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24 May 2019, 12:25
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 


In the ash, a spark he smoulders,
Crackling, rasping, wounded warrior,
Briars squeeze his neck and shoulders,
Suffocating in smog-fill'd air.

Still he rises, the Golden Lion,
Fears no longer yonder fright,
Strength within from those who fought him,
Blackest night turned brightest light.

- The Circle of Life by David R.
INSPO: [x] [x] [x] [x]
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 16 Sep 2019, 12:10, edited 139 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 12:31
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
Name: Isaiah Easton Lewis
Age: 12 years old, born November 14, 2007
Sexuality: Heterosexual
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Chestnut wood, with phoenix feather core, 21.6cm
Year: Second Year
Patronus: Not until 6th year
Species: Human, male
Blood Status: Pureblood, but with a mixed ancestry
Ethnicity: African English, 1/2 Sudanese
Residence: 41b Laxton Lane, West London, U.K.
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 16 Sep 2019, 12:38, edited 61 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 12:32
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
Isaiah Lewis is clearly of African descent. His skin, dark and ebony-coloured, shines when the sun is out, and thick black hair, cut in a short and plain fashion. His broad nose gives this away too, and his full lips, which are often cracked and dry.
Apart from that, Isaiah has a very oval face, which narrows like a triangle at the bottom near his chin, with a small-ish forehead and rather large, but sparse, eyebrows, straight in shape. His eyes are dark, and slightly almond, and expresses a look of independence and recklessness. His ears, rather small in size, are constantly teased, especially by his older brother, who gave him the nickname ‘elf’ for a couple of years when they were younger, much to Isaiah’s dislike.
Isaiah is a bit short for his age, but what he lacks for in height, he makes up in build. A stocky boy, which gives him a strong, tough appearance. He’s reasonably fit, although nothing to the extreme. He also has a long, thick scar running down his back, which he got one day playing soccer/football in the streets. It’s an ugly thing, jagged and deep, but is hidden most of the time with school robes. He can be embarrassed by it, but usually doesn’t really care what other people think of it. And secretly, he’s rather proud of it, he thinks it makes him look cool.
Isaiah’s closest is filled with casual clothes, crumpled and crinkled, half which have been lying on his floor for a couple of weeks. Isaiah isn’t filthy, and they’re normally clean, but he isn’t neat, and they could do with some straightening out. His wardrobe mainly consists of t-shirts and shorts in the summer, with hoodies and trousers in the winter. He loves his shoes, and can normally been seen wearing expensive shoes, that he saved up for months. And, if it’s a formal occasion, be might wear a jacket instead of a hoodie, and jeans instead of trousers. Apart from his beloved shoes, though, everything’s pretty cheap, half of them hand-me-downs.
Faceclaim: @thecaleelharris. Future faceclaim: @jameskakonge
Isaiah’s a strong-minded boy, with strong morals that he would never even think of breaking. However, sometimes these morals can be very questionable. For example, Isaiah will only do something if it is either right, or fun. If it isn’t one of these things, Isaiah won’t do it, this being the one reason why Isaiah is so often in trouble, because he doesn’t care for rules at all. Another reason for Isaiah’s disobedience is that he often doesn’t think about consequences before he does something, which normally ends in trouble.
Isaiah often comes across as rude and sullen, especially towards a stranger, because he only takes interest in people who interest him. Then, he can be enthusiastic and fun to be around; the life of the party. Get on Isaiah’s bad side, however, and he will be merciless, with no problem in cheating, lying, stealing, and getting revenge. He generally dislikes ‘cry-babies’, people who are slow, or don’t keep a promise, or those who pick an unfair fight (in saying this though, Isaiah has absolutely no problems with what he calls ‘fair’ fights, and will happily take part in one, if the situation calls for it)
Isaiah experiences his emotions strongly, whether it be anger, enjoyment or bored-ness, and is open about expressing them, but has trouble acting sympathetic towards other people, one of his major flaws, and won’t spend time caring for an injured person, unless they are very close to him, for example, a good friend, or a family member.
In the classroom, Isaiah has both some pros and cons, although admittedly, the cons do outweigh the pros. While he is talented with numbers and hands-on things, Isaiah fails miserably in art, music, English, and all other subjects. This is the same for magic subjects, Isaiah is very good in Potions, Astronomy and hands-on classes like Flying and DADA, but cannot get the hang of Charms and Transfiguration. In classes he isn’t the best at, Isaiah looses focus quickly, and will fall asleep, start fidgeting with the objects around him, or start mucking around with someone around him.
In his spare time, Isaiah loves to play sport. He’s pretty good at contact sports and ball sports, and his sturdy build is perfect for those types, and while he’s a good at 100 meters when it comes to sprinting, Isaiah could never pace himself in a marathon.
"Warriors aren't the ones who always win; they're the ones who always fight " - Unknown
