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31 Oct 2018, 14:58
Evie Green, First Year, Hufflepuff
Full Name: Evelyn Miriam Green (AKA Evie Green)
House: Hufflepuff
Age: 11
Wand: 33.1 cm cherry wood and thunderbird tail feather
School Year: 1st Year
Patronus: (Not applicable until 6th years): None (as of now)
Species: (Human, Vampire, Veela, etc. - must be registered) and approved: Human
History/Background Story: This would be your character’s life prior to Hogwarts as well as what has happened during your time at Hogwarts.

Evelyn Miriam Green is a Muggle-born Irish with her parents running a furniture shop. Evelyn's father works in a furniture shop, while her mother stays home while her husband works. Her mother takes care of Evie and her three older sisters. She also will take on any task sent her way that her sisters could never dream of. She is a tomboy, and is impatient. When Evie received her Hogwarts letter, her life seemed complete. She was so excited when she got her Hogwarts letter. Her parents are muggles, and would love to see her go to Hogwarts. Even though it would mean that they wouldn't get to see her very much that year. Evie is excited about Hogwarts, and can't wait to attend the beautiful school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her sisters are a little jealous of the attention Evie got, but they are sorry to see her go. Evie also took contemporary classes when she was little, and thoroughly enjoyed them. Now she was ready to go to Hogwarts. During her time at Hogwarts, Evie enjoyed learning about magic. Her favorite subject was Herbology, and History of Magic.

Personality: Happy, Outgoing, A bit loud
Likes: Gymnastics, Dance, Ice Cream, Animals
Dislikes: How animal dislike her, overloads of homework, bullies
Pet Peeves: People with no manners, and when hair doesn't cooperate.

/Nobody knows/

31 Oct 2018, 15:18
Evie Green, First Year, Hufflepuff
RPG's: The Hufflepuff Table (as of now)

/Nobody knows/

31 Oct 2018, 15:19
Evie Green, First Year, Hufflepuff
Relationships: None (as of now)

/Nobody knows/