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27 Oct 2020, 19:17
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia thread: Cade Darkbound

Ability applied for:
Prodigal Charms Learner
Why it fits my character:
Cade Darkbound is a ready mind, eager to learn. He is intelligent and likes to experiment and figure things out on his own. When alone, Cade often reads not only for his enjoyment, but to further his own knowledge. He is a true Ravenclaw at heart, always researching to stay prepared and always picking up the next task and assignment with ease. He learns by doing, he really tries to practice his craft and does it to attain a certain mastery. When he’s happy with his work he checks it off and continues searching for more, almost like a leach. Aways feeding and expanding his mind. Cade’s bedroom in Ottery St Mary has an entire bookshelf of both wizarding and muggle works alike. He reads a new book every week and you’ll often find him in a library or used book shop. We can agree he is very studious.

Ever since he heard of the dueling club from his father, who had been a big fan of its events, Cade was transfixed! He looked at every spellbook he could find and saved them until the day he finally purchased his very own wand. Now that he has the chance to try out for the dueling club, he will prioritize a chunk of free time just for learning new spells. He will try to master them to not only impress his father but satiate his mad desire to learn more. Cade makes an effort to get his assignments done on time and done well so that he is prepared for his exams and prepared to do the next thing.

He is interested in the ways of spellcasting, especially the ways of the wand. How it amplifies and directs a wizard's power is fascinating to him. He always marvels about the bond between a wand and its owner. He wonders if its core has anything to do with how it chooses the wizard or perhaps the energy that makes up the core from the magical creature somehow is magnetized? Cade always loves to imagine what it would be like to become a spell inventor. Was it accidental magic refined and reinvented? Cade didn’t know but how fun life it would be to lead. But to even consider going into such a profession would mean to know all the spells that exist currently. The first year is teeming with anticipation of where his life would lead. But It starts now, right here at Hogwarts.

WC: 413
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Cade Darkbound on 30 Oct 2020, 01:57, edited 2 times in total.

STA: 7 | EVA: 7 | STR: 5 | WIS: 12 | ARC: 8 | ACC: 8

Prodigal Charms, Perfectionist
2 Nov 2020, 01:50
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Comprehend Languages (Giant)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

By the start of the year, the young part-giant had been wandering the hallways pondering. His mind absent on a question he did not have the answer to. His uncle had explained to him his origins, why he stood out so much more than others, save perhaps a particular Hufflepuff. But after the answer to one mystery, came the next question. What was his mother like? His uncle was not able to answer, for he never met the lady. From what the old man had gathered, she was a giantess. While his father was off limits, his mother apparently chose to leave him in his dad's custody for his own protection.

The travel to his clan had been meticulously planned by him and his uncle. Hugh left Hogwarts before finishing his year. That damned castle was just holding him back for now anyway. Giants were looked at with suspicion after the attacks at the ball. And he was one of them... Erin was still roaming the halls, hunting for Quinn. He bet there were more out there ready to hunt. Like some big whales, they could pull on dry land. But where he was going, there'd be bigger whales. The young Scotsman would travel further inland, over hill and den. His sole task being the discovery of his mum's clan.

Eventually, the young boy would manage to follow a map he had been given to a small patch of land hidden away by narrow and barely walked paths. By the northern coast of Scotland, in the middle of nowhere, Hugh would encounter his kin. Received with glaring eyes and caution by the giants, his entrance was shaky and tense at best. When he asked for Gida, he was met a Clan leader unable or unwilling to speak English to the boy. Misunderstandings were just waiting to happen, the leader's patience rapidly crumbling as the reason for this half-breed's presence remained unknown to him. That was, until an elderly clansman sought to interrupt the exchange. Revealing himself to Hugh and their leader as able to speak the wizard tongue of this island.

The boy's explanation however did not bring peace to the leader's mind. The Elder explained to Hugh how he was accused of being a spy sent to count their numbers. Assess their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. Then Gida, Hugh's mother, joined the conversation. Vouching for the boy's good nature without really knowing her own son. In short, the boy was allowed to stay on the edges of their domain and was to be accompanied by his mother and the Elder at all times. Gida offered her son a place to rest for the time being. The two acquainted themselves and shared one another's views on what had happened to Hugh. Gida's disappointment grew heavy on her as she realized his father had not held his promise. Trying to amend things for her son, she tried her best to give him a place among her kin. But the boy would not be accepted by most.

