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7 Sep 2019, 13:18
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: metamorphmagus
Why this fits Sonatine:
Sonatine had absolutely no knowledge of the magical world. She had grown up in an environment that rejected all forms of witchcraft, or anything that didn't conform to muggle 'logic'. Her ignorance towards magic and its existence made her even more surprised to find out that she in fact was a part of an entire magical race that ran through her mothers' family: the metamorphmagus.

Her great-grandmother, Yu-ri Choi, inherited the gene which had been kept in the Choi family for hundreds of years. She was a skilled transfigurator and took pride in her rare ability. However, with her new child, Chae-rin, the family had moved to Seoul, the capital where the cost of living was lower. Chae-rin had been born out of wedlock, and with the social exclusion and shame, Chae-rin and Yu-ri left their beautiful manor house by the sea and to the crowded city of Seoul. 

The Metamorphagus gene was still in the Choi family, though. Chae-rin later had Sonatines' mother, Chaeyeon. Living almost in poverty, Chae-rin had lost all of the Choi inheritance - the money, a place in the family house, even the acknowledgement of being in a prestigious wizarding family. As a result, Chae-rin urged Chaeyeon to marry in order to survive, and to maybe, just maybe, be able to revive the Choi family in her once again.

Chaeyeon struck gold. A couple years after Chae-rin had passed, Chaeyeon had married a English muggle, one that owned many companies and had an extremely high social standing within the business world. She had fallen in love with Eric Webbs - someone who she could depend on and saw as a partner forever. The two lived in luxury, and in the public eye, a life of flashy dresses and high dining. Yet her love came at a price; Chaeyeon, as instructed by her mother, made every attempt to hide any form of magic that she knew. This meant hiding her abilities as a Metamorphmagus: reverting any spontaneous changes to their usual state, like having to wear a hat in case her hair became a shocking shade of pink. As she grew older however, from years of hiding her skill, she was able to pass as a normal human muggle.

This didn't last long. Many years after she was born, Sonatine still showed no signs of having the Metamorphmagus gene, much to Chaeyeon’s delight. This meant that they could live a normal life – like her faamous muggle friends. However, when Sonatine began to show signs of accidental shifting, Chaeyeon couldn’t believe it. Some days, her eyes would switch from its normal brown to vivid lilac. Other days, her eyelashes or fingernails would appear longer. One fateful day came, when Chaeyeon saw Sonatine in her room with the brightest purple hair she had ever seen, she felt her heart stop. Years of disregarding magic had made Chaeyeon wary of acknowledging these abilities, and thus in a fit of fury, she sent Sonatine away to somewhere she felt was safer, somewhere other than with her.

As Sonatine came to London, she knew that there would be more people like her – people of magical blood, who wouldn’t judge her or think she was weird. Even though she was surrounded by other witches and wizards, Sonatine didn’t flaunt her ability. She kept to changing small features, mostly the colour of her hair, to practice the skill she had inherited in the privacy of her room.

Giving this ability to Sonatine would mean she would be able to practice her metamorphmagy in an environment that is safer than the one she once knew. The identity of being a Metamorphmagus may even help her to reconnect with her mother. But for now, she’ll practice the trait she has until she’s ready.

STATUS: Approved

in the cherry blossom's shade there is no such thing as a stranger.
11 Sep 2019, 01:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Piper Bancroft | First Year | Hufflepuff
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for:
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
[705 words]
Piper knows very little about her background. She's never known her father, and her mother is estranged from her family, so her familial history is largely a mystery. As a result, the same, as one could probably guess, can be said for her magical background. Once the blood types were explained to her, she accepted rather easily that she was a muggle-born. After all, her mother clearly housed no magical talent. Nor did her older brother, and given that the parent they had in common was their mother, Piper found it safe to assume the magic wasn't being passed down through her. While she has much less concrete information about her father, she finds it doubtful that her mother wouldn't have seen or sensed something about him to indicate that he was magical, given how obvious it became in Piper as she aged. When her mother said she didn't remember anything off about her father, Piper took her word as law, and didn't question it any further. The simple answer was that she was one of those anomalies, a witch born to non-magical parents, and so that was the answer Piper accepted.

The truth, however, is much the opposite.

