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6 Sep 2019, 23:32
Sonatine Webbs / First Year / Hufflepuff

faceclaim: choi yerim aka choerry
NAME: Sonatine Webbs
HOUSE: Hufflepuff
AGE: 11
WAND: 29,8 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
PATRONUS: To be confirmed
SPECIES: Metamorphmagus
Hesitant: wants to make friends but finds it difficult to gain the courage to do so, especially with being in a foreign country
Insecure: mostly about her abilities - had grown up to believe that the accidental magic she displayed was unnatural, or just in her head
Positive: is cheerful and optimistic - claims its because she doesn't think things through - always tries to look at the bright side of things
Dreamy: daydreams a lot - she can sometimes come across as air-headed when shes asked about a subject and hasn't been focusing
>watching the sunset
>going to the beach
>playing the piano
>empty alleyways
>failing others
Sonatine was first born in Incheon, South Korea, a city that thrived in its newly industrialised setting and populous metropolitan life. As a child, she lived in luxury- the child of a wealthy English businessman, Eric Webbs and his adoring Korean wife, Chaeyeon Choi. Despite being generous parents who loved to spoil their children, neither of them paid much attention to Sonatine, who was deemed to be the 'misfit middle child' and shipped her away to live with her aunt to London, England, where she eventually enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Sonatine had a severe lack of knowledge of the rich history of magic that ran through her family bloodline. Her mother, who was accepted as an international student at Mahoutokoro School of Magic, was an avid astronomer, and her grandmother excelled in divination. However, upon meeting Eric, Chaeyeon let go of all the witchcraft that was in her life, and thus Sonatine was oblivious to the realm of magic.

The first glimpses of magic that came into Sonatines' life were during her younger years. Small things, like finding objects like pencils or marbles disappear in front of her eyes, only to be found a few days later in a completely different spot, or seeing flowers grow rapidly beyond what was seen as scientifically possible. Her claims of seeing such strange occurrences made her mother anxious about the secrets of her wizarding family come to light again. When one day, at age 9, Sonatine saw that her hair started to grow a vivid lilac instead of its usual midnight black, her mother threw a fit of rage. She called her insane, for dying her hair, for going crazy about the things she saw.

Deep inside however, Chaeyeon knew that what happened to Sonatine was not the case of cheap hair dye...but to reveal her ancestors history of witchcraft and wizardry after decades just wasn’t an option. That same day, Sonatine was booked on a ship away from her life in Korea, and to a new one in London.
Last edited by Sonatine Webbs on 20 Sep 2019, 19:03, edited 10 times in total.

in the cherry blossom's shade there is no such thing as a stranger.

7 Sep 2019, 00:00
Sonatine Webbs / First Year / Hufflepuff
Last edited by Sonatine Webbs on 7 Sep 2019, 13:43, edited 4 times in total.

in the cherry blossom's shade there is no such thing as a stranger.

7 Sep 2019, 00:01
Sonatine Webbs / First Year / Hufflepuff
Last edited by Sonatine Webbs on 7 Sep 2019, 13:44, edited 2 times in total.

in the cherry blossom's shade there is no such thing as a stranger.

7 Sep 2019, 00:07
Sonatine Webbs / First Year / Hufflepuff
i'm bad at updating this oops

1: Sorting Hat
2: Platform 9 3/4
Last edited by Sonatine Webbs on 11 Sep 2019, 21:35, edited 7 times in total.

in the cherry blossom's shade there is no such thing as a stranger.