Still, in the time he spent in her company, she tried teaching him the tongue of her people. With the Elder giant aiding in their effort, Hugh, over the course of three months, learned the basics of his mother's language. Though they agreed, by the time September came closer, he was meant to attend Hogwarts once more. Now returned to the wizarding world, Hugh is ready to vouch for his part-giant kin. To serve as a bridge between wizards and giants.

STATUS: Approved

"Hope has a place, in a lover's heart"
Race: Half-Giant // Ability: - STR: 16 EVA: 7 WIS: 10 STA: 20 ARC: 1 ACC: 7
2 Nov 2020, 03:49
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: It's Here!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Calming Presence (2nd Year), Nonverbal (6th Year)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Calming Presence - 2nd Year
People always warned that others should be wary of the quiet ones. They were always listening. Watching. Learning.

This was true for Robyn. She had always grown up to be seen and not heard, so she learned to be quiet and observe. This became handy in many situations, especially in school when people were always looking for information. She always knew what was happening within hallowed halls of betrayal and petty drama of adolescents. Listening kept her sane and out of her own mind. It let her learn how friends were supposed to be like, how people generally treated each other. It helped quell her own anxieties of interaction. It's not that her mom didn't teach her how, but growing up with some intense social anxiety always had her double, triple, quadruple questioning. Staying up late overthinking what she could've done better.

There came a time where she became quite good at hiding it, her anxiety that is. By abandoning talking completely. This... did not go well at Hogwarts. A place where she needed to speak to learn spells. But it did become handy in another way, she became a person other people would talk to. Especially in second year when she started charming her hair, her overall color palette emanated warmth and comfort. Warm honey brown eyes drawing people in with a constant flow of empathy and compassion. Even outside of her crimson red Gryffindor robes, her regular wardrobe was reminiscent of a brisk fall day with the feeling of cozy fires and waffle-texture sweaters helping her disappear into the stacks of the library that swallowed her whole. They were muted, let her disappear. But also made her stand out to those seeking out her well-timed nods and "Mhm."s. Some of the people that spoke to her never knew her name.

She never really had to speak to comfort people, she became a beacon of a blank slate. Someone where your secrets could be kept, because she was silent. The stories and secrets that were written into her own story were quite intense. She would carry those stories with her to the grave, people trusted her for some reason. She didn't know how it came to be, but she became a calming presence within the sometimes cold and scary walls of Hogwarts. Especially in the library where she always felt the most in control and calm. It was quite an appropriate place to speak one's story and truth, but she wouldn't realize that until much later.

The library always made her feel comfortable, yet her demeanor and softness always helped others feel comfortable outside of the library.
Word Count 438
Nonverbal - 6th Year
Robyn had learned to be quiet for most of her life, attempting to stay as hidden as possible whenever she could. She never wanted to be noticed, never wanted the spotlight. Words seemed to fail her despite how many she consumed with novel after novel that she read. Coming up with her own was always extremely difficult. Even when they were given to her, incantations with a history and a reason for being attached to a spell, she would struggle. Often she would find herself stuttering and stumbling through the incantations causing backfires galore. Eventually, she would get it which is how she managed to pass in Hogwarts on top of well-done homework and essays to keep her afloat from the practical elements of the classes. She had heard of nonverbal magic and seen it done by Professors and upperclassmen, read about it in one of her random scavenges for more information at Hogwarts, sometimes there were too many books to choose from so she'd choose at random. The first time she found nonverbal it was just a brief mention and she forgot about it for awhile, though storing it in the back of her mind for later when she was able to learn it.

This would be many years later, around her 6th year at Hogwarts. Her stutter under stress hadn't gone away but it had definitely gotten better. More under control as she learned how to control her own anxiety and developed coping mechanisms from it thanks to muggle self-help books a friend had helped her find. She approached one of her most trusted Professors at the time to talk to them about it just to get more information on where she should start to even learn how to do nonverbal magic. It was a lucky enough interaction where they offered to help her learn how. They knew how her struggle plagued her, and she genuinely did want to succeed. This would only help her excel once she had to cast the spells when she left Hogwarts. Once a week she would have a private lesson with them, going through various exercises and practicing as much as possible. It took a long time for her to even get a backfire out of a nonverbal spell, let alone a successful one. While she may not be the best witch in the world, she was dedicated and diligent in her work at the very least.

