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30 Apr 2020, 15:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
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Lizzie Verdine grew up as the oldest child in a family of eight. She had five other siblings. Three of being boys who loved to blame their older sister for all their wrong doings. Sometimes they were right to make her take the fall since she also partook in the mischief but other times she never even laid a finger on what was broken or defaced.

After many years of being made to sit on the stairs or go to her room, Lizzie finally had decided to go to a professional and learn how to get out of being in trouble. Her uncle Boris had a massive reputation for getting out of sticky situations and he was more than happy to allow her to be taught by the master himself.

It might take a while kid, it won’t come to you over night.” Said the man with a very warming smile. He was always the favorite uncle for Lizzie. It was Uncle Boris’ good skills that she never got in trouble for ‘breaking’ her father wand when really it was her brother, Luke’s fault.

I know. I know.” Lizzie had said with a small squeaky voice. She tied her hair back and let out a big breath. She then turned to the mannequins that were replicated to look like her Mother and Father.

Now, imagine your broke your mothers case and your little sister got cut. What would you say?” Uncle Boris said while bending down and pointing at the little misshapen toddler in her mother’s arms.

Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows and then crossed her arms and sternly looked up to the button eyes. She smiled sweetly and while looking back down at her feet then said, “I have nothing to do with it Mother, I was in my room practising to remember the theories on that spell I learnt today. I think it was that one where you are making your wand creates a light or was it the one where the tutor lifted a feather of the table.” She put a finger on her chin and made a thinking face. Uncle Boris clapped loudly and beamed. Lizzie turned to her Uncle while also smiling. He was walking over to Lizzie from the chair that he had sat in behind her.

Beautiful, my child. Amazing. You’re a natural. Next time maybe compliment them first and then smile with teeth. Always remember teeth. You need to look confident. Not just feel it. If they notice you shying away they have won okay? Try it again.

This time your father found your brothers with a supply of Dungbombs that were intentionally for you.
” Lizzie nodded and then once again faced the mannequins.

She then looked into the also button eyes and smiled, “Dad, what did you do with your hair this morning? Put a new gel in? It looks great. Anyway, why would I want that stinky prank stuff. I don’t even need them. What would I want them for? To place in my tutors hat? Or maybe in the cat food. Oh that would be nice.

She then smiled once again and crossed her arms, “Mum? You don’t believe this right? You know my brothers. Always blaming me for stuff I didn’t do. Please understand. I did nothing wrong.

She turned to her Uncle Boris and he had leaning on the palm of his arm while tappng his other fingers on the table. Lizzie took this as a bad reaction and her smile started to fade until a massive grin was plastered on his chubby face.

That was remarkable. Yes we may have to have a few more lessons but you are getting the hang of it. I’m sure in no time you’ll be able to get out of any predicament. Maybe even those pranks you plan to pull on your tutor.

Lizzie was shocked. How did he know about that and turned to him as they walked out of the room they were using. “You also have to be very good at noticing little details to be able to be a professional getter outer of situations. I promise I won’t tell anyone as long as you promise to let me watch.

The eight year old grinned and nodded her head quickly then skipped out of his house and turned back to wave until a question came into her mind, “Your not a professional getter outer of situations are you, Uncle Boris? I'm sure you aren't because that isn't a real job.

The middle aged man laughed and waved the girl off as she ran down the street to get back to her own house. The Uncle knew that girl would grow up to be just like him.

Word Count : 789 Words (May be a few off)
400 words needed

Stamina - 5
Evasion - 5
Strength - 7
Wisdom - 7
Arcane Power -6
Accuracy -5

This is not essential for my character but is wanted for the development and what Lizzie wants to peruse at Hogwarts.

|| Charmer || Statistically Relevant ||
|| Stamina - 5 || Evasion - 6 || Strength - 11 || Wisdom - 7 || Arcane Power - 6 || Accuracy - 7 ||
2 May 2020, 16:36
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to encyclopedia thread: here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it:

Wyatt's POV: His parents fought… a lot. Every day, really. Wyatt hated it, he wanted a nice, happy family, but when his father’s anger started seeping into Wyatt’s life, he knew that his father was past the point of redemption. When they got loud, Wyatt would go out into the woods not too far from their home, though his mother tried to warn him not to. She tried to tell him that when he goes out there he gets all cut up, and he could get hurt worse by the wild animals that live there, but she knew the boy would never stop, and she couldn’t blame him for it.

Wyatt barely noticed when the fight lasted longer than they normally do. The sun was long gone, and it was just Wyatt and the trees. He walked for a while, saying hello to the ants, the frogs, they were all his friends. They don’t say much, but they’re really good listeners. He looked around for his best friend. A snake that had told him his name was Perseus. He was fascinated by this snake because this one could speak! Not only that, but Perseus was the only snake who was kind enough to talk to the nine-year-old. A long, thin, green snake poked it’s head out from behind a nearby tree.

Perseus slithered, “Hello,” and Wyatt greeted him.