While it's true that there's no magic in the immediate family on her mother's side, they do have magic in their heritage, and interestingly, it has almost exclusively manifested itself in the women of the family. It's unclear just which ancestor brought magic into the Bancroft bloodline, but it has existed for a few centuries at least. Most of the seers on her mother's side were married into the family (it appears the Bancroft witches have a type), but they then passed on their seer blood onto their children, who passed it onto their children, and so on and so on. Piper is in direct descent of a few of these children, and is also a direct descendant of the only seer-seer pairing in her familial history. That couple, interestingly enough, cut the entirety of the wizarding world, save for their own foreseeing powers, out of their lives. Instead of finding honest work in the wizarding world, they traveled the muggle world, using their enhanced divination abilities to operate a fortune-telling caravan. They aren't spoken about much, neither by their muggle descendants (who consider them no-good layabouts) nor their magic descendants (who frown upon their misuse of their abilities).

Even more important, her father, despite Piper's beliefs otherwise, did come from a magical background. However, despite having magic blood and passing it onto her, he himself was a squib, and had no magical abilities. And not only was her father a squib born from a long line of magical men and women, but he was a squib from a family line that was peppered with seers. More often than not, their enhanced divination abilities manifested in little more than a particularly strong intuition. However, every few generations, a genuine seer was born into his family line. Unlike with the seers in her mother's family, the seers on Piper's paternal side kept very tight-lipped about their abilities, and many even tried their hardest not to acknowledge them. After all, being able to see the (potential) future wasn't always a gift. Sometimes, they were blighted with visions of tragedy and destruction, and sometimes, those visions were of such a magnitude that they didn't have a hope of fixing it. It was easier, then, to pretend that no such visions existed, rather than to deal with the guilt and unwanted responsibility of "doing all they could." Why bother, when their efforts would be for naught anyway?

And at the end of these two family trees, there's Piper.

Piper, who has always had a keen intuition, always had a knack for getting herself out of scraps unhurt and knowing which risks weren't worth taking. Piper, who has an endless imagination and the sharpest dreams, dreams so vivid and tangible she'd almost swear they're real. Piper, who knew, at the very core of her being, that she wasn't like her mother or her brother, and knew it long before her magic began to manifest.
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
  • STAMINA: 6
  • EVASION: 5
  • WISDOM: 5
STATUS: Approved
11 Sep 2019, 10:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Adrian Meredith Calhoun
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: Comprehend Languages (Mermish)
Describe why this fits your character : quote box below
Character Stats:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 5
Strength: 6
Wisdom: 7
Acane Power: 7
Accuracy: 5
Adrian had always wanted to be a creature researcher. There were still thousands of things, millions even, that they don't know about magical creatures. Why can Threstals only be seen by those who've witness death? Are nargles real? Why does a basilisk's gaze kill? Do dragons understand parseltongue? There's a lot of questions she has in her mind, some may seem stupid but nevertheless, she wants to know. She wants to know the whys, the hows, the whens, the whats. She wants to know everything there is to know about them, she wants to learn by herself, what would it feel like? To run your hand through a threstal's mane? Becoming a creature researcher, it's her goal, her dream, her passion.
    In the end, a goal is just a goal, and a dream is only a dream. It means nothing to have a goal or a dream if you don't even work for it. And work she did. One day while she was skimming through books in her family manor's library, she had came across a book about magical languages. She was enthralled. It was just so fascinating. Once she opened the book, she couldn't stop. She didn't stop until she was finished.

    That wasn't enough to satisfy her though, of course it wasn't, it was only an introduction, information pertaining existing magical languages that can be learnt. It didn't actually had the language written in it. It was just some basic information, though interesting, didn't help to satiate her curiosity. But the book had references to other books containing the knowledge she seek and that was more than enough.

    So, she hunted down for those books, she read and read, reading from cover to cover. At first she had debated which magical language to learn, as it took quite a while to completely master the language, she didn't want to accidentally insult someone while speaking mermish, or embarrass herself in front of a veela. In the end she chose to first learn and master mermish, she was leaning towards gobbledegook in the beginning as it was quite useful while doing business in Gringotts, but it wouldn't exactly help with her dream. She hardly think that goblins would want to be researched. She would rarely encounter a giant or a troll anyways, as well as veelas. Mermaids on the other hand, she had heard stories about mermaids in the Great Lake, and the merfolk in the lake situated in the middle of the forest behind her family manor were quite friendly. There were ample opportunities for her to practice mermish while growing up!