Throughout her last two years at Hogwarts she would practice. Though in her 7th year she dropped from once a week, to once a month in her extra practice with the Professor. Eventually, graduating Hogwarts completely. Being able to practice nonverbal magic has helped her confidence in casting greatly, and her spells seem to go off more assuredly when she casts without a stuttered incantation. At home, sometimes she'll still say the incantation just to practice them in low-stress conditions. While she has the ability not to say it, it's not an ability she's too keen on losing.
Word Count 503
STATUS: Approved

Stand in your own power.
Stamina 12 ◈ Evasion 7 ◈ Strength 10 ◈ Wisdom 15 ◈ ArcPower 11 ◈ Accuracy 10
Hex Code | #433280
3 Nov 2020, 22:14
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Werewolf

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Werewolves are known to be very self assertive creatures and assertiveness is one of Crystal dominant traits. Crystal also sometimes shows increased signs of aggression or periods of unprovoked rage.

One day when Crystal was 9 years old, she along with the rest of her family decided to go on a week-long vacation to get away from the hectic city for a while. The Holt family packs up their things and drives to the closest forest they could locate. For the first days of their vacation they pretty much just stayed inside and did whatever they could to pass the time.

On their last night there Crystal said she wanted to go and explore the forest since she doesn't get to experience things like this everyday. Her parents didn't think it was a good idea considering how late it was. After a lot of convincing her mom finally said yes. Her mom thought it would be okay if she or her father was with Crystal and her mother walked a little way into the forest her mom says to her not to go too far into the forest. Crystal mom turns around for second and Crystal dashes deeper into the woods despite what her mom just told her.

After a few seconds of running Crystal comes face to face with what just seemed a regular wolf, little did she know it was actually a werewolf. Without any warning the wolf runs up to Crystal and bites her. She lets out a loud scream before collapsing on the forest floor from the pain. Crystal’s mom hears the scream and automatically realizes it as her daughters. Crystal’s mom runs deeper into the forest to find Crystal. After a few minutes Crystal’s mom spots Crystal lying on the forest floor. She sees the large gash with blood rushing out of it on her daughter's leg and then pouring out onto the forest floor. Crystal mom picks her up and runs back to the cabin as quick as she could. Crystal’s mom then places her into the back of the family not worrying the blood getting all over the back seat and drives to the nears which are a long ways away.

Crystal’s mom rushes to the nearest healer see can find. Crystal's mom carries Crystal through the window of what appears to be a red-bricked, condemned department store which ison the first where healer seroudous bites. The healer gives Crystal some Wolfsbane potion to lession the effects and waits for it to take effect. Crystal would never be healed by the attack, which would permanently recall the curse she carried now.

WC: 513

Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 4
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 5

STATUS: Pending
Mod note: was owled
Edit 2.0: As I understood it, Crystols Mum is a muggle. The wounds need to be treated by a healer, not a normal doctor.
Last edited by Crystal Holt on 23 Nov 2020, 00:31, edited 10 times in total.

𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓽
4 Nov 2020, 14:17
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia: Verner Llf
Name of ability requested: Cat's Grace

Growing up Verner has spent all his time among muggles. He has always felt out of place, everywhere except for home. Maybe it was because he was magical, or maybe because he usually spent his time alone. It could have also been due to his strange name and ancestry half english half continental. Verner had often been a target of jokes, some of it you could even call bullying.

Frequent situations like that forced Verner, being the quiet and composed child he was, and also because he did not want to worry his parents, to develop a strategy. A strategy which with time became a habit. And this way Verner has most probably, unbeknownst to him, discovered one of his many talents as a wizard. And the talent grew stronger the more he has used it.

