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28 Sep 2019, 17:32
Jake Morris | Fourth Year | Hufflepuff

Name: Jake Morris
House: Hufflepuff
Birthday: 24th of August
Age: 14
School Year: Fourth
Height: 4'9"/137cm
Status: Muggleborn
Species: Human
Patronus: Unknown
Boggart: Unknown
Wand: 28,9 cm cedar wood and snallygaster heartstring



Jake Morris is a shy and sensitive kid, very sweet and caring but also very easily frightened. He is an innocent and naive boy who doesn't know much about the world but believes idealistically in good and evil. He's pure-hearted and kind and wants very much to be good. He doesn't enjoy sports or roughhousing, he prefers to draw, to read, and to play with stuffed animals. He loves animals of all sorts. Jake is shy and very nervous around other kids. He tends to be quiet, especially in groups but will talk much more freely about his interests when he feels comfortable.

Although Jake scares easily, he values and admires bravery above all else. While Jake does not know the strength that lies inside of him yet, he looks up to those who are strong enough to stand up to bullies or to stand up for those weaker than themselves. What Jake would admire most would be somebody his age and size who has the strength to stand up for what they believe in. That would be somebody that Jake would idealize because it's really what he wishes he could be but doesn't think he can. There IS, however, a lot of inner bravery inside of him, and though you wouldn't know it to look at him, Jake does want to be strong and to fight for what's good and right in the world. Though he tries to avoid them, when it comes down to it, he does face his fears and does the right thing in spite of them. One day he will grow to do what's right at all costs. He is a loyal boy, who would courageously defend his friends if it came down to it. He would die for the people he loved.

As for appearance, Jake is a tiny boy, easily mistaken for a kid some years younger than he is. He is delicate and frail, with blonde hair and deep expressive brown eyes. At home, he tends to dress in brighter colors (though doesn't pick his own clothes). He is very bad at hiding his feelings, and they usually show very plainly upon his face, especially when he's scared or sad.

Jake comes from an upper-middle-class family that was very protective. He is very close with his parents, especially his mother. Jake's mum took him out of school when he was little and has homeschooled him since. It was actually at his old school that his magic first showed itself when he was very young. Some bullies who were picking on him (Jake was a very easy target for bullies) were suddenly flung away. After that day, Jake was taken out of school and kept sheltered and isolated from other children. He was well-loved by his family, and given the space and acceptance to grow at his own speed, but he had very little independence or social experience and has a ways to go in maturity. Arriving at Hogwarts presents him with many challenges. He doesn't yet know how to take care of himself, is easily frightened of any perceived threats that might hurt him, and is shy about his own interests that might make him a target or 'different'. He doesn't yet know how to interact with other kids. In general, the other children scare him.
Last edited by Jake Morris on 10 Feb 2020, 02:36, edited 3 times in total.

28 Sep 2019, 17:42
Jake Morris | Fourth Year | Hufflepuff
Friends - Year 1

George Henry - Bunk Buddy Georgie I think is the funniest kid I ever met, and maybe the smartest too. He's as smart as a second year and he even writes for the newspaper. He teaches me a lot about the world. He sleeps in the bunk above me which means that we're bunk buddies, and I think I have to do what he says except on Thursdays. He sometimes picks on me but I know now that he doesn't really mean it. Sometimes he hurts my feelings but I don't think he does it on purpose, and if I cry he usually says sorry. He's really nice to me sometimes too. I think if anything bad happened I could always trust him. He makes me feel a lot safer, especially at night. I think this is maybe what it's like to have a brother, but I won't tell him that in case he laughs at me.

Jack Warren - Sensei He's really strong and tough and brave. I don't think he's afraid of anything at all. He said he's my sensei like Mr. Miyagi, who's somebody from a movie but I don't know which one. He tries to teach me things but I think I make him disappointed. He says a lot of bad words, but he's not bad. I think he just doesn't know better. If anybody ever bullies me I know I can tell him, except i'm worried that if I do he might try to hurt somebody so I maybe wouldn't. Me, Jack, and George are all friends ever since we sent on a secret mission together but it was really scary and I'm not going to go on anymore secret missions especially after bedtime.

Willow Anderson - Friendship Queen Willow might be the nicest person in the whole school! She likes stuffed animals like I do. She has a stuffed squid named Gerald who comes from Atlantis. She likes Disney movies and when she hugs you she'll make your problems go away. You can probably go to her whenever you need to talk. When we met she gave me a friendship bracelet that I can touch whenever I need love. I wear it wherever I go and never take it off. She probably doesn't know how many times I touch it.