    That's why she chose to learn mermish, but that didn't mean she would neglect the other creatures of course, while she hadn't learnt their languages, she had learnt their customs and traditions.
481 words
STATUS: Approved

Adrian Meredith Calhoun
Stamina: 5 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 6 | Wisdom: 7 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 5
11 Sep 2019, 17:49
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: Part-Veela
Describe why this fits your character: (WC 566)
Mid-1900's, an adventurer by the name of Aengus was travelling in Eastern Europe. During his travels, he was bewitched by a Veela and had two children with her - Eoghan and Eithne (½ Veela). They never got to know their parents. Aengus sent them to Ireland to be in the care of his sister Séarlait, using the Veela’s beauty as his excuse for not being able to go with them. Thus, Eoghan and Eithne were raised in what was once a castle in Malahide, Ireland.

Eithne (½ Veela) had a rough go of it, becoming harpy-like or spouting fire when angry. Her upbringing was disciplined, every move scheduled, unlike her brother who was able to choose his hobbies and roam the grounds freely. Feeling like a prisoner in her own home, she was ecstatic when her Hogwarts letter arrived. She and Eoghan were both sorted into Slytherin, where she spent her days researching anything to do with being a Veela - something that her aunt would never discuss, calling her an abomination instead (likely jealous of her beauty and disgusted by her own brother for having children with a Veela). During her research, she was able to find out more about the Tabolt family ancestry and how they came to hold status and power in Ireland over the decades.

There was no way to know for sure but she believed that her father had likely been killed by an unknown Veela, her mother. His whereabouts unknown into Eithne’s adulthood, her father is believed to be dead.

Despite Eithne being marginalized herself, Séarlait’s influence over the years and the incident in November of 1981 in which her brother Eoghan was murdered in London due to hanging out with Muggles, Eithne held a hatred for them in her heart. During a dangerous time in the Wizarding world, she grew cold and harsh, deciding to aid a cause that she truly believed in - Voldemort’s. Not long after she joined the Death Eaters, Lord Voldemort went into hiding, or so she preferred to believe, continuing to support the cause in secret.

She would go on to marry a jovial man by the name of Fergus Sloane. He fell for her charm and didn’t get spooked when she was angry, but Fergus and the rest of his family were of use to her, their open support for the Order throughout the years helping aid her own cause. She was using her husband for his own influence and more importantly for her own protection. By marrying him, she got to play happy family and move out of the prison-like castle that she grew up in, building her own mansion style home and eventually having a child of her own in 1975 - Orlagh (¼ Veela).

Orlagh was exceptionally bright and made up for her mother’s seemingly snooty nature with her own kindness. Her childhood wasn’t as restrictive as her mother’s but she did have a tutor before Hogwarts. Before Hogwarts, her hobbies included gardening, reading and cooking. It would come as no surprise that in her later school years, she would obtain O’s in her N.E.W.T.s and begin a career as a Healer. She would go on to marry her childhood/Hogwarts sweetheart named Conn who chose a career as a Historian and Curator. Despite many failed attempts and a miscarriage, they were able to have a daughter, Dymphna (⅛ Veela) in 2006.

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: (Updated in Trunk on 9/10)
STA. 6, EV. 7, STR. 4, WIS. 10, AP. 7, ACC. 6
EDIT: If approved, please replace this code in my Encyclopedia and link under the Race category. Thank you!  <3
BROOM: Bluebottle
---+2 to two separate stats of choice, chosen at the start of a match. Can use catch option to rescue a falling teammate.
RACE: Part-Veela (Link here please)
Status: Approved
Last edited by Dymphna Teague on 12 Sep 2019, 19:58, edited 2 times in total.

STA - 7 | EVA - 8 | STR - 5 | WIS - 10 +10% | ARC - 8 | ACC - 8
Part-Veela | Gobbledegook
12 Sep 2019, 03:40
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: The Muggle Condition
Describe why this fits your character: 
Even as a child born to a witch, Asteria never had contact with the wizarding world. Her mother left when she was young child and her father was left unsure; he had no real contacts in the world of magic, and his ex-wife's family were dark wizards - not the type of people to want contact with a half-blood child. So Asteria was raised in ignorance of magic, used to clambering up trees in city parks, prone to settling her playground squabbles with her fists and feet, and excited to run around streets with a stick, pretending it was a sword.