“ ’Ello, Perseus,” Wyatt said. He lowered himself to his knees while the snake stretched itself up to talk face to face. “How’s it going?”

“You shouldn’t speak that way. People will take you seriously if you speak in a more sophisticated manner. Cokeworth isn’t a very sophisticated place, you can stand out here,” the snake hissed.

“Yes, Perseus. Thank you for helping me.”

The snake nodded.

Wyatt couldn’t get help from his mother for this stuff, even though she spoke in a fancy-schmancy London accent. He had always wanted to tell his mother about Perseus, but his father was always around, and Wyatt was afraid that if his father knew, he would hurt Perseus for being different. Perseus thought the same. Sometimes, Perseus would slither to Wyatt’s flat, to check on the boy knowing how rough his father was. Perseus cared. Perseus was a better father than Andrew Starkey could ever be. Would ever be.

“I’m fine, thankfully,” the green snake answered. “The foxes have been hungrier recently. My cousin was dinner just last week.”

“I’m so sorry-“

Perseus’ head turned left, and Wyatt followed suit. His mother was standing there, paralyzed from shock, and the snake looked her up and down. “It’s my mum, don’t worry,” he said, noticing. He turned back to face his mother as Perseus slithered away, hissing.

“That snake knows English, mum! Isn’t it brilliant?”

Eloise Starkey’s stress seemed to melt away in that moment and she supplied a warm smile. She never explained what it was that happened to her son. He had no idea that he was speaking in the snake’s language and not his own.

Later, Wyatt met more and more snakes, and when they all knew English, Wyatt started to think it wasn’t the snakes who were special. [Word count: 523]

His Mother's POV: Eloise Marie Starkey was worried. She knew where her son went while she would fight with her husband, but the fight had gone on quite long. Into the night. When they got loud, her son would go out into the woods, not too far from their home, and she tried to warn him not to. She tried to tell him that when he goes out there he gets all cut up, and he could get hurt worse, but she knew the boy would never stop, and she couldn’t blame him for it. She was worried because the fights don’t usually last as long as this one had. She could usually collect him before it got late, but it got late. It was dark, and Wyatt was somewhere in the middle of the forest.
She was searching for hours, but she didn’t think of giving up once. She didn’t want to go back home to her husband anyway. It hardly felt like home. She wished she could help her son, but he was a stubborn little 9-year-old. Quiet, kept to himself. Never shouted once, with the exception of him wailing for food as a baby. She couldn’t even tell what he was thinking most of the time, his face might as well have been empty, featureless.
A hiss to her left broke her stream of consciousness. She brought her wand just in case, she usually had it on her anyway, just in case her husband wanted to break the wand or hurt her. She clutched her wand, taking out her worry and frustration on it, and continued towards the hiss. Her worry grew. How could she let her son go out into the forest like this! He could have been killed by a snake by now- that boy loved snakes. He wasn’t afraid to hug one, as he did in the zoo. There was a zoo near their home and they often went there to get away from Wyatt’s father.
The hiss grew louder as she quietly stepped towards wherever the sound was coming from. Then it stopped for a moment and soon was replaced by another hiss- but this one sounded more like a whisper.
She picked up her pace, two snakes were worse than one. Her son would be absolutely defenseless against one of those things, let alone two. She arrived at the noise and was petrified. She’d forgotten her heritage. What “talent” her family had. Despite being a Slytherin herself, and coming from a very long line of pure-blood Slytherins, she was terrified of snakes. This was worse than any snake attack.
She was looking at her son, on his knees, face to face with a snake. The snake was in almost the same pose as Wyatt, and they were… talking? No. Wyatt, not noticing his mother’s arrival, continued hissing in a manner that made her spine tingle. She was shocked- no, terrified- no, worried- no, angry! The snake was the first one to notice her. Its head jolted her way, moving up and down, its beady eyes sizing her up. Wyatt noticed then, and said something to the snake- hopefully along the lines of “don’t hurt her,” and the snake slithered away.
Wyatt then said, “that snake knows English, mum! Isn’t it brilliant?” His face was lighting up, he didn’t know what he’d done. Her anger washed away, seeing her son so happy. She would explain everything to him. Her family heritage, his ability, and most important the prejudice surrounding it- but when they got home, before she tucked him into bed. For right now, they needed to get out of this damned wood. She slipped her wand into her pocket, and led her son by the hand home, telling herself her husband could never know about any of this.
[Word count: 633]
Character stats:
Stamina: 4
Evasion: 5
Strength: 3
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 5
Status: approved
Last edited by Wyatt Starkey on 24 May 2020, 17:57, edited 8 times in total.

“If you ever need anything please don't
hesitate to ask someone else first.” - Kurt Cobain.