Saskia Nicholson - True Friend Saskia was the first person to ever be nice to me at Hogwarts, and I'm never gonna forget it. I was scared of the dark but she made a light and she walked me to my room and let me hold her hand. We have been friends ever since then. She doesn't always tell me everything I think, but I think she's really strong and brave. When the masquerade happened, she helped me feel better which I didn't think was even possible.

Mildred Wilson - Stuffie Buddy She is one of Willow's best friends who I met in the common room when she had her stuffed alpaca Chicken. I'm really happy I met both of them. She was super nice and funny and offered me cookies which were really good. One day Chicken and Freddie are going to go to Atlantis with Gerald. She's never ever seen a Disney movie so this summer me and Willow are going to change that with a Disney movie night with all three of us and I'm really excited! I don't get to have playdates very often.

Alan Vanes - Resident Grownup Alan is fourteen, which means that he's practically a grown-up. He's really nice though and doesn't care that we're kids. I rode the train with him. He kind of caught me after I was crying because I didn't want to leave my Mum and Dad. It was embarrassing because I was crying a lot and didn't want to let go. Then I was crying on the train. But then he found me and he let me show him Freddie and by the end I wasn't crying anymore. He has a really cool trunk with lots of animal stickers on it, and this really awesome lion figurine that's sort of like a toy but also sort of art. He let me hold him. He even has a stuffed animal too, just like me, and he wasn't even scared to show me. But most important is that he's really nice and I like being around him. The first birthday party I ever went to for a friend was one half his.

Lamik Fillestar - Sleepover Buddy Lamik was one of my first friends at Hogwarts. He's one of the nicest boys you'll ever meet and he never makes you feel bad about anything. I think he might be nice to everybody. He's older than me but he never makes me feel like a little kid. I had my very first sleepover ever at Lamik's house! I was so nervous at first, but it was really fun. I babysit his stuffed lion Pringle sometimes: he's Freddie's best friend.

Ruka Tan - Role Model Ruka is so cool! I found a bunny on the lawn that hurt his leg. I didn't even know what to do. Then Ruka came along. He showed me how to make a bunny splint and together we fixed up Hopper. Ruka said I'll be a great magi-zoologist one day but I think maybe a little he was just being nice. He knows what to do when animals are in trouble without getting scared and even though he's small like me he seems really grown up too. I think Newt Scamander was probably just like Ruka when he was our age. I really hope that when I get a little bigger I'll be like Ruka too.

Ruthie Greer - Flying Instructor Ruthie is really awesome. She is so brave even though she's just a first year. We met one time when I was crying after flying class. She didn't bully me about it, just said she could help me learn to fly. I was scared, but I said ok because she promised I wouldn't get hurt. I'm still not very good at flying but I can do it really low down without crying now. That's all thanks to her. She seems to know when I'm afraid and looks out for me. She has a stuffed puffin named Blair.

Breana Oliveire - Smaller Girl The first time I saw Breana I was just shocked because she was the first person I ever saw at school that was even smaller than I am. I felt a little bad because it made me think like everybody probably thinks about me. Well, once we got in the pool and played a chicken fight I found out she isn't just small, she's really scary too! Still, she's really nice and I think I'd like to be her friend if she wants that too. Just maybe no more chicken fights.

Santario Martin - Complicated Santario is really nice and kind and helpful. We both like plants, which is what we talked about when we first met. I think she really wants what's best for me. But...then some things happened that I don't want to talk about and I told her something I shouldn't have and since then I haven't talked to her very much. I hope she doesn't think I hate her, because I miss her very much.

Jack Burnett - Book Fort Builder I accidentally stole his book fort one time, but he didn't get mad at me. He was hiding from bullies too. He told me a lot about them, and how bullies sometimes are people that are scared to make friends, and that they're maybe more miserable than everybody else. I didn't really get it, but I did try. He talks a lot and I usually only understand maybe just half of it. He's a lot different than me, and he makes me think of things I never would have thought of before in a million years. I think maybe that's a good thing. He calls me Little Badger, but it doesn't feel mean or anything, it actually feels kind of nice.

