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5 Dec 2019, 06:34
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:  Click me!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Seer
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Absinthe Opheliæ Morgaine was a terribly unlucky woman. Sure, one could consider her “lucky” due to her prophecies, but ever since Jo’s birth, disaster never seemed to cease striking the family. How could she ever forget the day her own mother had taken that horrid, new streak of grey hair nestled among the luscious black locks and whispered to her that she was cursed?  “It only gets worse from here, my dear… I have never seen the truth as a blessing, sweet child - sweet Abby.”

She had seen her husband’s crimes, smelled the crisp air of death, and yet…somehow… she still couldn’t see any future without him. “What am I doing?” She’d ask herself as the wedding bells rang, but she never bothered to look back.

When Jo was born, she began to see awful visions - visions she ignored. The child wouldn’t go to Hogwarts - Absinthe wouldn’t let her. And even if Finlay was a human, there was still a large chance that the girl wouldn’t inherit her ability. None of Abby’s sisters had, after all.

Either way - she had to make sure Jo wouldn’t ever go back to London. She knew the infant was magical - that much was clear - but perhaps the girl would never have to know about her heritage.

Half-delirious from her fever, the woman clasped her quill and with trembling fingers penned a desperate owl to her friend. Her visions now were only of cold earth and a beautiful dress - folded arms and flowers dotted her dreams and during her waking moments she saw the world up-side down. She could barely see the infant reaching out to grasp her fingers as she scrawled a letter to the only person she could trust.

Two days later, Absinthe sat at a bus stop, ignoring the cracks of lightning and the loud roar of heavy rain. Her mascara bled and ran down her face, dripping onto the screaming baby, but she waited nevertheless.
A haggard old man half-blind in one eye approached her, spitting on the ground and adjusting the rags binding his hands. He stared at her through his milky eye - and reached out a hand, into which the woman placed a small stone. The man inspected it, and once satisfied shrank down and morphed into a familiar frown. The infant quieted.

The woman shaking her freckled face couldn’t have been more than 25 years of age. “I won’t take it.”

“Pan- please. You have to. ”

“That’s Pandora to you.” The blue-haired woman angrily snapped. Suddenly the flush in her cheeks receded as she whispered to the distraught mother.

“You promised. You promised when you married Finlay that we’d go our separate ways. I warned you against him. You said you’d never contact me again.”

“I know, but…” The witch pleaded, her wavy grey hair dancing about her face in the wind.

“I’ve got a boy, you know. Three years old. I love him to death, and I won’t raise him or let him play with some criminal’s kid - especially Fin…” Her lip trembled and she swallowed her saliva. She seemed about to cry.

“I warned you, Abby - I really did. You knew what would happen, and you did it anyway. Frankly, I’ve got no sympathy left.”

“Then don’t do it for me. Do it for her. Merlin’s sake, I’m not asking you to keep her!” Absinthe unwrapped the bundle. Jo’s beady eyes stared at Pandora - who was wrinkling her face in disgust. A steady stream of rain was falling onto the strange witch’s umbrella. She closed it as she walked under the narrow roof of the bus-stop.

“I’m seeing Foxglove’s face, Abby. I’m seeing my brother - and everyone else that man destroyed. Trust me, it doesn’t do you any good.”

“Christ, Pan. Just take it back with you. Give it to an orphanage. Here.”

Absinthe pressed a piece of parchment into her old friend’s hand. Pan opened the parchment and sighed as the Galleons glinted. A raindrop fell on one with a soft “plink” sound. Jo giggled, waving about her tiny arms and legs.

“It’s not about the damn money, Abby.”

Absinthe looked up - the woman was gone and her blanket was empty. Wondering if she was living a grey  nightmare, she pressed her hand against the warm cloth, stroking the soft felt where her child should have been - or perhaps had never belonged.

Suddenly her vision began to fade. She gripped a nearby telephone pole to steady herself - it was a prophecy.

Cold and damp - she had seen this one before. No doubt it had been triggered by her current surroundings. It would be raining during her funeral - yes. She reached out and felt the wood of the coffin, sighing. It was always too dark to see - but the flowers felt cool and refreshing on her skin. She nestled against one - wysteria and hyacinth. The dying woman smiled -someone had listened to her request. (She’d asked for only purple and red flowers, as they complimented her skin tone.)

