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28 May 2020, 02:22
Artemis Vernatis// Professor of Charms
Full Name: Artemis Ryan Vernatis
House: Student House: Ravenclaw/ Co-Head: Slytherin
Age: 35
Wand: 29.3 cm Cherry Wood and Dragon Heartstring
School Year: 7+
Position: Professor of Charms, Hogwarts
Patronus: N/A
Species: Human

Artemis Vernatis
Professor of Charms

28 May 2020, 02:24
Artemis Vernatis// Professor of Charms
Early Years

The man named Artemis Vernatis was an honest and non-imposing sort of man. He wasn’t one to go looking for trouble, but he also knew how to handle trouble if it sought him out. He was only four years of age when he had his first bout of accidental magic, making his toys fly at high speeds around his room and laughing as they crashed into the far wall.

From a young age, Artemis has bounced around from his home in Bath, Somerset England to Albany, New York in America and back again when he finally began his studies at Hogwarts. His mother, Arina Vernatis, was a Ravenclaw; intelligent and strong-willed against anything and everything that would think to harm her. But one presence was quite overbearing and made her fearful not only for her life but for her children's lives as well. Orbell Blackwood didn't start off as a dark wizard, but over the years, Orbell began to love the power that came from the dark arts. He became well known as a dark wizard by the ministry and was forced to take his family into hiding. He needed more power to stop the ministry from hunting him. He could take out the entire department of Aurors if he only had more power. He would take his desires too far the day he wrote out his plans for more power in his journal. Arina would find the journal after chasing a young Artemis, who was avoiding his bath, down into her husband's lab. Upon reading through the disgusting and graphic details about sacrificing the firstborn son, Arina knew that she had to leave. Orbell was willing to sacrifice his only son for some dark ritual and Arina was not going to have it. She packed up her children, sent the evidence, a copy of her husband's journal, to the Aurors, and moved out of the country. She wanted nothing to do with the trial that was sure to happen and didn't wish to deal with her husband anymore. As a lad of nine at the time, Artemis didn’t understand why they were moving away from his father, but he went with his mother anyway. She would later explain to both of her children the role of their father.

Three years would pass quickly, and the Vernatis trio would find themselves back in England to visit relatives right before the new school year began. An owl would drop off a letter to the eleven-year-old boy who never thought that he would ever attend the school that his mother attended. He saw how nervous his mother was when he opened the letter addressed to him. He had a vague idea that things were not Sunshine and daisies in the wizarding world and that his mother Would rather he attended school back in the states. But Artemis wanted to go to Hogwarts, the same as his mother. His sister said the same as he did, even though She was a year younger. The children won out and a trip to Diagon Alley was scheduled for the following week. He would begin his journey on the first of September, 1996.

Hogwarts Years

Artemis would be sorted into Ravenclaw, like his mother before him. But that didn't stop the other students from avoiding him as if he had the plague or bullying him due to being the son of Orbell Blackwood. However, he would still excel at his studies throughout his first year, especially in the subjects of Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and ignore the idiots around him, but would still hope to one day find a deep connection at the school.

By his second year, Artemis was well aware of what was going on and didn't care if his mother chose to keep him home that year. His sister was a bit more upset, but after explaining the happenings of their world and the dangers surrounding them, Athena would come to understand the extreme hesitation as well. But their understanding would do them no good as when the two students received letters, they found out that they had to mandatorily attend the upcoming school year. Diagon Alley was a quick and simple trip for the small family of three and come September they were on the Hogwarts Express to the most traumatizing year of their lives.

Artemis would sit at the Ravenclaw table, nervously waiting for his sister to be called and be sorted into her house. Any house other than Slytherin. Unfortunately, his sister was sorted into Slytherin, like their father, and the young girl was devastated. The whole school knew their names by the end of the sorting ceremony as Artemis, instead of staying at his table with his housemates, moved over to his crying sister and comforted her as best as he could, ensuring her that she wouldn’t turn out like their father and that she would be the best Slytherin their school had ever seen. He sat with her at the Slytherin table much to the irritation of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables and the staff. He also ended up with detention for his first Saturday of the school year (his second year) for his defiance, but Artemis didn't care. His sister was, and always would be, important to him.

His second year started off a little awkward, as everyone outside of his year and the various first years wanted to know about the boy who openly defied the professors on the first night. The older students would often challenge Artemis in wits, and even a few times in a battle of physical prowess, which is where he received the scar on his right eye. But Artemis would outshine all of his year mates and be top of the Ravenclaw second years. However, he would still only be second best throughout the second-year class. But he wouldn't be downhearted about that. A war was waging and toward the end of the year when the war reached the castle he went with his sister, after begging the professor who ordered the Slytherins to be locked in the dungeons to let his sister go, and flooed back home to await the results of the war. The announcement that the war was over was the best gift anyone could provide for the world. Artemis returned to Hogwarts for his third year after renovations, made a few friends finally, and excelled at the top of his year every year until he graduated.

Adult Life

Life as an adult would prove to be busy, as he pursued a better proficiency in both Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, earning both by the time he was twenty-four. However, Defense Against the Dark Arts would prove the most dangerous to learn and complete as his master at the time was secretly a Dark Wizard, similar to his own father, and had wished to use his apprentice to do his more nefarious deeds. When Artemis found out this information, a battle ensued, one that he won against his more skillful teacher, and quickly alerted the Auror force about the near-insane man. However, due to him being an apprentice, the Aurors still questioned him as a criminal and he was given an ultimatum: Leave England as an exile or go to Azkaban for conspiracy.