Dan Palmer - Mask Savior It all started at the masquerade ball. I didn't know what a masquerade was so I came dressed up as a pumpkin because I thought it was like halloween. Everybody was looking at me. It was really embarrassing and I really wanted to cry. That was when Dan came and he made me a mask so I wouldn't be the only person who didn't have one. I will always be thankful because of that. He has a kitty named Loki who might be the best kitty in the world.
Animal Buddies

Cadmus - Nephew Cadmus is Georgie's owl, and probably the best owl in the world. George got him for Christmas and I was so excited because I never had a pet. He's such a good owl, so long as you are gentle with him. George said that he bites, but I don't know why because he's never bitten me. George sure looked at me weird when I pet him.

Hopper - Bunny He's a bunny that lives in the forbidden forest. Ruka and I saved him one time when he hurt his leg. Now I always walk by the forest so I might see him sometimes. He seems to remember us. I think he's probably a Gryffindor because he was very brave when we worked with him, and you have to be brave to live inside of the forest.
Last edited by Jake Morris on 22 Apr 2020, 13:45, edited 3 times in total.

28 Sep 2019, 18:42
Jake Morris | Fourth Year | Hufflepuff
Stamina: 7~~Evasion: 19~~Strength: 1~~Wisdom: 11~~Arcane Power: 6~~Accuracy: 14

+3 from Duel Wins: 1 2 3

Evasive Manuevers
Evasive Maneuvers II

Spells Known

First Year Spells:
Dancing-Feet Spell - Tarantallegra
Mending Charm - Reparo
Levitation Charm - Wingardium Leviosa
Wand-Lighting Charm - Lumos
Wand-Extinguishing Charm - Nox
Locking Charm - Colloportus
Unlocking Charm - Alohomora
Umbrella Spell - Pluvia Velo
Whistle to Watch - Tunc Sibilus
Snail to Teapot - Choclea Bibe
Glass to Sand
Sauce-Making Spell - Condimentum
Matchbox Transformation Spell - Flintifors
Matchstick to Needle - Conmutocus
Untransfiguration - Reparifarge
Green Sparks Charm - Verdimillious
Red Spark Charm - Periculum
Curse of the Bogies - Mucus ad Nauseam
Knockback Jinx - Flipendo
Smokescreen Spell - Fumos
Cleaning Charm - Scourgify
Snowflake-Creating Spell - Nix Facitur
Fire-Making Spell - Incendio
Extinguishing Charm - Extinguo
Four-Point Spell - Point Me
Severing Charm - Diffindo
Softening Charm - Spongify
Packing Charm - Pack
Tickling Charm - Rictusempra

Second Year
General Counter-Spell - Finite Incantatem
Freezing Charm - Immobulus
Revealing Charm - Revelio
Illegibility Charm - Illegibilus
Slowing Charm - Arresto Momentum
Engorgement Charm - Engorgio
Shrinking Charm - Reducio
Avifors Spell - Avifors
Purple Firecrackers-Conjuration Charm - Violaceous
Color-Changing Charm - Colorvaria
Clothing Color-Changing Charm - Multicorfors
Hair Color-Changing Charm - Crinus Muto
Squiggle Quill Spell - Vermiculafors
Gluing Spell - Epoximise
Hardening Charm - Duro
Blindfolding Spell - Obscuro
Tongue-Tying Spell - Mimblewimble
Disarming Charm - Expelliarmus
Bluebell Flames - Caeruleus Inflamarae
Hot-Air Charm - Aer Calidus
Sun-Light Charm - Lumos Solem
Weather-modifying Charm - Metelojinx
Weather-modifying Countercharm - Meteolojinx Recanto
Weather-modifying Charm Variant - Meteolojinx
Atmospheric Charm - Caelum Muto
Blue Sparks Charm - Caerulimillious
Fire-Making Spell - Incendio Duo
Slug-Vomiting Charm - Slugulus Eructo
Flower-Conjuring Spell - Orchideous
Slippery-Jinx - Lubricus
Paper Mending Charm - Papyrus Reparo
Ascension Spell - Alarte Ascendare
Descension Spell - Descendo