Sta: 7 | Eva: 11 | Str: 4 | Wis: 9 | Arc: 9 | Acc: 10
2 May 2020, 17:34
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Eldridge Seath
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Werewolf
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

Ed scratched the edges of the scar. It had been itching all day long now, and he seemed to just not be able to shake off the feeling it was telling him something. Looking over his shoulder, the boy was only met with his father's gaze. It was clear the man had been as confused as his son about the recent evolution regarding the incident. "I thought he would feel nothing after being treated?" He heard his father whisper towards Ed's mother. "He's been scratching that scar all day now." The words hissed out from behind his gritted teeth, the man's tension clearly audible. "The healers said the wound wouldn't hurt any more, not that he'd-" Before she was able to finish her sentence, Ed had already vaulted off. Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes.

It had been horrible. He had felt so much pain then and the nights that followed. He remembered being alone outside. His friend Owen and him had both taken their bikes to the nearby forest. Over the years they had managed to build a small tree house. Nothing much in presentation, but it was their camp. Their safehouse. Owen had stolen his gran's cookie jar while Ed had smuggled two bottles of milk outside under his jumper. The pair had been giggling about their mischief all evening, feeling proud how they had managed to outsmart their elders.

The boys lost track of time, and even past sunset, they had not left their safehouse. When the pair eventually gathered their bikes with an empty jar and one half-filled bottle of milk, they started walking back to the city. Bikes in hand as they shuffled homeward, Ed would recall how there had been top of the class that evening. Owen had heard an exceptional long one about giants that lived in the area. And how a man had wed one of them, with their son now living somewhere hidden in Scotland. Ed had been shaking his head the entire time and wondered how Owen managed to make all that up on the fly.

A lupine howl cut through the night sky, causing both boys to rapidly turn their heads back from where they came. The full moon shed a bright light on the forest's edge. Just coming out from the shadows, two peering eyes pierced right at the pair as they heard a deep growl emerge from the beast. Their eyes wide in disbelief, the boys both dropped their bikes and started running. They could hear the growls and heavy panting coming after them, the tapping and scratching of claws on the mortar as they closed in on the city's vicinity. Owen had been the smart one that night. The two boys were known across town for their deeds of mischief, and they knew how to disappear in all the little alleyways across town. But that night Ed had panicked. Only once Owen had slid into a narrow slit between two houses on the outer streets of the Bay. Ed made it two streets further on his own until the beast leapt and caught him by the shoulder. With an agonizing pain, the young boy screamed out in pain. The bottle of milk falling and cracking on contact with the ground.

The moments that followed after were those of pure panic and deep, deep pain. Blood spilling on the street, Ed found himself covered in a dark liquid. His hands reaching through the cracked chips of milk-stained glass for anything to arm himself with, they swung helplessly around as the boy whimpered. The sound of a gunshot was all he remembered before he fainted.

Now Ed sat on the stairs that led home, crying with his face tucked into his arms. It had been weeks and the wounds were still there, annoying him, making sure he wasn't forgetting that night. "Lets get inside son." A voice would sound while his father took hold of the boy's hand. His parents had made sure to swiftly catch up to their son. They gave each other a concerned look before they pushed their son inside to with them. "How about some milk ey?"
Word count: 691
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 7
Evasion: 5
Strength: 8
Wisdom: 8
Arcane Power: 1
Accuracy: 1
Status: Approved

Race: Werewolf
Sta: 7 Eva: 5 Str: 8 Wis: 8 Arc: 1 Acc: 1
2 May 2020, 19:22
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth, and also ability Fearless
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it):

The family Myth has until recent history never had the traits of parselmouth. But Parcel's mother marrying his father changed this. Parcel’s mom is the Myth of his parents, and his father took that name as he cut ties with his own heritage. Parcel has been told very little of his father's side of the family, mostly that they live in Germany and seem to still be alive, but doesn’t visit. He has also picked up from listening in on his father talking a few times that his dad doesn’t like them much.

Parcel’s father was originally named Otto Adelgrief, from an old line of wizards of the same name. He changed his first name when he was old enough and took his wife’s last name when they married in an effort to cut ties completely with the Adelgrief’s.
The parseltongue comes from this line of wizards. The Adelgrief’s are an old fairly powerful line of wizards and firm supporters of wizard supremacy. They keep up appearances toward the public as well as they can, but lobby extensively for wizard supremacy behind closed doors.

Because of this they are also fervently believers of pure wizard lines. They accept the birth of muggle born magic-users but are in the belief that the purer lines are much stronger than the muggle born wizards. Through this they have the unsavory tendency of almost seeing bloodlines as a form of currency, one they believe to be quite rich in.

They are known to have born several parselmouths through the centuries and claim to have their bloodline intermingled with that of Herpo the Foul, but have not been able to produce any evidence of this. All that is known is that they do have the genes for producing parselmouths. In the middle ages there is supposed to have been a very great chance of an Adelgrief child having the ability and the family took great care to capitalize on this. Gaining a great part of their fortune by wedding dowries given to marry into the family, and the Adelgrief genes are therefore mingled into several other prominent wizarding families in central Europe.