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:40, edited 57 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 12:33
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
On the 14th of November 2007, a baby born was born, at a hospital somewhere in London.
Naila, his mother, held him tight in her arms, and rocked him back and forth slowly, her attention trained on the sleeping face. She may have just given birth, but Naila was as strong as ever. She lips were pulled up into a smile, and her eyes burned bright with passion.
The father of the baby, Easton, walked up to the side of the hospital bed. He had just gone to remove the smock he had to wear during the birthing but had left the rubber gloves on. With these gloves, he tentatively touched his son’s forehead, and smiled. A gentle man, he was.
The hospital door swung open, and two small figures burst in, one on sturdy legs, the other swaddling over slowly.
“Wow. Is that Isaiah?” the elder asked, a boy of 5 years, going on his tippy-toes to see the top of the bunk. “But h’s so small! How am I meant to play with him?”
Easton laughed, and turned to grab his other child 2-year-old Emilia and lifted her up onto the bed beside her mother. The toddler took on of the baby’s hands gently, and examined it, wowed by the extent of its smallness.
Later that day, the family would take Isaiah home, wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. They would place him in a little cot, had had been his sibling’s before him, and Naila would tuck him in goodnight.
As Isaiah grew, so did his personality. He was a kicking, screaming, bundle, hard to manage and hard to quiet. He would keep his parents up late at night and would refuse to eat any food they gave him. It was harsh on the family, and Isaiah was too young to understand the problem. But, it would soon be solved.
When Isaiah was still in his first year, he fell very, very jealous of his two older brothers. They, unlike Isaiah, were constantly praised by their parents. Dylan, his older brother, was surrounded with proud parents whenever he achieved a good mark at school, and even more so when his first sign of magic appeared, and he set his school bag on fire. Emilia was also praised, she was a charming girl, with a smart mouth that, even at the age of three, was able to get her out of situations. Isaiah got none of this praise, and in fact was often forgotten. So, Isaiah decided that he would be exactly like his siblings.
To his parents excitement, Isaiah’s speech began to improve. His steps were sturdier, and he ate anything that was put in front of him. But, the attention to Isaiah was short lived. When the boy was 3 years old, another sibling was born, a girl, who they named Ayla.
When Isaiah turned five, his parents sent him to the nearest primary school.
Although Isaiah still hadn’t experienced magic yet, he knew what his family was, and that he must never, ever speak of their differences. He had met other magical families, of course, and even had a couple of friends, but for the majority of his childhood, Isaiah didn’t have a lot of contact with the wizarding world.
Slinging his backpack over his shoulders, Isaiah half-wished that he could grab Dylan’s hand as he walked though the school gates. But he knew that it would never happen. Dylan was ‘cool,’ and had made it clear to Isaiah that he was anything but cool. He was a baby compared to Dylan’s friends, and babies are definitely not cool. If Isaiah grabbed Emilia’s hand, he was pretty sure that she would let him. But she would them flounce through the school, showing off the fact that she was such a kind sister to her brother, so kind that she actually held his hand. 
So, instead, Isaiah hardened his heart and walked into the school by himself, looking very lost among the throng of other students.
In his primary school years, no one could say that Isaiah was clever. He was okay with numbers, and excelled in sport, but in every other subject, he seemed to fail. Reading, science, spelling. They checked him for all sorts of learning disabilities, dyslexia being just one of them. But the results came back clear. Isaiah wasn’t stupid, he was just horrible at sitting at a desk and listening.
In the playground, Isaiah was quite popular. He was a daredevil of a boy, and the other kids found him fun to be around. He broke the rules often, telling them that he wanted to do something ‘fun.’ He got in trouble, of course, but as he grew older, and his magic grew, he was often spared from punishments. 
He never had any close friends though, and that was partly because Isaiah was slightly ashamed of himself. His family wasn’t the richest, and struggled to even pay the rent, and Isaiah didn’t want his friends at school to see how poor he was.
Isaiah soon found a love for gears. He loved the way they moved and clicked together. In the magical world, some gave him strange looks, as this was a very ‘Muggle-like’ hobby. But, for reasons unknown, he loved them. He soon was using any means possible to find compasses and clocks, which he would break and apart and rebuild. He soon became quite good at it.
As Isaiah grew older, so did his siblings, and soon, Dylan and Emilia were both attending Hogwarts, leaving Isaiah with his younger, slightly annoying sister, Ayla. As they sent back owls, telling the family about what grand adventures they had had in the school of witchcraft and wizardry, Isaiah became impatient, as he waited for the day when he would receive his very own letter.
"Watch me. I will go to my own Sun. And if I am burned by its fire, I will fly on scorched wings." - Segovia Amil
