2, 2023)
Finding the ROR (OOC June 17, 2023, IC September 9, 2023)
Running Through the Halls (OOC June 17, 2023, IC June 17, 2023)
Cardio (OOC June 16, 2023, IC June 16, 2023)
Animagus Rp - 5th Year (OOC June 15, 2023, IC Started the Animagus Process July 1st? Completed by August 1st?, 2023)
Potion Brewing Form - 4th Year (OOC June 14, 2023, IC June 14, 2023 for the Revive Potion, ??? for the Burn Healing Paste, and ??? for the Murtlap Essence)
It's raining pine cones (OOC June 8, 2023, IC October 24, 2022)
Mischief Meets Mischief (OOC June 8, 2023, IC October 22, 2022)
The Place of Knowledge (OOC June 7, 2023, IC June 7, 2023)
Slytherin Slumber Party (OOC May 2, 2023, IC February 24, 2023)
Reasonable Reactions to Love Letters (OOC May 1, 2023, IC May 11, 2023)
Of Patroni and Animagi (OOC April 23, 2023, IC April 23, 2023)
party planning (OOC April 5, 2023, IC March 30, 2023)
Lethifold in the Library (OOC April 4, 2023, IC April 1, 2023)
The Enchanted Maze (OOC April 2, 2023, IC April 21, 2023)
Chaos Mischeif! (OOC March 31, 2023, IC September 10, 2022)
penny for your thoughts? (OOC March 5, 2023, IC February 18-19, 2023)
Slytherin vs Hufflepuff - Winter 2023 (OOC February 9, 2023, IC February 5, 2023)
a little solitude never hurt anyone (OOC January 25, 2023 IC September 13, 2022)
Hate to admit it... (OOC January 22, 2023 IC November 12, 2022)
The BaiKim Christmas Celebration Bash (OOC January 15, 2023 IC December 22, 2022)
Take a Guess (OOC December 6, 2022 IC December 6, 2022)
Animagus Ambitions (OOC December 2, 2022 IC December 4, 2022)
Study? NO, Only Talking (OOC December 1, 2022 IC Novmeber 16, 2022)
Test Elf (OOC November 22, 2022, IC December 3, 2022)
Snakes and Eagles Don't Play Nice (OOC November 22, 2022, IC October 15, 2022)
Bubble, Bubble, Double Trouble (OOC November 21, 2022, IC November 21, 2022)
An Idle Mind... (OOC November 21, 2022, IC November 19, 2022)
Faerietale Endings - Grounds (OOC November 17, 2022, IC October 8, 2022)
Biggest Fan (OOC November 16, 2022, IC October 14, 2022)
Some time alone…or so I thought- (OOC November 13, 2022, IC November 13, 2022)
The Fish and the Fox (OOC November 8, 2022, IC October 15, 2022)
A Dark Ritual and Its Un-Waking Affect (OOC November 7, 2022, IC September 12, 2022)
Faerietale Endings (OOC November 5, 2022, IC October 8, 2022)
Slytherin vs Ravenclaw - Fall 2022 (OOC October 18, 2022, IC October 14, 2022)
Pregame for the best team! (OOC October 16, 2022, IC October 14, 2022)
Restitution (OOC October 9, 2022, IC September 16 & 19, 2022)
Time is Running Out (OOC October 4, 2022, IC September 15, 2022)
Second Chances (OOC October 4, 2022, IC October 7, 2022)
A new beginning (OOC September 3, 2022, IC September 1, 2022)
There, There (OOC August 20, 2022, IC September 15, 2022)
Yankee Doodle (OOC August 19, 2022, IC August 25, 2022)
Rituals and Hags (OOC August 14, 2022, IC June 28, 2022)
Crying and Crayons (OOC August 14, 2022, IC August 24, 2022)
Nameless Chaos (OOC August 14, 2022, IC August 1, 2022)
Prodigal Charms Learner - 4th Year (OOC Aug 6 & 7, 2022, IC ???)
Check, Mate (OOC August 5, 2022, IC June 25, 2022)
Feet Off the Ground (OOC August 5, 2022, IC September 6, 2022)
Love at First Slug (OOC July 23, 2022, IC February 14, 2022)
Twirl the Flagon - Group 4 (OOC July 22, 2022, IC August 28, 2022)
Truth or Dare - Group TWO (OOC July 17, 2022, IC August 14, 2022)
Blood of a Girl Who Trusts You (OOC July 7, 2022, IC June 26, 2022)
Tower of Terror (OOC July 7, 2022, IC June 15, 2022)
Secrets to Spill (OOC July 7, 2022, IC June 11, 2022)
Twirl the Flagon (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022)
Truth or Dare (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022)
Fourth Year Ability & Stats Application
Tent (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022)
Cat in Class (OOC June 30, 2022, IC June 27, 2022)
The 'Pikachu' Spell (OOC June 30, 2022, IC June 25, 2022)
Lighten up, Buttercup! (OOC June 20, 2022, IC June 11, 2022)
No One to Stop Us (OOC June 14, 2022, IC June 14, 2022)
So How's Your Love Life? (OOC June 7, 2022, IC June 7, 2022)
Unexpected Gratitude (OOC June 7, 2022, IC June 6, 2022???)
Happy Birthday, Leonard Oaksworth (OOC June 5, 2022, IC May 27, 2022)
Sorry for Ruining Your Birthday (OOC May 22, 2022, IC April 6, 2022)
Necessary Evil (OOC May 21, 2022, IC April 3, 2022)
The Forest of Furniture [Dormbattle 2022] (OOC June 5, 2022, IC May 14, 2022)
Midspring Festival (OOC April 28, 2022, IC April 2, 2022)
Midspring Celebration (OOC April 27, 2022, IC April 2, 2022)
Owing a Favor (OOC April 24, 2022, IC April 24, 2022)
Hogwarts' students' Easter break, which is from April 10th to April 24th this year. During this time, your character can stay at the castle without classes OR return home for the entire break. Please be consistent when writing your character during these dates.
Prodigial Charms Learner - 3rd Year
The Three Snake Butlers (OOC April 22, 2022, IC February 19, 2022)
This is...Not so Good (OOC April 2, 2022, IC March 30, 2022)
It's only fair, is it not? (OOC April 1, 2022, IC April 1, 2022)
Dearest Jack <3 (OOC March 20, 2022, IC March 20, 2022)
Asking the Unthinkable (OOC March 9, 2022, IC March 9, 2022)
Dragons are Dumb (OOC March 6, 2022, IC March 6, 2022)
Friends are Hazardous to Your Health (OOC March 4, 2022, IC March 4, 2022)
People May Surprise You (OOC March 1, 2022, IC March 1, 2022)
Pokeball Go! (OOC February 28, 2022, IC February 28, 2022)
Cold, Damp, and Enchanting (OOC February 24, 2022, IC February 24, 2022)
Sugar to Ease the Ache (OOC February 20, 2022, IC February 20, 2022)
TABLE 13 | Sweethearts Tea Party (OOC February 15, 2022, IC February 14, 2022)
Sweethearts Tea Party SIGN-UPS
In Tumultuous Uncertainty (OOC February 13, 2022, IC February 11, 2022)
Deep Discussions (OOC January 2, 2022, IC December 25, 2021)
142 Moving Staircases to Avoid (OOC November 13, 2021, IC September 2, 2021)
Samhain Festival (OOC November 12, 2021, IC October 29, 2021???)
Package for Prefect Percival (OOC October 21, 2021, IC October 12, 2021???)
Of Circumstances Unavoidable (OOC October 13, 2021, IC October 12, 2021???)
Remember the First of September. (OOC September 6, 2021, IC September 1, 2021)
5? Dorm battle threads?
Welcome to the Hippogriff Cabin (OOC August 30, 2021, IC August 1, 2021)
Cooking Hot Pot(ion) (OOC August 7, 2021, IC September 3, 2021)
Senbonzakura - Flowers in Full Bloom (OOC August 7, 2021, IC July 3, 2021)
Pick a Fight; Any Fight (OOC August 5, 2021, IC August 19, 2021)
The Shovel Revolution: Love Sprouts (OOC July 24, 2021, IC June 15, 2021)
Train Fumes (OOC July 20, 2021, IC August 1, 2021???)

Overhearing Odd Owl Chats (OOC June 12, 2021, IC June 12, 2021)
Blossom Ball - Spring Festival (OOC June 3, 2021, IC May 29, 2021)
Puppy Love (OOC May 30, 2021, IC June 1, 2021)
Blossom Ball - Underworld (OOC May 29, 2021, IC May 29, 2021)
FIX URL A Travel Inquiry AKA Pleaaaase Mom and Dad? (OOC May 26, 2021, IC Apr 17, 2021 (and various other dates?))
Like Riding a What Now? (OOC May 25, 2021, IC May 21, 2021)
FIX URL? Notes of Concern (OOC May 20, 2021, IC Mar (various dates), 2020)

Aspirants, Assemble! (OOC Apr 25, 2021, IC May 1, 2021)
Dinner Discussion (OOC Apr 25, 2021, IC Apr 20, 2021)
A Social Experiment (OOC Apr 24, 2021, IC Apr 8, 2021)
Prodigal Charms Learner (OOC Apr 11, 2021, IC ???, 2021)
Lamenting by the Lake - Great Lake, (OOC May 29, 2020, IC May 2, 2020)
Flowers & Superpowers - Room of Requirement, (OOC Apr. 16, 2020, IC Mar. 31 2020, 2020)
Away - Campgrounds, (OOC Apr. 11, 2021, IC Apr. 8, 2021)
Like-Minded and Mark-Binded - Study Room, (OOC Apr. 11, 2021, IC Dec. 18, 2020)
Even Snakes Need Sunlight Jack Burnett - Slytherin Common Room, (OOC Apr. 4, 2021, IC Mar. 31, 2020)
Weighing on Me PV Jack Burnett - Room of Requirement, (OOC Feb. 2, 2021, IC Dec. 17, 2020)
The Reunion Pv Jack Burnett – Dungeons, (OOC Feb. 20, 2021, IC 'takes place some time' after two weeks (rp with Selim & Kaegan) following Feb. 17, 2021 (rp In Search of the Source of the Creeping Darkness))
Jack B., Flash, & Opeila Valentines - Astronomy, (OOC Feb. 4, 2021, IC Feb. 14, 2021)
In Search of the Source of the Creeping Darkness Main Story - Dungeons, (OOC Feb. 9, 2021, IC Feb. 17, 2021)
Get Your Mind Off Romance PV Michael Miller – Common Room, (OOC Jan. 31, 2021, IC Feb. 16, 2021)
Charm The Eyeglass Repair Charm, First Year – History of Magic, (OOC June 30, 2020, IC June 14, 2020)
Trust, Secrets, and Omission PV Falentra Black – Common Room, (OOC Feb. 14, 2021, IC ??? Early Jan?)
RELEASE THE BLUDGERS!!! PV Atlas Reid – Quidditch Training Pitch, (OOC Feb. 22, 2021, IC ???Same?)
Caretaker Cat & Chatter Fox Talk PV Jack Burnett – Caretaker's Office, (OOC Jan. 14, 2021, IC Jan. 22, 2021)
We Want the T.ruth!!! Open – Small Hall, (OOC Feb. 3, 2021, IC Jan. 4-8 2021 somewhere???, 2021)
A night for beginnings Closed – Ballroom, (OOC Jan. 8, 2021, IC Feb. 12, 2021)
Flobberfest Errand with Jack Burnett – Classroom, (OOC Feb. 13, 2021, IC ???)
Discharged into Loneliness Private ReOpen – Library, (OOC Feb. 12, 2021, IC ???)
Leading the Pack Main Story Open – Common Room, (OOC Jan. 5, 2021, IC Oct. 31, 2020)
Late Night Madness PV – Corridors, (OOC Jan. 30, 2021, IC ??? Same?)
Event The Fall Ball (Costume Party) Closed – Rehearsal Room, (OOC Oct. 23, 2020, IC Oct. 16, 2020)
Locked in a Dare PV Dormmates – Severus Snape, (OOC Dec. 10, 2020, IC Nov. 22, 2020)
Charm The Bubble-Producing Charm, First Year – History of Magic, (OOC June 30, 2020, IC June 15, 2020)
Different from One's Doppleganger PV Aaron Jones – Grounds, (OOC Nov. 23, 2020, IC Oct. 10, 2020?)
Hex The Sneezing Hex, First Year – History of Magic, (OOC June 30, 2020, IC June 17, 2020)
Duelling Stage 1, Day 2 Spectator Closed – Duelling Club, (OOC Nov. 11, 2020, IC Oct. 18, 2020)
Errand Much Ado About Mudbloods Closed – Muggle Studies, (OOC Oct. 16, 2020, IC Oct. 16, 2020)
Sorting Ceremony 2019-2020 Archived – Great Hall, (OOC Jan. 8, 2020, IC Sept. 1, 2019)
Slow or Stop Movement? Solo Prodigal Learner – Charms, (OOC June 30, 2020, IC ???)
Uncovering the Truth Solo Prodigal Learner – Charms, (OOC June 30, 2020, IC ???)
General The Slytherin Table 2019-2020 – Great Hall, (OOC Dec. 21, 2019, IC Sept. 1, 2019)
Magic Mystery Messages Prodigal Learner Finished – Charms, (OOC Apr. 8, 2020, IC ???)
Making the Most of Things Prodigal Finished – Charms, (OOC Mar. 10, 2020, IC ???)
Undo the Damage Done Prodigal Learner Finished – Charms, (OOC Feb. 13, 2020, IC ???)
A Space-Saving Solution Prodigal Finished – Charms, (OOC Mar. 10, 2020, IC ???)
A Matter of Survival Prodigal Learner Finished – Charms, (OOC Feb. 13, 2020, IC ???)
A Secret Message from a Secret Santa PV closed – Owlery, (OOC Jan. 4, 2020, IC ???)

((Integrate the above rps in OOC date order with the rps below!))

Badger Birthday Bash - Jake Morris, Ruka Burnett-Tân,.....AND LOTS MORE TBA LATER, Elsewhere... (Wiltshire, England) (OOC ???, IC Aug. 24, 2020)

[ERRAND] Brotherly Bake-Off - Ruka Burnett-Tân, Elsewhere... (Cardiff, Wales) (OOC Sept. 30th, IC August 13?)

[ERRAND] Tarantulasaurus Time (Group Rp) - Erin Ryan & Leonard Oaksworth, Classroom (OOC Sept. 26, IC ???)

Ship Off Course - Paisley Brown, Classroom (OOC Sept. 20, IC ???)