Third Year
Bandaging Charm - Ferula
Wind Jinx - Ventus
Wand-Lighting Charm Duo - Lumos Duo
Radiant Wand-Lighting Charm - Lumos Maxima
Summoning Charm - Accio
Banishing Charm - Depulso
Singing Jinx - Cantis
Healing Charm - Reparifors
Guinea Fowl to Guinea Pig - Avum Porcus
Porcupine [or Hedgehog] to Pincushion - Hystrifors
Teapot to Gerbil - Jerbollam
Teapot to Rat - Ratollam
Teapot to Ferret - Migaleollam
Teapot to Tortoise - Terachelys
Teacup to Tortoise - Tazachelys
Tail-Growing Hex - Cauda Incrementum
Fish Transformation Spell - Piscifors
Fish to Flower - Piscimutatio
Teddy Bear to Spider - Arachmutatio
Boggart-Banishing Spell - Riddikulus
Revulsion Jinx - Relashio
Snake Summons Spell - Serpensortia
Snake-Vanishing Spell - Vipera Evanesca
Full Body-Bind Curse - Petrificus Totalus
Freezing Spell - Glacius
Hovering Charm - Sublevo Brevis
Spider Conjuration Spell - Arachnos
Water-Heating Spell - Aqua Fervens
Cracker Jinx - Nec Divinos Crepitus
Cheering Charm - Serenate
Bravery Charm - Animosus
Sealant Charm - Consigno
Gripping Charm - Inhaeresco
Hurling Hex - Iacta
Water Repelling Charm - Impervius

Fourth Year
Amplifying Charm • Sonorus - Charms 1
Quieting Charm • Quietus - Charms 1
Minor Healing Charm • Episkey - Charms 2
Blockage Clearing Spell • Anapneo - Charms 2
(Minor) Explosion Charm • Bombarda - Charms 3
Fog-Conjuring Charm • Nebulus - Charms 4
Smokescreen Spell Duo • Fumos Duo - Charms 4
Muffliato Charm • Muffliato - Charms 5
Animal Goblet Transformation • Vera Verto - Transfiguration 1
Mice Transformation Spell • Snufflifors - Transfiguration 2
Ducklifors Jinx • Ducklifors - Transfiguration 2
Rabbit Transformation Spell • Lapifors - Transfiguration 3
Rabbit Slippers • Lepus Calceus - Transfiguration 3
Cauldron to Sieve • Filtración - Transfiguration 4
Cauldron to Badger • Furificar - Transfiguration 4
Cauldron to Guitar • Afinar - Transfiguration 4
Ecto Spell • Ectomatic - Transfiguration 5
Skurge Charm • Skurge - Transfiguration 5
Bubblehead Charm • Aspira - DADA 1
Leg-Locker Curse • Locomotor Mortis - DADA 2
Spider Repelling Spell • Arania Exumai - DADA 3
Impediment Hex • Impedimenta - DADA 3
Shield Charm • Protego - DADA 4
Herbivicus Charm • Herbivicus - Herbology 1
Blackboard-writing Spell • Scripto - Divination 1
Teeth-straightening Spell • Recto dente - Divination 2
Siphoning Spell • Tergeo - Divination 3
Structure Building Charm • Erecto - Divination 4
Switching Spell • Viceversus - Divination 5
Anti-Cheating Charm • Esto Verax • Runes 1
Ink Revealing Charm • Aparecium • Runes 2
Age Line • Aetas Terminus • Runes 3
Broom Jinx • Indomitus - Flying 2
Mobiliarbus Charm • Mobiliarbus - Flying 3
Instant Scalping Hex • Trichaufero - Astronomy 1
Hair Loss Curse • Calvorio - Astronomy 1
Pressurized Water Charm • Aqua Eructo - Astronomy 2
Hair-Regrowing Spell • Capillus Incrementum - Astronomy 3
Star Shower Spell • Stella Cascadia - Astronomy 4
Bedazzling Hex • Indesmulo - Astronomy 5
Water-Making Spell • Aguamenti - Herbology 3
Beauty Spell • Pulchra - CoMC 1
Drone Jinx • Obstrepere - CoMC 2
Pepper Breath Hex • Draco Spiritus - CoMC 3
Washing Up Charm • Lavabit - CoMC 4
Vacuum Cleaner Spell • Lambent Lutum - CoMC 4
Somnambulist Charm • Somnambulus - HoM 1
Dinnerplate to Mushroom • Fungifors - HoM 2
Rock to Dog • Canifors - HoM 3
Steel Talons Transfiguration • Steelclaw - HoM 4
Stretching Jinx • Distringo - HoM 5
Potions Known


Fourth Year:
Fatiguing Infusion (First Lesson)
Weakness Potion (First Lesson)
Skelegro (Second Lesson)
Wound Cleaning Potion (Second Lesson)
Blood Replenishing Potion (Third Lesson)
Essence of Dittany (Third Lesson)
Garroting Gas (Fourth Lesson)
Erumpent Potion (Fourth Lesson)
Baruffio’s Brain Elixir (Fifth Lesson)
Wit Sharpening Potion (Fifth Lesson)
Floating Potion (Flying First Lesson)
Turbo Farts Potion (CoMC Fifth Lesson)

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