If it's because of something else, or “the watering down” of their genes, the Adelgrief’s have had fewer parselmouths born into their family in newer centuries, making each new Adelgrief child born with it that much more valuable.
Parcel's father has been able to cut cleanly away from his family thus far, but after realizing his son has the family’s very sought after trait he has grown afraid of his relatives wanting to intervene.

Parcel himself has been sheltered from the family politics, but he has been sternly told not to flaunt his abilities by his father. Parcel is entirely okay with this, as he is mortified people will find out his dark secret, for Parcel it's the shame of being like a dark wizard, because to him parselmouth is a sure sign of being an evil magic user, while his father fear his side of the family will hear and try to intervene in raising his son.

515 Words.

Parcel is in many ways afraid of a lot… wait what? You are thinking that right now, right? Hehe. Well, Parcel has fears like anyone has fears. He has had his fair share of scary encounters with girls, and while he probably doesn't fear them he sure as heck is intimidated by them. He fears his mom, she’s a scary lady okay, don’t judge.

But he is fearless in the face of danger. Foolhardy one might say, heroic? Maybe, but probably not. He will face down anyone for what he cares about. He will think it's scary, he will feel unnerved. He will have cold sweats down his back, the hair on his neck will stand on edge, he might stagger back, but then he will steady his footing, he will take a deep breath, swallow his doubt, grind his teeth together, ready himself and finally… finally he will push forward. Because that's who he is, he is fearless. He will oppose anything in the face of what really matters. His dreams, his friends, his family, love, ideals, danger, these are things where Parcel shows his mettle. Where he takes a stand. And in those moments he is fearless.

Parcel has never had a terrible childhood. He has no incredible dangerous horrible experience to define his life after. He never lived on the streets as a homeless urchin. He never had to sell matches on christmas eve to support himself. He never lost his parents to murderers and lived in their murderers house, or any house except his family's house for that sake.
He was never abused by either parents or grandparents, in fact, they love him very much, and support him in most of his choices. The most traumatizing experience Paracelsus has had is crashing a broom into a tree, hitting his head and gaining a scar in the process.
Paracelsus' fearlessness probably stems from his family. His upbringing has given him the safety and security to grow and develop a healthy belief in his own ability and the self assurance to act in threatening situations. He understands that a situation is or can be dangerous, but he rises above the fear and acts. Instead of wallowing in a scary situation he channels that into what he has to do to get out of it. Or instead of falling prey to the intimidation from others he clench his fists together and does what needs to be done.

And that, together with a fair share of foolishness, is why Paracelsus Adger Myth is fearless.

424 words
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: This will serve as your change/update to your stats as well.
The stats in my Encyclopedia currently is from the first stat system, the one before the 4-stat one, and i am updating them now together with adding the points up to 40 :)
Status: Approved

We'll all die one day, but all other days we won't
sta: agi: str: con: acp: acc: Broom: Comet 260
3 May 2020, 00:40
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:

Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for:

Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): [500 words for a race and talent, 400 words for an ability, please include word count. This would include things such as how this entered your family line or how you were exposed to it in cases of Lycanotrophy. This would also include mentioning or updating your appearance, mannerisms or build to reflect this ability or change. This can be completed in-character first or second person or from a third person perspective.

During the ball, Aida implied that she was a cave enthusiast:

“So I guess for my hobbies I read a lot and then did a lot of exploring the natural world. I wish I could take you there! Out in the chasm gullies and caverns and old-growth forests... I heard there is a cave of gigantic crystals bigger than a person, out in Mexico.”
As a matter of fact, Aida spent a lot of time exploring caves during her youth in the Highlands. What she did not mention was that spelunking was largely a coping mechanism for living with her abusive foster parent. Going to her special dark cave was how she could feel alone, surrounded by exquisite silence and a lack of visual stimuli. This was very useful in centering herself, so Aida would spend hours upon hours learning every curve and dip of her secret base. She had ample time to explore before having to bring the sheep or horses to a new pasture, after all. By spending so much time in such a dark place, her other senses became heightened. In a number of threads Aida exhibits strange affinities for her non-visual senses, such as for scent and hearing (example 1, example 2, example 3 ).

As she continued to grow, caves (real or imagined) would continue to be a place of collecting her thoughts, but the reason for this is slightly more complicated. After the incident with Manticore (link) and learning about the imprisonment of her parents at Azkaban (link), Aida has become fixated on the terror of confined places. Thereafter she developed claustrophobia (example 1, example 2, example 3) after relocating from the wide-open countryside to Hogwarts, activities for which often take place inside of rooms. An exception to this is the library, loved by Aida for its high ceilings and bright windows. Her recurring nightmares about her imprisoned parents do not help with her claustrophobia. The worst thing about rooms for Aida is that when the walls feel close, they seem to be closing in. In order to cope with the visual terror of the walls, Aida often closes her eyes during class in order to pretend she is just in a cave again. Even though the walls still echo sound in a way that indicates that she is in a small space, Aida is accustomed to thinking that it still sounds safe due to her experience with caves. It is really the visual cues that can trigger her claustrophobia. As a result, Aida continues to exercise her other senses when she has to close her eyes during a bout of claustrophobia.