Her childhood was half-wild playground warfare, counteracted by her father's calm admonitions. As for her father, he taught her to think - how to tinker with mechanics, how to build her own toys from scratch, how to make something, anything with her own two hands, and the value of that. So she grew up knowing that the best things were gained with her own two hands, whether it was a victory won or a fairy house built in the roots of a tree.

Now, here at Hogwarts, she faces fear. Fear of her magic, fear of her need for control, fear of the family she never knew, still an ocean away.  And the only way in sight to temper this fear, from the perspective of a misguided, scared young girl, is to just not engage with her magic - if you need to do something in a non-magical way, she's your girl. It's deflection in its most pure form. Magic requires control, control that she feels she lacks, that she knows that she lacks every time the the angry beast made of fire and betrayal raises its head within her chest. So she turns to the only form of control she knows - that which she can do with her hands. There's less baggage there, less unknowns. It's a tried and true skill, the kind of thing that one can turn to in desperate times. Fists can't lie to you, can't reveal uncomfortable truths about you, can't channel unknown quantities of magic that you never knew you had.

As she paces the halls of Hogwarts, falling into the steady rhythm of students moving to and fro from their classes, the small girl wrings her hands, watching others discuss the content of their classes, idly casting spells and trading casual words. Someday I'll be like that, the girl thinks, but I'll have to build that road brick by brick.
Word Count: 415 
Stats: Stamina - 9 || Evasion - 5 || Strength - 7 || Wisdom - 6 || Arcane Power - 4 || Accuracy - 4
STATUS: Approved

everybody crashes - you take a little damage, you'll spit a little blood, but we'll always manage love, cause everybody does
13 Sep 2019, 05:05
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: broken broomshaft
Describe why this fits your character:
Arlis had never been the strongest. she loved sports and the feeling of adrenaline (including what’s provided from fighting). But Her shots at goal in soccer never had as much power in them as her friends’ did. Her throws would never go as far as everyone elses. when she tried to hit the ball with her might it would still not be as effective as when many others did the same kind of thing. She was never quite as good enough as everyone else.Growing up with rowdy,active boys for friends (who were also talented at sports) she had played a lot and improved but she still wasn't good enough, wasnt on the same level. These things led her to want to become stronger, to be as good as her friends. She didnt want to be the one who always got hurt, so she practiced frequently which led her to improve gradually. Days spent outside in her yard practicing with determination, afternoons playing in the streets with her friends, and just generally working at it all helped bit by bit. There became days where her aim would be slightly off and she would accidently hit or kick the ball into a window or something similar and it would shatter.

Other instances like this one happened where she would accidently break bats, rackets, and other things. she eventualky realized thst she should tone it down a little so she refrained from putting full effort into these things, while still practicig at home so that she wouldn't totally lose this strength. Since learning about quidditch she has become very eager to play and she plans on going full throttle when hitting the bludgers. with luck, this will come in handy and help her. She is just beginning to start refining her brute force and turning it into something useful that uses better aim. She begun practicing with her friends, working on things like this together and being careful not to seriously hurt one another in the process. Occasionally, someone did get hurt, a sprained wrist here and there or a few bad bruises but no further damages, thanks to how careful they were. the equipment and surrounding area didn't always fare quite as well. At the very least it got dented or a few chips/slivers of wood (or whatever other material there was) flew off. By the time she came to hogwarts, she was truly ready for any kind of activity that involved strength.
Word count: 411 words
Stats: Stamina: 10, Evasion: 6, Strength: 10, Wisdom: 1, ArcPower: 1, Accuracy: 7
Status: approved
13 Sep 2019, 05:43
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability: Fearless
Describe why this fits your character: Liz’s father had never been as strong a presence as he would’ve liked, and in many ways didn’t have much to give to her. A muggle cut off from any magical resources in raising his 3 very magical children, what he lacked in knowledge he made up for in wisdom. His life being torn apart and flipped around more than once, he taught Liz to embrace change and the unknown, and that all the darkest corners of the world needed was the light of a warm smile to be illuminated. He didn’t know much about magic and monsters, but he never strayed from darker topics around his children. He respected their budding intelligence, and would carefully explain the realities of the clashing worlds they had been brought into. He would not over sensationalize or soften his tales- he laid reality bare, explaining he nuances of it all the best he could.