As must be with all things, the vision ended. She picked up the sopping blanket that had fallen onto the ground, and looked up at the sky, shielding her face from the relentless sheets of water. The wind picked up as she began to walk back to an empty home or an empty grave - whichever was waiting for her.

Jo never learned about her mother - Pandora was too loyal for that. She was always just a bit lucky - she was in the right place at the right time, or knew when to dodge just before a punch. Sometimes she’d know if a friend was sad, or if an enemy had trouble brewing. She chalked it up to a keen eye. She was wrong.

WC: 978

(OOC: Can I also post this as a private thread in Muggle London? Just wondering.)

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: This will serve as your change/update to your stats as well.

Stamina: 4   
Evasion: 4 
Strength:  2
Wisdom: 9   
ArcPower:  7
Accuracy: 4

STATUS Approved
Yes you can post it
Last edited by Jo Morgan on 9 Dec 2019, 23:11, edited 4 times in total.

"Out here, the wild ones are taming the fear within me.
Scared to call them my friends and be broken again; Is this hope just a mystical dream?"
8 Dec 2019, 21:07
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Ency
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: 
The Martial Artist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): 
Jay had lived in Japan in multiple orphanages so it was no surprise that fights happened often, whenever they went out into the streets there would be some sort of chaos going on. It wasn’t that Japan was messy- it was just that the area they lived in at the time had multiple high school gangs and whatnot... Growing up people would say how nice the people are in Japan and how clean the country was- Jay didn’t exactly fully agree because of the things they’ve seen. In the last orphanage they lived in there was in fact a seventeen year old who taught punching and jiu jitsu, jay liked to watch the people spar.

At a certain point hey thought, if my life is so pathetic and if I have nothing to lose why not learn how to fight? Perhaps I could end up like those people in the streets that fight for money...

Gladly, things happened and now they were living in a manor all the way in Europe. Jay lived a ‘rich’ life, they had learned that there were much darker things in life that has to do with magic, in the Victoria manor there were many books laying around for them to read, Lady Angelique got them three teachers to quickly learn about a lot of things, and then there was Mr. Adams. He taught them a little bit about history but also martial arts.

Mr. Adams was harsh but he taught them a few valuable lessons, he taught them that fighting isn’t just two people crazily trying to take each other down, it had to do with control and discipline. He had taught them a more violent version of Jiu Jitsu- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He said that there will be times that wizards don’t have their wands or magic, he was the one that caused them to always carry around a pocket knife in Hogwarts. And Mr. Adams was perhaps the one that may or may have not made them violent (besides their childhood of course).

At Hogwarts, Jay often goes around and releases their stress by punching walls, pillars, people (but rarely), and even trees, their knuckles are often bruised up as evidence, after punching things so much, why wouldn’t they know how to actually punch properly?

After being bullied so much, why wouldn’t they think to learn a bit of self defense? Discipline and control were the two things Jay could gain from martial arts, and it would perfectly blend in with their thirst for violence and thoughts of trying to control themself...
Word Count: 430 words
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: 
Stamina:    2
Evasion:      6
Strength:  9
Wisdom:    6
ArcPower:  9
Accuracy:  8
STATUS: Approved

