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31 Aug 2020, 00:13
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Trunk
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Fearless
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
As a child, Béatrice was frightened by everything. She used to shiver the most whenever lightning struck or when heavy winds would roar around their house. She had feared, that with the next gust of wind the roof would be taken away or worse: their whole house including them. When her sisters were born, she was told to be the responsible one from now on. That she had to look out for them. As she grew older she would become the one to comfort them whenever a storm was howling or thunder was banging through the clouds.

When she had been old enough to go to Durmstrang, she once again felt like the little girl hiding under her blankets. All alone in a foreign country, unable to speak with anyone due to a foreign language, she felt helpless and frightened. Frightened about her loneliness but also about her future. She always had known that she would live in their small village, become fisher, baker or whatever was needed, find a husband and die of hopefully old age. Her plans had changed with the notification of her being magical. Now she had no idea about what her future would be like. What she would do after she graduated if she would be able to graduate. School life would become hell for her. She was an awful student, unable to do the simplest task. Her biggest fear would become tests. Unable to cast spells properly due to not being able to speak them, she started to fail. Again and again. Every year she would barely manage to move up one year and she started to dread any tests, especially since the teachers were merciless. After five years she started to realize, that there would be a time where she never had to do tests, that's when she started to get numb at the thoughts of performing tests. She learned to fail without to flinch, and she learned that tests could not hurt her.

After her school years, she lived alone in the wilderness, with nothing but her mind and wit to protect her. She would meet all kind of dangerous animals: moose, flocks of giant bird, bears and other humans. She would learn, that latter were the worst. As time went by, she learnt to protect herself, to keep her calm.

She now was over 100 years old, and she rarely would see things, that surprise her and even fewer things would scare her.

WC 412

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Sixth Sense

When Béatrice started to live on her own, the most important skill she harboured was her gut feeling. The wilderness was a dangerous place, especially for a young woman. Still, she wanted it that way and she needed to be alone in order to find herself. She usually would look out for well-hidden places to spend the night or open up a camp. A nice place near the lake would also become a valuable living space for her. With the places also came the dangers, that she quickly learnt to recognise. Her best bet would become her ears and after quite some time her guts. She would listen to her surroundings and notice small changes of the natural order that she started to understand. When birds suddenly would stop to sing, indicating a predator in the near vicinity. When wolves would howl for hours, indicating a coming storm. Her ears were her best assets, but also her smell helped her on a few occasions. When it had been dry for weeks and water had been running low. She almost heads first dived into a little pond she finally had found well hidden in a shadowy place. Her thirst was almost unbearable, yet her nose would catch the faintest odour of foulness. Her mouth was dry and she almost risked it to drink the seemingly perfectly fine water. When she decided not to. She did not have to search for long. Resisting the urge to drink, she searched the ground of the pond with her fingers. She quickly found an almost entirely decayed carcass of what once had been a small rabbit. The water had been poisoned by it, and it surely would have been her end should she have drunk from it.

But it was not only nature she learned to understand. After her years of wandering through the lands, she started to settle more and more with other humans. She would find, that they were not as different from the animals she had studied for all those years. Humans were pack animals at heart, cunning and deceiving in nature. At first, Béatrice had been far too trustworthy, but she started to learn fast to hear the little nuance within the speech pattern. Or to see the small signs of uncertainty that would indicate a lie.

No matter if its nature or other humans, Béatrice would learn to face every situation with a calm head and with a smile and the knowledge, that the gut feeling was well trained.

WC 419

Status: Approved

Skelfr Yggdrasils askr standandi
ymr it aldna tré, en jötunn losnar
31 Aug 2020, 00:18
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Fearless
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ivar was headstrong as a child. He would push forward without putting himself in unnecessary danger. This was a reason for why he early learned to be light on his feet. Another thing that came from this headstrongness was a sense of fearlessness. It was not that he wasn’t scared of anything, he had, and has fears. But it was an early blooming of what would become a needed skill for him to function satisfactory in his work.
Being headstrong made Ivar able to go past his fears, and face what he needed to face. It made him jump from a high cliff down into the chilling water of a Norwegian summer, and let him face the shadowy terrors as he walked to the bathroom on scary nights. While he wasn’t fearless, it was a part of what later would be required to complete his ability.

The same trait of being headstrong would later help Ivar in his school years. It was this trait that helped him not freeze up as he faced his first boggard in Defence Against the Dark Arts, and helped him adapt to the new environment of being away from his family in a place where he had yet to know anyone.

