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4 Nov 2020, 16:12
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ... 67[justify][/justify]
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: lycanthropy
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) :

Michael was born to Ethan Michael Miller and Ana Nicole Miller, ages 27 and 30. He was an accident and treated as such, as neither wanted to give up their busy lives, especially to a boy. So Michael grew up, with the need to please his parents, even as early as 5 years old. As the couple had another kid, the small bit of attention he did receive was given to that child, a girl.

Every year his family took a vacation to a Cabin they owned in Galloway Forest, the biggest forest in the UK. One night at 4 am, he went out, wanting to find a flower for his mother, a blue one because blue was his mother's favorite color, he couldn't find out one and inside of going back decided to go into the woods that was on the farside of his community ranging by miles. Overall it didnt matter why he went out, because Michael saw something better, a dog. A big dog, with a big snout. Michael was determined, he was going to pet this dog and he was going to tell his dad all about it.

Michael's greatest flaw was how native he was. As he stumbled over to the 'dog' and reached out to pet its snout, the beast turned. The last thing he saw was its human like eyes. The last thing he felt, was it's teeth. The last thing he heard was his own screams. Luckily, the night was over by then, as he been up for hours looking before coming apon the wolf.

At 5 years old, Michael was taken to st mungos for having a nasty bite on his leg, by a rather shocked man, the man looked tired and gulity as he showed up, but no one was concerned with the man rather, they were concerned with the child in his arms, which had fainted in shock. When an Auror appeared at his parents door, they were in for a shock. When the parents couldn't tell the officer why they allowed the boy out, he was taken out of their custody.

At 5 years old, Michael was sent to his mother's parents. Where he was helped process what he'd been through and taught about his curse.

At 5 years old, Michael became a werewolf. He spent every month, getting Wolfsbane and being a small wolf, then he'd come home to his grandparents, who would take care of the sores he had and the hungry he felt. He could tell them when someone was coming, when something was burning, when his mom was over because she wore so much perfume it hurt his nose.

Everything was right in the world. Then at 10 years old, his grandmother died, Dragon Pox. It was said that his grandfather died of a heart attack, but he knew it was heartbreak.

So, at 10 years old, Michael returned to his family, after they passed a test to decide if they could take care of Michael and his "needs". His siblings still growing with sister after sister. He didn't know what to do, he grew up with a loving environment, now he was back with . . them. Little by little, Michael's time was spent in the library, he ate in there, he slept in there, as he was keen to take naps before the full moon.

Now on the full moon, he didn't get his reminder to take his potion, and their was times when he forgot it and was stuck in the basement under the house, with no mind but for destruction. He would wake tired and fall asleep on the ground, after he woke he would get up and eat, his family pretended he wasn't a beast, so he did too.
(605 words in description)
(701 words in all)

Strength| 6
Wisdom| 3
Accuracy| 4
Mod note: has been owled. For additional info. I won't approve it either way if you haven't been accepted by Index first. So you can edit the application, but it will stay pending until you have been added to the Index.
Edit 2.0: Changing the age from 3 to 5 is not ideal but acceptable. The application will stay on holt till you have been accepted by Index. (20.11.)
Aight, pet the dog.
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Michael Miller on 7 Nov 2020, 15:46, edited 2 times in total.

"Do you love me, want me, hate me?" – Olivia Rodrigo
4 Nov 2020, 17:18
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
encyclopedia: frosty cira ✿ [goes right to trunk]
third year ability: fearless
     There wasn't much that had the ability to faze our young redheaded Hufflepuff. No bugs or insects of any kind, no scary movies or stories. It seemed the ordinary spooky stuff just didn't cut it for Frost. Most of her fears seemed to stem from her concern for other's wellbeing. This had only fueled her almost constant state of warmth and peacefulness that she had kept up (Frost has the ability "calming presence").