A First, Second, and Third Year Aug 25 / Sept 1st
Shoo, Fly; Don't Bother Me Aug 24 (earlier) / May 13th
Fishy & Foxy Aug 24 (earlier) / Sept 7th
Taking Risks Aug 24/ ???
Dare to Debate? Aug 22 / Sept 11th
The Marks That Bind Us Aug 17 / Sept 1st
No Place Like Home Aug 14 / July 1st
A Day You'd Thought Had Been Forgotten Aug 13 / Aug 2nd

Group Seven & Eight (July 19th/Slytherin fight club event)
Garden of Runaways (July 20th...? Sometime after June 19th/Slytherin fight club event)
Animated Animals and Talk over Tea Time - (Friday, June 19th around 4pm in the afternoon)
Glitter and be Gay - (??? ask date of ERRAND)
An Excuse to Know You - (June 14th, Sunday, in the afternoon, after Flavour Fox ERRAND)
Sleep Yoga - (??? Ask when this errand takes place...? ERRAND)
A Wizard's Park (and Recreation) - (July 14th; around 7am in the morning on summer vacation in London)
A Few Hints on Hags - (Friday, June 19th)
Locking the Doors - (Friday, June 19th)

A Good Day for a Swim - (written when? Gotten to Jack when?)

Anonymous Love Note To: OS - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: TL - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: JM - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: RD - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: ER - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: PB - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: Victor Moore - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: Flash Holmwood - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: Ruka Tân - Errand
Anonymous Love Note To: Selim Faust - Errand

Paper Cuts and Feelings - (June 10th or June 11th? Ask)
Makeover and Manicures - (June 3rd, June 4th, or June 7th? Ask. Ruka participated in this, too - AFTER Relaying Relations on June 2nd, but don't know what particular day. Ask Jensen since she made the errand? Also, Ruka and Jack didn't participate at the same time. What date did Ruka put on his timeline for this errand? June 6th, he said.)
Haaaaave you met Cadmus? - (May 28th or June 4th?)
What is the First Rule... - (July 18 or July 19? Ask. Think the 19th is supposed to be the shopping one, but Lear said shopping is before fight club, so I think the fight club should be the 19th.)
Relaying Relations - (June 2nd afternoon, after classes, after Time Spent on May 16th)
SLYTHERIN VICTORY CELEBRATION - (June 1st 1am in the morning)
Invisible Thread - (May 3rd, May 24th, or May 28 - during Embroidery 101)
The Sweetest Fashion Show Ever! - (March 27 1pm, given invites early in the morning. Takes place after Delicacy from March 26th)
Failure to Fold - (May 10th)
I Heard It Through the Portrait - (May 25 or May 27? Ask)
The Icy Lake - (April 3rd or May 25th?)
Mandrakes for Medicine - (April 3rd or May 25th?)
Embroidery 101 - (May 3rd, May 24th, or May 28)
I Got You - (March 3rd - Tues after Not My First Pick)
Poisonous Snake Bites the Badger - (May 19th, 20, 21?)
Call it Dreaming - (May 18th...and other dates)
Hogwarts Model UN 2020 (Philippines) - (May 18th?)

Committing a Crime - Opeila Seilun, Percival Rainwood, Glen Pope, Flash Holmwood, Nico Shymane, & Kara Capricorn, Head of House's Office

Miraculous Muggle-borns Mudbloods Club - Wren Caster, May Moonstar, Adohiro Moira, & Kara Capricorn, Study Room

Friendship for All - Willow Anderson, Samuel Barnes, Alan Vanes, Kara Capricorn, Ruka Tân, Brannelle Tarre, & Tyranni Whitethorn, Great Hall

Getting up the Courage - Percival Rainwood, Wyatt Starkey, Percival Gray, Adonis Thorn, & Hanako Tone, Severus Snape Dormitory

Dysfunctional Snake Boys - Percival Rainwood, Hanako Tone, Adonis Thorn, & Wyatt Starkey, Severus Snape Dormitory

Waiting to Meet You - Ruka Tân, Letters

Secret Blossom Ball 2020 - Willow Anderson & Ruka Tân.....AND LOTS MORE TBA LATER, Quidditch Pitch

Fake Boyfriend, Real Feelings - Erin Ryan, Corridors

Let's talk War, Partners! - Opeila Seilun, Flash Holmwood, Tyranni Whitethorn, Bridget Collins, Thomas Lestrange, & Thora Larkston, Slytherin Common Room

Like Wonderland or Neverland? - Persephone Barret, Herbology

To: Breana Oliveire - Breana Oliveire, Letters

The Way I Behaved - Flash Holmwood, Courtyard

Did Someone Order Revenge? - Ross Stephens, Great Hall

Observations of a Slacker - Solo (sort of) referring to Ross Stephens & Flash Holmwood, Potions (Class)

To: Pericles Dralt - Pericles Dralt, Letters

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Anastasia Beckett, Courtyard

Launching into Madness - Adelyn Sinclair, Great Hall

Quest for a Birthdate - Arlo Reynolds, Professor Hjørdis Jensen, & Professor Elaine Pendrast, Corridors

The Dorm Battles - Opeila Seilun, Adohiro Moira, Hanako Tone, Alexander Varellion, Thomas Lestrange, Nico Shymane, Kara Capricorn, Dmitri Jones, Glen Pope, Luna Choi, Erin Ryan, Persephone Barret, & Dan Palmer.....AND LOTS MORE TBA LATER, Slytherin Common Room

Spill the Tea - Shen Lee, Opeila Seilun, Seth Reed, & Hanako Tone, Slytherin Common Room

Soaked Secrets - Ruka Tân, Boys' Lavatory

Physical Problems for Once - Opeila Seilun, Charms (Class)

April Fools' Pool Party - Opeila Seilun, Adohiro Moira, Willow Anderson, Ruka Tân, Persephone Barret, Annie Morgan, Grace Mint, Breana Oliveire, Jack Warren, & George Henry.....AND LOTS MORE TBA LATER, Grounds

Back Into The Water - Thomas Lestrange, Erin Ryan, & Ivy Bellamy(who I did not meet in this rp), Great Lake

Dressed for Distress - Ruka Tân, Rehearsal Room

Leave my Loneliness Unbroken - Raven Dark, Library

Advertising the Mudblood Club - Professor Maya Galim, Classroom (Muggle Studies)

Delicacy - Persephone Barret, Ruka Tân, & Professor Rosalind Kibitzer, Great Hall

Hogwarts' Got Talent! 2020 - Allister-Jameson MacAllister, Lark Flaer, Elena Jangleton(who I did not meet in this rp), Willow Anderson, Opeila Seilun, Ruka Tân, Flash Holmwood, Alan Vanes, Evelynn Decipio, Ivy Bellamy(who I did not meet in this rp), Xailah Alptraum(who I did not meet in this rp), Pericles Dralt, Rafael D'Spacito, Serena Bowen(who I did not meet in this rp), Andrew Vance(who I did not meet in this rp), Nico Shymane, & Breana Oliveire, Rehearsal Room

It's Going to be Funny... - Brooklyn Pierce, Grounds

- update people in all rps above and also add to list of people known. Also, title events, errands and...solos? -

Burned Out - Willow Anderson & Ruka Tân, Classroom

After It All - Oliver Averill & Selim Faust, Severus Snape Dormitory

Flight of the First Years - Oliver Caldwell, George Henry, Breana Oliveire, Willow Anderson, & Kayden Mae Killian, Flying (Class)

Happy Birthday! - Mildred Wilson, Willow Anderson, Sean Hearth, Tyranni Whitethorn, Ruka Tân, Alan Noble, Flash Holmwood, Griseldis Edelhardt, Opeila Seilun, & Evelynn Decipio, Rehearsal Room

Another Student Scared of Sleep - Kaegen Deathmote, Corridors

[MAIN STORY EVENT] Not My First Pick - Victor Moore, Opeila Seilun, Percival Gray, Dan Palmer & Nico Shymane...?, Abandoned Toilets

Burdened with Worries - Alan Vanes, Hogsmeade: Main Square

Lovely Payback - Ruka Tân, Flash Holmwood, & Hanako Tone Boys' Lavatory

No One Compares to You - Erin Ryan, Small Hall

Birthdays Should Be Special - Flash Holmwood, Room of Requirement

Wating for... Something - Opeila Seilun, Slytherin Common Room

Legacy - Flash Holmwood & Opeila Seilun, Study Room

On the Prowl - Willow Anderson, Great Hall

Get Well So I Can Kill You - Ruka Tân & Selim Faust, Hospital Wing

Collecting on Favors - Selim Faust, Severus Snape Dormitory

Unwelcome Meetings - Ruka Tân & Selim Faust, Corridors

[ERRAND] Dusty Books and Cozy Nooks (Group Rp) - Xailah Alptraum, Evelynn Decipio, Bastille Aurelius, Piérre Marchonné, & Natalia Draig, Library

[ERRAND] Tainted Bouquets (Group Rp) - Persephone Barret, Rafael D'Spacito, & Jo Morgan, Potions (Classroom)

What's In It For You? - Thomas Lestrange, Boys' Dormitory

[MAIN STORY EVENT] Something Dire in the Dark - Victor Moore, Caelan Stewart, & Arlo Reynolds, (and various others not interacted with), Slytherin Common Room

Candle-lit Dinner for Crazy & Curious - Erin Ryan, Courtyard

On Top of It All - John Wolfe, Astronomy (Tower)

Just Between You and Me - Flash Holmwood, Trophy Room

Badger in the Wrong Den - Jake Morris, Library

An Untimely Surprise - Selim Faust, Corridors

Breakfast Brawl - Ruka Tân, Rafael D'Spacito, & Jo Morgan, Great Hall

The Most Singularly Delightful Discovery - Kazuo Shimada, Library

[MAIN STORY EVENT] Strange Bedfellows - Victor Moore, Caelan Stewart, & Arlo Reynolds, Boys' Dormitory

[EVENT] Candyman - Vladimir Athanatos (and various others not interacted with), Courtyard

[ERRAND] Valentine's Tea (Group Rp) - Professor Olphie Bercegeay, Opeila Seilun, Small Hall

Warm Spacey Afternoons ( keep it that way ) - Hanako Tone, Grounds

Keeping Memories Alive - Ruka Tân, Room of Requirement

Dinner Introductions - Selim Faust & Quincy Quicksilver, Great Hall

Partner Assignment - Elizabeth Down, History of Magic (Class)

Night Owl - Lilia Winfrey, Library

A Dance with Fire - Ruka Tân, Kara Capricorn, Griseldis Edelhardt, & Opeila Seilun, Grounds

or [ERRAND] Lunar New Year (Group 1 - The Chinese Zodiac) - Professor Cypresse Lian, Alexx Séverin, Piérre Marchonné, Selim Faust, May Moonstar, Lycan Grey, & Ruka Tân, Transfiguration (Classroom)

All We Know - Roman Kingston, Library

[ERRAND] House of Toads (Group 5) - Professor Boniface Murtagh MacTavish, Lily Áshildr Björnsdotti, Pericles Dralt, Lark Flaer, & Teiki Laurent, Herbology (Greenhouse)

Oh, To Live Among The Stars - Ruka Tân, Astronomy (Tower)

Washing Up in the Showers - Selim Faust & Oliver Averill, Severus Snape Dormitory (Showers)

A letter to an enemy - Opeila Seilun, Owlery

Christmas Cheers and Christmas Tears - Jo Morgan, Corridors

Afraid and Shy - Lilian Doll & Roman Kingston, Slytherin Common Room

Just Stop! - Saoirse Dwight, Library

Outside Class - Quincy Quicksilver, Charms (Outside Classroom)

A Pyro Performance - Ruka Tân, Rehearsal Room

One Point Perspective - Gem Stuart, Courtyard

Warm Treacle - Gem Stuart, Alina Fridenot, & Opeila Seilun, Courtyard

Caught Outside of Class - Evelynn Decipio, Potions (Classroom Outside of Class)

✢ Naivety And Frustration ✢ - Airlia Winter, Transfiguration (Class)

So Much For Intelligent Ravenclaw - Selim Faust, Slytherin Common Room

Aggravating News - Selim Faust, Severus Snape Dormitory****Last one I checked for all the people in it and favors

Pondering Parents - Opeila Seilun, Astronomy (Tower)

Scars Better Left Unseen - Selim Faust & Arlo Reynolds, Severus Snape Dormitory

A Quiet Retreat - Jackson Kirkland, Selim Faust, Opeila Seilun, & Sen Leaf, Great Lake

Yo, Dude! - Erin Ryan, Thomas Lestrange, Ruby Cazares, & Selim Faust, Slytherin Common Room

Diffusing the Time Bomb - Rafael D'Spacito, Corridors

Wrong Gryffindor Quidditch Player - Kyle DeRook, Quidditch Training Pitch

[ERRAND] (Slytherin) Common Room Decoration Committee - Oliver Averill, Persephone Barret, & Luna Choi, Slytherin Common Room

All Work and No Play - Adamina Scasson, Great Lake

A Friendly Debate - Veronica Turner, Great Hall

Why Shouldn't I? - Penelope Alexander, Grace Mint, & Opeila Seilun, Abandoned Toilets

The Art of Appearing to Slack Off - Yseult Silva, Herbology (Class)

Get Outer My Space - Oakley Broode, Astronomy (Tower)

Snow’s Little Hiding Spot - Snow Jones & Grace Mint, Abandoned Toilets

Weeping Willow - Oliver Averill & Stella Dawson, Abandoned Toilets

Twilight Snow Fairies - Lore Solaris, Grounds

Owl post - Lilith Hayes, Penelope Alexander, Griseldis Edelhardt, Quinn Healy(who I did not meet in this rp), Xailah Alptraum(who I did not meet in this rp), Koko Riddle(who I did not meet in this rp), Ruby Cazares(who I did not meet in this rp), Nico Shymane, & Thora Larkston(who I did not meet in this rp), Great Hall

B is for...? - Persephone Barret, Great Hall (Sorting Ceremony)

[EVENT] Gifting Anonymously! - Donnovan Perrywinkle, Rafael D'Spacito, Euphrasia Millie(who I did not meet in this rp), Jo Morgan, Alain Couture(who I did not meet in this rp), and Oliver Averill, Great Hall

It's Time To Begin, Isn't It? - Aubrie Hannon, Lore Solaris(who I did not meet in this rp), & Veronica Turner(who I did not meet in this rp), Hogwarts Express

Think You Can Best Me? - Jo Morgan, Transfiguration (Class)

Little to No Adult Supervision - Edea Baker(who I did not meet in this rp) & Arcadia Ducain(who I did not meet in this rp), Hogwarts Express

Bad Sleeping Habits - Selim Faust, Slytherin Common Room

Older Than She Seems - Professor Béatrice Lydursdattir(who I did not meet in this rp), Study of Ancient Runes Tower

To Keep a Secret - Oliver Averill & Selim Faust, Severus Snape Dormitory

Who'd've Thought... - Illowy Magnard, Library

Friendless- For Now - Oliver Averill & Selim Faust, Slytherin Common Room

Set the Spider Free! - Emile Yorke, Diagon Alley

Misleading Love Letters - Rafael D'Spacito, Alex Tyler, & Aurelia Notrésvace, Small Hall

Dare to Disagree - Stella Dawson, Library

A New Acquaintance - Primrose Mcarthy, Library

Desperate Measures - Elena Jangleton & Jane Victoria(who I did not meet in this rp), Trophy Room

Processing the Differences - Wren Caster, Owlery

Lost & Found - Oliver Averill, Corridors

From the Muggle to the Wizarding World - Alex Tyler & Griseldis Edelhardt, Library

Find some friends, make the year count! - Day Reinheimer(who I did not meet in this rp), Slytherin Common Room
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 25 Jul 2023, 17:33, edited 157 times in total.