It was again after his teen years that his ability would bloom to what it is today. As he gained his job in the Norwegian Ministry of Magic he was introduced to situations that required him to strengthen his mental fortitude, in order to advance past what he believed he dared do. Like most tamers before him he needed to learn techniques that helped clear his mind and lessen the sensation of fear, be it through breathing techniques or an ever growing belief in one's own abilities and capabilities. After a while this kind of thinking went on auto pilot for Ivar and it developed into this kind of ability to be fearless towards one’s own adversaries.
He was able to swallow what doubts he might have while sneakily approaching a sick or hurt dragon. Or as he handled any other number of dangerous creatures.

The ability has not made Ivar free of fear. He can still be frightened. He can still fear something, he still has a boggart. What it has done is help Ivar do what needs to be done accurately under a fearful situation. It has made him able to function, even when being stared down by a dragon.

WC 408

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Cats's Grace
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ivar has always been light on his feet. He was always quick in his movements as a child and meticulous not to thread wrongly, be it over rivers or across narrow spaces. He would spend much time as a young boy climbing trees and jumping on rocks to get across bodies of water. He would also learn to tread more carefully around the animals he tended for his community. This didn’t give him the grace to move stealthily on its own, but it made his body familiar with the movements and techniques he would later acquire.

In his school years Ivar had not much development of his skills in this field, as he focused his time on studying and being a teen with his peers.

The early years of Ivars life built a solid foundation for him to later further develop his skills in stealthily approach and silently move. He began to fully develop these skills as he took the apprenticeship as a tamer for the Norwegian Ministry of Magic. He would have to learn to move gracefully, silently and skillfully to come as close to the creatures the Ministry was keeping as possible. This because not all the creatures were as welcoming to people, and nice to handle, as one would like. He would run the risk of getting bitten, poisoned, burned, trampled, thrown, kicked, punched, mawed, nibbled on, pierced, puffed, drained, scrambled or any other verb for hurt if he startled them, depending on the animal he was taking care off on any given day. The harsh repercussions of failing made it important to nurture skills to survive and grace in movement was definitely one such skill.

After graduating the apprenticeship Ivar was tasked with mainly keeping track of the Norwegian Ridgeback population of Norway. He would be called in to help with other tasks and creatures if the Ministry was short handed or something unexpected occurred, but his day to day work revolved around the Norwegian Ridgebacks. Here Ivar had to develop his skill of moving accurately and stealthily even more. This because Ivar here needed to both track dragons that were traveling out of the safe zones allocated to dragons, and walk close to dragons in the zones. Walking close to a dragon required a large amount of grace and precision, not to step on rocks, bones, dry leaves or twigs, or make any unsettling movements.

The ability has not made any outwards changes to his physical appearance, he hasn’t grown a third eye or turned his hair purple. It has however defined his style of clothing a fair amount. Through the years he has learned what fabrics make sound while moving, and which ones don’t. He has learned what colours draw attention and which that don’t, he has learned which smell more, and how to mask scents and what to use to mask it.

WC: 479

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Keen Eye
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ivar has always been good at spotting details. This might be the only one of his abilities he was entirely born with without having to work years developing them. That said one should not claim he was able to pick up details as a youngling to the same extent that he is today, but as mentioned earlier, Ivar was always a perceptive child. This helped him greatly in his daily life in the Norwegian countryside. Ivar liked to play outside, admittedly, he never had the pleasures of children today, never having played a computer game, or shown much interest in tv for his entire life.
He instead ran around the country side, using his perception to find the nicest wandiest sticks to play wizard with. Or looking for the sturdiest, strongest, highest, climbiest tree he could find for him to climb up. He would also use it to find the best paths for him to walk down steep hills, or jump across small streams and rivers. Being perceptive helped him greatly in this regard. It also helped him in the community's duties. He would easily spot their grazing animals in the fields, and he could at times spot something bothering an animal faster than his peers.

When Ivar became the age for him to attend Hogwarts he did not have much use of this skill as he never was much of a quidditch player. He would pick up on what needed perception, but it was very little need for this in lessons, so it in turn was little need for it in his daily life at Hogwarts.

Where his perceptive eyesight again became an important part of his daily life was as he started his career path as an apprentice tamer. He would early in the apprenticeship come across the need to track animals. Tracking involved the trackers needing to search areas for traces of animal activity. They would also need to search for specific types of traces as the need arose to find a specific type of creature. Under these circumstances it became very handy to have a keen eye for details. Ivar often shone under these jobs as his perceptive eyes picked up traces of the animals left behind that other tamers missed, even senior tamers a few times.
The ability of having a keen eye made Ivar a go to guy in his later years in the department when they needed to track down rogue dragons or some trespassing creature that had walked into another territory by mistake.