To sum up, Aida has developed Blindvision from a life of intimately exploring dark caves and she maintains these skills as a coping strategy for her current phobias. It can be hard for her to get out of bed in the morning, though, since she sometimes does not want to leave the dark embrace of sleep.
Word Count: 472

Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: This will serve as your change/update to your stats as well.

Stamina✵ 5
Evasion✵ 5
Strength✵ 4
Wisdom✵ 8
Arcane Power✵ 9
Accuracy✵ 4

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Aida Mòrsgor-Ama Ellwood on 8 May 2020, 04:16, edited 5 times in total.

★ Valentin's Ency ☆ ☄ койрыклы йолдыз килә-ә ☄ ☽ Aida's Ency ☾
5 May 2020, 05:58
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Comprehend Languages (Veela)
Statistics: Stamina: 6, Evasion: 7, Strength: 5 Wisdom: 7, ArcPower: 5, Accuracy: 5 (Human)
By the time she was five years old, Elodie was fluent in three languages. As an infant, Elodie's mother spoke two languages to her: the Fang language (Elodie's grandfather's tongue) and French (Elodie's grandmother's tongue) as so she was naturally able to speak the both of them. Elodie's mother's English was poor, and so it wasn't until Elodie begun attending childcare - when she was two years old - that she was forced to learn English. Nevertheless, by the time Elodie had started primary school, at the age of five, her English skills were as good as her peers.

As she grew older, Elodie built a love for books, and not just any. She preferred old books, Greek tragedies, Icelandic sagas, and Italian poems. These introduced her to history, philosophy, astrology and sociology, topics which she then further studied. These books were not easy to read, and as her library grew, her English skills grew. Elodie was able to read some French classics, like Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (The Count of Monte Cristo) and Les Misérables, but there was no literacy for her to improve her skills of the Fang language. Her French and English grew, while her knowledge of the Fang language was stagnant. When Elodie moved in with her father, she found herself longing to get closer with him, even though he constantly ignored her advances. She quickly noticed that her father spoke Spanish (his parents' language) at home, and a sweet, yet slightly childish and naive, idea came to mind. Perhaps if she learnt Spanish, her father speak more often? And so she borrowed a pile of books from the local library, and began studying. Of course, without a teacher, Elodie can only speak common phrases, but her knowledge of language continued to grow.

At Hogwarts, Elodie found herself fascinated by magical languages. They were completely different to human languages, and Elodie read about them obsessively. One of the languages quickly stood out from the others: the Veela tongue. As beautiful as its speakers, Veela music has the power to cloud men's minds and make them want to do insane and self-destructive things. Struck by the beauty and uniqueness of such a language. Elodie delved deeper into this intriguing subject. She slowly began to learn more and more. As her knowledge grew, Elodie began testing it out, having conversations with herself in the Veela language. And, after months of practicing and studying, Elodie was able to add another language to her language resume.
Word Count: 416
STATUS: Approved

"𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐦𝐬, 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞"
Elodie Nyangui | #B8860B
STA - 6, EVA - 9, STR - 5, WIS - 7, ARC - 6, ACC - 7
5 May 2020, 20:55
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread:
Name of Ability that you are Applying for:
Cat's Grace
Describe why this fits your character:
Caitlyn Boyne had always known every word spoken at her primary school. Nobody could pinpoint exactly how, but she did, and that was the end of that. Some claimed that she had supersonic hearing and that she just had to focus on a mumble to hear everything they said. Others theorised that she could read the minds of her classmates and that was how she knew everything. Despite all the speculations and the possibility that one of them should be right, none of them ever were. Maybe, if those people were more in the dark, they might have been spot on with their theories. Maybe if they had heard closely they could have heard the tiny tap-taps of the rocks moving close to them. But, alas, nobody ever did. And so, Caitlyn could continue knowing.
Caitlyn was five-years-old when she attempted to sneak out of bed and inadvertently test her ability on that late Friday night. She knew the basics: stay in the dark, be as quiet as possible and don't get caught. But, even so, she shouldn't have been as good as she was. The creaky floorboards barely creaked. Her balance was impeccable. The hours leading up to this, she was a nervous wreck. But now, seeing as she had some kind of advantage, she felt as fine as the air she was breathing. That night, she had a goal: find out about her babysitter's boy toy and ruin everything. Caitlyn poked her head round the corner of the wall. Her babysitter, with her back turned, was on the phone to her boyfriend. How did Caitlyn know this? She put on her "cute" voice rather than her whiny one. Well, it was as cute as a six-foot-tall fourteen-year-old's voice could get. All of a sudden, her back turned. Caitlyn hurriedly hid behind the wall, sweating. The babysitter walked towards her. She had to put her fist in her mouth to stop her teeth chattering. And as soon as it started, it was all over.
From then on, Caitlyn made it her mission to get better with her cat-like ability. She constantly asked her sister for advice, which was given in plentiful amounts, and she begged her father for just a few minutes longer on her electronics allowance. All Fridays beyond the day she got caught, Caitlyn practised everything she had learnt from the week before. Each of these days, she improved her skill, and every day she was so close to ruining everything. But she was always caught, in the end. However, on the Friday before her ninth birthday, Caitlyn knew that she had made tremendous progress. And she was ready to show it off. She heard every word of the conversation with that man, kept her giggles down her throat and waited for a chance to sabotage the person she hated most. The girl went for a cigarette. Caitlyn went up to the girl's pink-cased mobile phone. A huge cloud of smoke erupted from her babysitter's mouth. Caitlyn typed up a devious text to her parents. The girl came back, throwing the cigarette on the floor. Caitlyn had sent the text minutes ago. Mission accomplished.
Word count: 527
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 5 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 8 Arcane Power: 5 Accuracy: 7

STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Caitlyn Boyne on 7 May 2020, 17:35, edited 1 time in total.

Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do.
Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
5 May 2020, 23:01
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Here
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Dhampir
Describe why this fits your character:
Explain where you got the genetic trait you are applying for:
The boy ran down the stairs of his house. "Where is it?!" He would mumble to himself as he quickly turned to his left and entered the living room. His father would put down his book and look at him. "What's going on son?" His father said curiosity. The boy frowned, he never acted this way before but he needed to find it. So he ignored his dad and walked past the couch and went straight ahead. He was now in their giant library, it took up half of their house. It was so tall that we needed a ladder to reach some books.

The boy moved the ladder to the D section. He climbed up a few rungs on the ladder and scanned all the books on the shelves, he could see and reach. "Where is it!" The boy yelled agitated. His father came rushing, this surprised the boy and made him jump. Which causes the ladder to start wobbling. The boy hung on to the ladder scared he was going to fall. His father immediately grabbed the bottom of the ladder to keep it stable. "What are you doing Charles!" His father said sternly.

Ignoring his father he climbed higher. He again scanned all of the books trying to find what he was looking for. "Get down here right now!" His father said trying to make him come down. "WHERE IS IT!" The boy yelled and stomped his foot. Again the ladder shook and the boy clung on dearly. His father being worried did what he could to keep the ladder stable. The boy climbed down a few rungs giving up. Then something caught his eyes. There it was a book about dams.

The eight-year-old boy smiled and grabbed the book. He then climbed down the ladder and hugged his father. His father sighed in relief then said. "It's getting late, you should head to bed. And if you do that again you are in big trouble. Do you understand Charles?" The boy nodded his head then headed to the stairs. Once he got to the second floor he turned to the right and the right again. At the end of the hall was his room. So he entered his room and closed his shades.

When the boy finished getting ready for bed he grabbed a flashlight. He hopped onto his bed and grabbed the book about dams from under his pillow. He opened up the book and began reading, he must have got lost in the book because it was almost 10 at night. Then there was a creak like a window opening. Charles got off of his bed and saw a window open, he could have sworn he closed it. He just rolled his eyes and closed the window and put closed the shades. He noticed that his closet was open, but he usually left it open.

He then plopped himself on his bed and turned his flashlight back on. As he began reading he heard a creak, when he turned around he saw a vampire. Before he could react the vampire lunged at the boy, the boy's head hit the wall hard when he tried to escape and everything went black. The boy groaned as he was awoken by his parents. "Oh my god. Oh my god." His mother would say as she paced around the room. His father grabbed his mother's shoulders and sighed. "It's going to be okay, see he's awake." His father said trying his best to remain calm.

"What's going on?" He asked. Then his memories slowly came back to him. "Vampire." He said quietly, he then jumped out of his bed and ran to the bathroom. His skin was unusually pale like way more pale than normal. "What happened to me?!" He yelled at his parents when he saw them through the doorway. That's when he saw it the bite marks on his skin. He opened his mouth and his canines were gone. They were only gaps were they used to be, he looked at his parents for answers.
WC: 679
Describe any additional characteristics that may apply to your character:
Ever since he was bitten when he was eight his skin became pale and corpse like. He learned the hard way when he stayed outside half an hour, he sunburned way too easily. And it was very painful when that happens. It was like the sun was trying to kill him. After a few days his eye color became black. His fingernails grew longer and a bit sharper. He had gaps were his canines should be. But since his mouth was not very large it was not very noticable. He always looked sickly because of his very pale skin. And when he cried feeling sorry for himself he cried tears of blood. He also had a small craving for blood but he thought that was gross and ignored it. And whenever he tried to make friends with his parents friends kid they seemed to get goosebumps and avoid him. He hated it, it was like torture.
Total WC:835
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 5 Evasion: 2 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 6 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 7
STATUS: Approved
Last edited by Charles Simmons on 13 May 2020, 16:47, edited 11 times in total.

