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14 Oct 2019, 01:48
Kapono Chimley | First Year | Gryffindor
Full Name:  Kapono Chimley
House:  Gryffindor

Age: 11

Wand:  35,2 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring

Species:  Human
Patronus:  N/A

History/Background:  Well, Kapono wasn't really "special" growing up. By not being special, that means he hadn't show any signs of being magical prior coming to Hogwarts! He the average kid, had a good life (unless you count not talking to his biological mother any longer), and was mainly raised by his dad, Charles Chimley, and his step-mother Jenni Chimley. Moluna Chimley, his biological mother left him and his father whenever Kapono was five years old, so he doesn't really have any memories left his of his mother. One thing Kapono never knew was that his biological mother was a witch, and she was a miserable witch. Part of the reason she had left him and his father to themselves was because he didn't want Kapono to end up miserable like her, for she thought personally in her own little world that the Wizarding world tore apart people's lives.

Growing up, Kapono lived in Greensburg, Pennsylvania in the United States of America all of his life, and he occasionally traveled out of state to either visit his great grand parents, cousins, or to just get away from Pennsylvania's cold and harsh weather. Kapono was used to the cold weather though, for he was born on Christmas.  Christmas was a Christian holiday that was celebrated across the world. It was in the middle of the winter in the United States, so when he was a baby, he basically adapted to the cold.
Kapono loved playing football, and he was a pretty smart kid whenever it came to actual Muggle school, but whenever it came to Wizard/Witch school, he wasn't so sure. 

Kapono LOVED music, and playing the instrument that Muggles called a "Guitar".
Kapono was a really happy eleven year old, and he was pretty content with the life his had currently, especially since he had gotten accepted into Hogwarts.

Good, Better, Best. Never Let It Rest. Til' you good is better, and your better is best.