WC 421

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Evasive Maneuvers
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

The ability Ivar has to dodge in dangerous situations is something he has acquired as an acumination of several things. Both his previous experience and his other abilities help him in this regard.
As mentioned in previous abilities, Ivar was always light on his feet. When he was young in the Norwegian country side he was always jumping around and playing, his body light as a feather. This trait has helped him later in being able to nimbly dodge away from attacks. He was also from a young age able to swiftly turn away if a stray branch risked hitting him as he pushed through the brush and trees in the forests near where he lived. He has always had a keen eye for detail, and this has helped him pick up the small movements of animals. His nimble reactions would then help him avoid a playful bite from a dog, or the annoyed kick from a cow.

In his school years Ivar had very little to no need for this ability. He was never in any danger where he needed to doge, the closest he would come was probably the occasional snowball fight where he dodged incoming snowballs with his nimble movements and keen perception.

As with many of his other abilities, Evasive Maneuvers is something that have come truly in handy, and been developed the most, in his time as an apprentice tamer and full fledged tamer in the Norwegian Ministry of Magic. He has probably evaded more attacks from creatures than he would care to admit. It was a skill Ivar learned to value greatly, as he would likely have perished, or at least been seriously maimed several times if not for his talent to evade. One might even say he is good at evading, times two…
One time the skill came particularly in handy was as he approached a dragon that had recently given birth, but had faced complications and was fairly hurt. The dragon, in great pain and very agitated lounged after Ivar. Ivar was able to evade in time to avoid grave injury, but the dragon still got hold of his leg and gave him a deep scar which he holds to this day.
He have never faced an injury as grave since, and he hopes that continues.

The ability has not done anything to change or alter his appearance in any way. He is lean and muscular in a sinewy way, but that is from his general healthy lifestyle and not from any particular ability he has.

WC 424

Ivar scratched his scraggly beard as he gave a low nervous chuckle. He was standing with his legs in a wide stance, ready to jump away from danger at any minute. The green and yellow under brush was wet with the rain that had stopped only hours earlier. The wet trees were giving off a familiar aura, but this was no time to reminisce of the old days or fond memories. His eyes were darting to the trees and rocks in the vicinity, finding the best places to hide if things were to go south. Ivar moved his left foot gently forward. His body spent as a spring, ready to react at a moment's notice.

The reason he was so tense was simple. In front of him lay a large, greenish, dragon. Its rugged scaly skin dripping with the recent rain that had passed by. The dragon was in light sleep, but clearly struggling, a large gash in its abdomen the greatest hint to the territorial battle it had been in earlier. Ivar had to get close to assess the damage and possibly do emergency treatment before they could get out a larger team that would be able to sedate the behemoth of an animal.

Ivar swallowed, he could still feel the phantom pain from his leg where he had been bitten a few years earlier, he was always reminded of that while approaching dragons understandably enough. He shuffled a bit further towards the dragon, trying to do it as gently and silently as possible. A drop of sweat running down the side of his nose, Ivar was clearly stressed, but he tried to breathe in a way that would calm him. His eyes darted to one of its legs, was that movement?

Ivar’s eyes darted back to the dragon's face just as its saucer sized eyes opened and it looked straight at him. Ivar felt like the world went into slow motion in that instance.
His body acted instinctively, he had trained for this regularly ever after the incident where a dragon bit his leg. Ivar started running to the side with the closest rock big enough to cover him at the same time as the dragon lifted its great big head, its neck swelling up as if it was ready to puke.
But what came out was not puke, but a great big scorching hot flame. At the same time Ivar leaped forward, towards the safety of the rock.
He rolled behind it just as he smelled the scent of burnt rubber from the bottom of his shoes.
Ivar tossed out something that spewed out a large amount of smoke, confusing the dragon. In the confusion Ivar ran away, he would definitely have to call in a bigger team for this.

WC 463

STATUS: Approved

Friends are like the purest white snow... if you pee on them they dissapear
31 Aug 2020, 12:42
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Encyclopedia Thread: Rayna Jangnan
Ability or Race/Talent: Werewolf
Describe why this fits your character:

Rayna Jangnan grew up in the woods. She always had a call to nature. She learned how to climb trees at the age of four. he could climb the tallest one at the age of seven. She made friends with the animals, in her loneliness. Her mum and dad, they got along pretty well, until my mum realized that my dad was strangely disappearing every month to go on certain 'business trips' it wasn't until about eight months in that she noticed it was each month, and he was so eager to leave. My mum thought of him just wanting a break from her and her wild imagination, it was very wild, just like Rayna's. Or maybe he had a friend he liked to visit, but he knew he wasn't allowed to bring strange people into our house. She even went to the extent that he was with another woman. The amount of ides she had was frightening. But all of this, was wrong. The next time that he announced a business trip, her mum confronted him. Her dad freaked out, frantic to explain, he kept making excuses, and trying to convince her he wasn't doing any of the things she accused him of. Her dad told her he needed to go, needed to go on his business trip, he begged her, and pleaded, desperate. He tried to leave the house before the full moon, but since Rayna's mum was so curious, she watched him all night. He kept asking her over and over again so let him go. Once the full moon was up, he whispered a soft 'I'm sorry' before he transformed, and Cassieopia realized she had made a fatal mistake. He rampaged and ruined things, his human side trying to restrain the urge to attack someone. Finally, Rayna woke up to the sound and went to see what the matter was. Seeing the destroyed house, and her dad in werewolf form, a vicious look in his eyes, she cried in her mother's arms, and when her dad rushed out of the house making for the forest, she escaped her mom's clutches, running after him. When she saw him fully, in the light of the full moon, she screamed, knowing that wasn't the dad she knew, but before she could run back the other way, he attacked her. Scratched, weak and bleeding, Rayna stayed strong despite all of is attempts to finish her. She tried to tell her dad it was her, and he just barely sunk his teeth in hr arm when Cassieopia hit him on the head with a vase. They never saw him again. Rayna wised her mum could have just let it go, or her dad could have told Cassie. Rayna's mother tended to her wounds, but she knew that her father had been a werewolf, and now she is too. She didn't have an problem with her transformations, but now that she was at a public school, this scared her quite a bit.
Word Count: 515
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 7
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 2
ArcPower: 6
Accuracy: 5

Mod note: please owl Beatrice Lydursdattir once you have been approved by index

Sincerely, Rayna Jangnan, queen of mystery
31 Aug 2020, 23:26
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Nell

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Charms Learner

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it) 400 words for an ability, please include word count:
It was a windy yet sunny day at Hogwarts, and Nell wanted to spend it up in the library, surrounded by all of the magnificent books. She stepped slowly and carefully on the worn stairs, taking her time. No need to rush at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, was there? At last, the young Ravenclaw reached her destination - the library. Oh, how she loved it up here! The information that such a small place held absolutely astounded her. With a bright smile on her face, she swiftly walked over to a section which most definitely excited her - the textbook section. Almost immediately, she found a Charms book. Charms was both Nell's best and favorite class here at Hogwarts. What a match for her! When Nell had gotten to the cushioned blue chair, she sat and opened the book. And then she read. Nothing in it matched the current year's syllabus, but Nell kept reading with a furrowed brow. The spells and charms got more and more interesting, but less and less familiar. Finally, a bit frustrated, Nell pulled out the syllabus for the year. Nothing she had read matched. With a smirk on her face, she flipped back to the cover page, keeping her finger on the page she was just on. The cover had informed that the spells in this very book were most definitely not for her year. Was this allowed? Reading ahead? With a shaky hand Nell opened the book. It was so interesting but, would she get in trouble? Nell knew none of the answers to these questions. None at all. Fearful, Nell made her way to her dorm, book in hand. She sat down steadily on the bed and opened the book yet again. And there Nell sat, reading. In the same mannerism as she had read in the library: with a keen eye and a mind full of questions. Oh, how exciting this was! She was possibly breaking the rules but oh was she learning! And this, this went on for days on end. Nell studied each every spell in that book, but didn't dare practice them in fear that she would get detention or something of the sort. And then, when Nell Zoldak finally finished that book - the book that was not for her year - she had never been happier and this full of knowledge. Her head was bursting with thoughts: extremely excited thoughts! This was amazing! She knew the spells for the next year and she would be so advanced! And now, Nell would know the spells for the year to come.
WC: 434
I don't think I have to put my stats here but I will just in case:
STA: 6 EVA: 8 STR: 5 WIS: 9 AP: 5 ACC: 7
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Nell Zoldak on 10 Sep 2020, 18:46, edited 1 time in total.

STA: 6 EVA: 8 STR: 5 WIS: 9 AP: 5 ACC: 7
Sixth Sense | Prodigal Charms Learner
"mindset first, actions second.” -unknown
3 Sep 2020, 02:55
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Encycolopedia
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for
Evasive Maneuvers(2nd time)
As if an ongoing relationship with crones was not reason enough for an elevated awareness to evade physical blows. Thomas has developed a heightened sense, spider-esque, to keep his head on a swivel at all times. Given his tendency to antagonize other students with snide and critical remarks, he has learned to be wary of the repercussions that come with his willingness to speak the mind. Always aware of his surroundings and ready to react accordingly.

The roots of this elusive ability come from his training days as a hockey player. Thomas played ice hockey for many years before arriving at Hogwarts. He was part of a rare club league that was highly competitive. Playing under a demanding Russian born head coach that had high demands both on and off the ice. With extra emphasis on agility drills that would keep the boys light on their feet and durable to give a high and consistent effort for long periods.