9 Dec 2019, 16:13
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
(If you don't see an opinion for a character here, it's likely because they haven't yet completed a roleplay with Jack yet and he may not yet know what to make of them. Please check back later after they've finished one!)

(Note to self: fix 'amusing' vs 'fun')

Alex Tyler - 1st Year
This girl is insane. What makes me think so? Too many things to list here. She's so contradictive and hypocritical. Not to mention she tried to lie to a prefect from her own house and expected me to lie with her. Something is definitely wrong with her.

Elena Jangleton - 2nd Year
Uh...dunno too much about her. Just that some stupid Ravenclaws were bullying her for being smarter than they were. Kinda sad she didn't even seem to try to put up a fight when they took her necklace, though.

Jane Victoria - 2nd Year
Don't know too much about...them?

Wren Caster - 1st Year
This one is pretty sickeningly sweet and cheerful. And talkative, but so am I, so she's okay, I guess. I will say that she's unexpectedly sharp; she exceeded my expectations in noticing I was muggle-born. She also suggested we make a muggle-born club, which at first I thought was a bad idea, but the more I thought about it, the more I'm thinking it could be fun.

Griseldis Edelhardt - 2nd Year
My savior from Alex and a Gryffindor prefect. That's all I really know about her.

Rafael D'Spacito - 1st Year
Still don't quite know what to make of this one. He seems pretty popular, but he's also got a temper and claims to have a boyfriend. Yeah, right. Who has a boyfriend at 11-years-old? He also tried to save me from Alex even after he probably knew I might have deserved her wrath. I owe him.

Emile Yorke - 2nd Year
Nosy guy with no sense of discretion, from what I can tell so far, but I don't really know him. He is bad news. He's crazy and dangerous! He told me he would have been willing to save anyone in Diagon Alley (where I met him) over himself, including me, even after I was being a git to him on purpose. What is wrong with him?!
- Alex Tyler - Annoyance/Crazy (avoid whenever possible)
- Griseldis Edelhardt - Okay
- Wren Caster - Okay
- Rafael D'Spacito - Very amusing (considers me his nemesis?!)
- Aurelia Notrésvace - ???
- Emile Yorke - ???
- Jo Morgan - Fun
- Snow Jones - ???
- Veronica Turner - ???
- Adamina Scasson - ???
- Kyle DeRook - Annoyance (saved my life)
- Evelynn Decipio - Intriguing
- Ruka Tân - Intriguing/Very Fun/Experiment 🦊
- Piérre Marchonné - Annoyance
- Lilia Winfrey - ???
- John Wolfe - ???
- Xailah Alptraum - ???
- Bastille Aurelius - ???
- Alan Vanes - Pathetic/Annoyance/Ignorant/Liar

Stella Dawson - 1st Year
Hufflepuffs are the WORST. At least that’s the impression I’m getting, since this is the first one I've met. I can only hope that none of the others are anything like her, but with something like valuing friendship being in their house description, I'm not getting those hopes very high. I pity her, but I also wish she would leave me alone. She is definitely a badgering badger. 12/30/2019 - UGH and now I owe her, too, since I asked for her help!
- Stella Dawson - Avoid
- Aubrie Hannon - ???
- Donnovan Perrywinkle - ???
- Airlia Winter - ???
- Saoirse Dwight - ???
- Teiki Laurent - ???
- Quinn Healy - Intriguing
- Kazuo Shimada - ???
- Jake Morris - ???
- Willow Anderson - ???
- May Moonstar - Annoyance/Crazy (avoid whenever possible)

Oliver Averill - 1st Year
I love this kid. He is the best toy. The way he acts, the way he talks...I mean, he's got a pretty dirty mouth for someone who plans to be a future prefect. But the funny thing is he's usually keeping to himself somewhere, looking all timid and insecure. The more he tries to seem like he's not, the worse of an impression he seems to give. Still, when someone does something he doesn't like, he'll definitely let them know it. He doesn't just let people walk all over him and I like that about him. I can never get enough of teasing him, though, and I think he hates my guts for it, but hey, I wouldn't have it any other way. Neither of us considers the other a friend, but he seems to tolerate me to an extent, so I try not to be too mean to him. Wouldn't want to lose my favorite toy.

Primrose Mcarthy - 1st Year
Cute girl. Or I thought she was at first, but then she got all shy on me. Don't know too much about her.

Selim Faust - 1st Year
Still trying to make up my mind about this one. He reminds me a little more of me than I'd like, but the question is, can he match wits with me? Doubtful. And what's with those stupid contacts? Is that what he has to wear to make himself feel more intimidating? Just makes him seem more pathetic to me, like an old woman who has to wear make-up to make herself seem young. Any true trickster knows that real deception runs far deeper than surface appearances.

Illowy Magnard - 2nd Year
This one has a dirty mouth and gets defensive pretty quickly. Other than that, don't really know her yet.
- Oliver Averill - Dorm mate. Fun 🦊
- Elena Jangleton - ???
- Primrose Mcarthy - ???
- Selim Faust - Dorm mate. Intriguing/Contractual Partner/Cute 🦊
- Illowy Magnard - ???
- Persephone Barret - Intriguing (considers me a nemesis?)
- Nico Shymane - ???
- Yseult Silva - Annoyance
- Opeila Seilun - Annoyance/Ignorant/Impulsive/Liar
- Luna Choi - ???
- Erin Ryan - Intriguing/Cute
- Thomas Lestrange - Slightly Interesting Annoyance
- Ruby Cazares - ???
- Arlo Reynolds - Dorm mate. Intriguing
- Alina Frideno - ???
- Lilian Doll - ???
- Roman Kingston - Fun
- Lily Áshildr Björnsdotti - ???
- Alexx Séverin - ???
- Kara Capricorn - Annoyance/Crazy (avoid whenever possible)
- Elizabeth Down - ???
- Hanako Tone - Dorm mate. ???
- Victor Moore - Dorm mate. Intriguing 🦊
- Caelan Stewart - ???
- Flash Holmwood - Dorm mate. Intriguing/Very fun/Cute 🦊
- Dale Kurt? - Dorm mate. ???
- Percival Gray - ???
- Dan Palmer - Very Amusing
(check order I met them in, but dorm mates and others:)
- Percival Rainwood - Dorm mate. Amusing.
- Wyatt Starkey - Dorm mate. Amusing.
- Adonis Thorn - Dorm mate. ???

- Gerald Fawkes - Intriguing. Fun.
- Leonard Oaksworth - Intriguing.
- Emmanuel Min Requiza - Hmm...worth learning more about...
- Tristan Theramin - ??? Worth meeting...

- Lilith Hayes - ???
- Penelope Alexander - ???
- Lore Solaris - ???
- Grace Mint - Annoyance/Crazy (avoid whenever possible)
- Oakley Broode - Fun
- Jackson Kirkland - ???
- Sen Leaf - ???
- Gem Stuart - Fun
- Quincy Quicksilver - Intriguing
- Pericles Dralt - Intriguing
- Lark Flaer - Cute
- Vladimir Athanatos - Intriguing
- Natalia Draig - ???
- Kaegen Deathmote - Intriguing
- Breana Oliveire - Cute
- Dealla Prince - She impressed me on our first meeting with her knowledge and calling me out on my use of a Year 2 spell despite us both being in Year 1 at the time. Also has a mind of her own that can critically think. Her sense of humor also suggests high intelligence.

- Professor Béatrice Lydursdattir - ???
- Professor Boniface Murtagh MacTavish - ???
- Professor Cypresse Lian - Fun, but maybe a little less responsible or caring than she should be as a teacher...
- Professor Olphie Bercegeay - Annoyance
- Professor Artemis Vernatis - Dull...ignores me.
- Professor Maya Galim - Dull...won't debate or argue with me.
(check order I met them in, but more:)
- Professor Hjørdis Jensen - She's okay, I guess. Just hard trying to ignore when she flirts with the male teachers like Vernatis and Cardoc. Otherwise she seems mostly apathetic if not angry towards us students. Cares enough for a Head of House, I suppose...but her obvious vanity lowers my opinion of her.
- Professor Zahid al-Benghazi ibn Masoud - Prefers to go by 'Professor Zahid'. He's really interesting, diligent, and cool. Probably one of my favorite teachers and NOT just because he teaches my favorite subject. Too bad he usually seems too busy to talk to us students much.
- Professor Kateri Karr - ...I need to have a serious talk with this woman. What she did to Victor Moore at the Blossom Ball was unforgivable. If it weren't for Ruka, her thoughtless actions might have killed her own student.

Clubs, Groups, and Teams
Severus Snape Dormitory Snakes
(aka Dysfunctional Snake Den of Disaster)
Original Cast from First Year being (in no particular order):

- Jack B.
- Selim F.
- Flash H.
- Wyatt S.
- Percival G.
- Percival R.
- Hanako T.
- Adonis T.

Year Three's Roster (in no particular order):

- Jack Burnett
- Flash Holmwood
- Henry Knight
- Percival Gray
- Avery Chen
- Selim Faust
- Hanako Tone
- Wyatt Starkey
- Percival Rainwood

Mystical Creatures Club
Founded by Cade Darkbound, taken over by Kim Sato
Member since June 29th, 2023

The Mischief Makers
Founded by Ivy Bellamy, taken over by Quinn Root, then taken over again by Kim Sato
Member since January 29th, 2023

Prank Club
Founded by Quinn Root, taken over by David Howard (and taken over by Kim Sato on 1/29/2023 to be merged with his Mischief Makers club)
Member since January 25th, 2023

League of Aspirant Animagi
Founded by Pericles Dralt
Member since February 28th, 2021

Miraculous Muggle-born Mudbloods Club
Co-founded by Wren Caster & Jack Burnett

Devil's Prank Club...?
Membership status still pending
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 17 Jun 2023, 22:13, edited 28 times in total.

9 Dec 2019, 16:14
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
- Hogwarts' Summer Camp 2023
- Cabin Sign Up (Summer Camp 2023)
- Cabin Assignments and Information (Summer Camp 2023)
- Dragon Cabin - Jack Burnett (Summer Camp 2023)
- Unicorn Cabin - Ginyami Midorimori (Summer Camp 2023)
- Unofficial Spin the Bottle Beans Signups! (Summer Camp 2023)
- Spin the Bottle Beans! - Group 1 - Ginyami Midorimori (Summer Camp 2023)
- Spin the Bottle Beans! - Group 2 - Jack Burnett (Summer Camp 2023)

- Signed up to be a duelist on the Slytherin Duelist Team

- Sign-Ups for the BaiKim Christmas Celebration Bash

- Slytherin vs Hufflepuff - Winter 2023 (Jack's Second Quidditch Match) - LOSS
- Slytherin vs Ravenclaw - Fall 2022 (Jack's First Quidditch Match) - WIN (+1 Evasion Stat)

- Signed up for the position of Keeper on the Slytherin Quidditch Team
- Rp request for scream of terror
- Fourth Year Ability & Stats Application

- Twirl the Flagon (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022)
- Truth or Dare (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022)
- Tent (Sign-Ups) (Summer Camp 2022) - Nameless Chaos Tent (Summer Camp 2022)

- Sweethearts Tea Party SIGN-UPS (Valentine's Day 2022)

- The Forest of Furniture (Dormbattle 2022)
- Dormbattle 2021 threads

- 1000th post

(All of Severus Snape Signups which I need to put somewhere else eventually:)
- Old Dorm Description
- Year 1 Sign-up
- Year 2 Sign-up
- Year 3 Sign-up
- Year 3 Re-Sign-up (after change to Gender Neutral Dorm) Complete with Room Description

- Slytherin Yearbook Nominations for 2020-2021
- Valentines Dinner

- Application for a Year 5 Ability - Animagus
- Application for a Year 4 Ability - Perfectionist II
- Application for a Year 3 Ability - Perfectionist
- Application for a Year 2 Ability - Binding Mark
- Signed up on the Severus Snape Dorm Roster for Year 2

- The Yearbook Record
- Hogwarts Yearbook 2022-2023
- Slytherin Yearbook 2021-2022
- Slytherin Yearbook 2019-2020
- Jack's quest to find Ruka's birthday
- Ruka's birthday present to Jack
- Hogwarts' Got Talent - Opeila's Surprise Birthday Party thrown by Mildred...?
- I Got You (Main Story Event - Exclusive to Jack Burnett as a private thread continuation of 'Not My First Pick')
- Not My First Pick (Main Story Event - Exclusive to Slytherin for winning the House Cup for February 2020)
- Something Dire in the Dark (Main Story Event - Exclusive to Slytherin for winning the House Cup for January 2020)
- Strange Bedfellows (Main Story Event - Exclusive to Slytherin for winning the House Cup for January 2020)
- Candyman (February Event)
- Gifting Anonymously!
- Application for a Year 1 Ability - Prodigal Charms Learner (My 200th post, lol) (Jan 13th)
- Signing Up on The Severus Snape Dorm Roster (Dec 13th)
- Actual Sorting Hat Ceremony
- Sorting Hat Ceremony


- None - ??? (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: ???
  • Due Date: ???
  • Group Type: ???
  • Requirement: ???
  • Reward: ???
((Change 'Limit' to 'Group Type' below or ADD Limit for the limit of students allowed to participate in an errand))