I’m back. Jay or Deplorable ooc. Owls open for threads.
21 Dec 2019, 01:39
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:Foulplay
Describe why this fits your character:
Whoever said that cheaters never win has never meet Lavinia Cloven. She grew up with the saying “cheaters are losers” but that only is if you get caught. Of course she would never take it to a big level but a little extra push here or a 5th ace never hurt anyone right? She just loved the exhilaration when she was pulling off something not in the rules, it was like the pounding of her chest and the feeling that she might get caught just made her feel alive.
One time she was playing a game of regular muggle chess(he chose it) against her dad and she might have cheated a little bit. She started the game pawn in hand ready to beat him but when he took a long potty break she moved all of his pieces back one spot and all of hers forward one. Also she moved his king to a spot that would make it a checkmate. When he came back he didn’t notice a thing, he just pondered for a second about his next move and then on her turn she finished the game. Of course he was a sore loser but he did say “I didn’t even see that coming, I’ll get you next time.”
During her second quidditch match of the season she almost pulled off a move that would have sent her competitor to the ground. Literally. She was trying to blatch Erin Ryan, Slytherins star beater. She got in position to make the move and on the count of 3 she went blasting through the sky towards Erin and right when she was going to collide Erin, Erin moved just inches out of the way. The sad thing for Lavinia was the whistle blew seconds later making her take a penalty lap. But that rush of adrenaline when she was pulling off the stunt was all she needed to help her keep going to win the quidditch game.
Those were just a few of the examples of the times that Lavinia blended the rules to help her win. But if it worked then she would just keep doing to earn lots of bragging rights and sometimes prizes. So what is the point of changing tactics if they work. She hadn’t pulled the big one yet and would never try to get anyone hurt but hopefully she could be the best cheater in history.
One way or another she will always have another trick up her sleeve.
6-point stat system:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 6
Strength: 7
Wisdom: 5
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 10

STATUS: Approved

Lavinia | Irina
| STA: 10 | EVA: 16 | STR: 7 | WIS: 8 | ARCP: 6 | ACC: 20 |
Foulplay, Interception, Evasive Maneuvers, Keen Eye, and Muggle Condition
“One day at a time”
21 Dec 2019, 23:39
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Encyclopedia
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth (Talent)
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Most wizarding families knew that the Ducain's were descendant from a long line of powerful British Purebloods dating as far back as Salazar Slytherin himself -  however, what they did not know was that the family line also carried the rare ability of being able to speak Parseltongue. It had lain dormant in the Ducain blood for years (sometimes skipping generations - but it had always been there). The last notably being her uncle Dagmar Ducain, who was a notable deranged wizard with a suspected alliance with the Dark Lord. He, like almost every other Ducain who had ever presented the gift of being able to control snakes, ended up in the Wizarding Prison, Azkaban.

When Arcadia was born though, no one suspected she would hold such extraordinarily unique talents. Yes, the Ducain Family had been known to inherit the ability to speak to snakes centuries ago - but there had been a pattern over the generations where, (coincidence or not) only the men in the family tree seemed to inherit the talent - and ultimately, sooner or later, the darkness attached to such gifts had seemingly took its hold on them - and so, never in a million years did her parents dream that their darling pureblood princess would be a Parselmouth.

These descendants who displayed Parseltongue abilities also tended to belong to the house of Slytherin, rather than the families prefered house of Ravenclaw and outcast by other family members, sometimes even disowned altogether.

Due to the abilities natural affiliation with 'Dark Wizards' and the Ducane family history of Parselmouth's turning 'bad', when Arcadia first displayed the act of communicating with snakes (shortly before starting Hogwarts) her parents were shaken and shocked at the discovery and warned her to keep it a secret at school, but most importantly from other family members - in fear of been removed from the family tree altogether.

It was a socialite event, when Arcadia first discovered she could talk to snakes. A known herbologist and a family friend was having a garden party to celebrate one of her new discoveries - In the garden they had a variety of exotic animals, Lizards, Spiders and a Burmese Python on display, to coincide with the theme. Arcadia was naturally drawn towards the dangerous and exotic creatures with curious interest, (as she had always loved animals) and that was when she first heard it. A low hissing at first, that then warped to form the sound of words. That was when her mother found her, knee's bent before the giant cage conversating with the serpent and sniggering at a joke it had told her.

Arcadia always felt like an outcast and disappointment to her family. She was rebellious, adventurous, a wild child who would much prefer boys clothes to girls - much to her mothers disappointment, and now she was also had the worst curse there was on the Ducain name - being a Parselmouth. Was Cady destined to become a Dark Witch like her uncle and those that had the ability before him? Or perhaps, being a first girl in a whole generation to become a one meant she was destined for some different... possibly greater? Only time will truly tell what truly awaits in the future for the first year snake charmer.


Stats: 30

Stamina: 5 Evasion: 4 Strength: 6 Wisdom: 3 Arcane Power: 7 Accuracy: 5
STATUS: Not approved due to canon relation, was owled
29 Dec 2019, 05:04
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia: Link

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you are applying for: Part Goblin.