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:41, edited 52 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 13:07
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
The Ahmeds
The Ahmeds arrived in Sudan a long, long time ago, before Sudan was called Sudan, and was inhabited by the people known as Funji. They came as merchants, who had heard of the land across the sea, which held buried treasures underneath its plains, with dreams of becoming richer than kings.
And rich they became. Their houses were huge, with paintings and sculptures adoring each room, and the women wore only the finest of silks, and slung golden chains around their necks. Meals came on silver platters, with food dripping in spices, served by slaves.
Good luck had fallen upon them for a certain reason. The Ahmed’s were magical. This magic allowed them to see which lands were the richest, and talk with the indigenous people, and settle agreements with them to not start conflict. Although this magic was the secret to their wealth, the Ahmeds did not tell anyone about their magic, for they were worried that others would get jealous, and angry. So, to others, the Ahmeds were completely normal.
As the years went on, the Ahmeds kept their wealth, and their importing business only grew. They intermarried with the tribes that had been there before them, and while they kept their religion of Islam, were proud to call themselves Sudanese. But this golden period was about to end.
Faisal Ahmed was now head of the Ahmed fortune. A strong man, Faisal wasn’t a man to speak ill of. He was a truthful man, and a loyal one, with a thin build and thick beard. His skin was burnt from the hours he had spent in the sun, for Faisal was not a man to let others do work for him. Everything had to be done by him, or under his eyes. He would never back down from a challenge but didn’t know how to settle with a loss. His magic, although slightly out of control, was powerful and strong, exactly like the man himself.
Faisal was married to Fatima Ahmed. Fatima, although she had grown up as a Muslim with an Arabic name, was actually descended from the Nubians, a culture which had been in Sudan since the 7000 B.C., and her father had told her many of the stories of his culture, though it was fast disappearing, and nearly forgotten. Fatima was a tentative witch, gentle and careful, but very beautiful. She was often too obedient, and too forgiving, but a caring friend.
The two were well respected, with a large sum of money in the banks, and led a happy life.
At this point in Sudan’s history, at the beginning of 1953, the country had recently been given independence, and given a name. Although it seemed to be a happy time, but unrest soon broke out. Conflicts on who should rule began to start, and Sudan became a place of violence.
Many fled the country, but not Faisal. Fatima begged him, worrying for their safety, but the man was strong as ever, and wouldn’t move. Thankfully, the violence ended in 1972, and the pair were overjoyed, especially because of the birth of their daughter, Naila, who was now three.
But war was about to start again. Faisal knew it. Countries were selling Sudan guns in large quantities, and Faisal wanted only the best for his daughter. In 1979, when Naila was 10 years old, they moved to Britain.
Although the trip had been expensive, the Ahmed wealth had paid the price, although it was significantly reduced. But the choice had never been regretted. Four years later, a second civil war broke out in Sudan.
The Ahmeds lived in a nice house, and Ahmed managed to find work. The three of them struggled at first, learning English was hard, and not all neighbours were welcome to ‘blacks’ in their community. But, in the end, they settled in.
The best part for Naila was that she got to attend Hogwarts. To here, it was like a dream come true. The customs took some getting used to, and she found it hard being the only Muslim student, but she knew how lucky she was to be there and worked hard to make her parents proud.
It was at Hogwarts that she met Easton, a fellow student, who wasn’t nearly as smart as Naila, but kind and as gentle as a butterfly. Love bloomed and continued to grow as they left Hogwarts.
The Lewis'
The Lewis family, on the other hand, had much humbler origins. They started off in Ghana, a long, long time ago, and were simple farmers in a small village. They were not smart, nor rich, and lived simple lives in their community.
But, in saying this, there was something special about this community, compared to the multiple others that surrounded them. They were a magical community. Everyone who lived in that community was either a wizard or a witch, and, by living together, they managed to keep their differences secret from others, although there were rumors of ‘witchcraft.’ The community acted like a family, teaching children how to develop their magical powers. A religion was even developed, with their own deities and gods, around their magic. Life was the same for many years, unchanging and smooth. Names long gone in history, forgotten, came and went, nobody was somebody, and that was that.
But, in the 15th century, when the white settlers arrived, everything changed. The Portuguese, mining for gold, took many other things, including other precious metals, and, more importantly, slaves. A young man, his name forgotten also, desperate for money and gold, took twenty men and women from the magical community, placed them on a boat, and sailed back to Europe.