The strategy at first started with him carefully observing the environment where he was, looking for places and ways he could escape or hide himself.
Next, usually from within a hiding place such as shadow around a corner, or from behind a curtain or cabinet, maybe even from underneath a table or top of wardrobe, he would silently observe people around him and try gauge their intentions and the best safest and smartest way out. In case of a peculiar situation he would listen to people around and wait for the perfect chance to leave unnoticed, either slowly tip-toed, or by running away very quickly, but still quite silently.

As Verner grew more accustomed to this *hiding* skill, he found out he could also hide himself in plain sight. Just by acting *naturally*, adjusting his behaviour in accordance with the flow of situation he could become almost invisible. Hiding his presence seemed to make some people in certain situations even forget he had been there at all.

After couple of years passing, Verner had used it many times, in primary school and during the times he spent his time outside of the safety of home. He managed to avoid being chased, in another instance he listened to some bullies plotting and crossed their plans, he even managed to surprise adults by suddenly sneaking up from behind.

Verner has used it even on the day he received his Hogwarts letter. His parents, unsure why a letter addressed to Verner got delivered by a strange man did not let the man talk to Verner at first. But Verner being curious, hid and listened to them talking about magic and a school of magic, even watched as the strange man -- apparently a teacher from said school -- tried to persuade his parents, showing them magic. His parents seemed to be quite surprised when he popped out in the middle of the talk.

This skill also made Verner **do things like tasks and assignments quickly effectively and stealthily** just to avoid attention where it was unnecessary. **Waiting, hiding, carefully treading forward, observing how the situation develops and thinking of what he can or should** became Verner's second nature. The knowledge gained while observing people would always become handy for whatever reason or use.

When Verner is excited, very happy or excessively curious and forgets himself he sometimes breaks the hiding without such intention. He knows he has to perfect this talent still, and he already knows a prefect place for it will be his years studying in Hogwarts.
Word Count: 559

|| Stamina: 5 || Evasion: 7 || Strength: 3 || Wisdom: 6 || ArcPower: 6 || Accuracy: 8 ||
STATUS: Approved
4 Nov 2020, 16:12
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ... 67[justify][/justify]
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: lycanthropy
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) :

Michael was born to Ethan Michael Miller and Ana Nicole Miller, ages 27 and 30. He was an accident and treated as such, as neither wanted to give up their busy lives, especially to a boy. So Michael grew up, with the need to please his parents, even as early as 5 years old. As the couple had another kid, the small bit of attention he did receive was given to that child, a girl.

Every year his family took a vacation to a Cabin they owned in Galloway Forest, the biggest forest in the UK. One night at 4 am, he went out, wanting to find a flower for his mother, a blue one because blue was his mother's favorite color, he couldn't find out one and inside of going back decided to go into the woods that was on the farside of his community ranging by miles. Overall it didnt matter why he went out, because Michael saw something better, a dog. A big dog, with a big snout. Michael was determined, he was going to pet this dog and he was going to tell his dad all about it.

Michael's greatest flaw was how native he was. As he stumbled over to the 'dog' and reached out to pet its snout, the beast turned. The last thing he saw was its human like eyes. The last thing he felt, was it's teeth. The last thing he heard was his own screams. Luckily, the night was over by then, as he been up for hours looking before coming apon the wolf.

At 5 years old, Michael was taken to st mungos for having a nasty bite on his leg, by a rather shocked man, the man looked tired and gulity as he showed up, but no one was concerned with the man rather, they were concerned with the child in his arms, which had fainted in shock. When an Auror appeared at his parents door, they were in for a shock. When the parents couldn't tell the officer why they allowed the boy out, he was taken out of their custody.

At 5 years old, Michael was sent to his mother's parents. Where he was helped process what he'd been through and taught about his curse.

At 5 years old, Michael became a werewolf. He spent every month, getting Wolfsbane and being a small wolf, then he'd come home to his grandparents, who would take care of the sores he had and the hungry he felt. He could tell them when someone was coming, when something was burning, when his mom was over because she wore so much perfume it hurt his nose.

Everything was right in the world. Then at 10 years old, his grandmother died, Dragon Pox. It was said that his grandfather died of a heart attack, but he knew it was heartbreak.

So, at 10 years old, Michael returned to his family, after they passed a test to decide if they could take care of Michael and his "needs". His siblings still growing with sister after sister. He didn't know what to do, he grew up with a loving environment, now he was back with . . them. Little by little, Michael's time was spent in the library, he ate in there, he slept in there, as he was keen to take naps before the full moon.