By speaking to his children in such a manner, Liz especially found herself less prone to fear. The unknown wasn’t so scary when it was presented as just a part of life, the demons haunting the dark didn’t have the same power, and dragons and other mythical beasts were just other creatures, with their own needs. Given an objective view of the world, while distanced from the scariest magical elements, it was easy for Liz to approach the extraordinary with enthusiasm, instead of fear.

Of course, while her father’s teachings and philosophies were a large part of Liz’s fearlessness, it can’t be understated how Liz’s own inherent lack of common sense plays into it all. While her siblings took her father’s words with a grain of salt and still approached the unknown with some caution, Liz practically flings herself at potentially dangerous things, too caught up in living in the moment to think through the possibly disastrous consequences for doing so. Its hard to pin down why she took the idea as far as she did in all honesty. Perhaps her older siblings are to blame, giving a romanticized version of the magical world. Maybe it’s her admiration for her estranged mother, a powerful, artistic witch who just couldn’t quite be a parent. Or maybe it’s just Liz being Liz- the fires carefully stoked by her father and fanned heavily by her siblings. Who knows! All that really matters now is that no one should be surprised when she treats strangeness with excitement and normality; or when she seems a little too eager to do something she sees as harmless. That’s just Liz, and anyone who tries to change that part of her is in for a lot of frustration.

Now if only that foolish bravery applied to her social life.

STATUS: Approved

Friendly neighborhood gremlin here to accidentally end the world probably.
14 Sep 2019, 03:27
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities


<3 ~ <3 ~ <3 ~ <3

Year 1

Applied & Approved

Poison Resistance

Approved Application

Growing up in the orphanage wasn't a real picnic mostly because the kids all bullied me and the woman who ran the place wasn't the nurturing sort. Meaning I spent almost all of my time outside which was fine by me; there was more places to hide here. One random day while everyone was sitting down to breakfast, the children decided they wanted to throw their toast at me making me run out of the building…I had no idea where my feet was taking me but I let them carry me until I could hardly breathe.

When I finally stopped and looked around I could sworn I wasn't on the orphanage's property anymore but then I looked out the window….wait window. "Where in the world am I?" I asked out loud not having noticed the man in this place until he spoke up "You're in my green house; well the green house the orphanage allows me to have on their property." This man's voice made me spin around coming face to face with a man younger than the woman who run's the orphanage; he has crazy bright blue eyes with sun tanned skin and jet black hair. "Oh…I'm sorry; I didn't mean to…" my train of thought was interrupted as a plant in particular seemed to be calling out to me. That happens to me a lot; plants will call out to me out of no where; I walked over to the plant and smiled softly. This plant was just a baby with only a few springs of green popping up out of the pot it called home "Did you know that if you mix egg shells in this plants soil it will help it grow." I shared the information to the gardener for the plant like it wanted me to without seeming crazy…maybe.

The gardener smirked a bit at me giving me a soft nod "I'll have to remember that; oh by the way my name is Monty." he held his hand out for me to shake making me look at him in wonder. I was wondering if this dude was for real but decided that he was and shook his hand "Shauna." Monty smiled a bit at me "You know I was about to ask Esmeralda if I could hire an assistant however since she hardly ever hires anyone and you seem to have an affinity for plants I think you make a wonderful assistant. What do you think?" I arched my brow at him like an adult even though I was only ten "You do realize that I'm only ten right?" I asked crossing my arms in front of me making him laugh "What's so funny?" After a moment he finally calmed down "I'm sorry but yes even though you are only ten you act older; look you only have eight years before you age out of the orphanage if you are not adopted. When that happens you are tossed out on the street with only the knowledge you have; if you let it gardening can be a real skill." This actually made me think; yes his words stung but I knew them to be true because the owner always told us the same thing and she didn't care if we had any skills to fall back on. "I'll do it."