His mother placed him here as a way to help him cope with the loss of his father. Channeling that confusion and anger into a healthy outlet. In addition, the boy’s coach was a strong motivator and a good role model. His mother’s hopes were to give Thomas a father figure during his adolescence, a man that he could go to for advice. Of course, as the boy discovered his magical roots on the ice, he was suspended indefinitely for his actions during a fight.

Still, old habits die hard. The many years of training his coach instilled carried over even after Thomas had to give up hockey. He still consistently does ladder training drills to help with quick footwork, and sprinting/long distance intervals for stamina and quickness. It all attributed to a boy that was quick, perhaps more geared for muggle sports. But making people miss carried on past sports, especially with the many hostile encounters the boy has already experienced at such a young age.

Chiefly, interactions with two different covens of hags. Both have cut through his flesh and left the boy particularly wary when around this company. Shockingly, an experience at the Blossom Ball is as big a reason for evasive tendencies as the hags, if not more so. Thomas found that girls do in fact have cooties when a perceptive seer blindsided him with an involuntary smooch speechless and reeling that night. The boy was cautious and ready to move, whether it was hags or the equally terrifying sight of a girl looking to smooch.

STATUS: Approved

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be
Stamina: 8 | Evasion: 7 | Strength: 7 | Wisdom: 8 | ArcPower: 3 | Accuracy: 7
Ability - Evasive Maneuvers 2x
3 Sep 2020, 15:06
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Ency[/b]: [url= ... 94#p138365]Evelynn Decipio


The year had come and gone in leaps and bounds dotted with periods of time that seemed to fade into a void of numb surrender. School at Hogwarts had been nothing like Evelynn ever could have expected. Granted, she had come into it with a healthy dose of scepticism to begin with, and more than a little nervous as to what being a "witch" actually entailed. Nothing could have prepared her for her first year of experience, however. No game, no anecdote, no table top adventure. Had it simply been a matter of navigating this entirely new world, perhaps she would have concluded this past year with little more than joyous wonder and an excitement for what the new year would bring. What further learning she would acquire, and what novel spells would soon find themselves in her command.

But it hadn't. With this new world had come an unprecedented level of danger beyond simply that of back-firing spells and the stress of assignments and examinations. Fire had erupted at their Masquerade ball, an event that had also been visited by aggressive half-giants and hags that lured unsuspecting professors into the Forbidden Forest in an attempt to finish them off. There had been dhampir attacks in the dead of night that left students unconscious and bloodied, their limp bodies dropped at the hospital wing for treatment. There had been cannonball bludgers and beasts of children with the sole intent to knock players clear from their brooms and take a perilous plunge to the unyielding ground below, something she'd only narrowly avoided on several occasions. There was a mask of control, riots in the stores, covens of hags, dolls that attacked beneath darkened canopies, spiders and mosps and God knew what else that lurked in the grounds. And perhaps worst of all were the idiotic peers that seemed to think flames solved all problems and had no issue in watching their peers burn nearly to death before their eyes. Evelynn had been struck. She had had scalding tea poured on her. She had faced the ridicule and hatred of her peers. The pressure to withstand it all in the face of the obligations she had taken upon her shoulders. Far from an adventure, this past year had demonstrated just how frightening the hidden realm of magic really was. The dangers it held.

It was enough to make any student think twice about pursuing their education in the magical realm. And for Evelynn, she very nearly had elected to walk away from it. Had it not been for a series of conversations, perhaps she might have. What good would that have done, however? Some say ignorance is bliss, but when pandora's box is opened, there is no replacing the contents. She could run. She could hide. But nothing she could do would negate the fact that the demons continued to exist even if she chose not to acknowledge them. Instead, she would only be depriving herself of hte knowledge and tools needed to counter them, to protect not only herself, but her mother and family as well. She couldn't run. She couldn't hide. At the end of the year, at the closure of the day, the only thing that remained to her was to take a stand, face her fears, and withstand whatever these next years would throw across her path.

She was Gryffindor, after all. She would have to have courage in the face of danger. She would need to be fearless.[/quote]
Word Count: 581
Mod note: stick to the form
STATUS: Approved

Evelynn's Trunk
STA | 10‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ STR | 2‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ EVA | 15‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ WIS | 15‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ ARC | 2‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ ACC | 12
3 Sep 2020, 22:34
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: here

Ability: Non-Human Enthusiast
It had been her fascination with the Dark Arts, the fact that she was drawn to them, that had first sparked Elaine’s interest in magic itself, in the shapes and forms that it came in. True magic, old magic, magic that hadn’t been shaped to be bent to one’s will by a wand, the magic inherent in the Durmstrang grounds, the castle itself, the people that lived inside it.