After her younger brother had been born, the idea of responsibility had been instilled within the young girl. It was no longer only plants in the garden she had been tasked with taking care of. The older sister or perhaps even motherly nature had been brought into the light. As well as this, growing up, she had been a girl sheltered from any harm or scary situation. Away from anything that would negatively affect the sweet pure bean of a girl. How was a girl who only knew how to see the good in everything supposed to effectively sniff out danger? Though the obliviousness her parents tried their best to upkeep was not going to last long.

It took one year at Hogwarts to show her that not all things were good. The burning, the screams, the traumatic experiences she had to witness her own classmates going through. But compared to this, there was little that Frost could even classify as frightening. In most situations where most would deem daunting, it took no effort at all for Frost to focus on the brighter outlook of it all. Instead, that was where her mind roamed most of the time.

This optimistic outlook Frost had possessed, as well as her serene and caring nature, had eventually led her to be a pillar of stability. With almost no fears to hinder her efforts, the redhead could effectively play that role. The sheer desire to help others around her keeps her going. Now, Frost was no daredevil or throwing herself into dangerous situations just for the sake of it, of course. But, if need be, the safety of herself will become second to that of the other people she is with.

The title of "fearless" was often associated with impulsive recklessness or hardened people. But Frost was neither, instead being a soft and delicate kind of person. In an odd way, the wholesome Hufflepuff girl could be considered fearless.
word count: 414
fourth year ability: spell spread
    Frost was not a girl blessed with a massive amount of physical strength. In fact, she was lacking in average strength. The amount of effort it would take her to carry a medium-sized box of just baked goods was something she might have been ashamed of if she cared enough. Sadly, she was not a girl blessed with intelligence or a large library of knowledge in her brain. What did she have to make up for what she was lacking?

Well, there was no denying she was relatively nimble and light on her feet. Dodging and running came easy to a girl with a small frame, naturally. But really, what else did she have going on for her?

It wasn't hard for her to realize what she was good at. Hogwarts' teachings had helped her develop strength in magic and spell casting. Now, she was no prodigy, but it did seem to shock her when Frost had cast spells that usually packed a punch. It seemed rather odd for a girl of such a small size to put out as much power as she did. But quickly, a weakness of that would soon start to show.

Every good thing came with a price, and her's had been a lack of control. There had been a few times where a carefully aimed spell turned out to become quite the opposite. A large burst of a spell had shot out, precision nowhere to be found. Perhaps this too could grow to be something more, though.

Optimistic as ever, Frost had begun to think of her grander spells as an advantage, though the accuracy of the spell bursts had been lower. What if more than one person could be hit with one spell in a duel? What if she could heal more than one person at a time. The thought of healing on a grander scale was what really pushed her. Over time, the spreading of spells could be controlled, something that would prove to be of great use later on, most likely.

This could be something she could utilize to better help her friends. A goal that motivated almost everything she did. To her, there was no greater thing she could ever do, the sheer will of wanting to be helpful kept her going. Nobody would expect a burst of magic like that from a girl like her. Now, it felt as though she had a sort of a secret weapon sneakily hidden up her sleeve.
word count: 415
let me know if i need to change anything, didn't do all of this in one sitting so it might not make 100% sense lol
character stats:

• stamina: 10
• wisdom: 8
• strength: 1
• arcpower: 10
• accuracy: 10
• evasive: 11
Status: approved

✿ frosty cira ❀
❝ when you can't see on the bright side, i will be there to sit with you through the dark ❞
5 Nov 2020, 19:38
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Werewolf

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Werewolves are known to be very self assertive creatures and assertiveness is one of Crystal dominant traits. Crystal also sometimes shows increased signs of aggression or periods of unprovoked rage.

When Crystal was 9 years old she was out exploring the woods behind her house. After exploring for a bit she came face to face to what seemed to be a wild wolf, but little did she know it was actually a werewolf. The wolf just randomly runs up to Crystal and bites her leg. She falls back and starts crying for the pain.The wolf proceeds back into the forest. After a few minutes limps home in pain due to the bite. As soon as she reached the house she quietly went up to her room stopping her tears until she got there because she didn't want her parents to ask questions on why she was crying, but that didn't last too long because her mom heard her crying again a few seconds after Crystal closed her door. Her mom walked into her room and tried to convince Crystal to tell her what was wrong but Crystal wasn't budging with her answer. As soon as her mom left the room she quickly went to the bathroom and tried washing the bite wound the best she could so that hopefully no one would know about it. Crystal knew if any of her mom found out she would probably not let her go out into the woods anymore even if the moon wasn’t full that night. After a few weeks the small wound on her leg finally healed only leaving a small scar where the bite was.