Why it fits my character:
Arlo Reynolds is quite a unique little boy. At first look, he doesn’t appear much different from anyone else his age, besides the fact that he is short. Well, short might be an understatement. Arlo only stands at three feet six inches, while most boys his age usually range around four and a half to five feet in height. This often leads to him being mistaken for someone of a much younger age. 

This isn’t the only physical feature that is different from the norm. Although much shorter than most, if one looks closely they might notice that Arlo has rather large hands and feet. If he held them up to an adult, his fingers and toes would most likely be longer than theirs. Under his brown hair the young boy’s head appears a bit rounder than most, almost dome like. If you were to make him laugh or smile, you might notice that his teeth are ever so slightly pointed.

One might wonder why the boy has such an unusual appearance. The answer to that question began long ago. Many years before Arlo’s birth, a young witch by the name of Lilith Reynolds began her career as an apprentice Curse Breaker at Gringott’s Wizarding Bank. She was a bright young lady, a Ravenclaw freshly graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It would be here that she would come to befriend a Goblin by the name of Gragnok. 

Gragnok worked as a smith, producing Galleons, Sickles and Knuts for the bank. As Goblin’s do not carry last names, when he was referred to specifically, he would often be called Gragnok “The Coiner”. Although his duties mostly kept him in the smithy, he would sometimes be called upon to operate the cart that escorted witches and wizards to their family vaults. It would be on one of these calls that Gragnok would have a chance encounter with Lilith.

Gragnok was tasked with escorting Lilith to a vault that was suspected of containing some cursed items of a Wizard that had recently passed. It was much to his surprise that she struck up a conversation with him. Most people from the Wizarding community were more than happy to do business with Goblins, but both communities were guilty of being untrusting towards each other. Gragnok and Lilith shared a likeness of being open minded. Their conversation flowed naturally and by the end of the escort, a friendship was formed. From then on, whenever Lilith’s duties brought her to the bank, they both made an effort to meet up for lunch or an after work meal. Over the course of a year, this friendship bloomed into romance. 

Much to the dismay of both of their families the couple would marry. Less than a year later, they gave birth to a boy they named Hugo. Gragnok and Lilith choose to give him her surname, Reynolds.  The young lad would grow to follow his father’s footsteps. Although he was often frowned upon for being of mixed blood, no one could deny his talent for smithing. This would not be the only trait he took after his father with. Hugo too would one day marry a Witch by the name of Edith. It would be this union that would produce Arlo Reynolds. His grandfather was a Goblin, his grandmother a Witch. His father was half Goblin, his mother also a Witch. What would this make Arlo? Part Goblin one might guess.

WC: 576

Stamina- 5
Evasion- 8
Strength- 0
Wisdom- 10
Arcane Power- 0
Accuracy- 7
STATUS: Approved
5 Jan 2020, 01:00
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread - Lily’s Ency
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for - Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) -

Lily’s Family Line
The Thomson’s are a very old pureblood family line. They had a strong connection to snakes, every when they first started. Their first recorded Parselmouth encounter within the family was several hundred years ago. It was kept a secret from most of the family, until Parselmouths started to show within their bloodlines. Soon, Parselmouths were becoming common in one line of the family, so it was decided that that line would be the heirs of the family, and the first born son who could speak Parseltongue would be the heir.

When they first were recognised as an older pure blood line, they were placed often in Hufflepuff house, as they valued friendship and kindness. However, due to peer pressure from the other pure blooded families, they started to become Slytherins, especially after they married into other pure blooded families. Over time, the family barely knew of their kinder path, only that they had to work hard for their status. This lead to many of their children who married into muggle families, or muggle born families to be disowned. Their family became more harsh than what they originally was. However, as they started to see the horror of their ways, they started to open back up to muggles, allowing their children to grow and love muggles and muggleborns.

However, some of the family believed that this was a mistake, and caused a rift between the family. The pure-blood family became conflicted, and some of the Parselmouths joined dark wizards and ended up in Azkaban.

On the other side, Björndotti’s weren’t much to look at, however, there was some things that went through the family. Bailey Björndotti, Lily’s great aunt, was part Veela. The Björndottis knew magic, and kept the secret through their lifespans, with few of them actually being able to use magic. Lily didn’t get any magic from that side, unfortunately.

