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17 Mar 2018, 20:41
Rosemarie Langloire, First Year Slytherin
Rosemarie Langloire
Blood Status: Half-blood
Nationality: English
Hometown: Buckinghamshire, England
Wand: 31,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Year and House: First year, Slytherin

Appearance: Rosemarie is a caucasian girl with long dark brown hair. It’s fairly straight and glossy. She’s still quite small for her age, in height and in frame. She has brown eyes. She wears glasses for reading, but she’s needing them increasingly for everything else too.

Personality: Rosemarie is a snobby girl. She is from a very rich family and she is a bit stuck-up. She can be lazy and bossy. She is gentle though, and she works hard at school. She’s kind to her friends and she doesn’t tolerate bullying. She’ll stick up for anyone being picked on. She’s fairly brave. She isn’t scared of spiders or other things girls her age are afraid of. She will gently pick up a character and take it outside, unhurt. Rosemarie likes drawing and colouring. She loves the colour pink, but only in pale or pastel shades. 

History: Rosemarie’s mother is very high up in the management of St Mungo’s. Her father is a muggle CEO of an IT company. She is about to have a younger sibling, at some point during her first term at Hogwarts. She has a best friend at home called Scarlett Fate. Scarlett is a witch too but her parents have moved back to Australia (where they're from). She has her own owl and will be Rosemarie’s penpal.

Once, when Rosemarie was four, the house was burgled. The robbers were Muggles and couldn’t understand why there weren’t any electronic devices. They made a lot of noise trying to find a TV or something else valuable. Eventually they tried to leave but Rosemarie’s mother’s Charm work had sealed them in. Rosemarie woke up and wandered downstairs in the middle of the Muggle police interviewing her mother and arresting the robbers. Rosemarie showed her first sign of magic that night - she hexed one of the robbers, who ended up with a blue wart on his nose.


Last edited by Rosemarie Langloire on 12 Apr 2018, 21:20, edited 4 times in total.

17 Mar 2018, 20:42
Rosemarie Langloire, First Year Slytherin

 Mucalinda Benden,
 Ava Silver,
 Lafayette Smith,
 Ellie Wuduwesten
Last edited by Rosemarie Langloire on 28 Apr 2018, 15:53, edited 2 times in total.

17 Mar 2018, 20:44
Rosemarie Langloire, First Year Slytherin

Settling In

TheSorting:link to post
Sitting at the Slytherin Table for the first time: link to post
HerFirstNight:TheCommonRoom: link to post

Girls' Dorm: Andromeda Tonks

Post One Post Two Post Three Post Four


Making Flower Crowns at Blossomfest: link to post
The Maze: Post One Post Two Post Three

Edited: May 23rd 2018
Last edited by Rosemarie Langloire on 16 Apr 2018, 16:32, edited 2 times in total.