The conditions on the boat were horrific. Tightly packed in ordered rows, the captured men and women were given the scrap foods as if they were animals, which caused sickness throughout the city. This led to vomit and stench, and terrors that would never be forgotten by the people on board. Some, so hungry for food, went crazy, and others simply gave up, quietly dying onboard.
When the slaves arrived in a Spanish port, a quarter of the captured had perished, and another quarter weren’t suitable for work. The man, who had taken the Ghanaians, was furious and nervous. It had been his first voyage, and he’d just wasted a huge amount of money. Desperate, he’d quickly sold the slaves to whoever would take them.
And that was how the descendant of the Lewis family became the slave of a struggling businessman in Spain. For the story’s sake, lets name him Lewis. Well, Lewis was an obedient servant. He did his job, adapted to life in Spain, and was a hard worker, even managing to keep his magical skill secret from his owners. The family which had taken him in were nice to him in return, looked after him well, and made sure he was comfortable. Compared to other Africans sold as slaves, Lewis had it very well. But, as stated, the businessman was struggling, and soon became bankrupt. He had to sell his house, everything he had basically, including Lewis. But the man was a considerate one and appreciated the service Lewis had given him. So, in return, the businessman allowed Lewis to leave, as a freeman.
At first, the Lewis family did alright for themselves. They were poor, yes, but worked where they could. Over time, they moved to Britain, but still lived poor lives. And since they still had magic in their veins, life was much easier than it would’ve been if they didn’t.
But, as time went on, the Lewis family became greedy, and jealous of all the money they didn’t have. Their family became dishonest, still dirt poor, and not particularly liked by the neighbors.
Samuel Lewis was a rough man, tough on his family, and abusive to his wife. He ran a small, unsuccessful drug empire in London and was feared by those who knew him. Large, bold, and not afraid to fight.
Grace Lewis was submissive towards her husband, scared of him and what he could do. Although many told her to tell someone, domestic abuse wasn’t seen as that bad in those days. And she knew that her children needed the financial support of their father, so she stayed.
Easton Lewis wasn’t a bright kid, small, skinny, and constantly scared of his family. In a rough neighborhood, he didn’t have any friends, and didn’t do well in school either. He grew up with five siblings, as jostling for attention, and he grew shy, never wanting the attention. At Hogwarts, he thrived, and became good at two things, Potions and Quidditch, which he enjoyed immensely and spent all his time doing either two of these things. He gained friends too, and life became a million times better. But, best of all, Easton met Naila, a pretty, smart girl from Ravenclaw.
The Aftermath
Easton and Naila started out with hardly any money after they left Hogwarts. After a cheap, small wedding, they rented a small place in West London, and that was how it all began.
Naila left her job at the ministry after their first child, Dylan came, and Emilia came soon after. Then came Isaiah, and Ayla.
They were never rich, and struggled, even with the two jobs that they held. The two worried that they didn’t spend enough time with their children, yet there was nothing they could do about that. Yet, slowly, day by day, they managed to get through, somehow paying the rent, and the family all loved each other, and that’s all that matters.
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:42, edited 65 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 13:39
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
Marla Quinlan:
Marla seems really nice. Her and Isaiah have a lot in common, and while her past is painful, she's fun to be around, and (though Isaiah would never admit it) very pretty as well.
Maggie Parker:
Maggie Parker and Isaiah are good friends, they met at her party and caught up for a bit on the school holidays in East London. Isaiah likes her, and she seems like a really nice person, but he doesn't know her very well yet.
Euphrasia Millie:
Description to be added.
Saskia Nickolson:
Saskia seems like a nice person, very friendly, and sociable. She's very much like a true Hufflepuff, and her and Isaiah met in the Hospital Wing one time.
Maya Hunter:
Description to be added.
Hengist Warbeck:
Very confusing. A bit too smart for Isaiah's liking, when he told Isaiah off by the Great Lake. Extremely smart, and Isaiah's not sure what to think of him.
Celynne Gray:
A smart, well-spoken girl, very intelligent, who, like Isaiah, shares a passion for mechanics. Isaiah looks up to her and likes her, but they aren't close yet.
Min-Seo Kim:
Min-seo is a really nice person, and her and Isaiah have known each other for a while, before Hogwarts. He didn't know that she was magical, however, until just recently.
"Friends don't let you do stupid things... alone." - Unknown
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:47, edited 54 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 14:55
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
Principal's Office
31st of October, 2017; Isaiah is sent to the principal's office of Elmwood Primary School after misbehaving in the school yard. (compl.)
The Sorting Ceremony
Here Isaiah was placed into Gryffindor. At first, he was unsure at what house he should be in, but in the end, decided that he was overthinking everything, and was relieved when the Sorting was done, and he was placed in Gryffindor. (compl.)