Lily’s line of the Thomson family was the heir line. Lily may not have been able to become heir, however, her father was heir. He could speak Parseltongue. He was the sole heir of that family, as he had two younger sisters. He worked hard honing the skill and became adapt at speaking to the snakes and worked with the ministry, although only few in the ministry knew of his ability. He never took over a snake’s free will, only took care of many snakes. His wife, the muggle, hated snakes and demanded that he keeps them out of the house, so he had his own little place on his farm with snakes.

Lily had never seen a snake before her 4th year on Earth. She accidentally wandered into her father’s shed, finding the snakes that had been there and speaking to them. When her father and mother came looking for her, they found her with a Cobra wrapped around her arm, a viper around the other and a Ball python around her neck, and them having a nice conversation about the weather. Lily’s mother, naturally, freaked out, while Lily’s father merely burst out laughing, watching his daughter and his prized snake have a lovely conversation. Lily’s father had found the snake in a illegal pet smuggling ring that muggles had created, so he rescued it and brought it home to his wife and other snakes.

Lily has been working with her father with snakes ever since, however, she still enjoys the lovely company of furred creatures. When Lily gets older, she will use this ability to take care of her own collection of snakes.
(574 Words)

Stamina - 5
Strength - 3
Wisdom - 6
ArcPower - 8
Evasion - 5
Accuracy- 3
STATUS: Approved
5 Jan 2020, 02:42
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Dhampir
Describe why this fits your character:
Word count: 592 words

Mattathias never met his biological father. His muggle mother only knew him for a single night, and ever since, Matt's been surrounded by mundane humans and nothing more. The thing that he doesn't know--but will probably guess, once vampirism and his dhampiric nature is explained to him--is that his father was a full-blooded vampire, which makes Mattathias himself only 1/2 human.

Since the day he was born, he's been crying blood. The doctors could find nothing wrong in spite of their best efforts so, finally, it was simply concluded that the only real problem with him was that he had no pigment in his skin. A doctor's note and many sunburns later, he conducted the vast majority of his activities inside or after nightfall, and was even allowed to opt out of PE when it went outside so that he wouldn't turn the color of a lobster before they were halfway through. It was also concluded that he simply didn't have canines.

Or, that was what everyone assumed, until he was eight years old and got into a serious scrap with another kid on the recess yard. It wasn't the first fight he'd found himself in, nor the last, but it was certainly amongst the more intense and long-lasting ones. He'd been grabbed and in a reflexive reaction to the motion, he spun around and sank his fangs into the other boy's arm.

He didn't know what was happening. On some level, he simply shoved the incident and the strangeness to the back of his mind, burying it beneath denial. Things were already wrong with his mom--he couldn't handle more weird or strange or wrong. He couldn't be even more of a freak than he already was. Right?

It wasn't the last bizarre incident to occur. His fangs came out twice more, both in other fights with school kids, and then Aysha died and they switched schools and things started to settle down. For a while, it was normal--no fangs, no fights. Then there was teleportation--a mere apparition of the mind, certainly--and, finally, there was the Hogwarts letter.

It didn't explain what a dhampir was, but the boy determined that it must simply be because of his magic. This is what he still thinks when he initially comes to Hogwarts (how is he supposed to know that vampires exist, much less dhampirs?) Eamon, too, accepted this as an explanation, but Matt has every intention of asking the a teacher about it. Maybe they'll have some answers?

Then there's the taste for blood. It's not a need, exactly, not like it would be for whoever his father is, but it's there, creeping, waiting. Moments such as those when he bit the other boy or when he was in a fight and got a taste of it did something. It made that little thing click in the back of his head, a sign that he wanted more. He doesn't understand this hunger, and has not given into it, but it's always there, lurking, somewhere unwanted in his unconscious.

His appearance would, of course, experience some changes: red eyes to replace the formerly brownish ones, exceedingly pale skin, gaps in his teeth, and fingernails that he just cannot keep short no matter how much he tries. And, of course, he has tried. A lot.