He chose to leave his home country but the head of the Auror Department requested that his exile be shortened to ten years, to which Artemis gratefully accepted and he left for his old, temporary, childhood home in Albany, New York. He quickly made an unwanted, but valuable friend, who worked at the American Magical School, Ilvermony, and against his wishes, the word was given to the Headmaster of the school about Artemis’ proficiency in Charms. Their current Charms professor was retiring and they were in need of a new one before the new school term started and so, he was given a position of Charms Professor at Ilvermorny. Surprisingly, he enjoyed teaching the younger generation even though he wasn’t much older than the current years he was teaching. He enjoyed seeing their faces light up when they learned a spell or when he managed to make a lesson interesting so that they could remember their lessons. But his free time over the summer was the best. He enjoyed spending his summer months hiking and exploring America's forests and animal trails since it would be difficult for a wild animal to truly harm him unless he lowered his guard. During the summer of his first year in exile, Artemis decided that he would venture to the Rocky Mountains and spend a day there taking in the view and nature. It was there that he met his wife, a Japanese Muggle named Yurina who was in America visiting her older brother. He saved her from a grizzly bear during one of his camping trips and it was love at first sight. The two were married eight months later, and the following year his son, Yuya, was born.


Ten years had gone by since his exile and in that time he had managed to marry and have a beautiful and bubbly son in the process. Soon his exile was over and he managed to convince his wife to move back to England where his family was located to live permanently. It wasn’t that he didn’t love America, but he missed home and he missed his mother and sister. They would always come to visit during the Christmas holidays but it just wasn’t the same as knowing they were only a floo port away from him. They decided to move back to England late in July of the tenth year. However, not even ten days of living with his family in their new home went by before an owl was dropping a letter in his hands, inviting him to meet with the current Headmaster of Hogwarts. With a smirk, Artemis departed to see what the man could possibly want with a supposed criminal fresh off of his exile. Another Charms teaching position awaited him the moment he walked through the doors of the Headmaster’s office and though he had wished to live in peace with his wife and son first, he knew that they also needed money in order to live the life they wanted. So he accepted the job offer and began his new journey of teaching at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that following September.

Present Day -2020-
He wouldn't say that his life wasn't interesting or wild, but it was definitely more active than it had been in the years he had lived in exile in America. The start of his teaching term last year was seriously strange as it happened to be right at the end of a horrible event that traumatized a bunch of students. He was on clean-up duty with some students as his first major role but that ended pretty well. Then his son and a student pretty much set his classroom on fire and nearly took themselves out in the process. That was a wonderful event he never wished to experience again. Then the second incident where Yuya stole his wand and failed at transfiguring himself nearly causing Artemis to have a heart attack. But the best news that Artemis received after he and his son returned back home was the fact that his wife was pregnant with their second child! Yes, Artemis would be a father once again by the end of the summer! How his wife had managed to hide the bump from him for all of those months and times that he went home on the weekends would always make him wonder, but he didn't care. He was going to be a father to a little girl! The months went by in a blur and soon Apollo Yukina Vernatis was born. As much as he didn't want to leave his newborn, Artemis soon found himself back at Hogwarts teaching his energetic students. But all of the happiness wouldn't last for long. With the students from Illvermory coming to visit Hogwarts, the staff and students figured it would be a great idea to throw a dance for Halloween. From what Artemis had known from the whispers in the hall, the dance was set on fire and many students were, yet again, scarred, traumatized, and hurt by the event. Then more bad news came when Artemis went home for the winter holidays only to find his children home, alone, and weary. His wife had left the morning he was due home and only left behind a letter for him:


I can't do this anymore. I thought I could handle the magic and your world and the fact that you would be away most of the year teaching. I thought that I could handle raising the children during the months you would be away. But all of these accidental magical encounters with Yuya have started to get out of control! And I'm lonely. I need a partnership and someone who will be there for me and with me. You aren't there for me. You are away from home all the time. From me. I think that I have fallen out of love with you. I found someone who will love me and take care of me and won't leave me for work as you have done. I will have my lawyers send the divorce papers soon.

She left him. Yurina actually packed up her things and left him. Abandoned their children to fend for themselves and moved in with another man. Was Artemis really a bad husband that he couldn't keep his wife of eleven years happy anymore? The lackluster letter tore the man's heart up and he wanted to rage and cry all at the same time. But he grabbed up his children and some extra clothes for them and flooed over to his sister's place where he asked her to take care of them while he returned to the school. He needed time to think. To comprehend what had just happened, and he told his sister as much after shoving the letter into her hand. He returned back to his office that same night, poured himself a glass of firewhiskey, started the fire in the fireplace, and just cried.

Months later, while still wallowing in his own self-pity, Artemis and his fellow colleagues learned about the Headmaster missing for about five months. It boggled his mind that it took so long for the other professors to alert the staff about the missing Headmaster, but they at least knew that they needed to work together to ensure the safety of the students. Not that they were doing a grand job of it. The Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were all being trapped in their common rooms with random mishaps going on. Now the Ravenclaws were all missing from their common room. What the hell was going on at Hogwarts?

[In Progress]

Artemis Vernatis
Professor of Charms

3 Jun 2020, 21:05
Artemis Vernatis// Professor of Charms




Artemis Vernatis
Professor of Charms

3 Jun 2020, 21:07
Artemis Vernatis// Professor of Charms


~Stamina: 12 ~ Strength: 6 ~ Evasion: 8 ~ Wisdom: 20 ~ Arcane Power: 12 ~ Accuracy:12~

~ Year 1 ~


~ Year 2 ~


~ Year 3 ~

Evasive Maneuvers

~ Year 4 ~

Non-Verbal Magic

~ Year 5 ~

Wandless Magic

~ Year 6 ~

~ Year 7 ~



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Contact a Head of House or the Headmaster if you need anything.