After that day Crystal began preparing herself so that with each full moon she would get more forceful and “disappear” to meet the werewolf that had bitten here to learn how to fight and hunt as a werewolf. Crystal wished she could go out more but sadly a full moon only appeared about only 30 days. On the days that she couldn't she couldn't go out she would just sit in her room and stare at the non full moon. Waiting for the day that it would be full and she could go out again.

One day of the next month she snuck out of her window. With the only light being the full moon high in the sky. In the cloak of darkness she snuck out of her room to go meet with the werewolf once again. Little did she know her mother walked into her room right when she was leaving but Crystal didn’t notice. Her mom stayed up waiting for her to come home so she could access the situation. As soon as she got home she saw her mom standing angrily in her bedroom. Her mom once again tried to convince Crystal to tell her what happened a few weeks but once again Crystal didn't budge with her answer. Her mom left her room and never confronted Crystal about it again because if she hasn’t told her by now there was a low possibility she would tell her in the future. Crystal continued going out during every full moon the night after that knowing that her mom confront her anymore


Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Wisdom: 6

STATUS: Denied

𝓒𝓻𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓽
7 Nov 2020, 06:46
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Seer (Talent)
The recessive gene that differentiates a seer from other full-blooded humans is one that can be found tracing back to the very origins of the historic, powerful Baines line. The last recorded manifestation of this among the family had been found in the 17th century in a young woman called Alys Baines, née Craddock. A famous, or perhaps infamous, local fortune teller, Alys gained a reputation among poverty-stricken townspeople. This was not only a consequence of her practice of the art of divination, but a consequence of the outrageous prices that came with her readings - readings that appeared to be too indistinct for much gain more often than not. The townspeople were faced with the choice of paying for her foretelling or paying to keep food on the table, and inevitably, most chose the latter. Driven out of business and outcast from society by the townspeople that felt she’d been nothing more than a fraud, Alys left her home for new prospects, coming across a man known as Edwyn Baines on her travels. In a matter of months, they married, and from the union came six children. None of the children inherited Alys’ gift for divination, and nor did her grandchildren, or their grandchildren, or any Baines for the next roughly 400 years.

In such a span of time, one could only presume that the gene had vanished from the bloodline altogether. No indicators of a true seer had been shown in any Baines since Alys, though many had found themselves to be carriers of the gene. One such carrier was Rowan Baines, Valerie’s father. Another had been Val’s muggle mother, Amelia. Amelia’s magical bloodline traces back hundreds of years, but over time, it has become diluted. No magical ability had been derived from any of Amelia’s wizard ancestors, but she became a carrier of the same seer gene they had once carried. It had been passed onto the child she had with Rowan preceding his disappearance from the household. Unbeknownst to either due to the lack of physical manifestations in her youth, the recessive gene had affected their child.

At eleven, Val finds herself experiencing frequent flashes of déjà vu. Raised in an environment that left no room for thoughts that came across as far-fetched, she doesn’t think much of it. Her intuition is one manifestation of her talent, but Val chooses not to let that guide her out of doubt in herself. For the most part, she goes out of her way to back her actions with layers of reasoning. Her ‘gut feeling’ simply isn’t enough for her. Oftentimes, her overcautious nature does her more harm than good, as she doesn’t trust herself to make on the spot decisions when she needs to the most. It leads to all too frequent moments of hesitation. Only halfwits act recklessly, after all. As the fragile foundations of her pride are built on putting down such people, she couldn’t become one herself. However, this could change once Val discovers her talent. Her ability to see fragments of the future, in and of itself, may be the push she needs to truly trust herself.
Word Count: 523/500

Strength - 1

Stamina - 6

Evasion - 7

Arcane Power - 6

Wisdom - 5

Accuracy - 5
Status: approved

STR 1 // STA 6 // EVA 7 // ARC 6 // WIS 5 // ACC 5
8 Nov 2020, 02:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here!