Now on the full moon, he didn't get his reminder to take his potion, and their was times when he forgot it and was stuck in the basement under the house, with no mind but for destruction. He would wake tired and fall asleep on the ground, after he woke he would get up and eat, his family pretended he wasn't a beast, so he did too.
(605 words in description)
(701 words in all)

Strength| 6
Wisdom| 3
Accuracy| 4
Mod note: has been owled. For additional info. I won't approve it either way if you haven't been accepted by Index first. So you can edit the application, but it will stay pending until you have been added to the Index.
Edit 2.0: Changing the age from 3 to 5 is not ideal but acceptable. The application will stay on holt till you have been accepted by Index. (20.11.)
Aight, pet the dog.
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Michael Miller on 7 Nov 2020, 15:46, edited 2 times in total.

"Do you love me, want me, hate me?" – Olivia Rodrigo
4 Nov 2020, 17:18
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
encyclopedia: frosty cira ✿ [goes right to trunk]
third year ability: fearless
     There wasn't much that had the ability to faze our young redheaded Hufflepuff. No bugs or insects of any kind, no scary movies or stories. It seemed the ordinary spooky stuff just didn't cut it for Frost. Most of her fears seemed to stem from her concern for other's wellbeing. This had only fueled her almost constant state of warmth and peacefulness that she had kept up (Frost has the ability "calming presence").

After her younger brother had been born, the idea of responsibility had been instilled within the young girl. It was no longer only plants in the garden she had been tasked with taking care of. The older sister or perhaps even motherly nature had been brought into the light. As well as this, growing up, she had been a girl sheltered from any harm or scary situation. Away from anything that would negatively affect the sweet pure bean of a girl. How was a girl who only knew how to see the good in everything supposed to effectively sniff out danger? Though the obliviousness her parents tried their best to upkeep was not going to last long.

It took one year at Hogwarts to show her that not all things were good. The burning, the screams, the traumatic experiences she had to witness her own classmates going through. But compared to this, there was little that Frost could even classify as frightening. In most situations where most would deem daunting, it took no effort at all for Frost to focus on the brighter outlook of it all. Instead, that was where her mind roamed most of the time.

This optimistic outlook Frost had possessed, as well as her serene and caring nature, had eventually led her to be a pillar of stability. With almost no fears to hinder her efforts, the redhead could effectively play that role. The sheer desire to help others around her keeps her going. Now, Frost was no daredevil or throwing herself into dangerous situations just for the sake of it, of course. But, if need be, the safety of herself will become second to that of the other people she is with.

The title of "fearless" was often associated with impulsive recklessness or hardened people. But Frost was neither, instead being a soft and delicate kind of person. In an odd way, the wholesome Hufflepuff girl could be considered fearless.
word count: 414
fourth year ability: spell spread
    Frost was not a girl blessed with a massive amount of physical strength. In fact, she was lacking in average strength. The amount of effort it would take her to carry a medium-sized box of just baked goods was something she might have been ashamed of if she cared enough. Sadly, she was not a girl blessed with intelligence or a large library of knowledge in her brain. What did she have to make up for what she was lacking?

Well, there was no denying she was relatively nimble and light on her feet. Dodging and running came easy to a girl with a small frame, naturally. But really, what else did she have going on for her?

It wasn't hard for her to realize what she was good at. Hogwarts' teachings had helped her develop strength in magic and spell casting. Now, she was no prodigy, but it did seem to shock her when Frost had cast spells that usually packed a punch. It seemed rather odd for a girl of such a small size to put out as much power as she did. But quickly, a weakness of that would soon start to show.

Every good thing came with a price, and her's had been a lack of control. There had been a few times where a carefully aimed spell turned out to become quite the opposite. A large burst of a spell had shot out, precision nowhere to be found. Perhaps this too could grow to be something more, though.

Optimistic as ever, Frost had begun to think of her grander spells as an advantage, though the accuracy of the spell bursts had been lower. What if more than one person could be hit with one spell in a duel? What if she could heal more than one person at a time. The thought of healing on a grander scale was what really pushed her. Over time, the spreading of spells could be controlled, something that would prove to be of great use later on, most likely.

