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13 Sep 2019, 04:10
Liz Thompson | 1st Year | Hufflepuff
Full Name: Elizabeth “Liz” Thompson
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 11
Wand: 32,2 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring
School Year: 1st Year
Species: Human


Liz is slightly shorter than other girls her age, her long, black hair always looking a little unruly. Some of her bangs fall over her eye, and she’ll often be caught playing with them when she’s bored or nervous. Her lime green eyes are soft, like the rest of her features, and there’s rarely a time when there isn’t a smile on her face. Her skin is a little more olive than pale, and freckles dot her nose and cheeks. There’s a consistent pep in her step, a glint of mischievous wonder in her eye, and she always looks happy to be where she is.

Before Hogwarts

Liz was born to a muggle father and witch mother in the midwestern United States, who split up shortly after Liz was born. With Liz not showing any signs of magic in her earlier years and her Mother’s economic instability, custody ruled in favor of her father, who shaped most of her world from there. They tended to move around a lot due to her Dad’s work, and oftentimes Liz’s only friends were her two older siblings, a mischievous duo that are the closest she’s ever had to a bad influence. She had few other friends, none of them close, which she didn’t really mind for the most part. She had her family, she made them smile, and that was more than enough! It did make her awfully socially awkward though, although it doesn’t stop her from wanting to make friends in the slightest. She’s just not particularly good at it.

When her older siblings came of age, they made their final move to England. As distant as they were, Liz’s father trusted her mother’s recommendation to take them to her alma mater- the much more lax approach to non magical humans in Britain was also a deciding factor, as he’d been repeatedly been shut out of the magical community in America. As a result, most of Liz’s knowledge of magic is scattered, often coming from books and the tall tales her siblings would spin about Hogwarts. A lot of it is not accurate, but she’s trying her best to fill in the gaps! It does leave her with a strange disconnect from magic and it’s potential danger. Her father had always taught her to embrace the strange and unknown, but her enthusiasm towards many things shows that she may have taken it a little too seriously.

Liz didn’t show any signs of magic until she was nine, as much as she wanted to. But one night at the dinner table, Liz sneezed out an array of multicolored sparks, which almost set their tablecloth on fire.

Friendly neighborhood gremlin here to accidentally end the world probably.

13 Sep 2019, 04:16
Liz Thompson | 1st Year | Hufflepuff

This list is a bit sad and lonely right now, oh well. Gonna try and order these in chronological order.

First Year

Magic is Weird, But People are Weirder [OPEN]
Last edited by Elizabeth Thompson on 13 Sep 2019, 04:18, edited 1 time in total.

Friendly neighborhood gremlin here to accidentally end the world probably.

13 Sep 2019, 04:18
Liz Thompson | 1st Year | Hufflepuff

None yet. Yo please befriend my gremlin child.

Friendly neighborhood gremlin here to accidentally end the world probably.