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Sixth Sense
You just have a sense for things. You notice more often than most when something is out of place, such as a chair that is breathing or a snake in the grass that looks like it is watching you.

Effect: +2 to their awareness rolls. If a player attempts to enter a thread that you are already in, there is a 25% chance that you automatically detect them on entry.

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

When you are a Seer, things...catch your eye. Things normal people wouldn't notice. Things like how a classical painting, unchanged for hundreds of years, was now suddenly missing an element or two. An invisibility cloak was gone from a subject's shoulders in a painting of a crowd- a pocketknife was missing from a still life. How a student or professor who normally slouched now always stood completely upright. Call it luck or call it magic, Jo certainly had a knack for noticing things. Just like her mother, Pandora might say, though nobody who knew her was around to verify that. Maybe it came from her criminal father's eye for security spells and cameras. He could be in and out of his victim's house in what seemed like seconds, without a single witness around despite the crime taking place in broad daylight. It was as if somehow the Dark Wizard knew when the politician's bodyguards changed, when his victim would come home from work, and when the Aurors would arrive at the scene. He always, always seemed to escape at the last possible moment. Thus his reputation would survive him in his death, leaving doubts in the minds of so many people that Foxglove would terrorize the public no more - that his reign had truly ended. Evil always seemed to return, no matter how hard the Aurors worked to keep it at bay.

Of course, Jo's uncanny ability wasn't entirely genetic. She had spent year after year with her Okinawan adopted mother diving for awabi and pearls, scanning the sea floor for elusive sand-colored crabs and the outlines of weed-covered shellfish. There, hidden in between two waving stalks of kelp, would be their dinner - a clump of turban shells or perhaps a small family of crabs if they were lucky. Years of training combined with her natural talent, and Jo often surprised even Ms. Higa with her strange ability to locate abalone shells and hidden octopi with ease.

Even in Hogwarts, where the probability of dinner did not depend on Jo's eye for detail, her practice stayed behind. If anything was going to notice the little Knut on the ground that a careless first-year had dropped, it was going to be the hawk-like eyes of Jo, subconsciously recalling the gleam of a pearl or abalone shell against the multihued coral of the Okinawan seas.

Although seeing as how the new Hogwarts year was going, Jo would likely have lots more than a Knut on the ground to worry about. There were mysteries that would require her eye for hidden detail to solve.

WC: 431

STATS just in case:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 4
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 9
ArcPower: 7
Accuracy: 4

STATUS: Approved

"Out here, the wild ones are taming the fear within me.
Scared to call them my friends and be broken again; Is this hope just a mystical dream?"
10 Nov 2020, 16:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Rosie Marricott Willew

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Metamorphmagus

Rosie's father is Hemlock [ Herem Pridwock ], a metamorphmagus that used to be a criminal along with Foxglove. He would change his appearance often to live different lives, and so he got in a relationship with Rosie's mother, Clodie Willew; which however, discovered the truth a little late. While in her pregnancy, Hemlock disappeared, Foxglove got arrested in Azkaban and shortly after, so did Hemlock.
Rosie showed small signs of being a metamorphmagus by the age of 4 and 5, her eye colors would shift with her mood, her hair would grow weirdly fast, her grandma, Ersia, even swears she saw Rosie try to recreate a duck's mouth once. With that the family decided it would be best to find a potion, or something that would block and numb Rosie's ability.
Rosie does not know anything about her father. She was sent to England, London, to the care of Lady Aithne, a heir also experienced in potions that accept to mentor and take care of Rosie, as she does with a lot of other children from around the world.
At first attempts it was hard finding efficient potions that were strong enough to contain the small signs, in sad moments Lady Aithne could still notice Rosie's eyes changing from green to blue, or in happiness, from green to yellow but nothing Rosie herself or the other kids would see. It was not until Rosie was 9 that Lady Aithne traveled along with Ersia researchers that found the perfect combination for an anti-metamorph antidote.
Since then, Rosie eats a soda bread every week, Aithne's house always holds a fair amount but a family gift from Dublin works well as a disguise too.
Rosie does not suspect a thing yet, she wonders the most about her mom or who will she become. She was bound to wait and not worry about grownups disagreements from the past, like she knows her family wishes. However, in this new chapter of her maturity Rosie is expected to learn more, as the hat stated in the sorting ceremony; [...] Your thirst is not for tranquility, not for glory or reputation, if you keep trying to fulfill all those wishes they'll cause your ruin. They are not your wishes.
Family tree available in Wikipedia's Relationships