- Like Riding a What Now? - Like Riding a What Now? (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: June 21, 2021
  • Group Type: Mass Group (Main Thread)
  • Requirement: 800 words per student/each
  • Reward: 3 House Points & 2 Chocolate Frogs
- Wormer in Winter - Flobberfest (Errand RP Thread) - Word count NOT met.
  • Month: February
  • Due Date: February 21st, 2021
  • Group Type: Small Groups (no more than 3 per thread)
  • Requirement: 800 words per student/each
  • Reward: 4 Sickles & 2 House Points
- Glitter and be Gay - Great Hall Location (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: June
  • Due Date: June 30th, 2020
  • Group Type: Any/Main Threads
  • Requirement: 1000 words per student/each
  • Reward: 5 House Points
- Sleep Yoga - Sleep Yoga (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: June
  • Due Date: June 29th, 2020
  • Group Type: Any/Main Thread
  • Requirement: 1000 words per student/each
  • Reward: 5 House Points
- Tea Leaves & Animals - An Excuse to Know You (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: June
  • Due Date: June 30th, 2020
  • Group Type: Individual or Group Threads
  • Requirement: 1000 words per student/each
  • Reward: 4 Chocolate Frogs & 6 Sickles
- Makeover and Manicures - Makeover and Manicures (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: June
  • Due Date: June 30th, 2020
  • Group Type: Any/Main Thread
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 6 Chocolate Frogs & 4 Sickles
- Relay Race - Relaying Relations (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: June 8th, 2020
  • Group Type: Groups of 3 per thread
  • Requirement: 1000 words per student/each
  • Reward: 5 House Points
- The Sweetest Fashion Show Ever! - The Sweetest Fashion Show Ever! (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: May 18th, 2020
  • Group Type: Large group taking part in the main thread.
  • Requirement: Only those who successfully completed the “Hogwarts Dessert Decorators” errand before the deadline (19th April) can join this errand. & 800 words
  • Reward: 4 Chocolate Frogs + 4 Sickles per student (And eat all the decorated desserts to your heart’s content until you pass out ;3)
- Love Note Leavers - Love Note Leavers (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: May 31st, 2020
  • Group Type: Individual or Group/Main Thread
  • Requirement: 200 words per letter
  • Reward: One letter per 200 words. 1-5 posts per person. [2 Chocolate Frogs every post, max 10 Frogs for 5 posts] 2 Chocolate Frogs per 200 words. Max 10 Frogs.
- Embroidery 101 - Embroidery 101 (Errand RP Thread) & Invisible Thread (Offshoot Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: May 28th, 2020
  • Group Type: Any
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 5 House Points
- Original Origami - Failure to Fold (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: May 28th, 2020
  • Group Type: Any
  • Requirement: 800 words
  • Reward: 2 House Points & 4 Sickles
- Muggles and Magic (Part 2) - The Icy Lake (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: April? & May
  • Due Date: May 24th, 2020
  • Group Type: Individual
  • Requirement: Must have completed Mandrakes for Medicine & 400 words
  • Reward: 15 Chocolate Frogs
- Muggles and Magic (Part 1) - Mandrakes for Medicine (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: April? & May
  • Due Date: May 24th, 2020
  • Group Type: Individual
  • Requirement: Must have completed lesson 1, year 1 Herbology & 400 words
  • Reward: 2 House Points & Earmuffs (valued at 8 Sickles)
- Hogwarts Model UN 2020 - The Philippines (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: May
  • Due Date: May 18th, 2020
  • Group Type: Individual
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 4 House Points & 2 Sickles
- Spring Cleaning - Like Wonderland or Neverland? (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: April
  • Due Date: before April 28th, 2020
  • Limit: 15 people
  • Requirement: 600 words
  • Reward: 6 Chocolate Frogs
- Hogwarts Dessert Decorators - Delicacy (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: March
  • Due Date: before April 19th, 2020
  • Limit: None
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 2 House Points & 6 Sickles
- Dusted Away - Dusty Books and Cozy Nooks (Errand RP Thread) - Word Count met!
  • Month: March
  • Due Date: before March 22, 2020
  • Limit: 3 groups of 5 people each
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 3 House Points & 4 sickles
- Love is in the Garden - Tainted Bouquets (Errand RP Thread) - Word count met!
  • Month: February
  • Due Date: before Feb 27, 2020
  • Limit: None
  • Requirement: 600 words
  • Reward: 3 House Points
- Valentine's Tea - Errand RP Thread
  • Month: February
  • Due Date: before March 1, 2020
  • Limit: None
  • Requirement: 2 posts of 200+ words each for a total of 600 words
  • Reward: 3 House Points
- Lunar New Year (Group 1 - The Chinese Zodiac) - Errand RP Thread
  • Month: January
  • Due Date: before ??? ??, 2020
  • Limit: 3 groups of 7 people each
  • Requirement: 800 words
  • Reward: 8 sickles
- House of Toads? (Group 5) - Errand RP Thread
  • Month: January
  • Due Date: before Feb 5, 2020
  • Limit: 5 groups of 5 people each
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 5 House Points
- Deck the Halls - (Slytherin) Common Room Decoration Committee (Due 1/1/2020)
  • Month: December
  • Due Date: before Jan 1, 2020
  • Limit: None
  • Requirement: 1 to 5 posts of 200 words each.
  • Reward: 1 to 5 House Points depending (obtained 3)
- Teacher Secret Santa! (Finished before 1/5/2020) - A Secret Message from a Secret Santa
  • Month: December
  • Due Date: before Jan 5, 2020
  • Limit: 17 people
  • Requirement: 1000 words
  • Reward: 6 sickles & 4 frogs

Extracurricular Activities
Studies/Homework: (and when?/date? and what was learned)
- A Matter of Survival - learned the Freezing Charm (Immobulus)
- Undo the Damage Done - learned the General Counter-Spell (Finite Incantatem)
- A Space-Saving Solution - learned the Shrinking Charm (Reducio)
- Making the Most of Things - learned the Engorgement Charm (Engorgio)
- Magic Mystery Messages - learned the Illegibility Charm (Illegibilus)
- Uncovering the Truth - learned a Revealing Charm (Revelio)
- Slow or Stop Movement? - learned the Slowing Charm (Arresto Momentum)

- The Eyeglass Repair Charm, First Year - learned the Eyeglass Repair Charm (Oculus Reparo) and failed. Tried again here and succeeded. (learned ICly June 14th, 2020)
- The Bubble-Producing Charm, First Year - tried to learn the Bubble-Producing Spell (Bullarum Immortalem) (learned ICly June 15th, 2020)
- The Sneezing Hex, First Year - tried to learn the Sneezing Hex (Steleus) and failed. Tried again here and succeeded. (learned ICly June 17th, 2020)

Prodigal Charms Learner - 2nd Year (OOC Apr 11, 13, 14, 15, & 16, 2021, IC ???)

Prodigal Charms Learner - 3rd Year (OOC Apr 16 & 19, 2022, IC ???)

Prodigal Charms Learner - 4th Year (OOC Aug 6 & 7, 2022, IC ???)

Prodigal Charms Learner - 5th Year (OOC June 15 & 27, 2023, IC ???)

Burn Healing Paste, Murtlap Essence, and Revive Potion - 4th Year (OOC June 14, 2023, IC June 14, 2023 for the Revive Potion, ??? for the Burn Healing Paste, and ??? for the Murtlap Essence)
Revive Potion - 4th Year (Jack and Hanako's Revive Potion-making Competition) (OOC June 22, 2023, IC June 21, 2023)

Homework assignments
Requirements and goals for certain abilities...?
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 25 Jul 2023, 17:24, edited 48 times in total.

10 Dec 2019, 07:45
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Personal Timeline: Part 1 of 8

History Before Hogwarts

(Read if you dare, but know that Jack doesn't take kindly to those poking and prodding into his past.)
Jack lived a relatively average and happy childhood in Wales, the birthplace of his mother. He was born to two muggle parents: Todd and Ffion Burnett. However, as an only child, he got lonely and bored easily. He turned to books to escape those foes, but as much as he learned, there was a great deal he missed out on. His parents were hard workers and Jack, not wanting to bother them, became more prone to hiding his problems and mistakes when he could. Somehow, though, they often knew when things were bothering him anyway and did their best to try to help. The couple would tell their son stories, especially of traditional folk tales. They would ask him riddles, sing him ballads of old, and impress upon him that knowledge was power. They also made sure he knew that power itself was not inherently good or bad; it was what one did with it that really mattered.

The boy's favorite stories were those of tricksters: those who seemed to transcend the concepts of what was moral and immoral. Amoral beings and morally ambiguous ones were most fascinating to him because one could never tell what they would do next. He enjoyed the idea that anything could be looked at from multiple ways and given whatever meaning one wanted if words were twisted in the right manner. Sayings like 'beware of Greeks bearing gifts' could easily be countered by others like 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth'. Anything could be seen from any perspective and thus anything could be altered to fit one's chosen way of seeing the world so long as one had the knowledge to be able to do so.

However, during his time in muggle school, Jack's perspective on the world and life was drastically altered. As many children his age, he was happy to make friends with his peers and school was a special joy for him because lacking siblings, he had no other children to play with at home. Two children he became great friends with were an older boy named Ren Wakahisa and a girl closer to his age named Jade Gibbon. They each shared a great deal with Jack and he with them. Ren and Jade did not get along very well as individuals, but they put up with each others' company and kept their disputes to a minimum for Jack's sake. Together, they had fun pulling pranks and otherwise getting into all sorts of mischief.

One fateful day, Jack joined his two friends for lunch to find them heatedly arguing about something. It seemed that Ren, whose family traveled the world a lot due to his father's work, knew and was learning several languages. He believed he had the authority to officially deny Jade's claims that sign language was an actual language. Jade was particularly defensive about the topic because her younger brother was mute and her whole family had needed to learn sign language to accommodate him. To her, Ren was not only insulting her brother and his disability, but her entire household as well.

When their mutual friend showed up, both Ren and Jade appealed to him to join their side of the argument. Jack, immensely enjoying the position and power he had been given, listened to each side carefully. Instead of choosing a side when each was done, though, he decided to play devil's advocate and tried to explain to each of his friends why the other had a point, hoping they could get to see the others' side of things and come to some happy middle ground. Instead, both of his friends got frustrated with Jack's lack of commitment to their sides and finished their lunch in a huffy mood.

For a while after that, Jade and Ren would still hang around with Jack, but they wouldn't talk much to each other. When alone with Jack, though, they would go on and on about the other behind their back, complaining about all their pent up feelings regarding Jack's other friend and asking him why he still hung out with them at all. Not wanting to take sides - similar to his favorite characters from the stories his parents told him - the boy did what he could without agreeing too much, but eventually the pair got exasperated with him.

Feeling they needed some assurance that he himself was still their friend, Jack began to be a little more open about his personal, private criticisms regarding the other. Yes, Jade could be pretty headstrong and spiteful, he would agree with Ren. While with Jade, though, he would just as supportively agree that Ren had a temper problem and took out his anger with violence too often. Jack simply wanted to pacify them, staying their friend even if it was all too clear now that they didn't want to be friends with each other. He liked being liked by both and couldn't bear to lose either's friendship. And even if it meant he had to seem more supportive of one side than the other when he was each with them separately, that didn't mean the other had to know, right?

Eventually, though, it all came crashing down. Upon passing Jade in the cafeteria of their muggle school, Ren made a very rude finger gesture toward Jade, laughing about his learned 'sign language'. The girl threw down her tray and leaped at the older boy, ready to punch him in the face, but Jack stepped in just in time. He kept the two at bay, standing between them, while Jade roared a torrent of nasty insults Ren's way and Ren laughed. The older boy then proceeded to taunt Jade in a few other languages he'd picked up, utilizing some terms that, from the way he was saying them, might have gotten him suspended or expelled if anyone else could have translated them. As Jade and Ren continued to bicker bitterly on either side of him, Jack shut his eyes tight and wished the two would just shut up.

Then there was silence. This confused the redhead since he hadn't been able to put his hands over his ears while trying to hold back each of his friends. Eyes snapping open, he saw that Ren and Jade's mouths were still moving, but nothing was coming out. They were perplexed, trying again and again to say something, but neither able to make a vocal sound. Jack was alarmed and immediately walked both of them to the nurse's office to try to find out what had happened.

Ren and Jade were excused from school for a week. Jack was sick with worry the whole time. When they returned, however, his concerns only multiplied rather than decreased. The pair had each regained their voices, but neither seemed to have much to say to Jack and only gave him dirty looks. Jack tried to ask them about it, but for a long time, the only gave him the cold shoulder. Finally, towards the end of the school year, it was revealed that Ren's family was going to be moving out of the country. Because they weren't likely to be seeing each other again, Ren decided to confront Jack about what had happened.

While Ren and Jade had been absent from school, Jade's family had tried to help Ren because, due to their mute son, they could understand the difficulty of being unable to speak. Ren's family wasn't really there for him; his mother had passed away and he only had his father and older brother who were often not at home. For this reason, Ren and Jade managed to make up a little and become slightly better friends bit by bit. When their ability to speak suddenly came back, though, they slowly started to get on each others' nerves again. In doing so, the two tried to make the arguments that they had to Jack about why they had a hard time with the other and each tried to use Jack's past statements to support their own.

Each was devastated to find that Jack had so freely and negatively talked about them behind their backs without even telling them directly what he had thought of them. By the time they returned to school, not only were Ren and Jade worse off than before - Jade saying Ren was ungrateful for her family's help and Ren claiming he had never asked for their help in the first place - but neither wanted anything to do with Jack. Both had felt betrayed by him; a person they had thought was loyal to them and only them. They each felt he had been playing both sides. Upon revealing this to his now ex-friend, Ren left.

This effectively broke some part of Jack. In trying so hard to keep both friends, he had lost both. They had been his whole world for most of his time at muggle school. He couldn't understand what he had done wrong, simply seeing both sides of the fence. Eventually, he decided it was Ren and Jade's faults for having tried to make him choose between them and also for having shared with each other what he had told each in confidence. Jack made the decision that from then on, he wouldn't make any more friends because all they did was ending up hurting you more than helping, even if that was not the intention. In fact, it seemed that the unintentional pain caused by strong connections was even worse than the intentional sort. So if no 'good deed' went unpunished, why bother trying to be 'good' at all?

His favorite trickster characters were almost always alone. Perhaps this was why; they couldn't bother with aligning themselves one way or another. Like amoral beings, they did simply as they pleased and didn't care who it benefitted or harmed as long as it was in their own interests. If Jack only had to worry about himself, he wouldn't have the complex problems or pains that came with bonding with others. He wouldn't have to worry about betraying others or being betrayed himself if he had no friends.

Yes, no man was an island and people required interactions with others to validate their own existence (and to escape boredom). But it was much easier to elicit a strong connection with someone if out of dislike or hate than it was to get someone to like you. Enemies were always easier to make than friends. To keep enemies, though, one had to be strong, and to be strong, one couldn't allow others to see if they got under their skin. Therefore, the boy did his best to keep up his class clown act and behave as if the loss of his friends was nothing to him.

Despite his efforts, the boy was still inexperienced at putting up an act at the time and everyone noticed the change in Jack. It was in how he continued to laugh, but it was hollow, and how there was no mirth in his smile. He began to retreat more from social activities, diving back into his books as he had before school. No only would he get bullied, but he would provoke them, claiming he could outsmart them any day and doing his best to make fools of them; to prove he was better and smarted than all of his peers and that he didn't need anyone else. His parents grew especially concerned and tried to look into what happened.

One day, Jericho, Jade's older brother, and Jade agreed to meet with Jack's parents at school provided Jack was not present. Jericho and Jade's parents had chosen not to come, upset with the treatment of their daughter by her so-called 'friends', but they had permitted two of their children to come on their behalf because, as parents, they knew what it was like to worry about a child. They believed Todd and Ffion had every right to know: Jack had performed Accidental Wandless Magic.