This could be something she could utilize to better help her friends. A goal that motivated almost everything she did. To her, there was no greater thing she could ever do, the sheer will of wanting to be helpful kept her going. Nobody would expect a burst of magic like that from a girl like her. Now, it felt as though she had a sort of a secret weapon sneakily hidden up her sleeve.
word count: 415
let me know if i need to change anything, didn't do all of this in one sitting so it might not make 100% sense lol
character stats:

• stamina: 10
• wisdom: 8
• strength: 1
• arcpower: 10
• accuracy: 10
• evasive: 11
Status: approved

✿ frosty cira ❀
❝ when you can't see on the bright side, i will be there to sit with you through the dark ❞
5 Nov 2020, 19:38
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Werewolf

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Werewolves are known to be very self assertive creatures and assertiveness is one of Crystal dominant traits. Crystal also sometimes shows increased signs of aggression or periods of unprovoked rage.

When Crystal was 9 years old she was out exploring the woods behind her house. After exploring for a bit she came face to face to what seemed to be a wild wolf, but little did she know it was actually a werewolf. The wolf just randomly runs up to Crystal and bites her leg. She falls back and starts crying for the pain.The wolf proceeds back into the forest. After a few minutes limps home in pain due to the bite. As soon as she reached the house she quietly went up to her room stopping her tears until she got there because she didn't want her parents to ask questions on why she was crying, but that didn't last too long because her mom heard her crying again a few seconds after Crystal closed her door. Her mom walked into her room and tried to convince Crystal to tell her what was wrong but Crystal wasn't budging with her answer. As soon as her mom left the room she quickly went to the bathroom and tried washing the bite wound the best she could so that hopefully no one would know about it. Crystal knew if any of her mom found out she would probably not let her go out into the woods anymore even if the moon wasn’t full that night. After a few weeks the small wound on her leg finally healed only leaving a small scar where the bite was.

After that day Crystal began preparing herself so that with each full moon she would get more forceful and “disappear” to meet the werewolf that had bitten here to learn how to fight and hunt as a werewolf. Crystal wished she could go out more but sadly a full moon only appeared about only 30 days. On the days that she couldn't she couldn't go out she would just sit in her room and stare at the non full moon. Waiting for the day that it would be full and she could go out again.

One day of the next month she snuck out of her window. With the only light being the full moon high in the sky. In the cloak of darkness she snuck out of her room to go meet with the werewolf once again. Little did she know her mother walked into her room right when she was leaving but Crystal didn’t notice. Her mom stayed up waiting for her to come home so she could access the situation. As soon as she got home she saw her mom standing angrily in her bedroom. Her mom once again tried to convince Crystal to tell her what happened a few weeks but once again Crystal didn't budge with her answer. Her mom left her room and never confronted Crystal about it again because if she hasn’t told her by now there was a low possibility she would tell her in the future. Crystal continued going out during every full moon the night after that knowing that her mom confront her anymore


Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Wisdom: 6

STATUS: Denied

𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓽
7 Nov 2020, 06:46
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Seer (Talent)
The recessive gene that differentiates a seer from other full-blooded humans is one that can be found tracing back to the very origins of the historic, powerful Baines line. The last recorded manifestation of this among the family had been found in the 17th century in a young woman called Alys Baines, née Craddock. A famous, or perhaps infamous, local fortune teller, Alys gained a reputation among poverty-stricken townspeople. This was not only a consequence of her practice of the art of divination, but a consequence of the outrageous prices that came with her readings - readings that appeared to be too indistinct for much gain more often than not. The townspeople were faced with the choice of paying for her foretelling or paying to keep food on the table, and inevitably, most chose the latter. Driven out of business and outcast from society by the townspeople that felt she’d been nothing more than a fraud, Alys left her home for new prospects, coming across a man known as Edwyn Baines on her travels. In a matter of months, they married, and from the union came six children. None of the children inherited Alys’ gift for divination, and nor did her grandchildren, or their grandchildren, or any Baines for the next roughly 400 years.