The Gryffindor Table
Isaiah is first not sure what to think about his new house, especially with his not-so-favourite brother sitting on the table, but, thinking it though, finds that it probably won't be sure a big deal anyway. (compl.)

Isaiah arrives at him dorm, and at first is slightly disheartened by the sight of his trunk, which brings back not-so-happy memories of sibling rivalry, but is cheered by the welcoming sight of his luxurious bed. (compl.)

Isaiah is sent to do an errand as part of staying back for the summer holidays at Hogwarts. He is made to clean the corridors, and while he is tempted to enter a staff's office, he fights the urge, and finishes the cleaning. (compl.)
Bored to the Bone: Marla Quinn
Isaiah meets Marla in the study room, where they discuss the annoyance of siblings, a trait they both seem to have in common. Isaiah likes this girl instantly, she seems like a good laugh, and also finds her extremely pretty. (coml.)

Just a Minor Bruise: Saskia Nicholson
Isaiah meets Saskia in the hospital wing, where they've both landed because of some sort of injury. Isaiah is at first embarresed to tell his story, but finds that the girl is kind and light-hearted. He likes her immensely, and hopes they'll be friends. (compl.)

Watching for a Monster: Hengist Warbeck
Isaiah has a not-very-smart idea to hunt down the Giant Squid, and Hengist, a way-smarter Second Year has the sense to come over and tell Isaiah about his stupidity. A curious conversation follows, ending with Isaiah walking off. (compl.)

Like Clockwork: Celynne Gray
Isaiah and Celynne meet on an extremely hot day in the Grounds, and talk about all types of mechanics. Isaiah looks up to Celynne, and sees her as both extremely intelligent, clever, and wiser than he is. (aban.)

Nothing: Maya Hunter
Isaiah and Maya meet in the study room, where they are bored. After talking for a little bit, they decide to go exploring, and go to the trophy room, where they start to explore the armoury and areas around it. (continued on to here. (ongo.)

Lake Party: Maggie Parker + Numerous
There is a party at the lake, set up by the wonderful Maggie Parker, who has invited all of her friends. They play many games, including daring, and talk about how they all first met Maggie, the host, at Hogwarts. (compl.)

