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12 Mar 2019, 21:59
Leo Butler * First year* Gryffindor

Full Name: Leo Butler
House: Gryffindor
Age: 11
Birthday: August 2nd
Wand: 34,4 cm, Mayhaw wood, Phoenix feather core
School Year: First Year
Patronus: Unknown
Possible Patronus: Peacock
Species: Human

History/Background Story

Throughout his eleven years, Leo Butler has led a charmed life. Growing up he wanted for little, his mother, Celeste, is a successful cosmetologist, well known for some of the most recent developments in the world of magical skincare, as well as being the creator of the popular make-up brand 'Luminescence'. His father, Atticus, a famous former seeker for the Montrose Magpies, turned coach.

As the only child, Leo was the center of their world. He was showered with gifts, money and as much attention as his parents could spare when they weren't away working. When they weren't able to spend time with him his care was entrusted between his nanny and his personal house elves Razzle and Dazzle.

However, Leo was in the public eye before he could walk and this only grew as he got older. His parents took every opportunity to show off their son, posing at quidditch games, photo opportunities with Witch Weekly, the list goes on. Luckily Leo took to the spotlight like a duck to water, the constant attention never really bothering him.

His first burst of accidental magic came when he was three years old. Just before he was set to appear in a photo shoot with his parents for an interview a member of the team sent by the magazine tried to get him to wear an outfit from a designer they were sponsoring at the time of the issue. Young Leo disapproved, the outfit spontaneously burst into flames, his mother applauded his good taste.


Short black hair, large brown eyes, so dark that they almost look black too and a slender build. He takes a lot of pride in his appearance, always looking neat and clean. His personal wardrobe is quite preppy and consists of designer clothing. His mother's side of the family is originally from India, with his maternal grandfather also being half French, and he mainly takes after her in regards to his looks, the only thing he'll inherit lookswise from his father being his height, eventually standing at around 5ft 10. He's 4ft 9 at the moment.
Last edited by Leo Butler on 18 Mar 2019, 12:40, edited 4 times in total.

12 Mar 2019, 22:12
Leo Butler * First year* Gryffindor


When Leo's in the room you're going to notice he's there whether you like it or not. He's loud, confident and going to make his opinion heard. Due to his upbringing, he's grown used to people scrutinizing his every move, his family, his clothes, who he spent time with. Rather than becoming insecure, he built up a shell of indifference. Judge him and he's going to judge you twice as hard. He's an honest person, sometimes too honest not appreciating that other people aren't as hardened to criticism as him, but he'll not lie to make somebody feel bad, the truth will do just fine.

He loves anything that allows him to be creative, taking after his mother in this regard, art, fashion, and beauty being his main interests. Due to his father's influence, he's also a big quidditch fan and enjoys playing as both a seeker and a chaser. On the other hand, he's not particularly academic and can come across as a ditz in that regard, often saying the first thing that comes into his mind whether it's correct or not. Luckily he's not a hypocrite, as truthful as he is to others he can also accept when he's in the wrong and will take any genuine correction well.

As a friend, he can be very generous. he wants to have fun and if his friend can't afford to, well he can so why should they miss out? This can either go down really well or really badly depending on the person he's with. If someone refuses to let him pay due to feeling uncomfortable then he'll usually stop after a few tries, although he won't understand. The one thing he can't stand is being used, despite being book dumb he's pretty perceptive and has been around enough people to recognize someone taking advantage of him. If he finds someone trying this with him it'll be hard to change his mind about that person afterward.
Last edited by Leo Butler on 13 Mar 2019, 18:06, edited 2 times in total.

12 Mar 2019, 22:17
Leo Butler * First year* Gryffindor
RP Checklist

First Year


12 Mar 2019, 22:23
Leo Butler * First year* Gryffindor