In such a span of time, one could only presume that the gene had vanished from the bloodline altogether. No indicators of a true seer had been shown in any Baines since Alys, though many had found themselves to be carriers of the gene. One such carrier was Rowan Baines, Valerie’s father. Another had been Val’s muggle mother, Amelia. Amelia’s magical bloodline traces back hundreds of years, but over time, it has become diluted. No magical ability had been derived from any of Amelia’s wizard ancestors, but she became a carrier of the same seer gene they had once carried. It had been passed onto the child she had with Rowan preceding his disappearance from the household. Unbeknownst to either due to the lack of physical manifestations in her youth, the recessive gene had affected their child.

At eleven, Val finds herself experiencing frequent flashes of déjà vu. Raised in an environment that left no room for thoughts that came across as far-fetched, she doesn’t think much of it. Her intuition is one manifestation of her talent, but Val chooses not to let that guide her out of doubt in herself. For the most part, she goes out of her way to back her actions with layers of reasoning. Her ‘gut feeling’ simply isn’t enough for her. Oftentimes, her overcautious nature does her more harm than good, as she doesn’t trust herself to make on the spot decisions when she needs to the most. It leads to all too frequent moments of hesitation. Only halfwits act recklessly, after all. As the fragile foundations of her pride are built on putting down such people, she couldn’t become one herself. However, this could change once Val discovers her talent. Her ability to see fragments of the future, in and of itself, may be the push she needs to truly trust herself.
Word Count: 523/500

Strength - 1

Stamina - 6

Evasion - 7

Arcane Power - 6

Wisdom - 5

Accuracy - 5
Status: approved

STR 1 // STA 6 // EVA 7 // ARC 6 // WIS 5 // ACC 5
8 Nov 2020, 02:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Sixth Sense
You just have a sense for things. You notice more often than most when something is out of place, such as a chair that is breathing or a snake in the grass that looks like it is watching you.

Effect: +2 to their awareness rolls. If a player attempts to enter a thread that you are already in, there is a 25% chance that you automatically detect them on entry.

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

When you are a Seer, things...catch your eye. Things normal people wouldn't notice. Things like how a classical painting, unchanged for hundreds of years, was now suddenly missing an element or two. An invisibility cloak was gone from a subject's shoulders in a painting of a crowd- a pocketknife was missing from a still life. How a student or professor who normally slouched now always stood completely upright. Call it luck or call it magic, Jo certainly had a knack for noticing things. Just like her mother, Pandora might say, though nobody who knew her was around to verify that. Maybe it came from her criminal father's eye for security spells and cameras. He could be in and out of his victim's house in what seemed like seconds, without a single witness around despite the crime taking place in broad daylight. It was as if somehow the Dark Wizard knew when the politician's bodyguards changed, when his victim would come home from work, and when the Aurors would arrive at the scene. He always, always seemed to escape at the last possible moment. Thus his reputation would survive him in his death, leaving doubts in the minds of so many people that Foxglove would terrorize the public no more - that his reign had truly ended. Evil always seemed to return, no matter how hard the Aurors worked to keep it at bay.

Of course, Jo's uncanny ability wasn't entirely genetic. She had spent year after year with her Okinawan adopted mother diving for awabi and pearls, scanning the sea floor for elusive sand-colored crabs and the outlines of weed-covered shellfish. There, hidden in between two waving stalks of kelp, would be their dinner - a clump of turban shells or perhaps a small family of crabs if they were lucky. Years of training combined with her natural talent, and Jo often surprised even Ms. Higa with her strange ability to locate abalone shells and hidden octopi with ease.

Even in Hogwarts, where the probability of dinner did not depend on Jo's eye for detail, her practice stayed behind. If anything was going to notice the little Knut on the ground that a careless first-year had dropped, it was going to be the hawk-like eyes of Jo, subconsciously recalling the gleam of a pearl or abalone shell against the multihued coral of the Okinawan seas.

Although seeing as how the new Hogwarts year was going, Jo would likely have lots more than a Knut on the ground to worry about. There were mysteries that would require her eye for hidden detail to solve.

WC: 431

STATS just in case:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 4
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 9
ArcPower: 7
Accuracy: 4

STATUS: Approved

"Out here, the wild ones are taming the fear within me.
Scared to call them my friends and be broken again; Is this hope just a mystical dream?"