Anyone could cast a spell, could point a wand and say a word. You had to mean it of course, more and more the farther you fell, had to wish pain and harm and destruction to truly master them. Even as a gangly teenager she had understood that. Still, all you needed was the will, the endurance to eventually succeed. It was a challenge to cast any dark spell, to understand them, fully, but even years of study, of dedication and the willingness to bleed for your passion, could not make one a dhampir or a werewolf, couldn’t give one the natural insight of a Seer or the aptitude of a Parselmouth.

Magic was a wild thing. Magic couldn’t be tamed. It was vast and terrifying and glorious in the wonders it created.

No book would ever come close to the terror of facing off against a werewolf, not story could properly describe candlelight reflecting in the blood red eyes of a half-vampire. Elena could attest to that. Elena had seen it.

She’d first met Katya in her last year at Durmstrang, and the dhampir had kindled a spark that had been burning inside Elena for years. Not human, not vampire, a young woman who was normal one second and consumed by her instincts in the next. Her moods had been fleeting and violent, but her friendship had been genuine and once they’d left school Elena had followed her willingly enough.

Pretending that she hadn’t joined Katya because she had been drawn to her magical nature would have been a lie, and Elena had never once lied to her friend. Katya had promised to show her magic, real magic, the magic that made the earth sing and the mind tremble, and she’d stayed true to her word: had taken Elena along to watch the Sirens sing from the cliffs in Albania first. It had been her first encounter outside the walls of Durmstrang Institute with beings that were more than human, living beings that had magic in their blood, had been shaped by it in a way she thought she’d never be.

Elaine had met many more after. A Veela only weeks later, the odd hag and vampire, living among humans but standing out like beacons in the night to her, magical beings unlike the muggles and wizards in the midst of which they lived. She had hungered to know them, to understand them and the magic they had inherited.

Saying it had been only a phase would have belied the depth of her fascination, but… at twenty Elena had first met the man with the brown eyes and haughty smile, had told him one more step into the room and he’d die a bloody death. Weeks later she had met his other side, a beast of a wolf, tall and dark and nothing short of magnificent.

Her fascination had shifted, then.

WC: 551 words

Stamina: 12
Evasion: 10
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 20
Arcane Power: 12
Accuracy: 12
Approved as to not leave you waiting mid moderated thread ~ Lear
Or, you know, just talk to me, since I have to add it to the trunk anyway...