"Things can change from the worst to the best. But only if you can change it yourself. Cause nobody is going to change it for you." ~Charles Simmons
Stamina: 6 Evasion: 4 Strength: 4 Wisdom: 7 Arcane Power: 6 Accuracy: 8
6 May 2020, 00:30
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Mars Baize T'ien
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Parselmouth
Describe why this fits your character:
Mars has never been and will never be described as social. The small number of friends they've made in muggle schools would probably describe them as cold, sarcastic, and cruel even, with the loose control they possess over their silver tongue. In all regards, humans have never been Mars's first choice of friends. The only ones they've ever gotten truly close to are their brothers. However, Mars has always had a fond appreciation and a keen interest in snakes, spiders, and other creepy-crawlies. They've never met a spider they don't like and the only thing they've ever asked Lady Estella and Sir Kyron for is a pet snake (which got turned down, for obvious reasons).

They'd never noticed, but they've got a special touch when it comes to such creatures. In kindergarten, they were sitting in the grass during recess when a small garter snake slithered up to them. Instead of freaking out, they smiled and delicately stroked its head. When the teachers called home, Mars' true mother (whom they don't remember at all currently, beyond a knowledge she existed) only laughed, saying the snake wouldn't do them any harm.

In 1st grade, the class pet, a large corn snake, broke out of its tank and slid over to their desk. They didn't notice, not until the scaly thing gently rested its head on Mars' stationary hand. Several of the other kids had freaked out, watching the snake make its way over to the red-haired student, and alerted the teacher. When the teacher tentatively came over to put it back, the snake was curled in a ball on top of Mars' math homework. As the teacher lifted it carefully, Mars asked her if she could turn the heat lamp of the snake's tank up by 5 degrees. The teacher quietly put the snake in and did so. She never asked why.

Events like that happened sporadically throughout the year. No one ever called Mars out on it, so they continued to believe it was only normal, never dwelling on the fact it was strange.

When they turned seven, their parents died in an accident Mars can't remember. They didn't notice, too lost in their own grief, but while they were seated in front of the gravestones, several brown snakes slithered up behind them, tilting their heads down in their own way of paying respects. They had and have no other relatives to take them in, so they and their five brothers were put into the foster care system and eventually all adopted by Sir Kyron and Lady Estella. After that, Mars blocked everything that had ever happened before the accident out of their mind. Including the snakes.

Still, memories are one thing, but emotions are another. They never lost that draw to the creatures they had always had. Between school and babysitting their brothers, Mars hardly ever had any time to spend with themself. They wanted to pursue music but lessons and practice were too time-consuming and tedious. They considered cooking, but that was already a skill they had built up over the many nights Sir Kyron and Lady Estella left the children alone in the house to fend for themselves. So they threw all extra time they had into the study of strange creepy-crawlies.

All the library books they check out for weeks were about snakes and spiders. They learned quite a bit about the strange creatures, everything from diet to odd habits. The streets of Newchurch were never an ideal place to find snakes, but spiders ran aplenty.

Hogwarts is a new time and experience. It also had grass. And a forest. And isn't populated by a bunch of muggles who are terrified of common house spiders and bees. Mars is a parselmouth. They just... have to relearn it again.
WC: 630
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system:
Stamina: 6
Evasion: 2
Strength: 4
Wisdom: 6
Arcane Power: 7
Accuracy: 5
STATUS: Approved

[ Home, they said. I should like to go home. ]
STA: 6 | EVA: 10 | STR: 3 | WIS: 9 | ARC: 5 | ACC: 10
6 May 2020, 15:37
DO NOT POST HERE: Application for Magical Races/Talents and Special Abilities
I hope it's okay that I apply for all three that I would like at once (I've been away from HiO for quite some time and have a fair amount of catching up to do. I read the prerequisites though, so the ones I'm applying for would count for Amadea's first year and second year and then now for her third year.
Link to your encyclopedia thread: Amadea
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Advanced Casting
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): Amadea had always been nervous about going to Hogwarts. She automatically felt as though she was at a disadvantage. She had heard the stories her grandmother had told her about the school and the wizarding community, but never in a million years had Amadea thought that she could have been part of that community. She felt like she was at a disadvantage compared to the rest of her peers, simply because many of them had been around magic their entire lives. She had never even seen a spell until she stepped foot onto school grounds.

This was why Amadea decided she had to be focused and determined on her studies, so as not to fall behind the other students. It was embarrassing enough that she had to learn about the entire culture of the wizarding world as well as the course material itself. She didn't want to look like a babbling idiot in her classes, so she kept all of her books with her at all times, spending every spare second she could working on schoolwork.

Of course, this wasn't anything new for Amadea. Even back in Muggle school she always put in the effort, doing all of the work to the best of her ability. It baffled her that some students could easily blow off their work or not complete an assignment to their full potential. To her, it seemed like they were throwing away their future. Being prepared was something that Amadea always thrived off of. She often made lists and kept herself on a rigid schedule to make sure that she was ready for anything.