Rosie would not be developing or discovering her Metamorphmagus in the First-Year. She still exchanges letters with her family often and receives enchanted bread regularly. She is still at the beginning of her discoverings, there's not much to entice her in that direction yet.
WC: 420
STATS: Stamina: 4 | Evasion: 5 | Strength: 2 | Wisdom: 6 | Arcane Power: 7 | Accuracy: 6

STATUS: Denied

Mod note:
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): [500 words for a race and talent,
Please owl Béatrice Lydursdattir once you have added to your post. Note: your addition at the end does not add to the WC.
EDIT: 06.01.2021 It has been over amonth, no changes were made, app is considered closed
Last edited by Rosie Marricott Willew on 13 Nov 2020, 14:42, edited 1 time in total.
10 Nov 2020, 16:32
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ☾ Josette Rutledge | Slytherin ☾
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Perfectionist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Throughout her Childhood, Jo struggled in school. Not because of the workload, but the fact that she constantly felt like everything had to be nothing short of what is expected. Nothing short of Classroom perfection. She knew that everything she did had to be as close to perfect, as close to the A+ as close to the standard.

Growing up in a household where everybody did everything almost perfectly, followed the recipe, ironed the clothes, went to work on time. Anything short of that would be looked at as odd. Everybody knew that things were created so that one would be able to complete the work if they followed directions.

Anything short of perfect was something Jo wanted to be gone from her school life at the very least. Although she couldn't have a perfect friend, her assignments had to follow the directions as perfectly as Jo could do.

This extended to many things in Jo's life, them being cleaning, or even things as small as folding a paper, nothing short of perfect would be counted as "good" in her mind. It was a big problem throughout her childhood, she stayed up many nights to finish working on an assignment that required so much more time then it should have since Jo was reading it over, and over, and over, again for grammatical mistakes and errors.

Her mother Majoring in English at university did not help. Her mother always helped Jo achieve the "perfect" assignments of her dreams, perfect grammar, spelling no errors and no signs of any errors. Jo wished that she could apply this to almost everything in life, but she couldn't. She couldn't act like she was a perfect child, all she did was behave at her best, meaning that although quiet Jo went through many friend groups as a child looking for someone who could be her "perfect" friend. In Jo's mind, a perfect friend was to understand her and care for her, and not make Jo a tool for using to write an essay they have been struggling with.

As Jo grew up she still understood that nothing would be perfect, but she still attempted to. She still worked toward getting all the right answers on the Math test, she still acted her best.

Her father being a lawyer kind of inspired Jo to be almost perfect, Her father had always desired to be a lawyer, and through what Jo saw as working tirelessly to become perfect she knew or at least.. believed That being perfect meant being happy.

Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Wisdom: 7
Arcane Power:6

WC: 424
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Josette Rutledge on 17 Nov 2020, 20:36, edited 3 times in total.

Stamina 4| Evasion 5| Strength 6 | Wisdom 7| Arcane Power 6 | Accuracy 7(Hex #008000) Josette Rutledge

11 Nov 2020, 13:11
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Name of Ability or Race that you Are Applying for:
Fourth Year: Advanced Casting

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Advanced Casting
xxxWhat Phaedra lacks in physical power, she more than makes up for with her magical capabilities. From the moment she could form sentences, Phaedra focused on her studies not only for personal achievement and approval but also as a distraction from what she deemed wrong in her life.