Cu ochii deschiși.
6 Sep 2020, 16:15
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to Your Encyclopedia Thread: Encyclopedia
Name of Ability or Race/Talent That You Are Applying For: Parselmouth
Why This Fits My Character:
I had always felt I was different from everyone else. Unique, strange, abnormal. I was always that kid at school off by myself, preferring to be away from everyone. The kid who most people avoided. And the older I became, the more weird and strange I felt. But it wasn’t until I turned 7 that I concluded this idea. After my first magic experience, I became feared by lots of the kids at my school. This made me feel even more like my family, which I despised. But it didn’t stop there.
Very shortly after my first magic incident, I became aware of a soft whisper in my house. Originally I just thought that it was my imagination. No one else seemed to hear it, and I couldn’t even make out any of the words. I tried to think that I was only hearing it because of a book I'd read, although I couldn’t remember what book it was. A similar thing had happened to a character, I told myself, but a nervous thought kept nagging at me. It didn’t seem right, that I’d read it in a book, but I continued to push away the thought.
It went on like this for days, with me trying to convince myself that I was just hearing it because of my wild imagination. But as time passed, I didn’t think this was true at all. My magic was slowly getting a little stronger, and along with it the voice. After several weeks, it was loud enough that I could start distinguishing words.
Eventually being in the house freaked me out, as the words were getting louder and still no one seemed to hear them. Deciding to go to the library, I began looking for the one word I kept hearing. Parselmouth. I had seen it before, I knew, but I didn’t know where. It took all day, but finally I found something. A magic book, undoubtedly left by an irresponsible wizard, with a small chapter on Parselmouths. It explained it as an incredibly rare ability that few people have. It allows them to speak in Parseltongue, the language of snakes. I read the chapter over and over, taking in as much information as possible.
That night, just before I went to bed, I noticed movement in the corner of my room. One close look told me it was a snake. Excited and nervous after what I read that day, I decided to test my theory.
“You’ve been speaking to me, haven’t you? You’re that voice I keep hearing?” I asked the snake clearly, feeling slightly ridiculous all the while. It immediately faded as the snake dipped its head in response, clearly nodding. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I had asked the snake something, it understood, and it answered.
“I, um,” I stuttered, trying to find the right words to say next, “How can this be? I mean you can really understand me?” Once again, the snake nodded. Although this time it was followed by the same soft, hissing voice I had been hearing for so long.
“Yes, I can understand you and you me. It is rare for a human like you to speak with snakes. I have met only one other, many years ago.” it hissed. This time I nodded back, carefully listening as the snake continued.
“I assume you know by now that you are what is called a Parselmouth?”
“Yes, I guess I do.” I replied. I continued to talk with the snake late into the night, all other thoughts completely forgotten. All I knew was that I suddenly had a deep fascination with snakes, and I didn’t want this night to end. Unfortunately, it ended all too quickly. I had been so into the conversation that I didn’t notice my mother enter the room until the snake darted away. I wasn’t sure what to do as she closed the door, a terrified expression on her face.
“Mother, I… I don’t know how to explain this.” I began, wondering how exactly to go about this. Before I could think of something to say, my mother stopped me.
“A Parselmouth, Wren, is an incredibly rare gift. You should be…” she hesitated, “proud you have it.” One look at her face told me that this was not something to be proud of. I didn’t understand what was bad about it, but suddenly I was feeling nervous. This just made me even more of an outcast.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I kind of just figured it out today.” I replied, but deep down I knew I wasn’t sorry about keeping it a secret.
“Yes, well, I’d prefer you tell me about things like this.”
I nodded then, not really sure where this conversation was going, said, “How exactly can I do this? I mean, wouldn’t someone in our family have to be a Parselmouth for me to be one?” I could have swore my mother flinched at this. She seemed incredibly uneasy, but I still didn’t understand why.
“Your great great grandfather, Adarick, was a Parselmouth. Somehow he must have passed the talent on to you.” said my mother. I nodded understandingly.
“Well, I guess you should be getting to bed now, Wren.” she said, opening up the door. She still looked very uneasy and frightened, and I almost felt sorry for her until I heard her mutter something as she closed the door.
“Hopefully Wren gets into Slytherin and not Gryffindor like her brother. Imagine yet another child in Gryffindor, and one of them a Parselmouth…” I didn’t hear the rest as the door clicked close. Realisation that she only cared about the family reputation washed over me. For a moment I had a deep desire to get into Slytherin, to keep the Slytherin house in the family. Yet almost immediately after I wanted to get in Gryffindor to prove that they can be Parselmouths too. I fell asleep thinking about everything that night.
From that day on, my parents made a rule that I wasn’t to speak in Parseltongue. My father said that it was because it could freak people out, but I knew the real reason. Of course, I only followed this rule during the day. At night, I often fell asleep practicing and thinking about what house I’d get into. I knew Parselmouths were usually associated with the dark arts and Slytherins, but this was my chance to prove it wrong…
Word Count: 1,077
Normal Stats:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 8
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 5
Arcane: 7
Accuracy: 6

Updated Stats for Parselmouth:
Stamina: 5
Evasion: 7
Strength: 2
Wisdom: 4
Arcane: 6
Accuracy: 6

Mon note: Please owl Beatrice Lydursdattir once you have been approved by Index

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Wren Windgazer on 11 Sep 2020, 06:14, edited 3 times in total.

"The bird who dares to fall is the bird who learns to fly."
6 Sep 2020, 16:19
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here you go!
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Prodigal Defense Against the Dark Arts Learner
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
Being the son of two Muggles suddenly thrust into the grand and confusing Wizarding world AJ could barely make heads or tails of anything upon first arriving. Charms were far too elaborate and hard to pronounce with his thick Aberdonian accent, concentrating on them whilst remembering whether it was a swish and flick or a triple roll super spin was hard to do. Transfiguration had been near impossible for him to wrap his brain around, instantly taking one thing and turning it into another thing was mind-blowing to his muggle brain.

So in his first year of Hogwarts, he had found himself really at home with Defense against the Dark Arts. The wand movements were typically simple enough that he could concentrate on properly enunciating each individual syllable to the point where it was second nature for him to feign an accent into order to cast a spell. Professor Pendrast had never rushed him, or made him feel stupid for struggling with incantations, and even remained patient through his endless tirades of questions about what the differences between ghosts and spirits were.

Unquestionably DADA had become the boys favourite subject, and as he became more accustomed to the Wizarding world and the use of magic he started to improve, even excel at his studies in the class. He would often be reading as much as he could in the common room, and in his bed, whenever he got the chance, studying the materials they covered in class. He didn't just want to be good at the subject, he wanted to show Professor Pendrast he could be great.

Week in week out he was learning the spells, answering questions and studying up until he was practically an expert on everything they had learned. Now in his second year he finds himself too far ahead.

"Ehm...Prufusser Pindrast." He would ask the striking woman, one day just after class had been dismissed. "I-I was wunderin' uf...wull ah don' wannae soond too full af meself bu' ave keenda ooverstudied fer yer class. B-because ah leek ut soo much." He was beating around the bush, and knew if he didn't get to the point soon she was going to say something clever. "Soo ah was wonderin' ef ah cood maybe 'ave a loo' at nuxt years stuff. Teh teed meh oover ah guss." He chuckled slightly, quietly hoping that he wasn't asking for anything far beyond his station.

