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13 Oct 2018, 17:26
Cleo Killian│First Year│Slytherin

Full Name: Cleo Nias Killian (Klee-Oh, Ny-As, Kill-E-Anne.)

House: Slytherin

Age: 11

Birth date: October 23rd, 2006

Home town: Swansea, Wales

Wand: 29,8 cm Blackthorn wood, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation of being best suited to a warrior. One finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban. It is a curious feature of the blackthorn bush, which sports wicked thorns, that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts, and the wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. The core of Cleos wand is Kelpie hair, given the shape-shifting and somewhat amphibious nature of the kelpie, the magic produced from a kelpie hair wand is fluid, subtle, but runs deep. Owners of a wand with this core often appear much more docile than they actually are. Hidden depths are common among owners of this wand. These wands are among the easiest to turn to Dark magic, given the demonic and malicious nature of the kelpie. This also depends on the wand core and individual nature of the kelpie the hair was plucked from as well– and whether the hair was given willingly. These witches and wizards tend to be lonely. It can be difficult for them to make friends. They are cautious when meeting people and it takes them a while to feel comfortable around a person enough to open up to them.

School Year: First Year.

Species: Human

Height: 4'10. Cleo is above average for height at her age, but she gets this trait from her long legged and rather scrawny father.

Weight: 85 lbs

Eye Color: Azure blue, also inhabited from her father.

Hair Color: Originally Cleo was born with auburn brown hair, not red like her father's nor an ash blonde like her late mother's. However at the age of nine, after being given a picture of her smiling mother when she was alive by her father Cleos hair slowly began to change color to resemble that of her mother's - an ashy, light blonde that could appear to be nearly white in some lights. This was the first indicator that Cleo was a Witch.

Build: Slim, Cleo is an extremely thin boned girl.

Skin tone: Cleo has abalone skin but tans easily when in direct sunlight.

Scars: None so far.

Blemishes/birthmarks: She has a strawberry mark (small brown spot) On the back of her neck, just below her hairline.

Distinguishing marks: Cleo has feather light freckles across the bridge of her nose.



Born in the bustling city of London, England to two loving muggle parents. Her kind and unimposing father, Darius Killian ( a historian and professor of sociology at the University of London, ) and her loud, personality filled mother Brianne Dawn who pursued a career in police work. For the first five years of her life Cleo had a happy, love-filled childhood. Then her mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. Darius and Cleo lost her six months later, a few weeks before their tenth year anniversary. It was devastating for them, especially for a still young Cleo who didn't quite understand the concept of death and that she would never be seeing her mother again. This was when Darius' family requested he move home to Swansea Wales so that they could give him a helping hand in raising his handful of a toddler. Decidedly for her future, Darius agreed.

Cleo grew up in a small condo in the downtown core of Swansea, spending weekends at her grandmother's with her cousins cleaning her house and relatively just being her slaves. Her family, grandmother, aunts uncles and the lot thought Cleo needed the extra disciplinary work to quell her up and rising attitude (they never liked her spit fire of a mother, she found out eventually. She supposed she reminded them too much of the one and only Brianne Dawn.) However this plan didn't pan out the way they had hoped; Cleo, being raised by her father who was incredibly non confrontational and basically a carpet for people to walk all over began to act out and lash out. She began skipping classes at the age of eight, asking to go to the washroom and refusing to return to class after the fact. She began locking herself away in her room, or going to friends houses for sleepover's at days at a time. She would find herself in the principles office for talking back, and making rude comments to the teachers, and the friends she hung around were in the same exact trouble making boat as herself. She refused to return to her grandmother's by the time she was nine, around the time her hair began to change color and her father began to notice something was different.

This was the same year that Cleo and her father began mending what was broken, after he revealed who Cleo was and where she got her abilities from. Darius' mother, Cleos grandmother wasn't just a witch in personality but a full blooded witch from the Wizarding world who fell in love with Darius' father, a muggle. Cleo didn't know her grandfather, he passed away before she was born but she could only assume he was an amazing man. He would have to be to deal with her grandmother's personality. Darius was the third of five brother's born who didn't receive any magical ability, and now that she thought about it Cleo never heard about her two other uncles.

Now Cleo had barely three years to prepare for a whole other way of life. Of course her father offered her homeschooling with her grandmother if she wasn't comfortable with leaving home for the full school year but Cleo vehemently refused this idea. Her father's family were not people Cleo wanted to be around, they were judgmental and condemning when it came to Cleo and her already short temper was always fueled by their passive aggressive words. With her grandmother around Cleo would learn nothing, so going away to school was her best bet. This thought though put the young girl on edge. She was a trouble maker at heart, mouthy and opinionated with a bad temper. On one side she wanted to prove her father's family wrong, she wanted to show them just how successful she could be... but on the other hand Cleo enjoyed being who she was. She enjoyed being herself.

So the day her Hogwarts letter came in, Cleo hesitated for just a moment. Did she really belong in that world?

It didn't take long for her to realize that she's better than hesitance.

Cleo is nothing short of a character. She's normally calculative, quiet. She sits back and observes and takes notes. It isn't until someone uncaps her temper that her true colors show, loud and opinionated with a penchant for cruel words. Cleo can certainly be a bully, but she doesn't pick on people purposely for fun - just don't make her mad and she won't hurt your feelings. However Cleo wasn't always, and isn't always like this. Around her father, who has grown to be the only person in her life that she can count on, Cleo is a bright young girl who doesn't quite know how to deal with all the empathetic emotions she's feeling on a day to day basis. Due to her losing her mother Cleo has shut the emotional side of her off, you'll never catch her giving up or acting 'weak' so to speak. But she has her vulnerable moments, particularly with other's who've experienced what she's experienced with losing a mother and receiving condemnation from family members for being a 'bad child.'