As a muggle couple, Todd and Fifon obviously had no idea what this was. Unlike Tatum, Jericho wasn't mute, but he still didn't talk much, so Jade did her best to help explain while Jericho listened in and corrected her when necessary. The Gibbons were one of many magical families with a history of having wizard and witch ancestry. When they had first heard about Jade and Ren having been silenced at school, they had first assumed that it was Jade who had performed Accidental Wandless Magic, but they soon ruled this out because she had been silenced against her will. From Jade's account of what had happened, the only remaining logical explanation of what had happened was that Jack had been the cause. He, a muggle-born boy, had had magic surface.

When the Gibbons had first approached Ren to try to help him with what Jack had inflicted, they had meant to wipe his memory of the ordeal and see if they could cure it if possible, but Jade hadn't wanted them to. She thought it would have done Ren some good to take a walk in her brother's shoes and know how hard it was not to be able to communicate with words. Of course, to avoid suspicion, that meant she had to wait out Jack's magic as well, so she was willing to do so. Proud of their daughter's resolve, the Gibbon parents allowed Jade to have her way, thinking they could always have memories wiped after if things went horribly wrong, and that it was a huge hassle to selectively remove memories anyway, especially when they were so intricately intertwined with strong emotions and other memories of the kids' arguments.

Jade's parents thought they had made the right decision as Ren seemed to get steadily closer to their family, but once the magic wore off, everything had gotten out of hand. They still decided against wiping Ren's memory or reporting the incident because despite all that had happened, Ren had really seemed to grow and to have been helped by the time he had spent with the Gibbon family due to not having much of his own. Furthermore, they doubted the small incident happening to one muggle child would have been much of a threat to the wizarding world. After all, such inexplicable things happened from time to time and the other muggle adults involved had already written off the strange event as the children just being children.

The Burnetts weren't really sure how to take all the news at first, but Jericho and Jade assured them that their son would likely be receiving an invitation to attend Hogwarts soon enough. Jericho had already been attending and Jade and Tatum were expected to do the same when the time came. They told the couple that more information about the magical world would likely be explained to them if and when Jack received his letter about Hogwarts. They said that in the meantime, the Burnetts should just be open-minded about it. Bewildered but grateful, Todd and Ffion thanked the children for informing them and asked them to thank their parents as well. Since then, the couple have kept a careful watch on Jack to be on the lookout for any more accidental magic. They opted not to tell their son about his surfaced magic for concern about him attempting to do something about it before it was time. However, they did their best to mentally prepare for when they, with Jack, would be called to step into the world of wizardry and magic.

Year 1 (2019-2020)
(Note to self: check how many of these are backdated and make sure the people who are involved are okay with the dates. Particularly those with Selim and Oliver)

Sep 1, 2019 (backdated) - Little to No Adult Supervision Hogwarts Express
Sep 1, 2019 (backdated) - It's Time To Begin, Isn't It? Hogwarts Express
Sep 1, 2019 (backdated) - Got sorted into Slytherin at the Sorting Hat Ceremony (wrong thread. This is the offical one, which I discovered later.)
Sep 1, 2019 (backdated) - B is for...? Great Hall (Sorting Ceremony)
- met Persephone Barret

Dec 8, 2019 - Find some friends, make the year count! Slytherin Common Room
- met Day Reinheimer (or tried to, but never really got to because she never responded)
Dec 9, 2019 - From the Muggle to the Wizarding World Library
- met Alex Tyler
- met Griseldis Edelhardt
Dec 9, 2019 - Processing the Differences Owlery
- met Wren Caster
Dec 9, 2019 - Lost & Found Corridors
- met Oliver Averill
Dec 9, 2019 - Desperate Measures Trophy Room
- met Elena Jangleton
- met Jane Victoria
Dec 9, 2019 - Friendless- For Now Slytherin Common Room
- met Selim Faust
Dec 9, 2019 - To Keep a Secret Severus Snape Dormitory
- Note: Jack owed Selim a favor for convincing Oliver to give his textbook back
Dec 10, 2019 - A New Acquaintance Library
- met Primrose Mcarthy
- had already heard of Rafael D'Spacito
Dec 10, 2019 - Dare to Disagree Library
- met Stella Dawson
Dec 10, 2019 - Bad Sleeping Habits Slytherin Common Room
- made a contract with Selim Faust late at night
- earned the nickname 'Fox' from Selim (and gave Selim the nickname 'Fangs')
- Note: Jack owes Selim a drink equivalent to his family's apple cider
- Note: Jack settled his other favor owed to Selim by showing him what was in his textbook
Dec 11, 2019 - Misleading Love Letters Small Hall
- sent a love letter to Rafael D'Spacito as Alex Tyler and asked him to meet in the Small Hall
- met Rafael D'Spacito (in person)
- met Aurelia Notrésvace
Dec 11, 2019 - Why Shouldn't I? Abandoned Toilets
- met Penelope Alexander
- met Grace Mint
- Note: Jack cut his hands up trying to save a number of things Penelope flushed down the toilet that she had been planning to give to Selim. There was a book and a muggle science set (check this) which had its beakers broken and it was these beakers that cut up Jack's hands in his efforts to save them
Dec 11, 2019 (backdated) - So Much For Intelligent Ravenclaw Slytherin Common Room
Dec 12, 2019 - Set the Spider Free! Diagon Alley
- met Emile Yorke while trying to set a tarantula free
Dec 12, 2019 - Who'd've Thought... Library
- met Illowy Magnard
Dec 18, 2019 - Think You Can Best Me? Transfiguration (Class)
- met Jo Morgan while having an internal dillema about turning a teacup into a rat and vice versa
Dec 19?, 2019 - It's Going to be Funny... Grounds
- met Brooklyn Pierce
- (Not sure what date in December this took place and Brooklyn isn't active anymore, so I can't ask her, so I just took the number date from when the thread was originally made.)

Dec 29??? No, BEFORE 23, 2019 5:30pm - [ERRAND] (Slytherin) Common Room Decoration Committee Slytherin Common Room
- Decorated the entire Common Room with catnip specially with Oliver Averill in mind
- Penelope Alexander makes an appearance and yells at Jack while feeling bad for Oliver
- met Luna Choi and her Egyptian Mau kitten, Ray

Dec 20, 2019 - Weeping Willow Abandoned Toilets
- Jack notices Oliver run off at breakfast and enlists Stella's help to go after him and find out what's wrong
- Note: Jack owes Stella a favor for his request
Dec 20, 2019 - Twilight Snow Fairies Grounds
- met Lore Solaris to ask her about the Ravenclaw house as it compared to Slytherin
- Penelope chimed in and suggested they go seek out Ravenclaw's ghost to get some answers
Dec 20, 2019 - Owl post Great Hall
- met Lilith Hayes
Dec 20, 2019 - Snow’s Little Hiding Spot Abandoned Toilets
- met Snow Jones
- Grace Mint showed up again, prompting both Jack and Snow to leave
Dec 21, 2019 - Get Outer My Space Astronomy (Tower)
- met Oakley Broode
Dec 22, 2019 - The Art of Appearing to Slack Off Herbology (Class)
- met Yseult Silva and tossed some beans from a Puffapod in her hair, which caused her to start to cry
- Jack advised her to calm down and tried to tell her how to get them out, which caused her to think he wanted to be friends
- Jack is just hoping she doesn't get him in trouble

Dec 23rd, 2019 - Jan 5th, 2020 - Hogwarts' Winter Break is supposed to take place during this time. Jack was supposed to go home, but apparently he signed up for too many things (like the two Secret Santas he became involved in) so I guess he didn't end up going home for the holidays after all. Sorry, mom and dad! Luckily, his parents are pretty understanding and they're happy to give him all the time he needs to get adjusted to his new school and what they're hoping are new friends.

Dec 23, 2019 - A Friendly Debate Great Hall
- met Veronica Turner
Dec 24, 2019 5:30pm - [EVENT] Gifting Anonymously! Great Hall
- met Donnovan Perrywinkle for the first time in person after he set up the Secret Santa that Jack signed up for
- recognized Jo Morgan, Rafael D'Spacito, and Oliver Averill
- noticed Euphrasia Millie and Alain Couture, but didn't speak to them
- left before opening his present in order to avoid Rafael and 'repay' him for his kindness when Alex had attacked Jack
- Jo went after Jack
Dec 24, 2019 - Christmas Cheers and Christmas Tears Corridors
- follows [EVENT] Gifting Anonymously!
- Jack argued with Jo Morgan about leaving the Secret Santa because of Rafa
Dec 27, 2019 - All Work and No Play Great Lake
- met Adamina Scasson
Dec 30?, 2019 - Wrong Gryffindor Quidditch Player Quidditch Training Pitch
- met Kyle DeRook while attempting to waylay Rafael and mistook him for the wrong Gryffindor Quiddith Player using the pitch for practice
- learned about bludgers
- owe Kyle a life debt because he saved Jack from getting his skull caved in by a bludger
Dec 31, 2019 - Jan 1, 2020 - Diffusing the Time Bomb Corridors
- New Years Eve isn't the only thing with a countdown
- Jack manages to corner Rafael when the Gryffindor loses his way to a Hufflepuff party thanks to Hogwarts' changing staircases
- Jack tries to apologize and offer Rafael a favor to repay his debt
- Rafael punches him in the face, but then seems to want Jack to fight back
- Jack has his own way of fighting and realizes Rafael is also into playing mind games, so he tries to play one of his own (with a New Year's kiss on the cheek)
- Note: Jack has a bruise from being punched in the face on his cheekbone. (what side?)
Jan 2, 2020 - A Quiet Retreat Great Lake
- met Jackson Kirkland, who seems to be a like-minded individual despite being in Ravenclaw
- Selim showed up upon hearing Jack's voice and Jack thought the two would get along
- met Opeila Seilun when she threw stones in the lake and caused the giant squid to brandish a tentacle at her
- met Sen Leaf when he came up to Opeila to make sure she was okay as well
Jan 2, 2020 - Yo, Dude! Slytherin Common Room
- met Erin Ryan with Thomas Lestrange in her arms, ordering Jack to give her a sweater and pants
- met Thomas Lestrange in Erin's arms in front of the fireplace
Jan 2, 2020 - Candle-lit Dinner for Crazy & Curious Courtyard
- follows 'Yo, Dude!'
- Jack has a candle-lit dinner out in the courtyard with Erin so they can talk after the 'fight' in the Slytherin Common Room around Thomas, Ruby, and Selim
Jan 2, 2020 - What's In It For You? Boys' Dormitory
- follows 'Candle-lit Dinner for Crazy & Curious' (and 'actually reading this time', after that)
- Jack has to talk with Thomas to find out what he thinks of Erin and what his intentions are.
Jan 3, 2020 (backdated) - Scars Better Left Unseen Severus Snape Dormitory
- met Arlo Reynolds
Jan 3, 2020 - Washing Up in the Showers Severus Snape Dormitory (Showers)
- follows 'Scars Better Left Unseen'
Jan 5, 2020 - Aggravating News Severus Snape Dormitory
Jan 7, 2020 - Pondering Parents Astronomy (Tower)
Jan 8, 2020 - ✢ Naivety And Frustration ✢ Transfiguration (Class)
- met Airlia Winter
Jan 12, 2020 - Warm Treacle Courtyard
- met Gem Stuart
- met Alina Fridenot
Jan 12, 2020 - One Point Perspective Courtyard
- Immediately follows up Warm Treacle
- Gem and Jack talk
- Gem...TBA
Jan 13, 2020 - Caught Outside of Class Potions (Classroom Outside of Class)
- met Evelynn Decipio
Jan 14, 2020 - Afraid and Shy Slytherin Common Room
- met Lilian Doll
- met Roman Kingston
Jan 15, 2020 - A Pyro Performance Rehearsal Room
- met Ruka Tân
Jan 16, 2020 - Outside Class Charms (Outside Classroom)
- met Quincy Quicksilver
Jan 16, 2020 - Just Stop! Library
- met Saoirse Dwight
Jan 16, 2020 - Dinner Introductions Great Hall
- introduced Quincy Quicksilver to Selim Faust
Jan 17, 2020 or Jan 19, 2020 - [ERRAND] House of Toads Herbology (Greenhouse)
Jan 17, 2020 - A letter to an enemy Owlery
- Opeila and Jack exchange letters after he tried to cut ties with her
Jan 20, 2020 - Oh, To Live Among The Stars Astronomy (Tower)
- Evening of the day that Opeila met Ruka
- Ruka and Jack talk
- Jack decides to think of Ruka as an 'experiment'
Jan 21, 2020 - All We Know Library
- Jack encounters Roman again
Jan 21, 2020 or Jan 22, 2020 - [ERRAND] Lunar New Year Transfiguration (Classroom)
Jan 23, 2020 - Prefect Xailah gave Jack a Fake Permission Slip with which he can go to Hogsmede (and the Room of Requirement)!
Jan 24, 2020 - A Dance with Fire Grounds
- Ruka put on a fire-dancing performance on the grounds while Jack kept watch
Jan 26, 2020 - Night Owl Library
- met Lilia Winfrey
Jan 27, 2020 or Jan 28, 2020 - Partner Assignment History of Magic (Class)
- met Elizabeth Down

Jan?? ???, 2020?? - Older Than She Seems Study of Ancient Runes Tower
- met Professor Béatrice Lydursdattir in person after sending her a letter before break and sending her a Secret Santa

Feb 1, 2020 - Keeping Memories Alive Room of Requirement
- Jack showed Ruka the Room of Requirement (which he still thought of as a magical Supply Closet of Supplies)
Feb 2, 2020 - Warm Spacey Afternoons ( keep it that way ) Grounds
- met Hanako Tone in person
Feb 2, 2020 - [EVENT] Candyman Courtyard
- met Vladimir Athanatos (NPC)
- bought....TBA.
- was also given an extra card by Ruka
- owe Ruka 10 sickles or a favor - whichever Jack can give him first
Feb 2, 2020 - Dale Kurt lent Jack his Maurauder's Map in order to locate Selim (to find him for the February event...for 'An Untimely Surprise' rp...need to sort out what date that was. Also the date that Jack gave it back and owed Dale a favor. Also, Selim planned to run away to his classroom hideout on Feb 2, 2020 at night as mentioned in 'Another Sleepless Night' with Persephone.)
Feb 3, 2020 - The Most Singularly Delightful Discovery Library
- met Kazuo Shimada
Feb 4, 2020 - Breakfast Brawl Great Hall
- Jack is feeding Ruka breakfast at the Gryffindor table
- Jo and Rafa see them and go over to pick a fight
Feb 4, 2020 - An Untimely Surprise Corridors
- Jack used one of the shady Valentine's Day cards on Selim (to teach him a lesson) after he found him with Dale's Maurader's Map
- Selim fell in love with his sushi for the rest of the day and Jack had to stay with him and watch him to make sure he didn't get into any more trouble
Feb 6, 2020 - On Top of It All Astronomy (Tower)
- met John Wolfe
Feb 7, 2020 - Collecting on Favors Severus Snape Dormitory
- three days after using the card on Selim, Jack confronts him in an attempt to ask for a favor (as he tried to do the last time he searched for Selim)
Feb 14, 2020 - [ERRAND] Valentine's Tea Small Hall
- ....sooo many things TBA.
Feb 14, 2020 (backdated) - No One Compares to You Small Hall
- Jack chases Erin down as she leaves the tea party.