Solving her problems with fists has never been an option. She considered roughhousing to be improper, and with her thin stature and weak upper body, she never stood a chance against even the most physically average of fighters. While a bull’s strength lay in its brute aggression, Phaedra’s strength was in her mind, and her mastering of spells often revealed itself in clever ways. Less than a year ago, she discovered she could redirect her spells to multiple targets, and before that took notice of how little they had failed altogether. The revelation did little to subside her ego, but worked wonders for her marks in class and her growing reputation as a young witch.

On any day, she finds solace in a suitable part of the castle to practice her charm work. Her extravagant displays of magic have long received praise from family, friends, and professors alike, and her skill has become a source of pride for the teenager—she has no qualms about showing off what she’s learned and sees a future in mentorship. For a witch her age, she has an impressive knowledge of the ways of the wand; books on tactics and wand lore taking up much of her library check-out history. Had it not been for her interests in other areas of wizarding careers, nor the expectation of her family to enter the family business, a life of wand research would have been incredibly tempting.

Besides the time and effort put into her practice, her wand, with a core featuring phoenix feather, is partly responsible for giving her spells that extra punch. When initially receiving her wand as a young witch, Phaedra reflected little on the handling advice given to her by the shopkeeper, much too excited to have her own wand in her possession. It wasn’t until several months later that she had garnered mutual respect with the weapon and could work with its impressive displays of power, rather than against. Now that the pair are close-knit, rarely does her wand fail at following orders; a trait commonly observed in walnut wands. Both she and her wand core have personalities favouring initiative and there couldn’t have been a better example of the age old saying; “the wand chooses the wizard.

Now a fourth year and a member of the Ravenclaw duelling team, the extra experience has solidified her desire to advance her magic to its boundaries. Watching and taking notes of other duels, along with partaking in friendly scrims, Phaedra finds her abilities too good of an opportunity to waste.

Words: 473

Stats: STA: 6, EVA: 8, STR: 1, WIS: 15, ARC: 10, ACC: 10
STATUS: Approved

18 Nov 2020, 15:30
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
[quote]Link to your encyclopedia thread: straight to trunk post
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Part-Goblin
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Ciara, daughter of Nurkoff, never told her husband about her past. It was a complete mystery to him. If Santino ever tried to bring it up, she would push it away down a list of conversations they needed to have, like a task on a to-do list that she could not face to look at yet. She felt ashamed about her heritage. Mostly because it was seen as vile and disgusting to the rest of the privileged high class pureblood families. The thought of being downgraded by her peers frightened Ciara, resulting in her sworn silence.

In reality, there was nothing to be ashamed of at all. She had been born to a full blooded goblin, named Nurkoff the Naïve , and a pureblood witch, called Opal Mulberry. Due to Goblins typically having nicknames and not having last names, when the pair got married they took Opal's name and became Nurkoff and Opal Mulberry. They loved each other dearly and always talked about how they met at Gringotts one day and the whole world just fell into place.

Ciara had never had a good relationship with her father. The thought of having a lower being as her father disgusted her. In fact, she hated the sight of him so much that she had taught herself to blatantly ignore him all together. She even went to measures of hiding her ears every day and making sure to also keep her nails as short as possible. Any resemblance between Ciara and a goblin could bring up suspicion with someone who had the brains to connect the dots and ruin her reputation not only at Hogwarts but to the whole Wizarding community.

Around her twentieth birthday, Ciara cut herself off from her family entirely and went to London (after living in Cornwall ) to start a new life. That was where she met Santino Buttons. The man who made all of her problems disappear. He was a big family man but did not want to prod and poke something that obviously was a touchy subject. Soon after meeting, they got married and moved up North to Lancashire where they settled for two years.

The couple knew they wanted children. They weren't entirely sure of how many they wanted but it was always a dream for them to have at least one. After a while of trying, Ciara finally became pregnant. Santino was overjoyed but a small doubt in the back of Ciara's mind lurked there throughout the whole nine months.

