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25 Jun 2019, 21:08
Christopher Madson - Year 2 - Slytherin

(Still Under construction)
Table of contents

1 - Personal information
2 - RPG list
3 - Relationships
4 - Trunk
Last edited by Christopher Madson on 28 Sep 2019, 19:34, edited 7 times in total.

Kind regards,
Christopher Madson
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings
― Oscar Wilde

25 Jun 2019, 21:38
Christopher Madson - Year 2 - Slytherin
Personal Information

Full Name: Christopher Madson
Nationality: Irish
House: Slytherin
Age: 12
Wand: 29,8 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
School Year: Year two
Patronus: None
Species: Human
Appearance and personality

Chris normally is a well kept young man, who looks after his hair on a regular basis. His clothing style is a smart casual look when he isn't wearing his well kept robes. The boy has a strong build for his age due to the work he does in his past time and has a good height of 5'7. One feature outranks them all, his eyes are a frosty blue colour that could look through a persons soul.

History/Background Story
Christopher, otherwise known as Chris, was born in Kinsale, Ireland during the year 2008. He was born to a hardworking middle class family who always had pride in their work, both of which worked for completely different areas. His dad was a well known fisherman in Kinsale while his mom was a doctor in the local hospital. The two of them had a serious demeanour and never messed around, this would of course be transferred to him. To say they were strict was a understatement, but all they were trying to do was lead down the right direction and make the best for him.

Along with his serious attitude, Chris was always known to be loyal and straight forward with the people he knew. If something was to be said, he would say it instead of keeping it to himself. This sometimes rubbed people the wrong way yet helped them realise their mistakes and improve them. Even with these characteristics he always seemed to get along with most people, even if it took sometime.

When he wasn't studying hard for school tests or other things, he sometimes helped his dad on the fishing boat to earn some extra money. But, the thing he liked most was playing violin whenever he could. Ever since his parents got him one at the age of five he was hooked, always striving to be better everyday. He was like that with most things. The songs he knew varied, classical was the main theme along with some others.

The first time anything out of place happened was when objects began to move, but this wasn't any random occurrence. It started to happen regularly just after his 10th birthday, all of them being when Chris was nearby. His parents began to get worried like any other parent, struggling to figure out why all this is happening. They decided to keep it under wraps until a year later, where they were considering to call a priest. They had already got him to do a medical examination to see if it was some kind of rare condition, this of course amounted to nothing. A priest was the last thing they wanted, but the fear of their son being possessed was only growing larger.

A few days before the meeting something quite unexpected happened, an event that would change his life forever. After three loud knocks on the door, his parents answered to an older gentleman who wore quite unusual clothing. When the gentleman sat them down and explained their sons gift, they were unbelieving and thought him as a mad man. A wizarding world was also hard to take in, how could anyone be this delusional? They soon changed their thoughts after he showed them a demonstration, by levitating an object, just like what Chris did.

It only took them a few days to decide whether or not they wanted him to develop his gift, the answer in this case was always going to be yes. Chris knew this was going to be a new beginning for him, and he had to make the very most of the opportunity.
Last edited by Christopher Madson on 23 Oct 2019, 19:25, edited 10 times in total.

Kind regards,
Christopher Madson
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings
― Oscar Wilde

26 Jun 2019, 15:21
Christopher Madson - Year 2 - Slytherin
RPG list
Last edited by Christopher Madson on 16 Nov 2019, 23:25, edited 12 times in total.

Kind regards,
Christopher Madson
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings
― Oscar Wilde

26 Jun 2019, 15:47
Christopher Madson - Year 2 - Slytherin

Mac Murphy - "I met Mac at the great pond party towards the end of my first year, seems like a good kid and all but his chicken casserole almost killed me. Maybe I should keep an eye on him..."

Illowy Magnard- "Illowy and I met at the great lake, soon after I dealt with some troublesome Slytherins messing with a weak Hufflepuff. We both share a passion in violins, something which I didn't think i'd find in a fellow Slytherin. I still feel like I have a lot to know from her, especially if she's Irish decent".

Gem Stuart- "Met him briefly at the lake while talking to Illowy, haven't had a chance to speak to him properly yet"
Last edited by Christopher Madson on 22 Oct 2019, 00:04, edited 9 times in total.

Kind regards,
Christopher Madson
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings
― Oscar Wilde