Too his delight his Professor granted his request, by packing his arms high with advanced reading and studies meant for Third years. Saying that she would assist with his studies if he could learn a third year spell.

Determined to prove himself, AJ poured over those books during the summer break, reading them multiple times and practicing the movements and incantation without his wand (as to not break any sort of law.)

He was determined to continue excelling at Hogwart's best subject.

WC: 488
[Godmodding of Elaine Pendrast was done with permission.]

STATUS: Approved

- Fearless - Prodigal DADA - The Muggle Condition -

Stamina: 7/15 | Evasion: 8/15 | Strength: 5/15 | Wisdom: 8/15 | Arcane Power: 8/15 | Accuracy: 10/15
6 Sep 2020, 16:30
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: ... 45#p176335
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Obnoxiously Strong
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
WC: 419

After being turned to a werewolf, Makoto found himself with a lot of pent up rage at life. The basement of his family's manor was transformed into a dungeon for him to spend his full moon nights in, and as such, it became a bit of a refuge for him. His parents had begun to treat him differently, so he found himself avoiding them more often than not. His grades began to suffer from his state of mind, and he found that his magic did not feel as powerful anymore. It's entirely possible that it was all in his head, but he began to train his body instead of his mind. When particularly angry, Mako would retreat to the "dungeon" and take his anger out on the objects in the room. He would destroy the furniture or paintings in there and then reparo them after. Even though it took him multiple casts, he was still a wizard in some sense of the word. Over time, though, he decided that there was probably actual training equipment he could use rather than just destroying the room in rage.

He mail-ordered some weights and a punching bag, and his parents never questioned it because they were so distant towards him anyway. So the teenager began to train his body, forming muscles over the next couple of years that rivaled those of his own father and many people that he knew. The events of what was happening in his house only fueled his desire to be destructive. No one caring about how much his grades were suffering or how much he had mentally declined. His mother leaving the family. His father immediately finding a new woman. The announcement of a new baby. It was a lot for a normal teenager, but for a teenager who had recently become a werewolf? It was all too much. And so his outlet was a punching bag and lifting weights and feeling in control of his own body.

Over the years between being infected (14) to becoming of age and moving out (17), Mako developed his strength obnoxiously. It was pretty crazy for him to think back to before he had muscles, because he never went back. Even after moving out of his childhood home and continuing his life into adulthood, he continued to make going to the gym a regular activity. Knowing that he can count on his body even when his mind or his wand fails is comforting to him, and it keeps him sane.

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Martial Artist
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):
WC: 450

Shortly after settling in Southampton, Makoto found a gym to continue training at. This particular gym had two parts to it: the front being dedicated to the gym, weights and machines that he was used to, and the back housing a ring that fighters trained in. Intrigued by the idea of muggle fighting, the eighteen-year-old found himself watching people train more often than not. He was impressed by the way muggles used physical violence to defend and attack - they didn't need wands, they were pretty lethal with just their fists!

He was approached by the ring trainer after a week or so of observing, and he was invited to train with the others. The man saw potential in Mako. His first time in the ring, he showed a lot of promise with his natural strength. Although he took a beating from never having to really defend himself, he landed one very good hit and knocked out his sparring partner within thirty seconds. The ring trainer Lionel was beyond impressed by the obnoxious strength he had in his muscles and set to work training him in MMA. It was only meant to be a hobby for him, but with the continued encouragement (pressure) from Lionel, he found himself soon training most nights of the week. And within a month, he was thrown into an underground MMA match and won. The payout for him was significantly better than the odd jobs he had been doing to scrape by, so he soon threw himself even further into the MMA world and renamed himself Marcus.

Lionel always gave Marcus the most attention while he and the others trained in the ring, and it made some of the other fighters who had been there for years a bit resentful. There was one night when he was training late at night (well after the gym staff had left) and was joined by two other regulars. They had come to fight him. The two older men decided that kicking his ass would discourage him from returning, but Marcus wasn't having it. Although he took quite a beating against the two more experienced fighters, he still came out on top. His skills in the martial arts had paid off, and those two ended up respecting him a lot more after that night. None of them snitched on each other although they showed up to training pretty beatup and bruised.

For many years after that, Marcus continued to train in MMA and win fight after fight, earning lots of money and recognition in the MMA world. Eventually, he gave it up when one fight went too far, but that skill doesn't just go away after a year or two.

Note: If approved, when updating my trunk can you please change the words "Human Form" to "Heightened Senses" under the racial abilities. Thank you!

STATUS: Approved