As soon as the baby was born, Ciara knew she could no longer stay with the family. Santino hadn't seemed to notice anything strange about their son but Ciara definitely did. He had slightly pointy ears and obnoxiously long nails for a small child. Stanley (her son) had inherited the genes of a Part-Goblin. Her treacherous past obviously did not want to let her go and kept following her everywhere she went.

To avoid suspicions, Ciara stayed with her husband and son for a while, enjoying the company while it lasted. She needed to go away and start a life of solitude if she was ever going to forget about her horrifically ugly father. It was the only thing she could do.

Stanley then grew up without a mother, and had grown very close to his father (whom was a half-blood) knowing nothing about his Goblin history. He had never really thought that he was different from other children and told himself it was just that everyone was different and he was a normal boy with a normal magical life.

597 words

New Stats: (copy and paste please :D)

|| STAMINA - 4 || EVASION - 7 || STRENGTH - 1 |||| WISDOM - 7 || ARCANE POWER - 6 || ACCURACY - 5 ||

STATUS: Approved

sta. 5‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ eva. 10‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ str. 1‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ wis. 11‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ arc. 6‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ acc. 10
25 Nov 2020, 17:10
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ... 90#p220890
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Well, now I have to write a 500-word essay about how I want to be a parselmouth. It can’t be, just, ‘because it’s cool’, I have to write 500 words about how it’s cool in excruciating detail.
Here - a we go...
Oliver got this talent from his great grandfather, who was a dark wizard. Never heard of him? Yeah. He was that good at it. Basically, he controlled a very secret and very selective group of people that would do a lot of things for their masters, their masters being whoever happened to pay the most, including but not limited to thievery, assasination, sabotage and espionage. They were very good at what they did, mainly because of the leader’s ability. That’s right: a parselmouth. He would control snakes and have them report back to him, getting huge amounts of information at the tips of his fingers.
(Am I at 500 words yet? No? Only 154? darn.)
This is gonna take a while.
As a parselmouth, Oliver could battle with his past and his heritage, fight, and hopefully win, against the seeds of dark magic planted by his mother’s side of the family, an unruly bunch of people, and become a powerful wizard in his own right, being what he himself made and what his mother wanted him to be. Before she DIED!
...This is going to be a long afternoon.
Oh, look! We’re almost halfway there.
Whooooooaaaaaaa we’re halfway there
livin on a prayer…
Oliver could use the snake to spy on people (GASP) and get into the chamber of secrets (BIGGER GASP), and explore hogwarts and be a unique character in his own right. He could communicate with other parselmouths (GASPS SO MUCH THAT LUNGS BURST AND DEATH APPROACHES) and do cool snakey things I guess - including having the snek KILL ALL OF HIS ENEMIES -
Oh, look, only… two hundred words to go. I feel like I’m being slowly driven insane, like this is an eternal purgatory where the only way out is to write essays but I’m slowly losing a grip on my sanity… like sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill for all eternity…
Oliver discovered he could talk to snakes when he was on the grounds, talking to a snake as he rescued it from his father, who would’ve killed it or shot it or something manly like that, barbecued it or something I don’t know. Pu i on da barbaie...
Anyway the snake, when delivered out of the father’s grounds, whispered a message of thanks to Oliver, who was understandably confused, of course, no being aware that snakes could talk or that magic even existed - both being revealed by his father a few months afterwards, the truth about his mother and all that.
What? You think I’m gonna just straight-up tell you what happened? You’re going to have to wait- just like everyone else.
You know, what if us roleplaying is really an attempt for us humans to play god and control everything so that these characters could have a life that we really wish we had, parts of us that, no matter how stagnant, are yearning for adventure and -
I need to stop now.

Stamina: 3
Evasion: 4
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 6

STATUS: Denied
Mod note: And that is the reason we have a word count. Thank you for your time.

I wish i lived in the present with the gift of my past mistakes
But the future keeps lurking in like a pack of snakes