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22 Apr 2019, 18:24
Asher Harlan || First Year || Ravenclaw
send over an owl to rp!

|| table of contents ||

I. basics
II. wand
III. rpg list
IV. relationships
V. trunk

Last edited by Asher Harlan on 22 Apr 2019, 20:55, edited 6 times in total.

★ we'll be counting stars ★

22 Apr 2019, 18:25
Asher Harlan || First Year || Ravenclaw

|| Name ||
Asher Harlan

|| Gender ||

|| Species ||

|| Age ||
11 Years Old

|| Blood Status ||

|| House ||

|| Year ||

|| Wand ||
28,6 cm cherry wood and troll whisker

|| Patronus ||
None Yet

|| Backstory ||
The Harlan family comes nowhere from a recent bloodline of wizards or witches. They are what those from the magical world would consider a normal muggle family, a wealthy one at that. Addison and Kyle Harlan had one child first- their daughter Kendra. Their second child was Asher. He grew up like any other child, though he did attend private schools due to the wealth of his family.
His first sign of magic happened one day at his school. They were spending time outside, and Asher had been painting something (art was a hobby he had). Some of the other kids who did not like him cornered him in the yard and and taunted him. One ripped the drawing and the next thing Asher knew, they were all on the ground. The boys got up and ran, and didn't bother him since.
A month or so later, and he got his Hogwarts letter. His parents have been alerted of the situation and he is now on his way to becoming a wizard!

|| Personality ||
Asher is a total optimist. He is always looking for the silver lining of things, and he is a very hard worker. He loves working with people and enjoys social settings where he can mingle, but he is also somewhat naive and the type of person who plays things safe. He believes in seeing what a person really is like rather than listening to rumors or what others say. Asher isn't super studious, but he knows how to cheer people up.

|| Appearance ||
Asher is tall for his age, standing at five feet and four inches. He has medium brown colored hair. It is very messy, and he combs it down only for formal events or when his parents force him to. His eyes are a deep blue, and his eye contact can seem rather intense at times because the color is so bright up close. Asher smiles as often as possible, and his hands are almost always waving around to gesture. Face claim is Alex Lange.
Last edited by Asher Harlan on 22 Apr 2019, 20:50, edited 8 times in total.

★ we'll be counting stars ★

22 Apr 2019, 18:26
Asher Harlan || First Year || Ravenclaw
|| 28,6 cm cherry wood and troll whisker ||
"Whippy, particularly effective for transfirguration, but a bit less for charms."

|| Wood | Cherry ||
"This very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind."

|| Core | Troll Whisker ||
"The strengths of wand does not lie in more theoretical and airy magic- like transfiguration, charms, divination, and arithmancy -but lies more in physical, concrete magic- herbology, care of magical creatures, ancient runes, and magical craftsmanship. Troll whisker does produce strong magic, but it takes a wizard of great mental strength to redirect it in a productive or positive manner."

|| Appearance ||

Last edited by Asher Harlan on 22 Apr 2019, 20:39, edited 4 times in total.

★ we'll be counting stars ★

22 Apr 2019, 18:27
Asher Harlan || First Year || Ravenclaw
|| Format ||:
rpg name (linked) | year | location | people involved

|| Completed ||
none yet!

|| Solo ||
none yet!

|| Ongoing ||
none yet!

|| Abandoned ||
none yet!
Last edited by Asher Harlan on 22 Apr 2019, 20:50, edited 4 times in total.

★ we'll be counting stars ★

22 Apr 2019, 18:27
Asher Harlan || First Year || Ravenclaw
|| Format ||:
Name | Year | Relationship | Comments

|| Ravenclaw | The Wise ||
none yet!
|| Gryffindor | The Brave ||
none yet!
|| Slytherin | The Ambitious ||
none yet!
|| Hufflepuff | The Kind ||
none yet!

Last edited by Asher Harlan on 22 Apr 2019, 19:49, edited 2 times in total.

★ we'll be counting stars ★