Escaping Home: Maggie Parker
Maggie and Isaiah meet up on the school holidays, and talk about many things, including siblings, school, and how boring the holidays can be. After a while of talking, Isaiah and Maggie both leave, with plans to catch up later. (compl.)

Cabin Lagoon: Euphrasia Millie + Tabitha Green
Abandoned thread. (aban.)

Trapped in the Study Room: Min-seo Kim
Description to be added. (compl.)
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:43, edited 46 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5

24 May 2019, 14:58
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
丨The Trunk丨
Statistics →

Strength - 10 Agility - 7 Control - 4 Stamina - 9
Spells Known →

Dancing Feet Spell
Mending Charm
Potions Known →

None Yet
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 26 May 2019, 12:29, edited 4 times in total.

This is the "Game Master" account. Please do not owl this account, unless specified. This account is not moderated actively and therefore, you may not receive a response.

Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.

24 May 2019, 15:01
Isaiah Lewis|Second Year|Gryffindor  WIP 
Isaiah lives in a small townhouse in 41b Laxton Lane, West London, U.K with his family. It is neither glamous nor large, but Isaiah loves it.
There are three bedrooms, one for the girls, one for the boys, and one for the adults, and there isn't a lot of space for six people.
Isaiah's parent's are always struggling to pay the rent, but a lot of happy memories were made here, and Isaiah is extremely fond of it.

First Sign of Magic
Once, when Isaiah was 6, he lost a sharpener. It had been when he was doing homework, from his Muggle primary school. his pencil had gone blunt, and Isaiah had turned to grab his sharpener, but it wasn't there.
Isaiah looked everywhere. He went on his knees to peer under his bed, reorganized his draws, even searched through his bin, where he was disgusted to find at least six apple cores. But no sharpener.
Isaiah even ventured into the room that his two older siblings shared, but no sharpener. Dejected, Isaiah gave up and headed back to his room.
But when he sat back down on the desk, sitting right in front of him was his very own sharpener, empty and ready to use.
Extra Wand Information
Chestnut Wood - This is a most curious, multi-faceted wood, which varies greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and takes a great deal of colour from the personality of the person that possesses it. [x].
Phoenix Feather - Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. [x].
Other Information - From Mr. Ollivander, "pliable, very resilient, which requires endurance and determination, very efficient for transfiguration spells. 21.6 cm."
Color - Oxford blue, navy, olive green, mahogany
Drink - Lemonade and butterbeer
Food - Bertie Bott's Beans, chocolate frogs, and chocolate in general
Location - In the forests, at the top of the school by the big clocks and down by the lake
Class - Potions
Magical Creature - Phoenixes, Griffiths and Zouwus, but Nundus are the absolute favourite
Quidditch Team - Falmouth Falcons, it runs in the family
Clothes - Isaiah doesn't care at all about his clothes. Most of the time, he'll be dressed in casual, comfortable clothes. Hoodies, trousers, shorts and t-shirts are the norm. Whatever he's wearing, it's most likely to be crumpled.
Handwriting - Isaiah's handwriting is surprisingly pretty neat. Bold, tall letters, with large full stops. He's horrible when it comes to cursive, so most of the time he writes in print, even when it's his signature.
Voice - Husky, very husky for someone Isaiah's age. A lot have commented on the husky-ness of his voice, saying that it sounds similar to someone who has a cold.
Job - As an adult, Isaiah would be perfect for an Auror. He's fast on his feet, active, and always does what is right. However, he isn't the best at following orders, and his marks aren't at all good. He would make a good Potioneer, as Potions is the one subject Isaiah excels in, or something to do with magical animals. Whatever job he gets, it would have to be hands on, and fast-paced.
Family - Isaiah would love to have a family. The bigger the better. He isn't the best at romance, but is loyal to those close to him. In the end, he will, likely, have a family, but it will take a while, because while Isaiah is protective and tight with those close to him, only a select few are, and he's terrible at talking to girls
Last edited by Isaiah Lewis on 15 Sep 2019, 03:44, edited 66 times in total.

"Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.”

Stamina: 8丨Evasion: 4丨Strength: 9丨Wisdom: 4丨Arcane Power: 5丨Accuracy: 5