Furthermore, Mattathias' half-sister on his biological father's side would also be a dhampir. He hasn't met her, although he is certain to do so off-screen eventually (he has seven years to do it, after all).
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: Evasion 8 | Accuracy 8 | Strength 7 | Stamina 4 | Wisdom 2 | Arcane Power 1
STATUS: Approved

Evasion 8 | Accuracy 8 | Strength 7 | Stamina 4 | Wisdom 2 | Arcane Power 1
"All that is gold does not glitter,/Not all those who wander are lost;/The old that is strong does not wither,/Deep roots are not reached by the frost." -J.R.R. Tolkien
10 Jan 2020, 00:11
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability: Evasive maneuvers
Stats: Stamina: 8 - Evasion: 5 - Strength: 3 - Wisdom: 5 - ArcPower: 5 - Accuracy: 9
Describe why this fits your character:
Annabelle was never tall or strong. She was a bit on the short side, and skinny as result of her vegetarian diet. At a young age she'd learned how to weave through crowds to find people and loved gymnastics. She was always practicing, becoming locally well known for her gymnastics ability for one so young. She was better at hitting than dodging, but after many perilous games of dodgeball in gym class, she started to work more on dodging, finding a use for her petite frame. At about nine, she was the undisputed leader of dodgeball, waiting and dodging until there were a few people left. At that point, she would use her accuracy to pin down the remaining people. Annabelle wasn't strong, but she was able to use her accuracy to strike her target down almost every time.
At ten years of age, Annabelle signed up for a laser tag game in the school. At one point, she was hiding behind a shed (the game was outside) when she felt like she should duck. She ducked as an older kid lowered his gun, shocked and confused when she still had full lives. As he was looking around, she crawled to the other side of the shed and shot him until his last life had been killed.
Her evasive abilities only improved. Annabelle quit gymnastics at age 9 and joined a dueling team (muggle style). It wasn't a typical choice, but Annabelle knew it was what she wanted to do. Almost every time she fought, her accuracy and evasion helped her shine. She didn't have that much strength (none, really), but she had lots of stamina, accuracy, and evasion. She was a great pick for the team. She usually couldn't stand against brute strength, but she just darted nimbly out of the sword's way. After all, to bring a sword slicing down focusing on brute force usually takes a bit to recover from. Annabelle was more of a fast, evasive type than a fighter. But that's what made her a great pick for the team. The dueling team, joined at age 9, also gave her sword-fighting skills. She always trusted herself to succeed. It made her overconfident and she deeply regretted this when she lost.
Examples only continue. During recess, Annabelle was always darting around others on the soccer field. She wasn't a great defensive player but she loved offense. She made lots of assists. Accuracy sent the ball where it needed to go. Speed and evasion sent the defenders out of the way. Eventually, Annabelle came to Hogwarts, sure she wouldn't need these skills but glad to have them anyway.
Word count: 441
STATUS: Approved, trunk is locked and needs to be validated for Index

Stamina: 8 - Evasion: 5 - Strength: 3 - Wisdom: 5 - ArcPower: 5 - Accuracy: 9
12 Jan 2020, 17:10
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia Thread|
Name of Ability or Race| Metamorphmagus
Describe why it Fits my Character|

Grace learned that Metamorphmagi aren’t common in the wizarding world or in her family. Grace’s grandmother and great great great great great grandfather were Metamorphmagi. Grace thought her grandmother liked dying her hair and wearing color contacts though. When Grace found out she was a Metamorphmagus her grandmother died from saving a little girl from drowning in a river, Grace doesn’t know where the river was.

Grace first noticing of being a Metamorphmagus was when she was 6 (after Grace found out she was a witch) she looked at her annoying, bushy hair and wished to change it, she wanted it to be straight and nice, it worked and Grace’s hair was very straight and didn’t get tangled for months until her mother told her to change it back. The color her appearance changes by emotion, Sad: streaks of blue in her hair and eyes, Happy: normal hair color but eyes have specks of gold, Angry/annoyed: fully red hair and eyes, Shy/Embarrassed: ombré bubblegum pink hair and pink eyes, Disgust: fully green hair and eyes, Nervous: dirty blonde hair and yellow eyes, Fear: Half of hair is a plum color and her left eye is a plum color.