Feb 6, 2020 (NO has to be after Feb 14 because Jack tells Flash about the V-day events) - Just Between You and Me Trophy Room
- met Flash Holmwood

Feb 20??, 2020 - [MAIN STORY EVENT] Strange Bedfellows Boys' Dormitory
Feb 20??, 2020 - [MAIN STORY EVENT] Something Dire in the Dark Slytherin Common Room
- follows 'Strange Bedfellows'
- Selim is wary of Jack after Jack used the V-day card on him
- These events take place some night after V-day/Valentine's Tea Party

Feb ??, 2020 - [ERRAND] Tainted Bouquets Potions (Classroom)
- Persephone, Jack, Rafa, and Jo all work on an errand together
- Jack has one remaining V-day card given to him by Ruka to ward off enemies and dissuade them from attacking him
Feb ??, 2020 - [ERRAND] Dusty Books and Cozy Nooks Library
- Prefect Xailah Alptraum oversaw the cleaning of the Library with Jack, Evelynn Decipio, Bastille Aurelius, Piérre Marchonné, Natalia Draig
Feb 5, 2020 NOPE, AFTER V-DAY PARTY - Badger in the Wrong Den Library
- met Jake Morris

Feb 17, 2020 - Legacy Study Room
- It's Flash Holmwood's birthday and Opeila Seilun is talking to him about it
- Jack decides to crash their little 'party'
- more TBA
Feb 17, 2020 (backdated) - Birthdays Should Be Special Room of Requirement
- Jack shows Flash the Room of Requirement

Feb 20, 2020 - On the Prowl Great Hall
- Jack was sitting by himself eating in the Great Hall
- met Willow Anderson when she noticed him by himself and went over to offer him a friendship bracelet
Feb 24, 2020 - Selim started avoiding Jack (and gave the locket to him sometime before then since Jack had asked for it sometime after Feb 4, but before Feb 14).
Feb 25, 2020 - Friendship for All Great Hall
- Lunchtime (just after lunch for Jack)
- Saw Ruka... More TBA...
Feb 25, 2020 - Another Student Scared of Sleep Corridors
- Jack looked for Selim after not being able to find him for 24 hours and found someone who he thought was him while searching for him right before curfew
- met Kaegen Deathmote instead
Feb 28, 2020 - Physical Problems for Once Charms (Class)
Feb 28, 2020 - Unwelcome Meetings Corridors
- takes place after Noxious Exhaustion (which only involved Ruka and Selim)
- Ruka and Selim attempt to get to the Hospital Wing while Jack is at dinner
- Jack hears them and goes after them, not pleased at all.
Feb 28, 2020 - Get Well So I Can Kill You Hospital Wing
- Jack brings Ruka and Selim to the Hospital Wing to get fixed up.
Feb 28 or 29?, 2020 - Observations of a Slacker Potions (Class)
- Had Potions Class with Ross Stephens and Flash Holmwood
- Knew Flash Holomwood previously, but hadn't directly met Ross Stephens before
- takes place during Hurried Mistakes (which only involved Ross and Flash)
Feb 29, 2020 - Lovely Payback Boys' Lavatory
- Jack uses his last Valentine's Day card bought from Vlad and given to him by Ruka on two Slytherins who tried to attack Ruka while Jack was avoiding him...
Feb 29, 2020 - Wating for... Something Slytherin Common Room
- found Opeila in the Common Room at night

Mar 1, 2020 - Torture Time Room of Requirement
- Selim
- not recorded on
Mar 3, 2020 - [MAIN STORY EVENT] Not My First Pick Abandoned Toilets
- Tuesday
- Found Victor, Opeila, Percival, and Dan in the bathrooms
- met Percival and Dan for the first time personally
- More TBA.
Mar 3, 2020 - [MAIN STORY EVENT] I Got You Hospital Wing
- Tuesday
- Takes place directly after Not My First Pick
- Victor helps Jack to the Hospital Wing to find the nurse gone
- Victor and Jack talk
- Victor tells Jack more about his curse
- Jack cries
- More TBA.
Mar 6, 2020 - Counting Corridors
- Early Afternoon
- takes place in... (which only involves Ruka and Selim)
Mar 7, 2020 - Burdened with Worries Hogsmeade: Main Square
- met Alan
- Hogsmede weekend; Saturday
- occured/takes place during From Spark to Flame (which only involved Ross and Ruka)
Mar 8, 2020 - Overheard Pericles Dralt and Breana Oliveire meeting each other and talking to each other for the first time
- occured/takes place during International Women's Day in the Great Hall (which involved Pericles Dralt and Breana Oliveire)
- (permission given by players of both characters for Jack to have overheard their conversation)
Mar 8, 2020 - Did Someone Order Revenge? Great Hall
- met Ross Stephens in person for the first time
- revealed to Ross that he had been present for the events in Hurried Mistakes (as mentioned in Observations of a Slacker)
- gave Ross some information on Flash
Mar 9, 2020 - Dressed for Distress Rehearsal Room
- reunited with Ruka after not having seen him since the end of February
- only kept in touch through letters
- gave Ruka the clothes he bought from the store called Gladrags Wizardwear in Hogsmeade to try on for size so he could return the rest
- Ruka asked Jack about what Selim had done to him (as Selim suggested Ruka do in Counting)
- gave Ross some information on Flash
Mar 12, 2020 - Flight of the First Years Flying (Class)
- met Oliver Caldwell, George Henry, Breana Oliveire, & Breana Oliveire
- encountered Willow Anderson again (after insulting her bracelets when they first met and shrinking them on another occasion)
Mar 12, 2020 - Happy Birthday! Rehearsal Room
- met Mildred Wilson, who invited everyone for a surprise party she planned for Opeila's Birthday
Mar 12, 2020 - Burned Out Classroom
- followed Willow Anderson out from Opeila's birthday as she went to go find a place to cry
- was accompanied by Ruka
Mar 14, 2020 - Back into the Water Great Lake
- followed Erin outside to Thomas
- originally came with Jack Warren, but he turned tail and ran back to the castle once he saw the hag
- met 'Aunt Petunia' the hag
- met Ivy ???
Mar 15, 2020 - After It All Severus Snape Dormitory
- encountered Oliver Averill again after a while of not having seen him
- encountered Selim properly some time after March 1st torture
Mar 26, 2020 - Delicacy Great Hall
- Errand by Gris?
- sends letters to both Persephone and Ruka inviting them to a pastery-decorating contest to be judged by the new teacher, Professor Rosalind Kibitzer
Mar 26, 2020 - The Sweetest Fashion Show Ever! Great Hall
- Errand (part 2) by Gris?
- takes place (directly?) after Delicacy
- TBA.
Mar 26, 2020 - Advertising the Mudblood Club Classroom (Muggle Studies)
- met Professor Maya Galim
- asked Professor Galim if he could put his club's flyers in and outside of her classroom
- Professor Galim asked to hear more about the club and expressed a dislike of the name
- tried to explain what they were trying to do in incorperating the name into their club

February 13th - Birds of a Feather (Jack overhears Flash and Rafa singing/playing the piano in this rp, but he is not directly a part of it. He later gets the idea to enter them into the 'Hogwarts' Got Talent' show together in March.)
March (various dates) - Notes of Concern
March 27th - Leave my Loneliness Unbroken
March 27th, 1pm - The Sweetest Fashion Show Ever! (takes place after Delicacy on March 26th) (March 27 1pm, given invites early in the morning. Takes place after Delicacy from March 26th)
March 22th - Hogwarts' Got Talent
March 1st or 8th - Pericles and Brena talk in hall and Jack overhears? On the way to RoR torture with Selim? But RoR torture was likely at night… (this takes place on actual Woman’s Day, So IT SHOULD BE MARCH 8th) ... 31#p155380 - APRIL TIMELINE INFO
April 1st - April Fools’ Pool Party
April 1st - Soaked Secrets
April 3rd tea time afternoon after classes - Spill the Tea (ask when tea time is for Shen - around 4pm)

April 5th, 3pm - The Dorm Battles
---April 6th - April 19th = Easter Holidays where school is out and kids can stay in the castle or return home (or go to hogsmeade?)
APRIL 8th - Quest for a Birthdate
April 8th - Ruka makes and sends Jack a gift. (Link rp - A Non Special Day) ... 366&hilit=
April 8…? 7? 9? - Launching into Madness
April 9th - A Good Day for a Swim (Thursday) (written when? Gotten to Jack when?)
April 9th - Something Wicked This Way Comes
April 14th (19th also? Suspicious because Peri didn’t answer? Started 14th, but updated with a new message on the 19th. SAVE RESPONSE PERI ORIGINALLY WROTE AND READ IT) - To: Pericles Dralt
April 19th - To: Breana Oliveire
April 16th - The Way I Behaved
April 17th - Miraculous Muggle-borns Mudbloods Club (Meeting 1)
April 18th - Let's talk War, Partners! (Let’s Talk War, Partners! And caps the ‘T’?)
April 21st - (Morning) Getting Up the Courage
April 21st - Like Wonderland or Neverland?
April 22nd - Fake boyfriend, real feelings
Date: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020
Time: 6:00 am, Morning (just before breakfast)
April 25th - BLOSSOM BALL??? X3 threads (ALSO PUT IN ‘EVENTS’)
Changing Room
Quidditch Stands
Quidditch Pitch (Blossom Ball)
April 27th - Waiting to Meet You (the letter was written and sent on the 27th, but arrived with the post the next day for Ruka)
April 3rd or May 25th? - Mandrakes for Medicine
April 3rd or May 25th? - The Icy Lake
May 2nd - Lamenting by the Lake
May 7th - Dysfunctional Snake boys
May 10th - Failure to Fold
May 10th, Sunday 2pm - Committing a Crime (US Mother’s Day)
May 13th - Shoo, Fly; Don't Bother Me

May 15, 2020 - Time Spent (Ruka & Flash but not including Jack)
May 25, 2020 - I'm done with you, I'm done with it all 1:10am Opeila

ORIGAMI errand meant to take place on May 10th as said by Nico
Letter from Jo? Not an rp, but...when I got it? - May 5th
May 18th - Hogwarts Model UN 2020 (Philippines)
May 18th - Call it Dreaming (Part 1 of 3)
May 19th, 20th, or 21st - Poisonous Snake Bites the Badger
May 25 or May 27? Ask - I Heard It Through the Portrait
May 3rd, May 24th, or May 28th - Embroidery 101
May 3rd, May 24th, or May 28th - Invisible Thread (During Embroidery 101)
May 28th or June 4th? - Haaaaave you met Cadmus?

June 1st, 2020 - Anonymous Love Notes sent...? (x10) (check what dates it should have been/should be/is sent)
June 1st, 2020 - SLYTHERIN VICTORY CELEBRATION - June 1st 1am in the morning
June 1st, 2020 - Call it Dreaming (Part 2 of 3 - directly after SLYTHERIN VICTORY CELEBRATION)
June 2nd, 2020 - Relaying Relations - (June 2nd afternoon, after classes, after Time Spent on May 16th)
June 3rd, June 4th, or June 7th? - Makeover and Manicures - June 3rd, June 4th, or June 7th? Ask. Ruka participated in this, too - AFTER Relaying Relations on June 2nd, but don't know what particular day. Ask Jensen since she made the errand? Also, Ruka and Jack didn't participate at the same time. What date did Ruka put on his timeline for this errand? June 6th, he said.
June 10th or June 11th? Ask - Paper Cuts and Feelings - June 10th or June 11th? Ask
June 14th, 2020 - The Eyeglass Repair Charm, First Year - learned the Eyeglass Repair Charm (Oculus Reparo) (learned ICly June 14th, 2020)
June 14th, 2020 - An Excuse to Know You - (June 14th, Sunday, in the afternoon, after Flavour Fox ERRAND)
June 15th, 2020 - The Bubble-Producing Charm, First Year - learned the Bubble-Producing Spell (Bullarum Immortalem) (learned ICly June 15th, 2020)
June 17th, 2020 - The Sneezing Hex, First Year - learned the Sneezing Hex (Steleus) (learned ICly June 17th, 2020)
June 19th, 2020 - Animated Animals and Talk over Tea Time - (Friday, June 19th around 4pm in the afternoon)
June 19th, 2020 - Locking the Doors (Friday after classes in the evening; a while after Animated Animals and Talk over Tea Time, but before dinner in the Great Hall)
June 19th, 2020 - A Few Hints on Hags (shortly after dinner in Locking the Doors)
June 19th, 2020 - Call it Dreaming (Part 3 of 3 - shortly after A Few Hints on Hags)
June 6th? June 29th?, 2020 - Sleep Yoga (Errand) ??? ask date of ERRAND
June 7th? June 29th?, 2020 - Glitter and Be Gay - ??? ask date of ERRAND

??? - Taking Risks (Opeila RoR room rp with Selim)

Last edited by Jack Burnett on 4 Jun 2021, 02:03, edited 86 times in total.