He gives a soft nod with a smile "Good let's get started." He went to a closet where he grabbed a gardener's apron complete with tools which he handed to me so I could tie it around my waist. This day started a series of a mentor teaching a student everything they know about various plants while the student gives their two cents. My first day as Monty's assistant before he called lunch I grabbed some berries that looked AMAZING and ate them; however that was a bad idea because almost instantly I dropped to my knees in intense pain….it was so bad I couldn't call out for help. By the time Monty found me I had passed out; when I woke up I was in the nurse's office with Monty at my side. "What happened?" The nurse appeared with water "My dear you almost died; I found remains of berry juice on your lips. Those berries are poisonous; honestly you're lucky to be alive." It took me a couple of days to recuperate; it was only then that I was able to leave. Now I would LOVE to say that was my only encounter with accidentally poisoning myself however that would be true. In the course of a single year I had ended up in the nurse's office from accidentally poisoning myself in various ways a total of fifteen times. Unbeknownst to me, my body was developing a resistance as a result. The nurse was just about to request that I get sent to an actual hospital for rehab even though I just turned eleven; she seriously thought I was doing this to myself on purpose when in reality I was still learning my way around dangerous plants and how to distinguish them. I was still learning when out of no where I got invited to a school for witchcraft and wizardry.
WC: 867
Year 1 Stat System:

Stamina: 2
Evasion: 7
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 8
ArcPower: 8
Accuracy: 7
Proof of Year 1 Application Approval
STATUS: Approved
Applications for the coming years will be posted here as Shauna passes through each grade by way of simply editing and adding the needed application. If anyone would like to know the abilities that I will be applying for then please allow me direct you to my Encyclopedia the page titled "A glimpse into the future".
Last edited by Shauna Starr on 29 Oct 2019, 18:42, edited 7 times in total.
14 Sep 2019, 21:39
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia thread: Right here~
Name of Ability: Evasive Maneuvers
During the beginning of her First Year at Hogwarts, Koko began to notice the crazy people in the world. She still was very sheltered compared to some - she had a house, she had an 'overprotective' mother, if she could call Rosalie that. She had two little brothers who were also quite protected as well as an adoptive father who would have given his life for her. She didn't know what the hardships of the world were. She was lucky.

And then she met others. People who did know what it was like in the real world. People who had been hurt, who had been bullied, who were scared of that happening again. She also met those who had been hurt but were still brave. Koko was unsure of what she would become for the longest time, but a few things shaped her into the jittery person she is today.

She has had a fear of authority for quite some time. She would not come home until the sun set during the day when she was in primary school, and she would always be scared of her mum finding out where she had been. Usually, it was to a sweets shoppe to spend the minimal allowance that Victor gave her, but if Rosalie found out about even that, Victor would be berated and Koko would be grounded. So she learned how to avoid observation, how to blend into the crowd, and how to not be noticed.

During her eighth year, a group of kids at her school had targeted her because they had seen some of her accidental magic. The blonde was called a freak, and a few blows were aimed. None ever landed, though, because she had gotten good at dodging. She was fast, and they would not catch her as she sprinted home, arriving before sunset for the first time in three or four years. She felt proud of herself that day and wore that pride every day. The kids who had cornered her soon forgot all about the ordeal, and maybe it was because Koko stayed hidden. But it could have been because she evaded them every day.

When she was sent off to Hogwarts, the Slytherin seemed a proud pure-blood. She held her head high every day and while she didn't cause trouble, she was cocky enough not to stay off of the radar either. She would avoid authority as best she could, but she wouldn't make any attempts not to talk to them if they came up to her. She still feared them, but she was too proud to show it. Proud of her social class, proud of being a member of the esteemed Leblanc and Wreath lineage, even if it were only through adoption. Rosalie Wreath (nee Leblanc) was rich beyond measure and from a long line of French pure-bloods. Victor Wreath, on the other hand, was a Half-Blood through and through. His mother had been the Muggle, though, which did ruin the Wreath name but let it be known as a Wizarding surname.

Later in the year, her pride began to subside as she came to terms with the fact that she was not better than everyone - and that many were better than her. The realisation turned the kid into a hermit of sorts, and she would avoid people if at all possible. She came across a Dhampir in the Abandoned Toilets, and that shocked her into a hard reality that she needed to run. She wouldn't be able to fight back anymore - she had to dodge.