Grace is still learning to control her ability and her mother try’s to help in every way, her brothers like annoying her so her hair turns red but Grace has managed to control it so it doesn’t work. Grace enjoys the ability but hopes that she doesn’t change herself too much, even though she is insecure about her looks but as she learned: nobody’s perfect and she has to learn to accept that. Grace will often changes some minor things on her look but nothing too big, like when Grace noticed her bangs were growing she stopped then from growing and just make her look like she did before. Grace sometimes changes her looks to look creepy and scare her brothers for fun, but her mum told her that if she does it anymore she’s grounded for a month. Grace now keeps her hair from being bushy and annoying so she can keep it out of a ponytail and wear it how she wants. Grace’s grandparents (on her dad’s side, their muggles) hate Grace’s long hair so whenever Grace comes over there she makes it look shorter and neater since her grandparents don’t like Grace’s

Grace wants to learn more about her ability. One day Grace 
learned about Nymphadora Tonks who was a Metamorphmagus, she learned Tonks died fighting in the war, Grace was impressed about Tonks. Grace knows her brothers and her cousin are annoyed by her ability when she changes her appearance, Grace doesn’t scare her family anymore but changes her looks to look like a random person, she once changed her hair to short brown hair and olive green eyes and made her taller and pretended to tell Oliver (her oldest brother) that he got arrested from stealing something when he didn’t.
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 6
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 7
ArcPower: 4
Accuracy: 5
Staus: approved

Word Count: 524 words
Last edited by Grace Mint on 22 Jan 2020, 22:52, edited 4 times in total.

Stamina: 5 Evasion: 6 Strength: 3 Wisdom: 7 ArcPower: 4 Accuracy: 5
Talents: Metamorphmagus
13 Jan 2020, 07:17
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia: Alan Noble

Ability 1
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you are applying for:
Evasive Maneuvers

Describe why this fits your character

Alan has always been a multi-tasker. It runs in Alan's family from his Mother managing to accomplish the chores, feed everyone and make it work on time was beyond comprehension. To his Father finishing a variety of projects and ideas for his work as well as Alan's frail old grandmother running a small bakery on her own.  Alan's family are described as by a bunch of their friend's as one big bunch of multi-taskers. Always reaching to make a deadline, still working to the best of their ability. Though Multi-tasking is quite a useful trait to have, in Alan's case, it was mostly a disaster though the young lad tended to be unaware until it came crashing in his face.

In short Alan's multi-tasking on top of his anxiety made him quite clumsy although a detriment in the boy's point of view it was a worth asset growing up. Like a pre-built self-defence mechanism, Alan would find himself in situations where unfortunately gravity becomes his enemy, whether he was in-depth on the book the lad was reading or carrying an assortment of items to which he couldn't hold on to well. An instance of his clumsiness becoming an asset was during an Arts and Crafts exercise during his time at a muggle school, creating an image of something Alan had seen described in one of his favourite books "The Tales of Beedle the Bard." Wanting to keep the image in his mind, the boy had the book in his hand while carrying the materials he needed in the other. Most were too big or weirdly shaped to hold in his tiny arms, not to mention that he kept his eyes peeled to the book rather than where he was going.

The other children in his class had seen the dilemma wanted to stir up the pot even more, while the teacher stepped out for a short moment a couple of children hurled whatever was around towards Alan. Without paying much attention, the young lad tripped on his own feet, causing whatever he had in his hand to spill all over the floor. Although unfortunate that his book was mostly ruined by his clumsiness. The boy practically dodged all that came his way leaving him unscathed from what others had hurled towards him. This unfortunate yet fortunate circumstance often happened when he was multi-tasking, leaving the lad to evade what came his way. Though once he started to pay attention, it became less frequent that Alan became unscathed.

It's as if his body had pre-built evasive maneuvers for whenever he was distracted or multi-tasking or simply being clumsy a natural defence to what harm came to him except for the damage he causes himself at the same time. 
Word Count: 456
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 6 | Evasion: 10 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 6 | Accuracy: 5
Status: Approved
Second Ability yet to be decided

Stamina: 7 | Evasion: 10 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 8 | Arcane Power: 8 | Accuracy: 6