10 Dec 2019, 17:16
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Personal Timeline: Part 2 of 8

Summer 2020
July 1, 2020 (backdated) - No Place Like Home Hogwarts Express
July 14, 2020 (forwarddated) - A Wizard's Park (and Recreation) Elsewhere... (London)
- July 14th; around 7am in the morning on summer vacation in London)
- met Leonard Oaksworth
July 19, 2020 (forwarddated) - What is the First Rule... London Quidditch Stadium
- (July 18 or July 19? Ask. Think the 19th is supposed to be the shopping one, but Lear said shopping is before fight club, so I think the fight club should be the 19th. This has been confirmed.)
July 19, 2020 (forwarddated) - Group Seven & Eight London Quidditch Stadium
- (July 19th/Slytherin fight club event)
July 20, 2020? (backdated) - Garden of Runaways West London
- Takes place at Kensington Gardens
- (July 20th...? Sometime after July 19th/Slytherin fight club event)
Aug 2, 2020 (backdated) - A Day You'd Thought Had Been Forgotten Elsewhere... (Wales)
Aug 13?, 2020 (backdated?) - Brotherly Bake-Off Elsewhere... (Cardiff, Wales)
- did a baking errand over summer vacation for ____ the groundskeeper with Ruka
Aug 24, 2020 (backdated) - Badger Birthday Bash Elsewhere... (Wiltshire, England)
- Went to Jake Morris’ 12th Birthday Party with Ruka

Year 2 (2020-2021)
Sep 1, 2020 (forwarddated) - A First, Second, and Third Year Hogwarts Express
- went back to school on the Hogwarts Express with Ruka
- met Rakiak Kyverak
Sep 1, 2020 (forwarddated) - The Marks That Bind Us Hogwarts Express (getting off at Hogsmeade Station)
- got off the train at Hogsmeade Station with Ruka
- looked for Flash
Sep 7, 2020 (forwarddated) - Fishy & Foxy Courtyard
Sep 11, 2020 (forwarddated) - Dare to Debate? Great Hall
- met Robert Toukmond
Sep 20?, 2020 (backdated?) - Ship Off Course Classroom
- met Paisley Brown in an abandoned classroom while she was sewing
Sep 26?, 2020 (backdated?) - Tarantulasaurus Time Classroom
- went to help Erin Ryan wash her spider as a pet errand while accompanied by Leonard Oaksworth

Oct 10, 2020 (backdated) - Different from One's Doppleganger Grounds
- properly met Aaron Jones
Oct 16, 2020 - Much Ado About Mudbloods Muggle Studies
- Percival Gray gets into an argument with Jack about muggles?
Oct 16, 2020 (backdated) - Event The Fall Ball (Costume Party) Rehearsal Room
- Jack went to the Costume Party at the Fall Ball dressed as Peter Pan
- Ruka arrived shortly after dressed as Tinker Bell thanks to Jack
Oct 18, 2020 (backdated) - Duelling Stage 1, Day 2 Duelling Club
- After talking to Ruka through telepathy using their Binding Mark, Jack comes to watch Ruka duel and cheer him on
Oct 31, 2020 (backdated) - Leading the Pack Slytherin Common Room
- Main story event taking place on Halloween Night during a full moon
- All the common rooms of all four houses are having lock downs

Nov 22, 2021 (backdated) - Locked in a Dare Severus Snape Dormitory

Dec 17, 2020 (backdated) - Weighing on Me Room of Requirement
- Opeila decides to use her previous year’s birthday favor present from Jack
- Opeila meets Jack in the Room of Requirement and asks him to keep a secret as a favor to her
Dec 18, 2020 (backdated) - Like-Minded and Mark-Binded Study Room
- Takes place on the last day before Winter Break
- Kazuo noticed Jack reading about Binding Marks in the study room

Dec 21st, 2020 - Jan 3rd, 2021 - Hogwarts' Winter Break is supposed to take place during this time. Jack went home to spend Christmas and New Years with Ruka. After that, it was decided that Ruka would stay home to be homeschooled in the ways of the muggle world in order to catch up on the education he missed prior to attending Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at age 11. Therefore, Ruka stayed home but Jack returned to Hogwarts on January 4th.

early Jan 4? 5? 6? 7? 8?, 2021 (backdated) - We Want the T.ruth!!! Small Hall
- Howard White and Falentra Black come to the dining hall during dinner to burn ??? editions of the Hogwarts Headliner because of the article on dhampir in it
- The duo claim to want T. Ruth, the writer of the article, to make themselves known
early Jan 4? 5? 6? 7? 8?, 2021 (backdated) - Trust, Secrets, and Omission Slytherin Common Room
- Takes place directly after ‘We Want the T.ruth!!!’
- Jack follows Falentra Black to the Slytherin Common Room to talk to her about Howard White
Jan 22, 2021 (forwarddated) - Caretaker Cat & Chatter Fox Talk Slytherin Common Room
- Jack meets Kit Paine for the first time as caretaker after Kit called Jack to his office to talk
- Jack and Kit exchange information
Jan 30?, 2021 - Late Night Madness Corridors

Feb 12???, 2021 - Discharged into Loneliness Library
Feb 12, 2021 (forwarddated) - A night for beginnings Ballroom
- Michael Miller organizes a ball for his new P.U.R.E. club
- Jack, as co-founder of the M.M.M. club, is invited to join along with M.M.M. club members
Feb 13?, 2021 (backdated?) - Flobberfest Classroom
- Jack and Kazuo Shimada take care of Flobberworms as part of an errand together
Feb 14, 2021 (forwarddated) - Jack B., Flash, & Opeila Valentines Astronomy (Tower)
- Jack finds himself invited to a Valentine’s dinner he didn’t sign up for with Flash and Opeila
- Flash wants to have a nice dinner together but Jack is angry and won’t stand for it
- Opeila tries to use small talk to have a conversation, but Jack argues with her about it
- Flash gets up to leave
- Jack tries to ask him to stay in between continuing to talk to Opeila
- Flash bursts out that he doesn’t want to be there and leaves
Feb 16, 2021 (forwarddated) - Get Your Mind Off Romance Slytherin Common Room
- Jack confronts Michael Miller about his involvement with Paige Chase? during the P.U.R.E. ball that Michael put on
Feb 17, 2021 (forwarddated) - In Search of the Source of the Creeping Darkness Dungeons
- Main Story Thread for winning Slytherin House Cup January 2021?
Feb 22?, 2021 - RELEASE THE BLUDGERS!!! Slytherin Common Room
- Jack tries to go find Bludgers and meets Atlas Reid when stumbling into the girls’ locker room on accident


’some time after’ Mar 3, 2021 (forwarddated) - The Reunion Dungeons
- Jack seeks out Selim in the dungeons to talk to him
- Jack meets Aku, Selim’s new bunny hand puppet
- Aku ‘bites’ Jack in the neck
Mar 31, 2021 (backdated) - Even Snakes Need Sunlight Slytherin Common Room
- occurs during Easter Break
- Jack finds Flash in the Slytherin Common Room with a plant
- Henry Knight identifies the plant as a snake plant
- Henry’s cat, Loki, sticks to Jack
Mar 31, 2021 (backdated) - Flowers & Superpowers Room of Requirement

Apr 8, 2021 (backdated) - Away Campgrounds
- takes place approximately the same time as A Social Experiment (which Jack was not a part of at first)
- Flash was abducted by Selim at noon on April 8th, which just so happens to be Jack's 13th birthday
- Jack found a note from Selim on their dorm room door and asks Erin for help to find out where Selim is keeping Flash
Apr 8, 2021 (backdated) - A Social Experiment Basements
- takes place immediately after Away
- with Erin's help and Kazuo's location due to the binding mark, Jack is able to navigate the dungeons and the basements to find out where Selim is keeping Flash
- Jack and Erin come across an unconcious Flash strapped to a table while Kazuo is tussling with Selim
- Jack frees Flash and bandages up his wounds with the Bandaging Charm before immobilizing Kazuo (on accident, since he meant to immobilize Selim instead) and asking Selim what he's doing and why
April 17, 2021 (and various other dates?) (backdated) - A Travel Inquiry AKA Pleaaaase Mom and Dad? Letters
- Ruka writes home to the Burnett parents asking if he and Jack can go with Kazuo to Tokyo, Japan over their upcoming summer vacation
Apr 20, 2021 (backdated) - Dinner Discussion Great Hall
- Jack talks to Ruka for the first time since Ruka returned after Easter break
- Jack and Ruka talk about what happened to Flash and Kazuo and Selim

May 1, 2021 (forwarddated) - Aspirants, Assemble! Classroom
- Pericles organizes the first meeting for his club, the League of Aspirant Animagi
- Jack attends the club because Kazuo told him about it
- Jack brings Ruka along after Ruka returned from Easter break and Jack told him about the club
May 21, 2021 (backdated) - Like Riding a What Now? Quidditch Pitch
- Dealla sets up an errand based on 'Bike to Work Day', May 21st
- Jack finds out Kazuo doesn't know how to ride a bicycle and tries to help teach him
- Jack finds out Ileen and Kazuo don't get along
- Jack also notices Ruka, Jake, and Dealla at the errand
May 29, 2021 - Blossom Ball - Underworld Courtyard
- Kazuo helped organize the Blossom Ball of 2021 with a Greek Gods and Heroes theme
- Jack attended as the Great God Pan and with no date
- Ruka attended as Prometheus and with no date
- Mathias Pride kisses Levi Drakos in front of everybody
May 29, 2021 (backdated) - Blossom Ball - Spring Festival Grounds
- Kazuo attended as Apollo with Dealla as his (spite) date to spite Ileen and Percival

June 1, 2021 (forwarddated) - Puppy Love Letters
- Winnie writes a letter with a poem to Jack proclaiming her love for him
- Jack writes a letter back with another poem trying to gently turn her down
- Winnie takes his poem the wrong way and writes another back
June 12, 2021 - Overhearing Odd Owl Chats Owlery
- On his way to send a letter to his parents one Saturday morning, Jack comes across a girl talking to owls in the Owlery
June 15, 2021 (backdated) - The Shovel Revolution: Love Sprouts Campgrounds
- Jack confronts Winnie about her crush on him
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 16 Jul 2023, 16:53, edited 186 times in total.

10 Dec 2019, 17:22
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Personal Timeline: Part 3 of 8

Summer 2021
July 3, 2021 - July 17, 2021 - Jack, Ruka, and Kazuo went with their families on a trip from London to Tokyo.
July 3, 2021 (backdated) - Senbonzakura - Flowers in Full Bloom Elsewhere...(London?)
- Jack and Ruka's parents, Todd and Ffion Burnett, met Kazuo's parents, Shirou and Kyouko Shimada for the first time
- The Burnetts also learned about Portkeys

Aug 1, 2021??? (forwarddated) - Train Fumes Hogwarts Express
- found a compartment on the train to share with Opeila, Ruka, and Kazuo
- returned to Hogwarts together on the Hogwarts Express to attend summer camp
Aug 1, 2021 (backdated) - Welcome to the Hippogriff Cabin Campgrounds
- met Noah Jupe
Aug 19, 2021 (forwarddated) - Pick a Fight; Any Fight Campgrounds
- met Aleksandar Simeon Panchev while being mistaken for Ruka

Year 3 (2021-2022)
Sep 1, 2021 (backdated) - Remember the First of September. Slytherin Common Room
- discovered Victor Moore had returned seemingly from the dead
Sep 2, 2021 (backdated) - 142 Moving Staircases to Avoid Corridors
- met Eliphas Dune while he was having trouble with the moving staircases
- mistook him for Jake Morris at first
Sep 3, 2021 (forwarddated) - Cooking Hot Pot(ion) Severus Snape Dormitory
- met Avery Chen while he was cooking hot pot

Oct 12, 2021??? (backdated) - Of Circumstances Unavoidable Hogsmeade Station
- met Opeila and Vladimir at Hogsmeade
- Vladimir asked Jack to give a package to Percival Gray
Oct 12, 2021??? (backdated) - Package for Prefect Percival Severus Snape Dormitory
- gave Vladimir's package to Percival
Oct 29, 2021??? (backdated) - Samhain Festival Grounds
- tried to help Victor Moore
- tried to help Erin Ryan

Dec 25, 2021 (backdated) - Deep Discussions Owlery
- met Lizzy Solace


Feb 11, 2022 (backdated) - In Tumultuous Uncertainty Severus Snape Dormitory
- talked with Selim about how he was doing
Feb 14, 2022 (backdated) - TABLE 13 | Sweethearts Tea Party Ballroom
- met Juniper Kelly, Draven Mirador, Ari Gwild, and Alec Mason
- tricked Draven into kissing him on the lips
- got set on fire for his trouble
- received a green jacket from Hanako to borrow in order to cover his burnt clothes and scarred skin
- had a cupcake with amortentia in it smashed in his face and forcibly fell in love with Juniper as a result
- more TBA
Feb 14, 2022 (backdated) - Love at First Slug Small Hall
- takes place immediately after the events of TABLE 13 | Sweethearts Tea Party
- left Hanako to follow Flash and the sound of Willow's cry for help
- noticed Gray choking and Evelynn's spell causing him to throw up a huge hag slug
- attempted to burn the hag slug with Incendio
Feb 19, 2022 (backdated) - The Three Snake Butlers Defense Against the Dark Arts
- served detention with Draven Mirador and Hanako Tone at Professor Orion Lécuyer's demand
- played the role of a butler at a tea party
- served Flash Holmwood, Clair Fernandez, Erin Ryan, Winnie Harper, Aurora Ranvier, & Opeila Winters as guests
- discovered Winnie had her memories of him erased
Feb 20, 2022 - Sugar to Ease the Ache Honeydukes
- noticed Dealla at Honeydukes
- started talking to her about Ruka and about friends
Feb 24, 2022 - Cold, Damp, and Enchanting Courtyard
- met Navi Lovatte
Feb 28, 2022 - Pokeball Go! Charms
- talked with Jake about pokemon cards during the end of Charms class
- was overheard by Flash

Mar 1, 2022 - People May Surprise You Rehearsal Room
- was found by Levi Drakos while practicing Fire Dancing
Mar 4, 2022 - Friends are Hazardous to Your Health Library
- met Simon Kincaid
- talked with him about friendship
Mar 6, 2022 - Dragons are Dumb Library
- met Adelaide Barlowe
- argued with her about dragons being dumb
- confessed he was lonely and that he'd argued to have someone to talk to
Mar 9, 2022 - Asking the Unthinkable Corridors
- asked Flash to the Blossom Ball
- got into a heavy discussion about keeping things from each other as friends
- decided with Flash's help that it was best if he wasn't Flash's friend anymore
Mar 20, 2022 - Dearest Jack <3 Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- found Marion Davenport in his and Flash's room
- heard from Marion that Flash murdered Victor
- tried to immobilize Marion
- threatened Marion
- made a deal with Marion
Mar 30, 2022 (backdated) - This is...Not so Good Study Room
- found James Owens' notebook with stories and pictures in it

Apr 1, 2022 - It's only fair, is it not? Head of House's Office
- at Opeila's prompting, played a prank on Professor Hjørdis Jensen with the help of other Slytherin students
- left a note with Draven's name in her office
Apr 2, 2022 (backdated) - Midspring Celebration Great Hall
- learned of the Hexwizard Champions
- went outside to the Midspring Festival
Apr 2, 2022 (backdated) - Midspring Festival Courtyard
- came from the Midspring Celebration
- noticed Marion with Flash and Willow
- went with Flash and Willow to watch the dragon effigy burn
- confronted Flash about Victor and if he really killed him
- punched Flash in the face
- yelled at Flash about keeping things to himself
- found out it was Willow's birthday
- walked away as people moved Flash away from him
Apr 3, 2022 (backdated) - Necessary Evil Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- confronted Flash when he returned to their room
- asked him why he killed Victor
- hugged him until they fell over on Jack's bed
- asked him to promise not to do something like that on his own again
- Flash didn't promise, but Jack let him sleep
Apr 6, 2022 (backdated) - Sorry for Ruining Your Birthday Great Hall
- apologized to Willow for ruining her birthday by punching Flash on it
- told her that he couldn't tell her about why he punched Flash and that she should ask Flash about it
Apr 10, 2022 - Apr 24, 2022 - Hogwarts' students' Easter Break
Apr 24, 2022 - Owing a Favor Library
- met Sienna Lenoir after she saved him from falling over while climbing on a book shelf
- gave her a favor token with his gratitude
- talked to her about making friendships was hard