After that, she was a scared little girl, but that did help her. She would notice whenever danger - or at least what she thought of as danger - was coming, and she would try and avoid it the best she could. She usually succeeded in her quest. If there was a food fight in the Great Hall, the girl would somehow know where the food was coming from and duck in the nick of time. When she played Quidditch, she managed to not get hit for quite some time before her evading tricks didn't seem to work any longer. She always seemed to just notice where a blow was coming from, and she always seemed to know what to do to avoid that. Whether that worked or not was up to the girl's reflexes, but she at least seemed to have the knowledge.

Koko became even more submissive to authority and decided to either completely avoid them or do what they said no matter what. Even if they looked for her, she would use her Evasive Maneuvers to not be found and avoid whatever possible trouble was coming. She would know when and where said 'trouble' was coming from, even if it were only a student coming to tell her that she had left behind her homework. Koko would know that someone was looking for her, she would just feel it somehow, and she would try to hide. To avoid them. Because she knew that if they had bad intentions, she would need to evade to dodge a punch. Koko didn't know who they were. She was scared because she didn't know the intentions of the people around her, and she would avoid them at all costs. If one more person tried to confront her, she wouldn't attack or stand up for herself. She would dodge, evade, flee, whatever you might call it. Only a scared little snake could do that, and Koko was just that: a scared little snake.

WC | 922
Stats: (already in ency)
Stamina: 10
Evasion: 5
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 6
ArcPower: 5
Accuracy: 6
Status: added

Koko · #85200C
Alluring · Eva. Man. · Scream · Calming Presence · Charm · Keeper's Catch
20 · 10 · 3 · 7 · 5 · 17
Cyrus · #000000
Fearless · Obnox. Strong · Charmer · Impartial · Poison Res. · Spell Spread
10 · 10 · 10 · 16 · 10 · 10
15 Sep 2019, 06:55
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for: Half-Veela!
Why this fits Brielle:
Brielle has always been a pretty girl, some even might say stunning. As a child up into Junior High she has always had the boys tripping over themselves for her. Of course, Brielle didn't use her beauty as a weapon. Until now that is.

Brielle's mother had been a full blooded Veela, a beautifully stunning woman with fair white skin and long silk like hair. Her father, on the other hand, is actually a muggle. He is a goregous man with features that look like they we're crafted by an angel. Her mother immediately fell in love with him, and tried however she could to get him to notice her. Her mother had eventually won him over by using her Veela like powers to entrance him. Well, at least that's what she thought. He hadn't actually fallen in love with her because of her beautiful complexion, he liked her because she had been different than the other women, she was a girl who spoke her mind and didn't hold back. That was what caused him to fall for her.

Before Brielle had been born though, her mother had lived in Paris, being a model among the muggles. It was fun to her, getting to walk around, having those who saw you adore you whenever you passed. Brielle liked those stories, she found it fascinating how her mother used to be an incredible model who just walked around as if she were a non magic folk.

Brielle's mother had actually found her husband while modeling in America, as she was on tour for a female fashion brand. They had bumped into each other when boarding one another's planes and sat together on the flight. Why, the first thing he had said to her had been a compliment on her accent. As Natalie had originated from London, her posh accent was very noticeable. They sat and chatted for the entire flight, and came to find that he was a very wealthy man. She had hit the jackpot, and together, they cared for on another as loving partners and were soon to have Brielle.

Brielle was born in London with her mother and father, as they wanted her to grow up in the same place as their mother. Brielle, at a young age showed her Veela characteristics, having most the boys in grade school falling head over heels for her. Though, when angry or pestered with the boys that had kept following around, she would scream an awful nosie, her beautiful features withering away into angry expressions. Brielle never used it to obtain things though, as she normally just lived with it. Her mother, had intended for Brielle to go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as that is where she attended her school years. Though, Hogwarts had been the school of Brielle's choosing, and that is where she resided.

Giving this race to Brielle would not only match her physical complexion, it would help her magic be more presise and skillful when in duel. Brielle strives to be a perfectionist, and anything that makes her spells better and more impressive excites her. She could also become closer with her mother, as they could bond over owls during the school year about how her Veela traits are going. 

Word Count: 547
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Brielle Gray on 18 Sep 2019, 18:51, edited 1 time in total.

Brielle Gray ゚・:*。(ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*)~。*:・゚
Proudly Veela
Strength: 5 Evasion: 5 Stamina: 4 Wisdom: 5 Arcane Power: 5 Accuracy: 6