Throughout her first year at Hogwarts, Amadea learned that sticking to the same schedule wasn't always necessarily a good thing. Sometimes she had to take risks or do something unplanned. Of course, that often had lead to some disastrous situation that landed her or a friend in the infirmary, but it was still thrilling to have those types of adventures. However, despite this growth Amadea made, she still spent many nights during her first year at Hogwarts in the common room, reading her books and practicing spells in order to be prepared for her classes. While her friends would be out walking around or having fun, she would be hard at work, studying.

This hard work paid off, however. Amadea received high marks in many of her classes and the hard work and dedication she put into her studies showed how committed she was. Despite missing out on bonding time occasionally or feeling left out of new inside jokes her friends had formed while she was studying, she enjoyed her studies and the time she spent working hard on her classes.

WC: 449
Please list out your stats using the 6-point stat system: STAMINA: 9
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Evasive Maneuvers
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): During her first year at Hogwarts, Amadea had mainly focused on her studies. When she first arrived at Hogwarts, this was easy. She was a very shy person, which contrasted from the rest of the friendly and outgoing Hufflepuffs, and it was hard for her to come out of her shell to make new friends. She would sweat at the thought of talking to someone or starting a conversation. So, Amadea was able to spend a lot of time studying.

However, by the end of her first year, this had changed. She had met so many new people that had forced her to come out of her shell and had made her less scared about being around people. She made some amazing friends that she couldn't wait to see more in her second year. However, the one thing her friends couldn't change about her was her fear of Quidditch. The second Amadea heard about Quidditch, she was skeptical. People flying around on brooms that were only a few inches wide up high in the air did not sound safe to her. What if they fell off and injured themselves? Not to mention there were people on the Quidditch team specifically aiming to maneuver giant balls in your direction to knock you off your broom. Maybe it was because she was a Muggle-born, but the game just seemed ludicrous to Amadea. I'll take a pass on that one, she thought. Even though she learned a lot during her flying classes, she still had no reason why she should join the Quidditch team.

Instead, she found another team that sparked her interest: dueling. Dueling arguably was as dangerous as Quidditch, with the many hexes that were being cast at others, but Amadea loved it. She liked the feeling of using her magic and trying to decipher what her opponent was going to do. She joined the dueling club and spent many nights in the Hufflepuff Common Room practicing her spells and defense. Even though many of her friends scoffed at her and told her how much better Quidditch was, Amadea didn't care. She had found something that she loved and she would work as hard as she did at her studies to be good at it.

Throughout her second year at Hogwarts, Amadea worked hard at school and dueling but also went on many adventures with her friends. Some of these adventures left them in somewhat perilous situations, but Amadea always managed to get out mostly unscathed. With the exception of the incident with Rhea and the terrible plants in the greenhouses, Amadea had a knack for getting out of harm's way, which was one of the many reasons why she loved dueling.

WC: 452
Name of Ability or Race/Talent that you Are Applying for: Calming Presence
Describe why this fits your character (not why you the player want it): When Amadea first arrived at Hogwarts, she had been skeptical about her sorting. Of course, everyone went on about how the Sorting Hat was never wrong and that everyone was in the correct house, but she couldn't help thinking that maybe she was the exception to the rule: surely she couldn't be a Hufflepuff!

All of the Hufflepuffs around her were loud, friendly, and bubbly. Amadea couldn't have been further from that. She was a scared and shy first year, wanting to study alone in the common room rather than go out and hang out with people on the grounds. She was an introvert, while many of the Hufflepufs she knew were extroverts. They were loud while she was quiet. The vast differences between her and her Housemates made her feel as though she had been put in the wrong House. It was hard for her to relate to her Housemates, as they all had such different personalities from her.

However, as Amadea adjusted to life at Hogwarts and began making friends, she began to realize that the Sorting Hat might not have been completely wrong about her. Sure, she still loved spending her time alone studying, like a typical Ravenclaw would, but she learned that she also enjoyed being with her new friends. She slowly started realizing that her Hufflepuff characteristics were buried beneath her shy exterior, coming out more as she formed new bonds with people.

By the end of her second year, Amadea was known amongst her friends as the "kind and friendly" one. She hated it when people were sad or upset and did her best to comfort them. If she couldn't give them advice, she could at least give them a friendly shoulder to cry on. Even when Amadea went back home for the summer, she always helped her sister when she was upset or struggling with something, comforting her sister and telling her that everything would be okay.

Maybe it was just Amadea's optimistic personality, but she always worked hard to have a positive outlook on life and help others see their full potential. She hated when people were down on themselves or beat themselves up; everyone can make mistakes but it is important to learn from them, and not to wallow. Amadea hoped that her outlook on life could help her friends also have a more positive outlook on their own lives, and inspire them to keep pushing through when the going gets tough.
WC: 411

For the formatting of the abilities, could you make it another section in my trunk (and format it the same as all of the other sections) and make it look like this:
Advanced Casting
Evasive Maneuvers
Calming Presence

STATUS: Approved

happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way