Cleo doesn't believe she's bad, per say, but unfortunately she's following a self destructive path. She focuses on her school work and has ambition to finish Hogwarts with a title simply out of spite. She has no motivation for herself, no pride in herself - and for an eleven year old Cleo already has a pretty well rounded idea of who she is as a person; and it isn't a good idea.

Cleo doesn't make friends easily, but when she does she becomes fiercely loyal to a fault. Even if they've done wrong, with her own moral compass being slightly chipped and unused, she will defend them with her life if need be. She doesn't experience much connection, and so when it's there she doesn't want to let it go.

Likes: Any hot drinks, art, historical fiction/history books, music (both listening & playing.)

Dislikes: Loud people, overtly kind people, bugs, feeling pressured, being called 'a bad person.'


1) Cleo, though not particularly book smart, can be considered beyond her years in knowledge. From the day her mother passed away until her enrollment in Hogwarts her grandmother forced Cleo to undergo home lessons and bullied Cleo to the point of being emotionally and mentally abusive. This helped the young girl to see things in a whole other light than her peers in school, what with spending most her time around adults she grew up a little too fast. Despite this she still harbors a lot of the immaturity of an eleven year old, and certainly doesn't have a whole grasp on adult hood.

2) Cleo is also quite musically inclined. Her father told her she got it from her grandfather, his father, whom she has never met due to his passing before her birth. Cleo can play the guitar, the piano, the cello and the violin. She also sings, writes lyrics and composes sheet music. Though she's fallen out of music slightly due to the hard work she has to put in at school Cleo still enjoys music - just more privately than before. She specifically brought her guitar with her to school but keeps it tucked under her bottom bunk unless the dorms are empty.

3) Cleo is also a grade A manipulator. Despite her young age Cleo knows how to read body language (thanks to her grandmother's lessons on 'protecting yourself before anyone else') and can lie through her teeth like a champ. Though she tries to be as straight forward and imposing as possible, as she doesn't like to lie, it comes in handy at times. (As a note Cleo is still only eleven and has a lot of growing up to do, so she's manipulative for a child and still has more to learn. Aka she can probably fool her peers, but an elder student or professor would definitely see right through her.)


1) Cleo, as aforementioned, is not academically inclined. Though she reads, and writes, and is well spoken she has a low attention span and get's bored very easily. Sitting down to complete assignments, or write a test is not easy for her and when she gets frustrated she gets emotional and when Cleo is emotional she tends to lash out. So all in all she hates school. The only reason she applies herself at Hogwarts is to simply prove her grandmother and other relatives wrong, because they are all convinced she isn't going to make it anywhere in life. Cleo will burn herself alive before allowing them to be right about that.

2) Although not usually worth mentioning for an eleven year old, Cleo sucks at cooking. After her mother passed her father had to work a lot more to support them under one income, so Cleo was left home alone a lot or at her grandmother's house and no matter how many attempts she made at making herself food, or making her grandmother food at her request she either ends up burning or under cooking whatever it is. Again, back to her low attention span, standing and watching noodles boil is not Cleo's favorite past time and usually she wanders off after a few minutes.

3) Cleo is a muggle born, so she is lacking in her knowledge of the Wizarding world. She doesn't know how to fly (and doesn't want to, she's terrified of heights,) she came to school with no clue how to cast a spell and struggles with her studies. Only when it comes to actually casting spells, and physically completing tasks do her true colors show. Theory? No way, application? Totally her thing.

Last edited by Cleo Killian on 15 Oct 2018, 03:25, edited 3 times in total.

Cleopatra Nias Killian. Just call me Cleo.

13 Oct 2018, 17:27
Cleo Killian│First Year│Slytherin
R O L E - P L A Y S

The Sorting Ceremony → It's Cleo's first experience at Hogwarts, she isn't sure what to expect but a singing hat is definitely not one of them. She ponders on all the different houses and finds that she can't mentally see herself in any of them - until she's sorted into Slytherin and it feels somehow... right.

Members → Solo

Status → Completed

LinkThe Great Hall

Starting Anew → Cleo meets a fellow first year Slytherin whilst completing homework late at night in the Common Room. He isn't particularly her favorite person, both condescending and smart; but after a bit of conversation they both seem to silently agree that they would make good ally's.

MembersElijah Huang

Status → Ongoing

LinkSlytherin Common Room

A Slight Misunderstanding → Cleo is having some serious issues in her Potions class, and she has a test in a week that she's sure she is going to fail until she's told of a Potions Help Book she can find in the library. When she goes searching for it she finds it in the hands of a second year Ravenclaw, who Cleo instantly butts heads with. Will she be her first rival?

MembersEri Windstone

Status → Ongoing

Link Library

Sunset Conversations → Cleo, tired of studying and school, takes to the Hogwarts Grounds to find some peace. That is, until a small Hufflepuff runs into her and knocks herself out.

Members Stella Rose

Status → Ongoing

Link Grounds
Last edited by Cleo Killian on 20 Oct 2018, 19:20, edited 1 time in total.

Cleopatra Nias Killian. Just call me Cleo.

13 Oct 2018, 17:27
Cleo Killian│First Year│Slytherin

Elijah Huang
First Year Slytherin

❛ Friends? Sure, why not. He's tolerable, and smart. ❜
Last edited by Cleo Killian on 17 Oct 2018, 23:13, edited 1 time in total.

Cleopatra Nias Killian. Just call me Cleo.