May 14, 2022 (backdated) - The Forest of Furniture Classroom
- was assigned to Team 1 at this year's Dormbattle
- Opeila tripped and broke her leg, cancelling the Dormbattle for this year
May 27, 2022 (backdated) - Happy Birthday, Leonard Oaksworth Grounds
- got invited to and attended Leonard's birthday party
- met Cade Darkbound

June 6, 2022 (backdated) - Unexpected Gratitude Grounds
- found Hanako in a tree
- gave Hanako a favor token for having given Jack his green jacket during the Valentine's Day Tea Party
June 7, 2022 - So How's Your Love Life? Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- teased Percival about his love life
June 11, 2022 - Lighten up, Buttercup! Great Hall
- attemped to play pranks on Hui Ming at breakfast
- found out he didn't know if Hui or Ming was the boy's last name
- was played a prank on by Ming telling him about the history of the term 'mudblood'
- noticed something was wrong and confronted Ming about lying to him
June 11, 2022 (backdated) - Secrets to Spill Room of Requirement
- went to the Room of Requirement after dinner
- was trying to think of how to get a scream of terror for the ritual Marion told him about
June 14, 2022 - No One to Stop Us Classroom
- noticed Draven watching him while he was practicing his spells and studying in an otherwise empty classroom
June 15, 2022 (backdated) - Tower of Terror Astronomy
- sent a letter to Seren Yong as the Astronomy Professor, Farron Horne, telling her to go to the top of the Astornomy Tower
June 25, 2022 (backdated) - The 'Pikachu' Spell Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- yelled 'Pikachu' while pretending to practice magic
- was noticed by Percival Gray and Vale Ashwood who were trying to figure out what he was going
- explained to them about Pikachu being an electric rodent and implied that pokemon cards possessed spells
June 25, 2022 (backdated) - Check, Mate Slytherin Common Room
- Jack meets June Selwyn
- Jack learns about Wizard's Chess from her
June 26, 2022 (backdated) - Blood of a Girl Who Trusts You Slytherin Common Room
- confronted Opeila about needing her to fill a bottle of blood for him without being able to tell her why
June 27, 2022 (backdated) - Cat in Class Transfiguration
- noticed something strange up with Henry in Transfiguration Class
June 28, 2022 (backdated) - Rituals and Hags Great Hall
- Jack sees Dealla Prince and decides to tell her about his deal with Marion
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 16 Jul 2023, 16:53, edited 70 times in total.

10 Dec 2019, 17:23
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Personal Timeline: Part 4 of 8

Summer 2022
Aug 1, 2022 (backdated) - Nameless Chaos London Quidditch Stadium
- met his tentmates for summer camp
- remembered Cade Darkbound and met Anastasia Varney
Aug 14, 2022 (forwarddated) - Truth or Dare - Group TWO London Quidditch Stadium
- played Truth or Dare
- first task is to ask Coraline Harvey (Reena Delgado's iNPC) for a Truth
Aug 24, 2022 (forwarddated) - Crying and Crayons London Quidditch Stadium
- found George Henry at the edge of camp crying and making a birthday/apology card for Jake Morris
Aug 25, 2022 (forwarddated) - Yankee Doodle London Quidditch Stadium
- wanted to explain to George why he uses the term 'mudblood' so freely
- found out what tent George is staying at and goes to sit outside it
Aug 28, 2022 (forwarddated) - Twirl the Flagon - Group 4 London Quidditch Stadium
- played Spin the Bottle (aka Twirl the Flagon) for the first time ever

Year 4 (2022-2023)
Sep 1, 2022 (backdated) - A new beginning Hogwarts Express
- met Lyam Park while roaming the Hogwarts Express
Sep 6, 2022 (forwarddated) - Feet Off the Ground Flying
- heard a rumor about Alec Mason
- attempted to get a scream of terror out of Alec during Flying Class
- asked Alec to check his broom
Sep 10, 2022 (backdated) - Chaos Mischeif! Study Room
- participated in the Mischief Makers club activities by helping with a mass/group prank
- covered the study room with aluminum foil
Sep 12, 2022 (backdated) - A Dark Ritual and Its Un-Waking Affect Corridors
- was found by Alec in the Great Hall shortly after dinner started
- was told by Alec that they needed to talk and went into the corridors to talk
- found out from Alec that Opeila fell into a coma
Sep 13, 2022 (backdated) - a little solitude never hurt anyone Library
- meets a kid writing to his mother about not needing to make friends
Sep 15, 2022 (forwarddated) - There, There Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- in Jack and Flash's dorm room with Bridget, Flash, and their rats Sherlock and Nicodemus
Sep 15, 2022 (backdated) - Time is Running Out Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- found out about Dealla's falling into a coma just like Opeila did
- looked for Hanako to tell their back-up plan to
Sep 16 & 19, 2022 (backdated) - Restitution Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- returned to his room with Flash to find it trashed with a shed skin on the floor and a message on the mirror
- three days later, Marion shows up at their door with a present late at night

Oct 7, 2022 (forwarddated) - Second Chances Library
- saw Ye-jun Lee in the library's history section
- decided to approach him in order to clear up any misunderstandings since their first meeting during the Midspring Festival earlier that year
Oct 8, 2022 (backdated) - Faerietale Endings Courtyard
- was late to the ball trying to figure out what to wear
- finds Ye-jun, his date, by the entrance where they agreed to meet
Oct 8, 2022 (backdated) - Faerietale Endings - Grounds Grounds
- goes with Ye-jun to the petting zoo and is reminded of Jake
Oct 14, 2022 (backdated) - Pregame for the best team! Slytherin's Locker Room
- Dan Palmer tries to pump up his team for Jack's first quidditch game
- Jack is terrified
Oct 14, 2022 (backdated) - Slytherin vs Ravenclaw - Fall 2022 Quidditch Pitch
- entered the pitch for his first game
- sat on the bench next to Flash
Oct 14, 2022 (backdated) - Biggest Fan Quidditch Pitch
- was found by a girl named Daphne Sapphirus after the game
Oct 15, 2022 (backdated) - Snakes and Eagles Don't Play Nice Quidditch Pitch
- went to practice quidditch and found a Ravenclaw Beater on the pitch
Oct 15, 2022 (backdated) - The Fish and the Fox Slytherin Common Room
- noticed Thomas Lestrange in the Slytherin Common Room after months of him having been gone
- went to confront him about where he's been and what's happened to him
Oct 22, 2022 (backdated) - Mischief Meets Mischief Library
- saw that someone was reading a history book in the library and got curious
- recognized Tristan Theramin from seeing him around school and sat down to talk to him
Oct 24, 2022 (backdated) - It's raining pine cones Grounds
- saw a girl named Phantom Witherstone in a layered dress and thick, high-heeled platform boots climbing a tree
- went to go tell her that it was dangerous to climb trees in those clothes and shoes

Nov 12, 2022 - Hate to admit it... Quidditch Training Pitch
- was confronted by Pax Zhang who asked him to help him improve his quidditch skills
Nov 13, 2022 - Some time alone…or so I thought- Courtyard
- crash-landed his broom into the courtyard fountain
- nearly hit a first year on the way down
- checked to see if the first year was alright as he picked up his scattered school supplies
- meets Eli Jonson, Colin McCoire, and Bailey Glade
Nov 16, 2022 (backdated) - Study? NO, Only Talking Slytherin Common Room
- was reading about quidditch and taking notes when he noticed a girl reaching for his paper
Nov 19, 2022 (backdated) - An Idle Mind... Great Hall
- was bored and decided to try the Singing Jinx on a Ravenclaw student he suspected of being from America
Nov 21, 2022 - Bubble, Bubble, Double Trouble Potions
- was attempting to brew a potion for class when he was interrupted by George Henry

Dec 3, 2022 (forwarddated) - Test Elf Grounds
- gets recruited by a boy to play a game said boy made up
Dec 4, 2022 (forwarddated) - Animagus Ambitions Grounds
- wanders the grounds as he ponders becoming an animagus next year
Dec 6, 2022 - Take a Guess Care of Magical Creatures
- makes a dare with George in Care of Magical Creatures Class and Jake is there
Dec 22, 2022 - The BaiKim Christmas Celebration Bash Ballroom
- signs up for the BaiKim Christmas Celebration Bash for reasons unknown to him
- sees Aida there and tries to talk to her

Feb 5, 2023 (backdated) - Slytherin vs Hufflepuff - Winter 2023 Quidditch Pitch
- sat on the bench with Flash, Avery, and Percival to talk with them while watching the game
Feb 18-19, 2023 (backdated) - penny for your thoughts? Letters
- received a letter from Rhys asking for help and advice regarding a love triangle they found themselves caught in
Feb 24, 2023 (backdated) - Slytherin Slumber Party Slytherin Common Room
- comes down from the dormitories to find a slumber party going on hosted by prefects
- notices Colin McCroire there
- hears they're going to have a pillow fight and lines up for the event

March 30, 2023 (backdated) - party planning Letters
- got invited by Rhain Read, Rhys Read's brother, to a surprise birthday for Rhys
- was surprised to find out that Rhys' birthday is a day before his own

April 1, 2023 (backdated) - Lethifold in the Library Library
- wanted to distract himself from being lonely, so he went to the library
- found a kid there who inspired him to try to play a prank since it was April Fools Day
April 21, 2023 (forwarddated) - The Enchanted Maze Grounds
- showed up at the Spring Ball of 2023 and started juggling with unlit torches while trying not to worry and wonder about what happened to Flash
April 23, 2023 - Of Patroni and Animagi Grounds
- had lunch with Jake outside and talked with him about patroni and animagi

May 5, 2023 (backdated) - A Show For The Snakes Slytherin Common Room
- sitting and reading one of his history books on a couch when a girl dressed like a clown walks in and makes a balloon animal
- applauds her and talks to her about it, reminded of Ruka's fire dancing because of how both being a clown and fire dancing are muggle performances meant to entertain without using real magic
May 11, 2023 (forwarddated) - Reasonable Reactions to Love Letters Gender Neutral Dormitory (Severus Snape)
- hears Hanako swearing and listens in on him a little more before attempting to check up on him

June 7, 2023 - The Place of Knowledge Library
- puts away history books and comes across a Hufflepuff first year who wants a book from a high shelf that neither of them can reach
- meets Axyen Dragonclaw
- Tristan Theramin shows up shortly after
- talks about muggle drinks and snacks with them and proposes a muggle food and drink party
June 9, 2023 (backdated) - Of Most Dangerous Heights Grounds
- was walking by a window when he suddenly sees and recognizes Aly Salinger floating outside
- summoned his broom to get to her before something worse happened to her
June 14, 2023 - Potion Brewing Form Potions
- practices making a Revive Potion in record time in preparation for challenging Hanako to a Revive Potion-making Competiton
June 16, 2023 - Cardio Grounds
- notices a boy jogging in the morning from his window and thinks it's Flash for a moment, but then realizes it's not and gets disappointed
- sees the boy later on at breakfast and decides to cast the Hair Color-Changing Charm on him to 'punish' him for putting him in a sullen mood
- after turning his hair bright pink, finds out the Gryffindor's name is Arden Doherty
June 17, 2023 - Running Through the Halls Corridors
- comes back from the Room of Requirement wearing an invisibility cloak and flying on a broom when he collides with a first year student running in his direction
June 21, 2023 (forwarddated) - Potion Brewing Form Potions
- challenges Hanako to a Revive Potion-making Competiton
- Hanako agrees but suggests that the loser has to buy the winner a meal at The Three Broomsticks
- Much to the boys' astonishment, the competition ends in a tie
June 27, 2023 - Kindness: Helpful or Harmful? Owlery
- comes across owls trying to get at a mouse in the owlery when about to send a letter
- debates what to do - whether he should save the mouse or not
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 16 Jul 2023, 16:54, edited 94 times in total.

10 Dec 2019, 17:23
Jack Burnett || Fifth Year || Slytherin
Personal Timeline: Part 5 of 8

Summer 2023
July 1st, 2023 - July 31st, 2023 - Hogwarts' Summer Camp is supposed to take place during this time. Jack stayed at school to attend Summer Camp and also to learn how to become an Animagus under the tutelage of Professor Hjørdis Jensen.
July 1, 2023 (backdated) - The Dopeass Scaly Bird Club Campgrounds
- claimed a top bunk for himself
- found two younger kids trying to talk to a girl who was trying to rest and tried to lead them out of the bedroom
- heard an older girl curse from one of the top bunks and told her to watch her words with younger students around as well as to keep her voice down because someone seemed like they were trying to rest
July 2nd, 2023 (backdated) - Absolutely no sense of direction Campgrounds
- noticed a young girl from the Dragon cabin wandering around and started talking to her
July 3rd?, 2023 - Dare I get Sentimental Great Lake
- saw Erin Ryan sitting alone before a blonde boy came up to her to talk
- watched them curiously until the blonde boy started to get angry and violent at which point Jack stepped in
July 11th, 2023 (backdated) - Spin the Bottle Beans! - Group 2 Campgrounds
- joined a Spin the Bottle Beans! game that Hiro "Tone" Bakugo from Mahoutokoro set up

Year 5 (2023-2024)
Sep 1, 2023 (forwarddated) - Settling In Slytherin Common Room
- as a fox, entered a room with a first year, a third year, a fifth year, and a sixth year, all of whom he knows in some capacity except for the first year.
Sep 2, 2023 (forwarddated) - Frustration and Dinner Shouldn't be Mixed! Great Hall
- as a fox, noticed a girl who seemed really angry and upset at the Ravenclaw table at dinner and decided to go up to her to see what was the matter.
- the girl was startled by him and cast the Dancing Feet Spell on him, causing him to have to revert to his human form in order to cast the counter-spell on himself so he could stop dancing.
- Percival Rainwood recognized Jack as a fox and laughed at the fact he was forced to dance as a fox.
Sep 2, 2023 (forwarddated) - Catching Up Library
- as a fox, left his book fort in the history book section of the library and found two boys in front of the restricted books section
- one boy seemed to be telling the other boy they should leave the restricted section before they were noticed by the librarian
- tried to get their attention by whining and pawing at them
Sep 9, 2023 (forwarddated) - Finding the ROR Room of Requirement
- was bored one Saturday and decided to go to the Room of Requirement to see what it would do
- was surprised to find a Hufflepuff boy there
- soon noticed a Ravenclaw girl he met on the first day of that school year there, too
- the boy introduced himself as Mark and Jack introduced himself as well, but then excused himself to leave
Sep 10, 2023 (forwarddated) - A New Spark Slytherin Common Room
- comes across the kid he met during the pillow fight at the Slytherin Sleepover who had also been aiming for June Selwyn
Last edited by Jack Burnett on 25 Jul 2023, 17:33, edited 25 times in total.